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Hunter (Alien Breed 2 - English Edition)

Page 6

by Melody Adams

  "Don't, Hunter", I said. "Don't fight it! I want you!"

  "You have no idea what you're asking for", he said harshly.

  I raised my head and looked into his dark eyes. They were almost black now. His facial expression bore witness to how tense he was. I pushed my body harder against his erection and he bared his teeth and emitted a warning growl. I wavered between fear and the desire to finally feel him inside me. Hunter's eyes flickered. Then, before I realized what was happening, I was lying on the floor, Hunter on top of me. My heart was beating wildly and my pussy was pounding with desire.

  "You wanted me?" Hunter whispered in my ear. "You got me. And I hope that you will not regret challenging me. There is no going back. From this point on, there is no way to stop what is going to happen."

  Trembling I closed my eyes and tried not to think of the danger I was in, but only of how much I wanted him. I understood what it was about. At least I was pretty sure. He wanted me to submit to him, not fight him, whatever happened. I had to trust him. Could I? I was not a virgin anymore. And even if I knew that Hunter had above-average endowment, I was sure that I could handle him. It shouldn't be difficult to endure this. With all the fear I felt, I was also curious and extremely aroused.

  "I trust you, Hunter", I said firmly. "I want you! Inside of me!"

  He growled and began to undress me hastily. I wanted to help him, but a threatening growl kept me still. My pulse raced until I was almost dizzy. As I lay naked beneath him, Hunter began to smell me. He sniffed from my neck, down to my breasts, my stomach and lower. When he had reached my crotch, he growled again. I automatically opened my thighs for him.

  "You have no idea how much I want to taste you, Pearl," he whispered at my crotch, "but I don't trust myself. Licking your sweet pussy will rob me of the little control I still have left.

  His hand slid along the inside of my thigh and rested on my wet pussy.

  "You're not a virgin anymore, are you, Pearl?"

  "No, I'm not a virgin", I replied nervously.

  "Good," he said, obviously relieved. "That makes it easier. I don't have enough patience for going slow!"

  "I'm ready for you, Hunter!"

  "Turn around!" he ordered hoarsely. "Get on your knees!"

  I did as he said and turned around doggy-style. That was never my preferred position, but if it was the only way I could have Hunter, then it was fine with me. The main thing was that I could finally feel him inside me. Hunter's hands rested on my butt and I felt his hardness at my hole. He had one hand between my shoulder blades and pushed me down, then Hunter penetrated me. There was no cautious rehearsal, no chance to get used to his size. With a push, he took me into his possession and I gasped in shock. My God! He was huge. I felt like I was going to burst. My first impulse was to move away from him to avoid the pressure, but Hunter's hand held me in place. He withdrew halfway and pushed deeply into me again. I moaned loudly. It wasn't painful, yet it filled me with panic a little, when he started fucking me hard and deep.

  Relax, I reminded myself. This is what you wanted. Relax!

  I let myself go and surrendered to Hunter's merciless rhythm. The hand between my shoulder blades still held me down, his other hand found its way to my clit and when Hunter began to stimulate it, I completely forgot every last bit of fear and doubt. My lust took over. I now willingly welcomed every one of Hunter's thrusts, and his fingers on my clit made my excitement rise to immeasurable proportions. I moaned uncontrollably and sweat accumulated on my forehead.

  "Hunter", I gasped. "I have to... come ... I can't ..."

  Hunter's hand on my back disappeared and I reared up. He grabbed one of my breasts and twisted my nipple. At the same time he was rubbing my clit faster and harder. I threw my head back screaming as I came hard. I barely felt two needle-pointed teeth drilling into my shoulder. Hunter's thrusts now became even faster, even harder, then I felt him coming inside me. He roared out his lust with a sound that was a mixture of throaty growl and the hiss of a wild cat. Powerless I fell to the ground as Hunter slowly withdrew from me.


  Breathing heavily, I sat on the floor waiting for the red veil to slowly lift. Full of fear, I stared at Pearl's silent shape on the ground. The first thing that caught my eye was the wound on her shoulder. She was bleeding badly. Feelings of guilt displaced the last bit of the sexual ecstasy I had just felt. I bent over Pearl and licked the blood from her back up to the wound. My saliva would stop the bleeding and stimulate healing, but she would retain a scar. An eternal sign of my lost control. "Pearl," I whispered desperately. "I'm sorry."

  Pearl turned on her back and opened her eyes. Her gaze pierced mine. Slowly she raised one hand and laid it on my cheek.

  "Forgive me", I asked quietly.

  "For what?" she asked, seemingly amazed.

  "I lost control. I hurt you!"

  "She looked at me confused, then her eyes widened. "Oh! Now I remember. You bit me."

  I nodded.

  "I knew this would happen, so I didn't want my desire for you..."

  "Shhhht!" she interrupted me. "I wanted it. I knowingly and deliberately challenged you! And it was ..." She paused as if she was searching for the right words. "It was ... unbelievable! Indescribable!"

  She looked at me and frowned.

  "Can't you remember the sex when it's over? The ... the alien in you, is it a completely different person? Like Jekyll and Hyde?"

  "It's complicated", I tried to explain. I stretched out next to her to pull her into my arms. "It is not as if it’s another person, only ... How do I explain that? My Alien DNA gives me certain instincts that are buried deep inside of me. When I am aroused, these instincts surface. I am more aggressive, more dominant. A red veil covers my senses. I can remember what we did, I know you came, but I ... when I am in this stage, I am selfish. I only think about what I need, what I want. I don’t ... have this feeling for you, for your needs. I don't realize that I'm hurting you. I am not able to respond to your needs, consider them." I sighed quietly. "Not exactly what you’d call a good lover, I'm afraid."

  "But you did respond to my needs, Hunter", she disagreed. “When I told you that ... I had to come, you helped me. I was so close, but something was missing. You gave me what I needed, what ... I had asked you for. You reacted to my words. I believe that in time it would work even better. That we first have to ... get to know each other."

  "I don't know if I can do it again, Pearl", I said doubtingly. "What if I hurt you even worse next time?"

  "I know that you won’t. I now understand how the whole thing works, Hunter. You say you're more aggressive, more dominant, right?"

  "Yes, I think that was obvious", I admitted grimly.

  "If I submit to you, if I don't challenge your dominance, then you won't lose control", she explained. "You bit me because I moved too much, didn't you?"

  "That's right, but ..."

  "Wait"" she interrupted me and turned to me. She looked into my eyes.

  "Okay! Keep explaining!" I said, nodding in agreement.

  She smiled.

  "I now know how to behave and also ... I didn't think the biting was so bad. It was somehow ... exciting!"

  "Exciting!?" I repeated doubtfully. "I inflicted a wound on you that will leave a scar and you’re telling me you found it ... exciting? Your father will demand my head for it when he sees that!"

  "My father will be grateful that there is a man in my life who puts me in my place, Hunter. Then he no longer needs to do that. Do you know why he never agreed to my engagement with Dillon?"

  "You were engaged?" I asked.

  "Yes! That was a year ago", she explained with a sigh. "I thought Dillon was the man for me. At least until I found out that he also slept with one of my best friends. But that's another story. The reason Dad didn't like him was not the fact that he had cheated on me! I mean, he didn't like that either, of course, but he hadn't liked Dillon prior to that. He thought he was too soft! Dillon always said yes and a
greed to everything I said. He let me do anything and when I had a tantrum and let it out on him, he sent me flowers and presents the next day. Dillon was a pussy! When I think about it now, I know that I would never have been happy with him. Dad was in the military for a long time. Dillon would never even touch a gun. He would rather wear suits, go get a manicure and take a shower three times a day. Here in the jungle he wouldn't survive for an hour. Not to mention that he would piss his pants in fear, the heat and mosquitoes alone would kill him. You, on the other hand, are exactly the type of man my father likes."

  "Then why did you get engaged to him?" I wanted to know. I couldn't imagine Pearl with a man like the one she had described.

  "I thought that it what I wanted. He was handsome, charming, worldly. And, unlike my father, he never tried to tell me what to do!"

  I couldn't help but laugh.

  "And you're sure you'd rather have a man who puts you on a short leash and keeps tabs on you?"

  "Well", she said and grinned. "As long as we don't have sex, I can challenge you a little bit, can't I? I mean, I think it's enough for you to be in charge in bed!"

  "So you want me to tell you what to do so that you can rebel against it?"

  "Exactly! Then I'll feel right at home", she replied laughing.

  "There are things where I won't let you get away with", I said warningly. "When it comes to your safety, for example. Are you sure that you can handle that?"

  "Yup!" she said provocatively.

  "And how do you imagine all this? I don't even live on the same planet as you. Literally!"

  "Easy! I'm going to come with you!"

  My heart beat faster. The thought of taking Pearl with me to Eden and making her my mate was tempting. It would be hard to leave her behind. The sex with her had been intoxicating, even though I would have liked to have more control. But sex wasn't the reason why I was sure she was the one. I could feel it. What we had between us, right from the start, meant more. Much more. Maybe she was right. Maybe over time we would get to know each other better. I would learn to control myself better. Harness my beast better. I knew that other third generation Alien Breed didn't suffer from their inner beast as much as I did. As far as I knew, I was the wildest one of us. It had to be possible to learn more control! I would have to talk to some other third generation breeds as soon as I got back to Eden. Until then it would be best not to sleep with Pearl anymore. I didn't want to risk losing control.

  Chapter 3


  When we set up our camp in the evening, I felt a tingling anticipation. I was sure I would sleep in Hunter's arms again tonight. Last night had been cold, lonely and uncomfortable. I had sorely missed Hunter's closeness. But now that I had experienced the full extent of Hunter's passion, I wanted more. This experience should have frightened me.

  He had bitten me. The wound didn't hurt too much, but I could feel it. Of course, I was aware that there was a danger that Hunter would lose control completely at some point and I didn't have to be a genius to figure out how little of a chance I had against a man like Hunter. Especially when he was being guided by his inner beast. He could literally tear me to pieces. But I had felt that the Hunter I knew did not disappear completely when his Alien side took control. He had responded to me and I firmly believed that we could work on the whole thing. I would have to learn to submit to him. Being submissive was something that wasn't necessarily inherent to me, but it had its appeal to give up all control and just be passive. Hunter, on the other hand, would have to learn to maintain a certain degree of control. It could work. I wanted it to work!

  "Go to sleep!" said Hunter behind me. "I’ll keep watch."

  Oh no, my dear, I thought in silence. You don't leave me hanging like that!

  "You’re afraid!" I confronted him.

  He stepped next to me and stirred the fire with a stick.

  "No, I am not afraid. We are pretty safe here!"

  "I didn't mean that," I said and grabbed his arm to get him to turn to me. He hesitantly turned around, but avoided my gaze. His jugular artery was pounding and his mouth was a single, grim line.

  "You're afraid to sleep with me", I corrected. "But let me tell you, Hunter. Now that I know what it can be like between us, I'm not going to let you get away with this anymore. I want you, Hunter! I need you!" "Pearl, that's ..." He abruptly stopped when I started to undo his pants. A growl came over his lips and my heart jumped with excitement. "You shouldn't ..." He gasped sharply as I took his hard cock into my hand. "Fuck! Pearl! Don’t ... God! You should ...."

  I got on my knees and slowly made his bulging head disappear into my mouth. Hunter's hands clawed into my hair and he growled again. I knew he was hooked. I let his hard girth glide deeper into my mouth and grabbed his balls with one hand. The grip in my hair became stronger. He tore my head back so that his cock slipped out of me and I was forced to look up at him. Anger and lust adorned his face. His gaze was dark. Dark, promising evil! Fear and desire were mingling in my chest. I was aware that I had risked a lot. Hunter was angry. But he was also turned on. He gave me a push and I landed on my back. Hunter towered threateningly over me. His gaze penetrated mine. Hard and proud his cock stuck from his body and twitched. Oh yes, he wanted me, I was certain! I held his gaze as he began to undress hastily. My heart was beating wildly in my chest. My whole body was tingling with expectation and I felt my pussy getting wet and ready, just from the thought of what about was to come.

  Finally, Hunter was naked and I could not get enough of his male body. He went to his knees and opened my thighs. His breath was heavy and his gaze was possessive and demanding. I could see the white in his eyes slowly reddening and I suspected that this was the moment of the red veil that Hunter had spoken of. His lips opened slightly and he presented me with his sharp fangs. A wave of excitement flooded through my body. He undressed me with fast and skilled movements. I wanted to touch him so much, but I didn't dare. It was still so new between us. I did not know what I was allowed to do without provoking him.

  So I lay still and just let him have me. When he had undressed me, he bent over my crotch and I felt his mouth on my outer lips. I gasped and suppressed the impulse to raise myself towards him. His growl vibrated on my pussy. His tongue opened my lips and found its way to my clit. As he stroked over the sensitive lump, I couldn't stop myself from moving. Hunter growled and again sent exciting vibrations through my groin. He began to massage my clit with his tongue as he allowed a finger to slide into me.

  "Hunter!" I wheezed. "Oh God! Yes!"

  He found the sensitive spot inside of me and began to stimulate it. My feelings became too intense. I was about to explode, but the pressure seemed almost unbearable. My hands clawed into Hunter's hair and his caresses became even more aggressive.

  "Too much! Too much!" I moaned hoarsely, but Hunter had no mercy. He put my clit between his lips and sucked on it until the orgasm exploded inside of me and I pushed myself against Hunter's mouth, screaming. It was the most intense climax I had ever felt. Hunter let go of me and pushed his massive body over me until his cock was right at my hole. I willingly opened my thighs and Hunter penetrated me powerfully.

  "Yes!" I screamed in ecstasy. "Oh God! Yes!"

  My hands clawed into Hunter's arms and I wrapped my legs around his hips to feel him even deeper.

  Hunter's face was a mask of concentration. Sweat dripping from his forehead. His eyes now appeared completely dark because all the white was now blood red. He bared his teeth and growled wildly as he pushed into me over and over again.

  "Pearl!" he uttered in agony and I realized he was desperately fighting something. "I want to ... no ... Pearl, I ... Aaarrrgggh! Fuck! I ..."

  "I love you, Hunter!" I cried out. "I'm yours! It's okay, Hunter. I'm yours!"

  He closed his eyes and I was able to see his features slowly relaxing as he pushed into me faster. I felt my lust being driven higher and higher. Warmth rose into my cheeks, my nipples contracted almost painfully and th
en I came. My pussy tightened around Hunter's cock and triggered his orgasm. He threw his head back and roared as he came inside of me.

  It was a wild and incredibly beautiful sight to see the man I loved in such ecstasy. Yes, I was sure that I loved him. These feelings were simply too intense, too powerful to be anything else. It wasn't just about the intoxication he caused me. It was hard to describe. I felt closer to him than I had ever felt to anyone else. He challenged me and at the same time gave me a feeling of security. I trusted him. And I was sure he would never betray me, like Dillon had.

  Hunter slowly let himself descend on me, supported only by his forearms. His face was very close to mine and I felt his warm, unsteady breath on my cheek. The red in his eyes had disappeared, but his iris was still almost completely black.

  "Are you okay, Pearl?" he asked anxiously.

  "Yes!" I replied and gave him a tender smile. "When will you finally stop worrying about me?"

  "Damn it! Pearl!" he uttered harshly. "You have no idea how close that was. I almost completely lost control!"

  "But you didn't!" I said determined. "I know what I'm getting into with you and I'm not an inexperienced and naive girl, Hunter!"


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