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Hunter (Alien Breed 2 - English Edition)

Page 11

by Melody Adams

  Steel shook his head.

  "I questioned the guards because I had also considered this possibility. The car was empty, except for the three soldiers. No blankets or boxes to hide someone under or inside. No, the jeep clearly drove past the guards without Pearl."

  "This means that she must either be in one of the buildings there, or that she was taken away on foot. Which again doesn't fit into the timeframe and since all three soldiers were sitting in the jeep again, nobody could have taken her away. So they must have hidden her somewhere nearby!" I said.

  "Yes, you're right!" Rage agreed and Steel and Jessie nodded as well.

  "Let’s meet at my place after it gets dark", I said. "I'll mobilize a few more Breeds. Jessie, you go to the club and stay at the bar. We won't risk anything happening to you as well. In the midst of all the people you will be safe. Don't let anybody buy you a drink and don't leave the club until Rage comes to get you!"

  "I thought I was coming with you?!" Jessie replied.

  "Oh, no!" Rage growled and grasped his wife firmly by the arm. "You will do exactly what Hunter said. The clubhouse is the safest place for you. I don't want to argue, Jessie!"

  Jessie pouted, but she nodded.

  "Good!" I said. "I will recruit some more good men. We'll all meet up later at my place."

  "Okay!" said Steel.

  Rage looked at me and nodded. Then he turned to the door, dragging Jessie with him. Steel took a last look in my direction and then followed Rage and Jessie outside. When the door closed behind them, I fell into my chair. I had never been so scared in my entire life. I was afraid for Pearl and the baby. Who was behind all of this and what were the perpetrators trying to do?

  There was no rhyme or reason to it, except that the three soldiers who drove Pearl to the shuttle must have been involved. So the first thing to do was to carefully find out who the three traitors were.


  They had given me a dirty blanket and left me alone in the darkness. I was hungry and thirsty. Since they were planning to kill me tomorrow as soon as the attack on my dad had been successful, nobody had thought of giving me anything to eat or drink. Desperate and without hope, I huddled in a corner and let my thoughts drift to Hunter. The soldiers had proudly told me about their little trick with the letter. The thought that Hunter might now believe that I had left him hurt me. And it filled me with even more hopelessness. If he thought that I had left the planet, no one would come looking for me. It was a lost cause. Sobbing, I wrapped my arms around my knees and swayed back and forth. I assumed that nothing had happened to the baby because I wasn't bleeding or in any pain. Although that would change tomorrow as soon as my father was dead. I did not want to think about it. The idea that they would cut the baby out of my body was just too cruel. Something had to happen! It just couldn't be! I began to pray quietly. I prayed for a miracle that I would be found and that neither my father, nor the baby, nor Hunter would die.

  Suddenly I heard someone rattle the door.

  "This one's locked!" I heard Steel's voice and my heart jumped. "She must be in there."

  "Here!" I shouted. "I am here!"

  "Someone is in there!", I heard Hunter's cry, then shots sounded.

  "Oh God! Please! Please don't let anything happen to them!" I prayed quietly.

  With bated breath, I listened. I could hear shots, screams and footsteps. It was unnerving not to know exactly what was going on, whether one of the Alien Breeds was injured. Maybe even Hunter? What if the soldiers killed Hunter and Steel? Did the two have more Alien Breeds with them, or were they alone? I thought I could hear Rage from the screams, but it was hard to tell. At some point the shots fell silent and footsteps approached. My heart was pounding in my chest. Who was approaching the door? Hunter or another Alien Breed? Or was it one of the soldiers who had kidnapped me. A key was put into the lock and I felt my heart sink. It had to be one of the soldiers, if he had a key. Fearfully I pushed myself into the corner and waited. The door opened and a figure appeared in the door frame. I could not see who it was. It was too dark.

  "Pearl!" a hoarse cry came from the figure and my heart made a somersault.

  "Hunter!" I choked out.

  Hunter crossed the room in long steps and got on his knees in front of me. Sobbing, I threw myself into his arms. Considering the terrible circumstances, I had cried relatively little since I had been locked up here, but now I couldn't stop crying. It was so good to feel his strong arms around me, to breathe in his familiar smell and to hear the softly mumbled words with which he told me how scared he had been, how much he loved me and how happy and relieved he was to have found me.

  Slowly Hunter separated from me and took my face in his hands. I could barely see him in the darkness, but I knew he could see me clearly with his sharp eyes.

  "Are you okay?" he asked anxiously. "Are you hurt? I don't smell blood, but ..."

  "I'm fine", I assured him. "One of the pigs punched me in the stomach, but I don't think anything happened."

  Hunter growled angrily.

  "Except for one, all the bastards are still alive. Show me who it was and I will personally see to it that he pays for it!"

  "What is going to happen now? I have no idea how many soldiers are in cahoots with them", I said worried. "They have planned a kind of revolution and want to kill all Alien Breeds and ... Oh, my God! I almost forgot!"


  "Dad! They want to kill my father! Tomorrow morning, an assassination attempt is to be made on him."

  "We will inform Washington immediately", Hunter said grimly. He stood up and pulled me to my feet. Without further ado, he lifted me onto his arms and I snuggled up to his shoulder as we left my prison.

  In the hallway we encountered Happy.

  "Thank God", he said relieved when he saw me. "Are you all right, Pearl?"

  "I'm okay!"

  "What happens now?" Happy wanted to know. "We have the three bastards from the jeep. They are all knocked out. We'll get the dead bastard later. Steel put him down in a closet downstairs."

  "First we put those sons of bitches behind bars and then we’ll have to make a connection to Washington immediately. They're planning an assassination attempt on the president," Hunter informed him grimly.

  Happy made a horrified face.

  "Oh. My. God!

  I hurriedly put myself together a bit, while the connection to my dad was established. When I got back to the office of the absent temporary colony leader, Michael, Hunter and Steel were already talking to Dad. Freedom, one of the Alien Breeds nominated for the leadership post, was also in the room. I stood next to Hunter and in the recording area of the camera.

  "Pearl!" my dad exclaimed with relief when he saw me. "Thank God Hunter was able to save you again. Do you have to cause so much trouble for your husband and bring your old dad to the brink of a heart attack?"

  "Sorry Dad!" I said and gave him a happy smile. Hunter put his arm around my waist and I leaned against him.

  "I am glad to see you, child. But I'm very worried. I feel that we have waited far too long to finally push the Alien Breed's self-government. I'll come visit you in three days, then we'll see. Until then, I want you to do exactly what your husband tells you to do. Hunter can't protect you when you're roaming the neighborhood. You won't go back to work until the situation is under control!"

  "Yes, Dad", I gave in. To be honest, I didn't feel like adventures at the moment. I didn't want to put my baby in danger again.

  "Freedom!" Dad said to the third Alien Breed in the room.

  Freedom came closer to the screen.


  "As long as Michael is gone, I'm giving you full responsibility for the West Colony."

  "Yes, sir!"

  "Make sure my daughter and grandchild are safe!"

  "With my life, Mr. President", Freedom said without hesitation.

  "Hunter!" Dad was talking to my husband again. "Don't let Pearl out of your sight until the situation is resolved!" />
  "Don't worry", Hunter assured and squeezed me even harder. "I won't take any more chances. Pearl is safe. Whoever wants to harm her must kill me first!"

  "I know I can count on you guys. I wish I had the same confidence in our soldiers. As long as we don't know who all is involved this shit, be careful!"

  "Those who we know for sure are involved are securely locked up", Steel assured.

  My dad nodded.

  "Good! I'll have to take care of our little assassination problem here, for better or for worse. We also have another Alien Breed that has been liberated. A nineteen-year-old lad. I will meet him and his girlfriend the day after tomorrow. Then I will immediately come to Eden! I'm very grateful for the heads-up. Especially considering what those sons of bitches were up to with Pearl."

  "Nobody will be able to get close to her anymore", Hunter said roughly. "Our house is surrounded by Breeds. Whoever should dare to attack will not survive."

  Hunter hadn't exaggerated. A total of sixteen Alien Breeds were surrounding our house. Four on each side and all armed to the teeth. Inside the house, Diamond and Jessie kept me company. Rage had brought Jessie to see us because he didn't want to risk anything happening to her and the men had doubled the guard of our house. Instead of having each house guarded by eight breeds, we now had sixteen bodyguards and I felt safer than I did at the White House.

  "What do you guys think about baking some cupcakes?" I asked my friends.

  Diamond's face brightened. Diamond had a sweet tooth, even if you couldn’t tell by her figure at all. Alien Breeds were able to consume a lot of calories without gaining weight. A fact that made me quite jealous. Although I had only gained a few kilos since becoming pregnant, I was worried about getting fat. Even though Hunter kept assuring me that he loved my curves. I knew that. Whenever his gaze wandered over my curves, this appreciative, hungry expression appeared in his eyes. Just the thought of this look made my pussy tingle and my nipples became hard and pushed against the fabric of my blouse.

  "Do you have any more of this heavenly marzipan?" asked Diamond.

  I had brought back some baking ingredients from Earth that were not available here on Eden. Cupcakes just tasted better if they were nicely decorated.

  "Yep!" I answered Diamond's question and the Alien Breed woman was smiling.

  "Then let's get started", Jessie interrupted. "Do we have enough eggs for the dough?"

  "I hope so", I said and walked to the fridge to open it. Four eggs lay in the side compartment and I tapped my foot thoughtfully. "Looks like we're gonna have to send one of the boys for eggs."

  "Oh, I'll go. No problem!" Diamond offered.

  "I think we'd better send one of the guys", Jessie said with doubts.

  "I am Alien Breed", said Diamond. "All the other Breed women are running around outside too!"

  "You're right", I said doubtfully. "Nevertheless, I'd prefer it if we sent one of the boys.

  "Nonsense! I'll be back in ten minutes!" Diamond said, and headed for the door. "See you soon!"

  Jessie and I started looking for the other ingredients while we were waiting for Diamond.

  "Where is she now?" Jessie asked nervously after a little while had passed.

  I strolled to the window and pushed the curtain out of the way to look outside. A wall of four massive backs restricted my view considerably. I opened the window.

  "Hey, guys", I shouted. "Diamond still hasn' t come back!"

  The Alien Breed turned to me.

  "I'm going to go take a look", Steel said.

  "She'll be fine", Happy reassured me. "Diamond is tough. She won't let a soldier catch her."

  "I'm still worried", I replied.

  "I’m going to walk in her direction. I'm sure she's already on her way back", Steel assured and marched off.

  "What do you girls need the eggs for?" asked Cookie, an Alien Breed with the greenest eyes I had ever seen. He had named himself after his passion for cookies.

  "We want to make cupcakes, Cookie", I replied with a smile. "Enough so you all can have some too!"

  Cookie's eyes shone brighter than usual and a smile appeared on his face.

  "Yummy", he said. "Are you making some with raisins?"

  "Sure! And some with chocolate chips too!"

  "There's Steel and Diamond", Happy said and I turned my head to look up the road. In fact, the two of them hurried towards the house. Steel was carrying the basket of eggs. Diamond looked a little disheveled and had a grim impression.

  "There's something wrong", I said.

  "You might be right", grumbled Darkness, the fourth Alien Breed.

  "What happened?" Happy asked when Diamond and Steel arrived at our house.

  Jessie was standing next to me and gasped when her gaze fell on Diamond. The Alien Breed woman had clearly been involved in a fight. Her hair was tangled and her clothes partly torn and bloodstained. She also had a scratch on her right cheek and a hand print on her neck.

  "What the hell ...?" I began.

  "Jinggs!" Diamond explained. "Two of the bastards wanted to drag me away. I defended myself, of course, and when Steel finally came running, the bastards disappeared."

  "Damn sons of bitches!" Darkness growled. "Of course this is happening now, we need every man here in the settlement and they attack us. This is the second time they have attacked our women. It seems to me that they’re suffering from a lack of women."

  "This means that we have to protect our women better", Happy said.

  At that moment, Hunter and Rage came down the street towards our house. Both frowned as they were approaching. It was obvious that something was wrong here.

  "What's going on?" Hunter asked.

  Steel explained the situation to Hunter and Rage and the faces of both men darkened. The Alien Breed were protectors. If there was something that put them in a rage, it was when their women were threatened.

  "We will spread the women over a few houses here in the street and guard them until we have the situation under control again", said Rage. The other men agreed.

  "I'll go and inform Freedom", Steel said. "We have to organize this before the sons of bitches come back!"

  Two days later my dad arrived in Eden. For the last few days, all the women had to stay in their assigned homes, which were guarded by rather sinister looking Alien Breeds. If there was one thing the Breeds took seriously, it was the protection of their women. Some of the Alien Breed women like Diamond and Blue grumbled about the curfew, but even the toughest women had no chance against a whole army of wildly determined Alien Breeds. At least we were allowed to visit each other’s houses, and so it was a constant coming and going. When the news of Dad's arrival reached me, I wanted to see him immediately, but a wall of four giant guys was preventing me.

  "What is this about, Sturdy?" I asked impatiently. "Why can't I see my father?"

  "Your father will come to you when this is all over", Sturdy replied.

  "Where is Hunter? I want to talk to Hunter!"

  Sturdy sighed.

  "Hunter is with your father, Pearl!"

  "In a few hours it'll all be over and then we'll see what happens!" Speed interfered.

  "What will be over in a few hours?" I wanted to know. "What are you keeping from us?"

  "They are executing the convicted traitors!" explained Blue, who had just come over to our house. "Isn't that right?" she asked my four bodyguards.

  I looked at the four of them. Sturdy nodded.

  "And nobody thinks it's necessary to tell me that?" I asked angrily.

  "We didn't want to worry you", Happy said, contrite. "Because of your condition."

  "Condition?" I screamed. "I am in no fucking condition! I am pregnant! That's all! I am neither disabled nor am I mentally unstable!"

  "They mean well", Jessie said from behind and put her arms around me. "Come on! We’re excluded from the whole thing anyway. None of the women are allowed to be present. We should go watch some movies and wait until your dad and Hunter g
et home."

  I knew I had no chance against the boys. And there were four of them on each side of the house. No way to sneak out unseen. I nodded discontentedly and let Jessie lead me back into the house.

  It was already dark when the door finally opened and Hunter entered the house accompanied by Dad, Michael, Freedom and Rage. I had intended to punish my men with contempt, but when I saw Hunter’s and Dad's tired faces, I jumped up and threw myself into Hunter's arms.

  "It's over, Pearl", he said quietly and let me go to look at me. "Are you all right? Are you and the little one all right?"

  "Yes, we're fine", I replied and approached my dad. He held me in his arms and squeezed me tightly.

  "Let's sit down!" Hunter said. "Diamond, Jessie, can you get us some drinks?"

  The two of them supplied everyone with drinks and we sat down.

  "Well?" asked Diamond. "Now we want to know what's going on!"

  Dad nodded and took a large sip out of his glass before explaining, "We interrogated the three detainees and got four more names. After the four had also been interrogated, they all quickly confessed. In a summary trial, all seven men were sentenced to death and the sentence was carried out immediately. Any aggression against an Alien Breed or the mates of the Alien Breeds will be punishable by death in the future. I don't think anyone will want to try anything like that again after this demonstration. It was a drastic deterrent, but it was necessary to ensure peace in the colony in the future."

  "Then we can finally live normally again?" I asked.

  "Yes, the curfew has been lifted", explained Hunter. "Half of the remaining soldiers have been sent home. Only a small part remains to ensure the security of the settlement. But Speed is now the commander-in-chief and will also train all willing Alien Breeds to handle weapons in the future."

  "Then we are a bit closer!" I said.

  "Closer to what?" Hunter wanted to know.

  "Well, self-government!"

  "Yes, we are. Starting today, we have the ABU. The Alien Breed Union!" Rage proudly announced.


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