Beautifully Broken Life (The Sutter Lake Series Book 2)

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Beautifully Broken Life (The Sutter Lake Series Book 2) Page 21

by Catherine Cowles

  Walker pinned Tessa with an intense stare. “I believe you.”

  Tessa was silent for a moment, and then her shoulders began to shake with silent sobs. I couldn’t bear it. I scooped her up into my arms and deposited her on my lap, holding her to my chest. She tried valiantly to get her tears under control, but they just kept spilling over. “You don’t know how much that means. Your belief.”

  Walker stood, rounding his desk and squatting in front of Tessa. He took her hand in his. “I do. Unfortunately, our system isn’t perfect. For our best shot at nailing this bastard to the wall, we’re going to need as much proof as we can get. Did anyone ever witness the abuse?”

  Tessa stiffened in my arms. “I don’t care about filing charges. I just want a restraining order or something that will make him leave me alone.”

  Walker straightened, leaning against his desk. “When was the last instance of abuse?”

  Tessa thought for a moment. “It’s been over two years now.”

  Walker’s jaw hardened. “Has he made threats in that time?”

  Tessa shook her head. “I don’t know. I threw away my phone and haven’t checked my email since the day I left. I’ve had no contact with anyone from my old life. I had an anonymous threat recently, but nothing actually tied to him.”

  Walker ground his back molars together, and I didn’t get a good feeling. “To file a restraining order, there must be an instance of abuse or threat made in the last six months.”

  “That’s bullshit.” I couldn’t hold the words in. Tessa flinched at my tone, and I tugged her tighter to me, kissing her hair. “Sorry, baby,” I whispered. She burrowed deeper against me.

  Walker clasped his hands in front of him. “In circumstances like this one, I completely agree. The good news is the statute of limitations on domestic violence is longer. Three years to the most recent incident.” He met Tessa’s gaze. “If you file charges against him and he makes any sort of threat or attempts to harass you, we can file the restraining order then. But, hopefully, his ass will be in jail.”

  Tessa straightened in my lap. “I want to file charges, then.”

  Walker nodded. “Good.”

  With a shaky hand, Tessa extended the envelope. “I don’t have any witnesses, but I do have photos. Will that help?”

  Walker took the envelope from Tessa’s hand. “They will. Did you take these yourself?”

  She shook her head. “No, my friend Gena did.”

  Walker held the packet gently in his hands. “That’s helpful. She’s also someone who can corroborate the timeline even if she didn’t witness any of the incidents themselves. You okay with me looking at these?”

  I could feel a slight tremor run through Tessa’s body, but she nodded. “Go ahead.”

  I held my breath and continued running a hand up and down Tessa’s spine as Walker opened the envelope. He sucked in an audible inhale, rage flaring to life in his eyes. When he finished with the first Polaroid, he placed it on the desk, moving to the next in the stack.

  I froze. Someone might as well have jammed a hot poker through my chest. There, in slightly faded color, was my Tessa. In the photo, she faced away from the camera, wearing nothing but a simple bra and underwear. Her back and thighs were riddled with long lines of dark purple bruises. I looked more closely and saw gashes running through the center of each injury.

  My brain short-circuited. Who could do this to another human being? “Baby, no.” The words were guttural, torn from somewhere deep inside. I hugged Tessa tighter to me as if I could erase what had happened to her.

  Walker snapped to attention. “Has he not seen these?”

  His voice sounded far away as I continued staring at the image, unable to tear my gaze away from the carnage.

  I could feel Tessa’s head shake. “No.”

  Walker snapped up the picture on his desk. “I’m sorry.”

  Tessa turned in my lap, framing my face with her hands. “I’m okay. I’m all right now. I’m right here, and I’m fine.”

  I buried my face in her neck. There was wetness there. I belatedly realized it was from my own eyes. My beautiful girl, someone had broken her body. The despair morphed into rage on a dime, thick and swirling in my gut. I brought my head up and met Walker’s gaze. “You get this fucker. You get him, or I will.”

  Tessa fisted my shirt. “No! You stay the hell away from Garrett.” She shook her fists, keeping hold of my button-down. “I will kick you out of this room and finish this interview alone if I have to. I didn’t want to keep anything from you, but I need to know you won’t go off half-cocked and do something crazy.”

  Tessa’s fire brought me back to myself, her strength and her fierce protectiveness. “Half-cocked?” A small smile tipped my lips at a time when I would have thought it would be impossible.

  Her shoulders sagged in relief, and then she blushed. “You know what I mean.”

  I took her face in my hands, kissing her lips and then her temple. I spoke quietly. “This isn’t easy for me to hear. But I’ll do my best to keep it reined in.”

  Uncertainty filled Tessa’s gaze. “You don’t have to stay, you can wait outside if you want.”

  Fuck, I was the world’s biggest bastard. Tessa had lived through this nightmare, the least I could do was support her when she told her story. “I’m with you. Always.”

  WE WALKED down the steps of the police station, and I fought the urge to punch something, maybe kick the shit out of the trash can on the corner. My gaze caught on a familiar figure across the street. Bridgette. She glared in my and Tessa’s direction.

  I ignored her and pulled Tessa closer to me, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. The last thing we needed was a Bridgette encounter. We’d spent the past three hours in Walker’s office. Three hours of Tessa recounting mental and physical abuse that made me sick. Three hours of trying to come up with a plan of attack.

  Walker was filing a report with the Washington DC police now, and we would go from there. I’d texted my lawyer and gotten the name of the best attorney he knew who handled these types of cases. I wanted Tessa protected in every way possible. And after I had seen those photos, I was rethinking having my security team up here.

  I paused at the passenger door of my SUV, tilting my head down to study Tessa’s face. She was so fucking strong. So strong, but very much at risk right now. “I want you to move into the guest cabin with me. At least until we know what’s what with the filed charges.”

  Tessa nibbled her bottom lip.

  I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You can stay in the other room if you want. I just want you safe.” I would completely understand if sex was off the table for a good long while after what she’d had to relive today.

  Tessa stiffened, and her voice shook when she spoke. “I get it if you don’t want me after you heard what I put up with for so long, but I don’t want to stay with anyone out of pity.”

  “Baby, no.” I pulled her to me in a fierce hug. “None of what happened is your fault. You are so strong. I’m in awe of you. I just didn’t want you to feel pressured if you needed a little space after everything you had to talk about today. I want you with me always, as close as you’ll let me be. You hear me?”

  Tessa nodded against my chest. “Your touch erases his. It’s more healing than you’ll ever know.”

  Warmth flooded my chest. A pride that I had never felt from millions of records sold or winning my first Grammy. Being a part of this woman’s healing—no matter how small—would forever be the thing I held most precious. “I love you.” I kissed her temple.

  A camera flashed. “Liam, who’s your girlfriend?”

  “Shit.” I quickly pulled open the passenger door and helped Tessa in. Rounding the SUV, I ignored the questions the reporter peppered me with. Slamming my own door, I turned to Tessa, thankful for the darkly tinted windows. “I guess we’re outed.”

  She let out a shuddered breath but gave me a small smile. “Worth it.”


  T rouble’s purrs vibrated my legs as he soaked up the pets and attention I was lavishing on him. I let my fingers sift through his fur, his contentment bringing me peace. We were settling in. I glanced out the windows at the back of the cabin, taking in the fields dotted with horses and cattle, the forests that met mountains still topped with snow. It was breathtakingly beautiful, so settling in wasn’t a hardship.

  I smiled as my gaze caught on the massive cat climbing tree set up by the back windows. Trouble was in heaven, able to survey what he considered his domain from his perch. I scratched his ears, and Trouble’s purrs deepened.

  I loved it here. But I was also ready to get back to some semblance of normality. Walker had been doing all he could to make it so I could file charges without having to return to DC. In the meantime, pictures of Liam and me had surfaced on gossip sites everywhere. Jensen had forced me to take a couple of days off to deal with everything that had gone down and to settle into the cabin with Liam.

  It was kind of her, but I needed to be doing something. Anything that would make me feel productive and distract me from the thoughts running through my mind on a never-ending loop. Did Garrett see the pictures? Does he know where I am? Is he on his way? My stomach churned.

  Liam sat down on the couch, curling me into his side. “What are you thinking about so hard over there?”

  I burrowed deeper into his warmth. “I’m ready to get back to normal.”

  Liam chuckled. “I think that might take a minute. But I did just get a text from Taylor inviting us to dinner at the ranch house. Want to go?”

  I tipped my head back so that I could see his face. “That sounds perfect.”

  Liam brushed his lips against mine. I tried to deepen the embrace, but he retreated. “I’ll let them know we’ll be there.” Liam had been so careful with me since we’d left the police station two days ago. Too careful. Both nights, he’d held me but nothing else. I was about ready to come out of my skin.

  I straightened, pushing away from Liam. “I’m going back to work tomorrow.”

  Liam stiffened. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. We have no idea if Garrett knows where you are. Not to mention, the press is still salivating for more photos.”

  I stroked Trouble’s fur. “I can’t just stay in this cabin forever. I went to Walker and reported everything so that I wouldn’t have to hide anymore. But here I am, hiding.”

  Liam sighed, reaching up to toy with a piece of my hair. “I just want you safe.”

  Something in me melted at the look in his eyes. His gaze was so filled with worry. I set Trouble down on the couch cushion and curled back into Liam, kissing his jaw. “I’ll stay in the kitchen at the Kettle as much as possible. Jensen has already put a sign on the door warning away photographers. I’ll be fine.”

  Liam pressed a kiss to my temple. “Will you promise me you won’t go anywhere alone?”

  I soaked in the feel of his lips on my skin. “I promise.” I checked my watch. “I need to shower and get ready if we’re going to dinner.” I drummed my fingers on his chest. “Actually, do you mind if I take a bath?” The master bathroom had the tub of my dreams, and a little soak sounded heavenly.

  “Of course. Use whatever you want. You don’t have to ask.”

  “Thank you.” I pushed up to standing and then bent over to give Liam a quick kiss. His eyes zeroed in on the opening in my shirt and the bra he could see peeking out. I grinned. Maybe Liam just needed a little encouragement. “Well, I’ll just be in the bath. Naked. And wet.”

  Liam groaned. “You don’t play fair.”

  I laughed as I headed for the bedroom suite. I started the water for a bath. The Cole family had even stocked the cabinets with all sorts of bubble bath and bath salts. I opted for bubbles after sniffing something that smelled amazing. I poured it into the water.

  I piled my hair on top of my head and then stripped off my clothes and tossed them in the hamper. Stepping into the foamy water, I moaned. This was heaven. I submerged myself up to my neck. Perfection. I wanted to live in this tub forever.

  I rested my head against the edge of the porcelain and let my mind go blank. I didn’t allow myself to dwell on Garrett or photographers or even if Liam would ever touch me again. I just let it all go. My body didn’t want to let go, though. I was wound so tight. The stress of the past week, the fact that I’d been sleeping next to Liam without really touching him had me in knots.

  I needed release, and Liam hadn’t taken my hint to follow me into the bathroom. I fisted the water in frustration and squeezed my thighs together. The action sent little sparks through my core. I closed my eyes, imagined what it had felt like when Liam touched me.

  I trailed my hands up my inner thighs, remembering Liam kissing, sucking, biting that skin. Heat swept through me. I ran a finger over my core, lazily exploring, trying to find the spots that Liam had. It wasn’t as good, but at least it was something. I dipped a single finger inside and let out a little moan.

  “What are you picturing right now?”

  My eyes flew open at the sound of Liam’s rough voice. I bit my bottom lip, refusing to be embarrassed for giving myself what I needed. “I was remembering you. The way you touched me.”

  Liam dropped to the side of the tub. “I could reenact that for you.”

  Heat pooled low in my belly. “So now you can touch me?”

  Liam’s eyes flared. “You’ve just been through so much—”

  I put a finger to his lips. “I told you. Your touch erases all the bad.”

  Liam closed his eyes as if in pain. “I’ve been fucking this up at every turn.”

  I gripped Liam’s neck, and his eyes opened. “No, you haven’t, but we need to talk to each other. And listen. I miss feeling close to you.”

  Heat filled Liam’s gaze. “I think you deserve an apology.” A wicked grin spread over his face, and his hands dipped below the bubbles, cupping my breasts.

  My nipples beaded under his touch. “Now this is an apology I can get behind.”

  Liam chuckled. “Just you wait. You’re going to want me to fuck up all the time.” He rolled my nipples, giving them a little pinch. I sucked in a harsh breath. “Good?”

  I nodded, having suddenly lost my ability for words. One of Liam’s hands stayed on my breast, carrying out a delicious assault on my nipple, while the other trailed lower, down my stomach and through my small triangle of curls. He paused to pull on them. “I love this,” he whispered in my ear. “So damn sexy.” Another tug, sending a jolt deep inside.

  A single finger circled my clit. I gasped. The pad of Liam’s finger with its roughened skin wreaked havoc on my nerve endings.

  Liam’s finger kept trailing down. It slipped inside, and I pushed my hips against him, needing more. He added another finger, creating a delicious stretch, pumping in and out of me. He slowly picked up his pace until I was panting.

  All at once, he pressed his palm down on my clit and twisted my nipple. My back arched, and I broke apart in a million spasms of sparking nerves.

  Breathing heavily, I slowly opened my eyes. Liam stared down at me. “My favorite sight in the world, watching you come apart at the seams.”

  I smiled a grin that was lazy and sated. I reached over the tub, going for the waistband on Liam’s jeans. “My turn.”

  Liam stilled my hand and took my mouth in a slow kiss. “That was just for you. My amends.”

  My smile grew. “You have my permission to screw up anytime you want.”

  Liam chuckled and pulled me to my feet. “Time to get ready.” His eyes traveled the length of my body, catching on the cluster of bubbles on my breasts and at the juncture of my thighs. The muscle in his cheek ticked.

  I leaned forward and touched my mouth to his, whispering against his lips, “Tonight.”

  I WIPED my hands down the legs of my jeans as I got out of Liam’s SUV. He claimed one of my hands as soon as I finished. I looked up at him, my stomach twisting. “Walker t
old everyone what’s happening, right?” I wanted the extended Cole family to know what was going on so they could be aware, but I had no desire to recount the events myself.

  Liam squeezed my hand. “He gave them the very broad basics and showed them a picture of Garrett so that they could all keep an eye out. He showed the picture to all the ranch hands, too.”

  I slowed my steps, pulling Liam to a stop next to me. “I don’t want them to look at me any differently. I don’t want them to pity me.”

  Liam brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and pressed his lips to my temple. “They aren’t going to look at you differently. But they love you, so they’re going to hurt because you were hurt. That’s just the way love is.”

  My tightly wound muscles loosened just a bit. “You’re right.”

  Liam wrapped an arm around me and led me up the steps. Before we reached the door, it swung open, and Walker stepped out. “Hey, you two. How is everything going?”

  I glanced up at Liam and smiled before turning back to Walker. “Life is good, all things considered.”

  Walker grinned in a way that said he was happy that the two of us were finding our way. “I wanted to update you on things before you descended into the madness of another Cole family dinner.”

  We stepped to the side of the door, and Liam wrapped both his arms around me. “Thanks, man.”

  Walker scrubbed a hand over his stubbled jaw. “Don’t thank me yet.” My stomach dropped. “The DC police haven’t been able to reach Garrett. I found a guy, a friend of a friend from the academy, who’s on the force there. I trust him. He knows Garrett’s connected, but he’s pushing this through.”

  I hated the idea that even bringing charges against Garrett was putting people at risk. I burrowed deeper into Liam’s hold.

  Walker pushed on. “This guy couldn’t reach Garrett at home or on his cell, so he finally went by the law firm. Garrett took a sabbatical from work, supposedly to look for his missing fiancée. No one has spoken to him in weeks.”


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