Beautifully Broken Life (The Sutter Lake Series Book 2)

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Beautifully Broken Life (The Sutter Lake Series Book 2) Page 22

by Catherine Cowles

  Liam had become granite behind me. “Fuck. Do we know where he is?”

  Walker shook his head. “Not a clue. The cop in DC is working some sources he has and hoping he’ll come up with something there. In the meantime, everyone here is on alert. All my officers have his photo, and we’re putting the word out to people we trust at hotels and vacation rental companies. If he shows up here, we’ll know.”

  A shudder ran through me, but I steeled my spine. I would not let Garrett terrorize me anymore. “Thank you for everything you’re doing for me, Walker. It means so much.” I ducked out of Liam’s hold and wrapped Walker in a hug. When I stepped back, I saw surprise in Walker’s eyes. I wanted to laugh. I realized it was probably the first time I’d ever touched him.

  Walker cleared his throat. “Anything I can do to help.”

  The front door opened again, and Sarah popped her head out. “Walker Cole, you do not keep guests outside without even offering them something to drink. I taught you better than that.”

  Walker chuckled. “Sorry, Ma.”

  Sarah shook her head. “Come on in, you two. Walker can stay out here if he likes it so much.”

  We made our way to Sarah and the front entrance of the house. When we stepped inside, Sarah immediately wrapped me in a hug. “I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through. I want you to know I’m here for whatever you need. And I also want you to know that I’m so proud of you for fighting back.”

  Tears stung the backs of my eyes. “Thank you, Sarah. And I’m sorry I wasn’t always honest with you, about who I was or—”

  Sarah cut me off with a wave of her hand. “Nonsense. You did what you had to do. No apologies needed for that.”

  I took a deep breath. “There’s actually one other thing.” Sarah waited. “I think you knew my mother.” Her eyes widened. “You mentioned that I looked like your friend, Anne.” My heart hammered against my ribs. “Was her full name Anne Tessa Fitzpatrick?”

  Sarah inhaled sharply. “That’s her. You’re her daughter?” I nodded. “Where is—?” Sarah’s words cut off as she remembered what I’m sure Jensen had shared with her, that I had grown up in the foster system. Grief filled her expression. “What happened to her?”

  “I don’t know everything, just that my grandparents disowned her when she got pregnant.” My heart clenched. “And that she died giving birth to me.”

  Sarah wrapped her arms around me again, hugging me tightly. “I’m so sorry. She was such a sweet soul. I hate that she went through that alone.” Sarah pulled back slightly so she could meet my gaze. “How did you find out about Sutter Lake?”

  I reached into my back pocket, pulling out the postcard. “I didn’t have much of my mom’s, but this was one of the things. I knew she didn’t grow up here, but that this place must have been special to her somehow.”

  Sarah sighed. “She loved it here.” Her gaze shot up from the postcard. “I have photos of the two of us, would you like to see them?”

  My heart stutter-stepped. “I’d love to.” The words came out as a hoarse whisper.

  Sarah took my hand and led me into the living room, ignoring everyone around us. She held onto me the whole time, as though I might vanish if she let go. Sarah pulled two photo albums off the bookshelf and then guided me to the couch. “I think these are the right ones.”

  I held my breath as Sarah flipped through pages, and my heart seemed to catch in my throat when she finally stopped on one. I knew it was my mom the moment I saw her. The same violet eyes I saw in the mirror stared back at me. They were dancing with laughter as her arm was thrown around a much younger Sarah. “She was so beautiful.”

  Sarah’s eyes filled with tears, and I knew mine were doing the same. “Inside and out, baby girl. Inside and out.”

  I held back a sob. “Will you tell me about her?”

  Sarah’s tears spilled over, tracking down her cheeks. “There’s nothing I would rather do.”

  Andrew sat down next to his wife, brushing the tears away. “Now what’s got these waterworks going?”

  Sarah beamed up at him. “Just long-lost family finally coming home.”

  Andrew’s expression turned puzzled. He looked from Sarah to the album. When his eyes zeroed in on the photo we were looking at, they widened and shot to me. “Are you Anne’s?”

  I nodded, not quite able to speak. The couch depressed next to me, and a strong arm encircled my shoulders. I inhaled Liam’s scent. “She is,” he answered for me.

  Andrew’s smile was soft. “Welcome home, Tessa.”

  This is what it felt like to belong, to have a family. To be truly loved and accepted. I sent a silent message of thanks to my mother, thanking her for bringing these people into my life in the roundabout way she had. For loving me enough to keep me even though she was probably terrified. For all the gifts she had given me.

  I looked at Sarah. “I can’t wait to get to know her through you.”

  Sarah reached out, wiping away one of my tears. “I can’t wait to introduce you.”



  I took a long pull of coffee from my travel mug as Tessa and I drove into town. A five-a.m. wake-up call to take care of the horses had come far too early that morning. We’d stayed late at the Coles’ last night, and Sarah had told Tessa story after story about her mother. They’d cried a little, but mostly, they’d laughed. And then they’d laughed so hard they cried.

  I was so glad that Tessa had a piece of her history now, that she had family in the truest sense of the word. Someone who knew her roots. I yawned as I set the cup in the center console. I just wished our night hadn’t meant only five hours of sleep.

  Tessa reached over and rubbed the back of my neck. “You didn’t have to come with me. The shop is locked up tight, and Jensen will be there in an hour or so.”

  I scowled at the road. “I don’t want you alone. Ever.” I glanced at Tessa. “You promised, remember?” If she thought I would be okay with her wandering off by herself, she was crazy. Especially since we had no idea where that fucker, Garrett, was.

  Tessa threw up her hands. “Okay, okay. I just wanted you to get some rest.” She grinned at me. “You’re grumpy when you don’t get your beauty sleep.”

  My scowl deepened, but I couldn’t hold it in, I started to chuckle. “It takes a lot to look this good.” I sent a wicked grin in Tessa’s direction. “Maybe you can take a nap with me this afternoon. Help me catch up on my sleep.”

  Tessa leaned over and ran her tongue over the shell of my ear. “That sounds like a real restful plan.”

  My jeans tightened. “You’re going to make me get in a wreck.”

  Tessa laughed but settled back in her seat. “I trust your control.”

  I shook my head as I pulled up to the back of the Kettle. “You shouldn’t. I have none when it comes to you.”

  Tessa grinned at me as I slid out of the SUV and rounded the front of the vehicle. When I opened her door, she jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around me. “I love you.”

  A smile stretched across my face as I gripped her pert little ass with my hands. “What was that for?”

  Tessa ran her hands through my hair. “I’m happy. There may be a whole bunch of shit we can’t control, but I don’t care. I’m happy.”

  My chest got tight, and I took her mouth in a slow, deep kiss. “I’m so glad you’re happy.”

  Tessa studied my face. “Thanks for helping to make me this way.” She dug her heels into my ass. “Now, take me to work,” she said with a laugh.

  I shook my head but carried her to the back door. When Tessa slid down my body, I groaned. “Woman, why do you always have to make me hard?”

  Tessa giggled and unlocked the door. “I need to grab a couple things from my apartment to take back to your place.”

  “Okay, I’ll come up with you.”

  Tessa led the way up the stairs. “Sounds good. You can do the heavy lifting.”

  “As long as it’s lighter than that damn c
at tree.”

  Tessa looked back at me over her shoulder. “You’re the one who bought the thing.”

  I chuckled. “I was trying to impress you through the freaking cat.”

  “Well, it worked. Trouble loves it—” Tessa’s words cut off, and she came to a stop so abruptly, I ran into her.

  I grasped her shoulders, my grip tight as I scanned the hallway. “What’s wrong?”

  Tessa reached out a shaking finger. There, on her door, was a blown-up photo of us after we had left the police station. I was cupping Tessa’s face and gazing into her eyes. The picture itself would have been sweet if it weren’t for the large red letters scrawled across it. Whore.

  My chest seized. I gripped Tessa’s hand and started pulling her back towards the stairs. “Come on.” I hustled us down the staircase and over to the SUV. Depositing Tessa in the passenger seat, I rounded the vehicle myself, hitting the locks as soon as I was inside. I pulled out my cell and hit Walker’s contact.

  He answered on the second ring. “What’s wrong?”

  A six-thirty a.m. call didn’t usually herald good things, I guessed. “There’s a threatening note on Tessa’s apartment door.”

  “Fuck. I’m on my way. You guys somewhere safe?”

  I looked around the back parking area, totally empty. “We’re in my SUV behind the Kettle.”

  “I’ll be there in less than ten. Keep your doors locked.”

  “Thanks, man. I will.” I hit end on the screen and looked at Tessa.

  She stared out the windshield at the back door of the Kettle. “How did he get into the building so easily? The door was locked, and there was no sign of a break-in. Does he know how to pick locks now?” Tessa’s words picked up speed as she spoke. “I have to leave. What was I thinking? I can’t bring that kind of maniac into these people’s lives.”

  I grasped the back of Tessa’s neck, turning her head so she met my gaze. “Don’t let Garrett win. What he wants is to get you alone. Away from all the support and protection you have here. Don’t fall into his trap.” My blood boiled at the thought, and I knew that’s what the asshole wanted. To get Tessa alone in as helpless a situation as possible.

  Tessa’s eyes widened at the realization. “He’s trying to scare me into leaving.”

  I gave her neck a gentle squeeze. “But you’re smarter than he is, and you’re not going to play into his hand.”

  Tessa let out a shuddering breath. “You’re right. I’m not.” She let her head fall back against the seat. “God! Why can’t he just leave me alone?”

  I massaged her nape. “We’re going to deal with him.” My words were a vow. I was going to get this fucker out of her life once and for all.

  In way less than ten minutes, Walker’s truck pulled into the parking lot, followed by a cop car. We jumped out of the SUV to meet him. He strode towards us, his jaw ticking. “Want to show me what we’ve got?”

  I turned to Tessa. “Do you want to wait down here?”

  Her eyes flashed. “No. I want to hear whatever Walker has to say.”

  God, I loved her spine of steel. “Let’s go.” We took Walker to the door, and he let out a curse.

  “Did you touch anything?”

  I stared at the image, my blood heating. “No, nothing.”

  Walker rubbed a hand over his jaw. “Good. I’m going to get a crime tech out here to see if we can get any prints. It’ll take at least a few days to get that processed, but in the meantime, I want to pull someone else in on this.”

  I raised my brows in question. “Who?”

  Walker pulled his cell out of his pocket. “Tuck and I have a friend from college. His name’s Cain. He runs a crazy successful tech company, but he has a hobby that comes in handy every now and then.”

  I waited for Walker to continue but quickly got impatient. “What?”

  Walker met my gaze. “He’s a ridiculously talented hacker.”

  “Isn’t that illegal?” I asked as I eyed the badge hanging from Walker’s belt.

  Walker looked over my shoulder to make sure the other cop hadn’t followed us in. “It’s questionable. If I don’t know how Cain comes across the intel, then everything’s on the up and up on my end.” Walker grinned. “So, Cain never tells me how he gets the info.”

  I glanced at Tessa whose arms were wrapped around herself so tightly she must have been cutting off her own circulation. I turned back to Walker. “Call him. I’ll pay whatever his price is.”

  Walker shook his head. “Cain doesn’t need the money. Trust me.” He eyed Tessa. “And he has a thing about guys who hurt women. He’ll dismantle Garrett’s life in a few keystrokes.”

  “Do it.” I pulled Tessa into my arms as Walker headed down the hall to make his calls. I swept my lips across the skin at her temple. “We’re going to fix this.” I just hoped like hell it would happen before things got worse.



  When we arrived at the Kettle the next morning, Walker was there, installing new locks. He looked up as Liam and I climbed out of the SUV. “Just taking a few extra precautions.”

  Liam grunted. He was grumpy, had been since yesterday when I refused to go back to the guest cabin after the photo incident. But I wasn’t going to let Garrett hijack my life anymore. And what would I do if I went back to the cabin? Twiddle my thumbs and worry? No, thank you.

  I made my way to the back door where Walker was working. “Thank you for doing this. I’m sorry about all the extra trouble.”

  He gave me a soft smile. “It’s no trouble. We’re gonna keep you safe, Tessa.”

  Liam wrapped an arm around me. “Thanks, Walk. Let me know if you need any help with this stuff.”

  Walker jerked up his chin. “I’m almost done. Jensen’s already inside getting set up for the day.”

  Liam and I headed through the back door, making our way into the kitchen and then the front of the shop. Jensen turned from wiping down tables at the sound of our footsteps. She grinned. “Look, it’s the tea house’s number one fan.”

  Liam scowled. When I refused to return to the cabin after yesterday’s incident, he’d taken up residency at the Kettle. Jensen had teased him the entire day. Therefore, this morning, we had Liam the grump.

  The only bright spot yesterday was that a major cheating scandal with some Hollywood movie star had come to light, and almost all the photographers had left town. I felt bad about being grateful for someone else’s heartache, but we needed a break.

  I rubbed my thumb in circles on Liam’s brow, attempting to ease his scowl. “You know, being at the Kettle means free treats all day, starting with your favorite ham and cheddar scones.”

  Liam’s frown eased a bit. “You gonna make chocolate potato chip cookies today?”

  I grinned. “If it means you’ll be less of a grumpy butt, yes.”

  The scowl was back. “I’m not grumpy.”

  Jensen cackled. “You’re pouting worse than my eight-year-old when I tell him he has to eat all his broccoli if he wants dessert.” Liam’s eyes narrowed at her. Jensen crossed to him and thumped him on the back. “I know you’d like to lock Tessa away until we find this asswipe, but she’ll go crazy. If she’s here, she’s surrounded by people looking out for her, and you can keep an eye on things all day long while eating us out of house and home.”

  Liam let out a reluctant chuckle. “You have a point.” He looked at me, worry filling his eyes. “I just want you safe.”

  I wrapped my arms around Liam and brushed my lips over his jaw. “I am safe here.”

  Liam nuzzled my neck. “Okay. I’ll quit being a grump.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  Liam tapped me on the butt. “Now, get in that kitchen and fix me some scones. I’m a growing boy, and I need my sustenance.”

  I pulled back, laughing. “Just for that, I’m giving you the burned ones.”

  Liam’s expression was crestfallen. “I take it back. Please, oh goddess of baked goods, would you honor me wi
th one of your delicious concoctions?”

  I shook my head, backing away to the kitchen. “That’s a little better.”

  I got to work on the dough for scones and the early morning rush passed quickly with no photographer sightings or ominous messages. Things almost felt normal. Well, other than the rock star who had planted himself at the only table that had a view of the kitchen.

  I grinned down at the marionberry muffins I had cooling. It was a recipe of Sarah’s, and I knew Liam loved them. I popped one on a plate and headed out to my guard dog.

  I was stopped on my way by our new regular, Al. “Good morning, Miss Tessa. How are you today?”

  “I’m good, thank you. And you?” There was just something about this guy that didn’t sit right with me, but I couldn’t put my finger on why.

  Al gave me a kind smile, and I instantly felt guilty for thinking poorly of him. I guess it would just take a while for my paranoia to ease. “I’m doing just great. I’m liking Sutter Lake so much, I decided to extend my trip.”

  I returned his smile. “That’s great. I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation.” Liam eyed me and the muffin in my hand. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to deliver this.”

  Al stepped aside. “Of course. You have a good day.”

  I nodded, and Al’s gaze tracked me all the way to Liam’s table. I could have sworn there was a look of concern on Al’s face when I swept my lips against Liam’s. I had to be reading that wrong.

  I shook off those thoughts and focused on Liam. “Sarah’s marionberry muffins, hot out of the oven.”

  Liam grinned and rubbed his hands together like a little kid. “You know the way to my heart.” He broke off a piece and popped it into his mouth. “This is amazing.” He eyed Al over my shoulder. “Who is that guy?”

  I shrugged. “Just a new regular. He’s been vacationing here for a few weeks, said he liked it so much he extended his trip.” Liam nodded, suspicion filling his gaze. I ran a hand through his hair. “I’m fine. You’re here. Jensen’s here. Nothing’s going to happen to me.”


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