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The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice

Page 20

by Andrew Hess

  “Don’t worry; you’ll have everything you need.” The Benefactor handed Agent Fields a cigar from the oak humidor that sat on the window sill. “Come back here when the mission is complete and we can enjoy one of these together.”

  “Yes sir.” Agent Fields ran from the building; nearly running over the busty blond strutting up the walkway.

  The Benefactor poked his head outside his office as his secretary put her purse down on the reception desk.

  “Ah Joyce, perfect timing. Come in and close the door. I need some stress relief.

  Chapter 81

  It was late afternoon when we arrived back on Long Island. It may have only been a few weeks, but to me it felt like a lifetime ago. I could still smell the beautiful scent of the beaches as we crossed the Throgs Neck Bridge; taking me back to the summers where I sprawled out on the beach to tan, played volleyball or jumped in the cool water to go swimming. I spent many of those summers sharing a blanket with Lilly. But at that moment, I wondered if I would ever get that chance again.

  The Hummer pulled up in front of a bordered up house; followed by a red Corvette.

  “I think this will look a little suspicious,” Mike said pointing at the Corvette and the house.

  “Go around back and watch out for the neighbors,” I replied as I helped unload the truck. “We’ll park around the corner once we have everything inside.”

  Erik and Natalya carried their bags to the back of the house followed by Mike and Joe that brought the bulk of the luggage.

  “You okay,” I asked Lilly as I caught her staring at the house. It was a large baby blue house with wooden planks covering the doors and windows.

  “Huh? Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s get back there before the others destroy the place.”

  We walked through the large white gate; finding Mike and Joe ripping the wooden planks off the back door with a crowbar, a hammer and screwdriver.

  “Can’t you do that quietly,” I asked. “We don’t need the neighbors calling the cops.”

  “How else are we supposed to get in there,” Joe asked sarcastically. “As if you couldn’t tell, there’s no way in.”

  Lilly pushed them aside and pulled a key out from under a loose brick. “How about we use this?” Lilly unlocked the door and pushed her way into the house.

  “How’d you know that was there,” Erik asked.

  “I used to live here genius. Now, do you plan on standing out here all day or do you want to go inside?”

  The team entered the house, but I stayed back; feeling a vibration in my pocket. I searched for my cell; finding a text message from Arcana.

  Andrew, I know you have questions about Peterson being at the Roosevelt. He tracked you down with the information I gave him to talk to you about working out a deal for your group. You need to trust him. He stopped the police from going into the casino when your team was on their way out. We know you’re in New York and should be arriving shortly.

  I read the message again. “They’re coming to New York.” How did they know we were here? Only the six of us and the Benefactor knew of the arrangement and was something I refrained from disclosing in the email to Arcana.

  Mike held the door open and watched me reading the message. “What’s going on?”

  “Just got a text from Arcana telling me they were coming here soon.” I pulled Erik and Joe from the kitchen. “I need you to move the cars now. We have company on their way.” Erik and Joe ran to the street and quickly moved the cars.

  “What do you mean they?”

  “I guess Arcana and Peterson, but I never told them we were coming back to New York. Maybe the Benefactor was right; someone’s leaking info.”

  “Relax, no one leaked anything.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I told them to come here.”

  “What? Why would you do that?”

  Mike shut the door and took me back behind the shed. “I owed Peterson for saving our ass at the Roosevelt.”

  “Owe him for what? All he did was distract the police.”

  “And he took out three guards when we ran out of ammo. We’d be dead right now if it wasn’t for him.”

  “I trusted you.”

  “Then start trusting my judgment. I’ve sat back taking orders from you and the Benefactor the last few weeks. I’ve done everything you asked. Now I’m asking you to keep an open mind and hear Peterson out.”

  “Fine, but we do this as a team.”

  Chapter 82

  We sat around an empty semi charred house all afternoon. All missions had been completed and there was nothing more to do except wait for the Benefactor to send one of his men to pick Lilly up. According to my count, we had until the morning.

  We were stuck inside the house; fearful one of the neighbors might recognize us from the photos and sketches that plastered all over the news. The boarded up windows concealed our movement in the house, but also made it impossible for us to see without a flashlight.

  Joe wiped the dust and ash off the marble counter top and jumped onto the cleaned spot. “You know, this wasn’t what we imagined when we signed up to be part of your little group.”

  I knew what he meant. We were used to being on the run; living in at least a two star motel. “It’s just a brief stop. I’m sure we won’t be here for long.”

  “Yeah, but this isn’t like our usual safe house either,” Mike interrupted. “I mean, we usually meet with Agent Fields before and after the missions and haven’t seen him since we left Burbank.”

  We looked at each other. “You don’t think…”

  We never discussed what Agent Fields did in between missions or why we never saw him in Vegas; we never had a chance to. Instead a loud knock on the back door startled us.

  Erik and Joe raced to the back door; drawing their guns and point them at the silhouette of a tall thin man.

  I pushed their weapons down towards the floor. “Relax, it’s just Arcana.

  “Erik placed his gun on the counter and kept it pointed at the back door. “You mean the producer? What’s he doing here?”

  “They needed to talk to us face to face.”

  Lilly rounded the corner; entering the kitchen. “Don’t tell me that Peterson guy is with him.”

  Mike stepped in between the group. “Chill, they’re here to talk; not to bust us.”

  “I’ve spent years making sure we never went to jail for anything,” Natalya began. “So excuse us if we don’t want to take any chances.”

  “He saved us in Vegas; we owe him one.” Mike pulled his gun and squatted behind the counter; pointing it to the back door. “That doesn’t mean I trust them a hundred percent.”

  “Fine, hold your positions.” I opened the back door and greeted Arcana.

  “Is it okay for us to come in,” Arcana asked.

  “I don’t know; you tell me.”

  “We came here to work a deal for you and your group.”

  “Fine, but he comes in unarmed.”

  Arcana waived at a black SUV across the street. A man in a suit exited the driver’s seat and approached slowly with his hands in the air.

  “The Phoenix,” Peterson muttered. He extended his hand, but I knew better than to shake a hand of someone I didn’t trust. He might have helped us in Vegas, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t working an angle to bring us all in the first time we turned a blind eye.

  “Inside, let’s go,” I commanded.

  Peterson entered first; keeping his hands up in surrender. Mike popped up behind him and placed the barrel of his gun into the crook of Peterson’s neck. Joe quickly patted him down.

  “He’s clean.”

  I closed the door immediately. “Sorry, I hope you understand. We couldn’t take any chances.”

  “I’ve been hunting you and your team for nearly a month and a half. I don’t blame you for having some trust issues. But I assure you I’m here to help.”

  “So I keep hearing. Arcana has been pleading for me to listen. You
saved two of my friends and convinced one of them to give you a chance. So please, lay it out on the table. Why are you so interested in helping us out?”

  “I’ll get straight to the point. We all know Arcana has history with the Benefactor. We want to bring him down for good.”

  “What else do you know about him,” Mike asked as he took a seat on the counter.

  “I know everything Arcana knows.”

  “Then what’s his name,” Erik asked.

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because they know if we find out who the Benefactor is, it’ll change how we deal with him.” I knew this was the underlying reason. You didn’t need to be psychic to figure it out. This was a master game of chess and we were just the pawns. The Benefactor was king of one side of the board while Peterson was the opposing force.

  Peterson nodded his confirmation. “Has he told you why you’re back in New York?”

  “He only told me we were here to ensure Lilly made her flight. She leaves from J.F.K tomorrow. Then one of his men will be by to take us to our final mission.”

  Arcana appeared disgruntled. “He’s moving towards his endgame. We need to help get Lilly out of the country and bring him down before it’s too late.”

  “I can provide protection until the wheels hit the ground,” Peterson replied as he reached for his phone.

  Arcana placed a hand over the screen. “You can’t use any agents for this. His men will be watching. If they see another agent on the plane or at the airport, they might try something.”

  Arcana unfolded a piece of paper from his pocket. “What if we can guarantee her safety? Would you be willing to help us bring down the Benefactor?”

  “Only if we get out of this with full immunity.”

  “I can’t guarantee that. You and your team have killed sixteen civilians, caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage, three counts of arson, kidnapped six people, and killed a government official.”

  “None of them were responsible for that,” I replied. “I take full responsibility for everything.”

  “I’m going to forget I heard that,” Peterson said while shaking his head. “This whole conversation is off the record to begin with.” He paused; trying to think of a way to help the group out. “I’ll do my best with those deals, but I can’t promise anything right now.”

  I looked to Mike who nodded his head. I could hear his thoughts telling me he would stand with whatever decision I made. Lilly stood next to me; grabbing my hand tightly. Her eyes spoke volumes, but the only words that mattered at the moment were screaming for me to take the deal.

  “You get Lilly out of the country with immunity and work out plea deals for us, and you have my full cooperation.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Better get to it buddy,” Joe snapped while pointing at his wrist like it had an invisible watch on it. “Time’s ticking.”

  Arcana and Peterson bowed out through the back door and disappeared.

  I placed my hand on Mike’s shoulder. “I could use a drink right about now. How about you guys?”

  Chapter 83

  I knew Lilly’s time with us was set to expire in the morning, but we wanted to give her a proper sendoff. They only fitting place was the bar we considered home; the Ace of Spades.

  The bright neon sign illuminated the street while the cold surrounded as we waited out front.

  “You guys go in first,” I said to Erik, Joe and Natalya. They entered the bar without drawing attention and sat at a nearby table.

  Mike reached for the cool handle as Lilly placed her hand on the door; preventing him from entering. “Please don’t draw attention to us tonight.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, no sexy time tonight.”

  Mike glared at us as if we ruined his night. “I’m not an idiot. I know we need to keep a low profile.” Mike flung the door open allowing us to enter quickly and find a table in the corner away from the crowds. We placed our jackets on the chairs before walking up to the bar.

  “What the hell are you guys doing here,” Ryan gasped as we sat down. “The police have been down here every week; checking if anyone’s seen you.”

  I didn’t know how bad the backlash of Christmas had been. I figured the police broke into my apartment in search of me or any evidence. I knew they questioned my friends and family about me and where I hung out. But I never imagined they would constantly harass Ryan and the regulars at the Ace of Spades.

  “I’m sorry for all the trouble,” I said realizing the problems I brought to our favorite hangout. “It was never our intention to cause any of this to fall on you or the bar. What can I do to make it up to you?”

  “You can start by telling me what happened. Did you really kill your parents? Are you really this Phoenix guy everyone’s talking about?”

  “It’s complicated. Trust me; the less you know the better.”

  “After everything I’ve been put through, you owe me a story. Lucky for you; I have all night to hear it.”

  I didn’t want to involve Ryan in any of this. He was always good to us over the years, but he was right. It was our fault the police have been coming by every week. He deserved an explanation.

  “I think it’s going to call for a lot of drinks. We’re sitting in the corner booth.”

  “I’m guessing you guys want the usual?”

  “Yeah and whatever these three want. They’re with us.”

  Ryan was quick with the beers and made my rum and coke before walking us over to the booth. I was hesitant to tell him anything at first, but after a few drinks the information spewed out like a drunk woman on a Friday night. I told him everything from the government hiring us, to Arcana and Peterson aiding us on our last mission.”

  “What did you get yourselves into?” Ryan downed a shot of Patron along with the rest of the group. “If I knew what you guys were planning that night, I would’ve knocked some sense into you guys. You need to find a way out and fast.”

  “I’ve been working on that.” It had been my goal since I killed my father and Mona. I never wanted to be labeled a killer and I never wanted to work for the Benefactor, but I was never given much of a choice.

  “No, I mean you should find a way to get the hell out of the country. You’re wanted by the F.B.I. It doesn’t matter if you’re working with Peterson or not. If anyone brings you in, your team is facing some serious charges.”

  “I’ve considered that. I already made arrangements for Lilly to leave tomorrow. Once she’s gone, we’re supposed to be given our final mission. Then the running and hiding will finally be over.”

  “I hope for your sakes you’re right” Ryan finished chugging his beer and looked at everyone’s empty bottles and glasses. “How about another round for the road?”

  Chapter 84

  We nursed our drinks for an hour as we reminisced about our favorite moments from the bar. But just like every night, the laughter died down; the drunks paid their tabs and the bar emptied. My eyes remained focused on the clock; watching the hands tick away the remaining time I had with Lilly, and leaving us with an unknown mission hanging over our heads.

  Natalya drove us back from the bar; watching us stumble up the driveway to the back door. We clicked the power buttons on our flashlights; finding a blown up air mattress, several pillows and blankets waiting in the living room along with a note resting on top.

  I figured you and Lilly might want some alone time before she leaves. Might as well be comfortable. Enjoy!


  Natalya peaked over my shoulder and appeared to have read the note. She smiled and shooed the others away. “Come on guys. I think we should go for a food run.”

  “But we’re not hungry,” Joe replied. Natalya threw her hands on her hips and gave him a stern look. “Oh on second thought I’m a little hungry.”

  “I could eat,” Mike said.

no surprise,” I whispered to Lilly.

  “Hey, I heard that.”

  “Heard what? I didn’t say anything.” Lilly and I laughed and hid it when he turned around again.

  “Have fun guys,” Natalya smirked. She shoved the guys out the door and heard it lock from the outside.

  We dragged the bed into Lilly’s old room; thinking it would be better than being where everyone else planned on sleeping. Her walls were painted with blue waves and beige sand. A crack in the boards let the moonlight sneak into our private getaway; creating a perfect setting.

  Lilly grabbed my hand; leading me to the bed. “I don’t want this to be the end.”

  “It won’t; I promise.”

  Her beautiful brown eyes were hidden behind tears. Her hands shook as she raised them to her face. I wiped away the tears and stared deeply into her eyes. I knew all we had was a few short hours left. I wished there was a way to end this now and spare Lilly the pain of saying goodbye or the fear of starting over. She would have to begin a new life without any contact from her friends or family. No way to know where her team went or if we were still alive.

  “What are you waiting for,” she asked before pulling me into kiss; leaving a burning fire igniting from my lips and quickly coursed through my body.

  She showed more passion and intensity in one kiss than I ever felt in my life. Her hands kept me close; not allowing me to move even an inch away from her. We fell to the bed; refusing to break our embrace. Her hands stopped shaking. Instead, Lilly was in control. She made sure there were no mistakes, or laughing at our own stupidity. We were completely in sync; making it an incredible night. The memory we needed in order to survive.

  Chapter 85

  Lilly knew this would happen one day. She thought it was going to happen a month ago when Andrew was first contacted by the Benefactor. She was sure the guys were going to force her to stay behind, but was surprised when Andrew didn’t resist her lea to let her come along.

  Lilly kept her head rested on Andrew’s chest; their naked bodies lay entwined on an air mattress with just a blanket covering them. She knew her time was up; that her worst fear was about to come true. The sun was rising; peeking through the cracks in the wooden planks on the window. Lilly heard the team come back in the middle of the night, and now she would have to say her goodbyes to them and the love of her life.


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