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The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice

Page 22

by Andrew Hess

  Amber’s eyes were explosive when he heard the man call her his girlfriend and struggled even more to get free. “Get the fuck off of me asshole.”

  I grabbed the guy by his jacket and shoved him up against the wall next to the window. “I believe the lady said for you to let her go.”

  “Back off pal this is between me and her.”

  “No, now it’s between you and me.” I pulled the man off the wall and forcefully shoved him back; making a thud sound as the back of his head collided with the bricks.

  Amber wrenched her arm free from the man’s grasp and stood by as I placed my arm on the man’s throat; restricting his airways.

  “I suggest you go back to your loser friends and get lost. If you see either of us again, you better run the other way or else I’ll finish what I started here tonight.”

  “Stop,” Amber shouted as she pulled my arm away from the man’s neck. “He might be a creep but he’s not someone you needing to be punished by the hands of justice.”

  My head snapped to see Amber. She knew exactly who I was; even understood our message. I turned back; slugged the man in the face and left him sitting on the floor outside O’Malley’s.

  “Forget you saw any of this,” I told Amber as I walked away at a brisk pace. I could hear the echo of her heels hitting the pavement; trying to keep up.

  “Shit,” Amber shouted as she stumbled out of her shoe. She took both off and ran down the block after me. “I know you’re the Phoenix.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I know it’s you. I saw the look in your eyes a minute ago.” Amber grabbed the back of my jacket; stopping me from going any further. “Can you just stop for a minute and hear what I have to say?”

  “No, you need to forget me.”

  “No way; I’ve been covering your story since Christmas.”

  “So you’re a reporter. Well, I’m not in the mood for any interviews. Good night.” I started to put more distance between us.

  “I think what you’re doing is great.”

  Her words were like chains; binding me to an invisible wall. I was in shock to hear anyone say those words after the things I was forced to do.

  “Why would you think that? I’ve killed people.”

  “Because I did my research on the victims. I know what Governor Levi and the Mason family did to deserve what you did to them.”

  “Then why not bring the information to the police or put it in the news? I’m sure everyone would love to know how the Phoenix chooses his targets.”

  “If I said anything, it would have looked like a conspiracy theory orchestrated by a young female reporter trying to make a name for herself.”

  “Then I guess you have your next story. I’m sure your editor will be thrilled with your interview with the Phoenix.” I continued down the block; hearing the small sound of footsteps behind me.

  “I’m glad you’re putting an end to these criminals.”

  I wrestled out a light smile. “It’s good to hear someone besides us feels the same way. Too bad the police, the F.B.I. and the President don’t see it that way. They want us brought in dead or alive.

  “I hope for your sake that doesn’t happen.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at finding someone that believed in us the way we did at the beginning of our journey. Surprisingly, this random woman that stole a drink from me at the bar was smarter and had more guts than most people I knew. She didn’t know me or my story, but she understood my mission.

  “I’m sure I’ve given you more than enough for your article; so I’m going for good now.”

  “Wait,” she grabbed my hand and placed a card in it. “Call me if you need anything, but remember I want the exclusive.” She placed her black heels on her feet and walked back to the bar.

  I stood there looking at her card. “Amber Fergusson, reporter for the Post.” I didn’t know if she was playing me just for the story or genuinely cared. It didn’t matter. In a day it would be all over.

  I stumbled back to the hotel and found four people with bags over their heads being pushed inside a white van. Before I could run after them, I heard the click from a hammer being pulled back on a gun; feeling the barrel rest on the back of my head.

  “Relax Mr. Lancaster,” Lucasio’s voice said. “We’re just moving your team tonight. This is just a precaution.”

  Chapter 91

  Complete darkness. That’s all we saw for four hours. We didn’t dare risk talking to each other; knowing someone would be listening to every word. Our bodies were tightly strapped to a padded bench and wall, but it didn’t stop us from bumping into each other with every wide turn.

  Lucasio opened the doors; letting a brisk wind flow into the van. “Alright team; we’re here.”

  We were plucked from the van and brought inside an unfamiliar building. I knew there were at least two men guiding us. Agent Lucasio was barking orders from the front of the group while another man pushed us if we fell behind.

  “It’d be easier for us to walk if we could see where we’re going,” Joe snapped.

  “We’re almost there,” Lucasio responded. “We’ll take off the hoods in a minute. We heard the click of a hotel door opening. “Come on in gang.”

  I could hear loud thumps surrounding us. I hoped it was our bags and not more dead bodies. That was the last thing I wanted to see at that point.

  “You can remove their masks,” a cold voice echoed.

  The two men unlocked the handcuffs first; allowing us to remove the black hoods that shielded our view for so long. We used our arms to block out the early morning sunrise.

  “Where are we,” Joe asked.

  “Look for yourself,” the Benefactor’s voice said calmly.

  In the distance, we could see a massive structure that we only saw in text books and on TV. We stood a mile and a half away from the White House.

  “So sorry I couldn’t be there in person,” he continued. “But we’ll be seeing each other very soon.”

  “What do you want us to do,” Mike asked.

  “You know your mission. Once it’s complete, you’ll return here and we’ll take him into custody.”

  “So that’s it? We kidnap the President and we’re done? We’re free?”

  “I believe that’s the deal I made with your friend Mr. Lancaster. I’m sure he will be very eager to reunite with his girlfriend.”

  “Where is she,” I shouted.

  “She’s safe. You need to focus on this mission if you want to see her again. I suggest you and your team get some sleep. You have a long day ahead of you.”

  Chapter 92

  My mind was filled with the same excitement, anticipation and anxiety I felt on Christmas. I tossed and turned for an hour; breaking the silence filled room with repeated creaks from the springs. Lucasio’s lackey sat at the desk watching over us. I guess they wanted to make sure we didn’t try to make a run for it. But let’s be honest. Where did they really think we would go?

  I pretended to finally fall asleep, but kept my right eye open enough to see the agent flipping through the morning paper. I carefully slid my cell from my pocket and sent Arcana a text.

  Mission today; we’re a few blocks from the White House.

  “Get up,” Lucasio shouted as he threw the door open.” You need to be ready in ten.”

  I looked down at my phone. “He wants the mission to begin at 10am?”

  “The President should be in the Oval Office any moment. His children are away at school and there will be a shift change coming up. This is the perfect time to get through the security checkpoints and enter the building. I suggest you look over the blueprints one more time”

  The team looked around the room; still half asleep.

  “How the hell are we supposed to function right now,” Joe asked while rubbing his eyes.

  “We need to be awake and alert guys,” I replied. “One screw up and we’re done.” I looked down at my phone once agai

  Andrew, we need more time. You need to stall.

  I wanted to trust Arcana; believe that he and Agent Peterson would show up with the evidence needed to put away the Benefactor, but at this point I didn’t have a choice.

  “Let’s go. We don’t have all day,” Lucasio shouted.

  They crammed us into the back of a black SUV. The windows were tinted; shielding us from any onlookers or security guards. The two agents were dressed in their black suits with sunglasses on.

  The SUV pulled up to the front gates where Agent Lucasio flashed his credentials to the guards. They waived us through effortlessly as we pulled up in front of the White House. It was bigger than I imaged. The American Flag hung from a flag pole in the distance; reminding us what this country was founded on; freedom. I was hoping that would be what we would get out of this mission.

  We were greeted by another agent that spoke into a cufflink as we approached. “The package is here. I’m bringing them in now.”

  My stomach lurched with pain again, but I chose to ignore it. We were about to begin our final mission and couldn’t let morning indigestion or lack of food get in the way of our success.

  “You’re on,” Lucasio shouted from the driver’s seat.

  The agent on the front steps was joined by another as they ripped open the SUV doors. “The President is in the office and will be alone for the next hour.”

  “What about his wife and kids,” I asked.

  “The kids are at school and the First Lady is away on business. There shouldn’t be anyone around to interrupt you.”

  “And what about his security detail?”

  “We have two men on the inside and the rest of the Secret Service are scattered around the building.”

  I looked back at the others. “This is it guys,” I whispered as we checked our weapons. “Time to get our freedom back.”

  We rushed inside the building; checking for the guards and finding no sign of any security.

  “I know the Benefactor has his pull with Federal Agents,” Joe began. “But there’s something seriously off about this. I don’t see anyone around.”

  There was an eerie feeling in the halls of the White House; almost as if someone was watching; waiting for us to slip up.

  “Here’s the plan,” I stated firmly. I pointed to Erik, Joe and Natalya as we rounded the first corner. “I want you three to keep a lookout while Mike and I break into the Oval Office.”

  “You sure that’s a good idea,” Erik questioned.

  “We have some business to handle with the President,” Mike replied as he nodded his head repeatedly.

  Natalya pulled me by my black shirt. “Look, I don’t know what you’re planning to do in there, but you better not screw this up for us. I’ve spent years pulling off jobs with these two and never got caught once. I don’t plan on today being the first time we do.”

  “I have a plan to get us all exonerated. I just need ten minutes alone with the President. I can get Peterson on the phone to explain things to him and…”

  “Do what you need to do,” Erik whispered. “We’ll cover you out here. But if shit hits the fan, we’re outta here.”

  “Just make sure no one else gets inside that room but us,” Mike commanded as we continued down the hall until located the Oval Office.

  I exchanged looks of gratitude with my team; wondering if they truly knew how much their help meant to me. They joined the Revolution to aid and protect me only to end up at a fork in the road on our journey.

  We cocked the chamber back on our guns as Mike and I burst into the Oval Office; aiming our weapons at the President of the United States.

  “What the hell is going on here,” President Mason shouted in fury. “Who are you people and what are you doing in my office?”

  Mike forced his gun into the President’s face. “Mr. President, with all due respect I suggest you calm down and have a seat. We only need a moment of your time.”

  President Mason kept his hands raised and eased himself into his chair. He lowered his hands slowly; resting them on the desk.

  “Mr. President, my name is Andrew Lancaster; the man you know as the Phoenix.” Mason’s eyes widened as he was ready to burst with anger. “We were ordered to take you into custody by our leader; the Benefactor.”

  “Is that name supposed to mean something to me?”

  “It might after I say my peace.” I lowered my gun; placing it in my waistband as a sign of trust. I motioned for Mike to do the same.

  “You have my attention,” Mason said calmly as he watched Mike lower his gun.

  “Just before Christmas I was contacted by a member of the U.S. Government. This man laid out a proposal to aid the nation by getting rid of people who needed to be brought to justice.”

  “And you both felt my family needed to be brought to justice?” Mason scoffed at the thought. “Those were my cousins. They have been upstanding citizens living in Texas for…”

  I waived him off; not caring about the deceased members of his family. “We were provided Intel on each of them; linking them to various crimes and in a few cases they were linked to a known terrorist.”

  “How dare you say that?”

  I reached into my bag and threw the Mason mission briefing on the President’s desk. “You can look for yourself.”

  He skimmed through the pages making disgusted horrified faces with each passing member of his family.

  “And what do you expect me to do with this?”

  “I hope to work out some sort of arrangement with you. We give you everything on the Benefactor and we get extradited to another country.”

  The President mulled over the options; wondering if we were being on the up and up with him. “Alright then, who is this Benefactor?”

  Mike cleared his throat loudly. “Sir, we regret to inform you that he never disclosed his real name to us. We only knew him as the Benefactor.”

  “Uh huh; so you expect me to believe someone from inside our government instructed you to kill all of those people including members of my family and the Governor of Florida? And you come to me seeking my help to leave the country and in return you give me information about your leader who you don’t even know his real name?”

  “I understand your skepticism, but we have been working with two men to bring a case against the Benefactor. They know his real name and are headed to Washington to bring us the information. We were forced into this mission today; to take you into custody, but instead we look to you for help.”

  There was a loud commotion outside the Oval Office; followed by the crack of gun being fired in the distance. Mike and I swung our attention to the door; thinking Secret Service would be barging through at any moment.

  The President pushed himself away from the desk and removed a small handgun from under his desk; finding it pointed in Mike’s face.

  “Hello Mr. Lancaster,” the President said with a cold calculating voice and devilish grin. “We meet at last. Let me introduce myself. I am the Benefactor.

  Chapter 93

  I expected to hear those words, but not delivered with a mocking tone from the President. We stood defenseless with a gun pointed in our face; feeling betrayed by the man who hired us. Of course it was the President. It made perfect sense; the unlimited weapons, the easy access to buildings and information, the Federal Agents, even the ranch house in Texas. A part of me thought the President had some involvement. I was a fool to think otherwise.

  “I told you we would finally meet today,” the Benefactor cackled. His eyes were filled with hate and malice as the Oval Office door swung open. We reached for our guns instinctively, but found a pair of Secret Service Agents directing their weapons at us. “I’d put your guns down if I was you. You’re considerably outnumbered.”

  “Are you okay Mr. President,” the agents asked.

  “Yes, now please escort Mr. Santangelo from the room. Put him with the others.” The agents disarmed us; placing Mike in handcuffs before draggin
g him out of the room.

  “You see, I’ve always had the upper hand.” President Mason savored the moment as he circled his desk; keeping his gun locked on me. “I’m so disappointed with you. You could have been something great. Instead, your treachery has placed a death sentence on your team’s freedom. A pity you had to let your emotions get in the way.”

  My mind was running rampant with too many questions stampeding through my head.

  “How long have you known?”

  President Mason laughed as he placed a hand in between my shoulder blades. “I’m sure you have a lot of questions. Please, have a seat and I’ll do my best to answer in the short amount of time you have left.”

  “No thanks, I’d rather stand.”

  “That wasn’t a request; move.” I could feel the gun resting in the crook of my neck; knowing his finger was itching to pull the trigger. I threw myself in the chair opposite the President’s desk. “To answer your question, I’ve known since your meeting with Arcana. Such a pity you chose the wrong man to trust. You had so much potential. There was plenty of room for your team within our organization.”

  “What organization?”

  “Did you really think I was the only one pulling the strings? There’s actually quite a few of us; a Committee if you will.”

  “You expect me to believe there are more of you out there?”

  “There are plenty that banded together that wanted to redesign the political and judicial structure of the U.S. Government. Your group just happened to be the first step in that process.”

  “So you had us kill all of those people to push your political agenda? You just wanted to keep a tighter grip on the country?”

  “Yes and no. Every one of your targets were guilty of the crimes I accused them of. Every bit of evidence was legit. We wanted to rid the world of all the evil people. Everything was working perfectly until you betrayed us.”

  “So if I didn’t confide in Arcana and Peterson, we would be free right now?”

  “Yes, to a degree. You and your team would no longer be hunted. You would have been kept at one of our facilities and taken out of the country until we needed your team again.”

  “I knew it. You lied to us. You told us this was the last mission.”

  “That was the original plan. We didn’t anticipate how good your group was. You helped us uncover additional Intel at the Mason Estate which helped us discover a deeper connection they had to a terrorist organization overseas called the Whittman Agency. We decided to keep you employed until they were eliminated. Your little girlfriend would have been kept safe; even let you visit her while you worked for us, but now all that has changed,”


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