Dr Feelgood

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Dr Feelgood Page 15

by S. E. Law

  They continue to talk about professors and classes. Annabel is the same age as Summer, so she’s at the start of her career. Meanwhile, at twenty-nine, Leo’s at the start of his too. It takes a long time to become a surgeon.

  Our other friends seem to be bonding as well. Liz and Evan are talking about lawyer things because Liz is a social worker, so she deals with attorneys a lot. Dee and Tommy are talking about some video game they both enjoy. Who would have guessed? Personally, I hate video games. They suck out your life as you sit on the couch with your eyes glued to the screen.

  I look over at Summer and she’s taking in the scenario with a bright smile on her face. I originally thought this was a bad idea, but if it makes my girl happy, then I’m all for it.

  We stay at the bar for a few hours, drinking and sharing stories about medical school, college, and life. It feels like we’ve all been friends forever, despite a lot of us having just met.

  Dee stands abruptly.

  “Alright, I need to get home to hubby. He keeps asking when I’ll be back. I swear, the man can’t get enough of me.”

  Summer blushes. “Seriously, Dee. TMI.”

  Dee shrugs. “You love me anyways.” She kisses Summer on the cheek and gives her a hug. “This was fun. We should all get together again sometime.”

  I nod in her direction. “Yeah, I agree. Let’s make this a regular thing.”

  Summer is beaming. “I love that idea. Great thinking!” she burbles.

  After everyone has said their goodbyes, Summer and I get in my car to go. I take her hand in mine while pulling out of the parking lot.

  “Did that go how you expected it to?”

  She lets out an excited giggle.

  “Even better! I hoped Annabel and Leo would like each other, but did you see them exchange numbers? I think they really hit it off.”

  I noticed that, too. I noticed a lot of things. Like how Leo couldn’t take his eyes off Annabel, even when other girls walked into the bar. I’ve never seen Leo so entranced with anyone before and it’s a little weird, to be honest. That guy has the attention span of a gnat.

  But then Summer turns to me with a worried expression.

  “Leo’s a good guy, right? He’s not going to cheat on Annabel or anything?”

  “He’s great,” I reassure her. “He may be a player, but he’s faithful. When he’s in a relationship, he’s all in, trust me.”

  Summer sighs, relieved. “That’s good because I think they could be great together. Seriously. They’re both really funny, but Annabel is just so quiet and reserved, sometimes. Believe it or not, she needs a loud person to break her out of her shell.”

  I smile at her. “I didn’t know you were such a matchmaker.”

  She protests. “I’m not, normally! But they’re both single, and they’re both our friends, so I figured why not?”

  I make a mock frown.

  “You should’ve told me that’s why you wanted our friend groups to hang out.”

  She shoots me an innocent look.

  “It wasn’t the only reason!” she promises. “I really did just want everyone to get together. But I thought it would be the perfect low key atmosphere for them to get to know each other too. Why not? He’s your friend, and she’s mine, so something could work out.”

  I squeeze her hand. “I think he likes her. We’ll see where it goes from here.”

  She smiles happily.

  “Thanks for putting up with me,” she says as we pull in front of her apartment. “You’re sweet.”

  I pull her towards me for a kiss. “I’d do anything for you, even orchestrate a meet cute between our friends.”

  “A meet cute?” she asks. “Oh my god, you’ve been watching rom-coms with Leo. Admit it.”

  Maybe his secret wasn’t as safe with me as he thought. When Summer insisted we watch Sleepless in Seattle the other night, I spilled the beans about Leo’s DVD collection. That may have added to her resolve to hook him up with Annabel.

  “Maybe. I’m just trying to learn the moves so I can use them on you.”

  Summer giggles. “You already have me, you don’t need any moves.”

  I grunt and pull her close. As we head into her apartment, I realize how true that is. Somehow, I ended up with the greatest girl in the world, and she’s just proclaimed that she’s mine.

  I like the sound of that.



  Even after two months of steady dating, I still can’t believe Ridge and I are together because let’s face it: he’s so much more attractive than I am. He’s a gorgeous god whom women stare at covetously. He’s got deep back hair that waves over one eye, and chiseled features that make him look like a movie star. Even more, he’s got a ten inch cock that makes me scream every night as I take him deep again and again.

  But it’s more than compatibility in the sack. He also keeps encouraging me to go back to work. I’m on disability right now, and it’s more than enough to keep the bills paid, but I do miss working. Who would have thought? Megan would love to have me back at Lalique, but for some reason, I’m just not quite ready yet.

  “Whatcha thinkin’ about?” Ridge asks. We’re in my apartment once again because he’s practically moved in now. On the days when he sleeps at his place, I find it a lot harder to doze off because I’ve gotten used to his warm body pressed up against mine.

  “You,” I admit. “And work.”

  He kisses my temple. “Are you considering going back?”

  I shake my head. “I’m not ready yet, but I think I’ll go back someday. I’ve enjoyed my lazy days at home, but I need something to occupy my time, although I’m not sure what yet. No matter how hard I try, I can’t picture myself doing anything other than working as a stylist.”

  Ridge smiles. “I’ll support you no matter what you decide.”

  I sigh happily and we stay cuddled up together for a while longer, enjoying the relaxing morning. The best part about not working is all the free time in my day. I get to be home with Ridge on weekends, when normally I’d be working at least Saturday or Sunday, if not both. Most of the time we’ve been lazy, staying in bed all day while avoiding clothing at all costs. Other times, like today, we make actual plans.

  Plus, Dee, Liz, Annabel, and I have made a conscious effort to spend at least one night hanging out every week. If my accident taught us anything, it’s that life is too short to put off being together.

  Tomorrow is girls’ brunch, so tonight is date night. Ridge and I are going to a nice dinner, and then we’re going to see a movie at the theater. It seems so juvenile, but it’s the perfect way to spend time together in my opinion. We can talk over dinner, cuddle during the movie, and I’ve been looking forward to it all week.

  “We should get ready to go,” Ridge says. “You’re still up for dinner and a movie, right?”

  I smile happily at him.

  “Of course I am.”

  He gives me a smoldering look. “We could just stay in, enjoy each other’s company...”

  I shove his shoulder playfully. “Not a chance, Buster. We need to leave here every once in a while.”

  “We go out all the time. Don’t you remember our PT sessions?”

  I laugh. Ridge is still my physical therapist, but when we’re in his office, we have to behave. What we do at my apartment more than makes up for his professionalism in the exercise room, though.

  “We’re going,” I say with a playful smile. “Get dressed, Mister.”

  He kisses me once and climbs out of bed. I use that opportunity to take in his muscled back and tight buns. Wow. How did I get so lucky? I adore looking at him at every turn, from the perfect symmetry of his form to his deep tan that makes my skin look pale and creamy by comparison.

  While Ridge uses the bathroom, I get myself dressed. I decide on one of the new outfits I bought from Lalique this week. It’s a collection the store just got in, and I’m obsessed. It’s a light pink flowing dress that flatters my body, hugging my bu
st before flaring out from the waist and draping perfectly over my knees. I look amazing, and I know Ridge will love it.

  Sure enough, his eyes go wide when he exits the bathroom. “You look gorgeous, sweetheart. Are you sure we can’t stay in?”

  “And waste this perfect dress? No thanks. Other people deserve to see me like this, too.”

  He grins. “As long as I’m the only one who sees you out of that outfit, let them look all they want. It’s all good.”

  A giggle escapes my lips. I love how well we work together. We get each other on such a deep level. Our relationship started in a taboo way, but it’s grown in incredible leaps and bounds, not to mention the sex is always amazing. But really, it’s our conversation that keeps us going. If someone had told me two months ago I’d be dating a crazy-hot doctor, I’d have called them crazy. I’m so glad it’s where I am, though.

  Ridge slips into jeans and a button-down shirt. He’s been leaving more and more clothes at my place since he’s here so often, and I’ve made room for him in my closet, which is no small feat. To say I have a lot of clothes would be an understatement considering that fashion is my thing.

  “Ready?” he asks, dangling his keys. “We don’t want to miss the movie.”

  I love that even though he wants to stay in and just be us alone, he’s happy to go out with me. I never feel like Ridge is ashamed of his wheelchair-bound girlfriend.

  I nod, following him out the door. My arms are so strong now, thanks to Ridge’s training, that I don’t need any help getting in and out of his car. I’m still healing, and feeling is returning slowly to my legs, but it’s nice to be a little independent. Not that I don’t love when Ridge does things like open doors for me and stuff, but knowing that I can do it myself is gratifying as well.

  Once I’m buckled in and my chair is stowed in the trunk, Ridge drives us to the restaurant. We’re back at a place we’ve been before because it has the best peanut butter chocolate milkshake that I’ve ever had.

  The food is as delicious as I remember. I order a cheeseburger with bacon and Ridge opts for a spicy fried chicken sandwich. Plus, we have our favorite milkshakes. Ridge’s is chocolate covered strawberry at this restaurant, which sounds weird, but is really good. They mix chocolate and strawberry ice cream and top it with whipped cream and a delicious dipped berry. It’s almost as good as my choice, which is chocolate and peanut butter ice cream swirled together, topped with a peanut butter cup. Delicious.

  Ridge keeps one hand on my knee as we eat.

  “You really are the most beautiful woman in this room,” he growls.

  I blush. “Yeah, but you’re biased.”

  He shrugs. “Maybe, but it’s still true.”

  We share a smile. Ridge is always saying sweet things like this, making me fall even harder for him. The words come so easily too, and my heart melts each time he meets my eyes.

  “I’m glad we decided to do this,” Ridge rumbles. “You were right. We needed to get out, even though I hate sharing you with all these people.”

  “You don’t have to share me. I’m one hundred percent yours!” I protest. He grins and merely squeezes my knee possessively once more.

  We finish our food and Ridge pays, the way he always does, even after I protest. “Sweetheart, I enjoy treating my girl. Besides, you’re paying part of my salary as my patient, so it’s like you’re paying anyway,” he jokes. I guess he’s right, but my heart thuds because my man loves taking care of me.

  On the way to the movie theater, Ridge’s hand creeps higher on my leg. His touch sends tingles through my body.

  “Behave,” I warn. “We’re not there yet. You’re driving.”

  His fingers trace the bottom of my pantries, making my pussy tingle in anticipation. “What are you talking about?” he asks innocently. “I would never do that.”

  We get to the theater before he has a chance to go any further, and he opens the trunk and sets up my chair But before I climb out, he pulls me towards him in a passionate kiss. His tongue dips between my lips, teasing me.

  Someone chuckles behind us. I break the kiss to see an older couple walking hand in hand towards the theater. “Don’t mind us,” the man chortles. “You remind me of us when we were younger. Hell, you remind me of us, now.”

  “Bob!” His wife squeaks, a blush forming on her cheeks.

  He kisses her lightly. “I love you, Millie.”

  “I love you, too, Bobby.”

  They walk away and Ridge kisses my neck. “I’m okay with being like them. They were old but cute, right?”

  I giggle because I’m okay with it, too. Especially if it means I get Ridge in my life for that long. The thought is scary, but so real. It’s only been a few months but I’m already so into this man, and I can see us together for a lot longer.

  I need both hands to wheel my chair, but Ridge squeezes my shoulder as we head towards the theater. It’s his way of letting me know he’s right here with me.

  Ridge buys two tickets to a movie called “Frustration.” I’m not sure what it’s about, but based on the poster, it’s scandalous with the outline of a nude woman silhouetted before a window. I’m surprised they even have the poster displayed in a family theater, surrounded by animated kid movies. But hey, this could be really fun.

  Ridge carries me up to the back of the theater. It’s embarrassing, but also sexy to be held in his strong arms with everyone watching from the corner of their eyes. We settle into the middle of the relatively empty room, giggling like teens. The lights go down, darkness blanketing the theater in privacy. There are a few other adults scattered around, but no one in our row or the rows around us.

  Ridge’s hand takes its place possessively on my thigh once again. I shoot him a look, but his eyes are focused innocently on the previews flashing across the screen. I try to pay attention, but my mind keeps being distracted by Ridge’s wandering fingers. What is he doing?

  He slips his way up under my skirt. I know we’re alone in this section of the theater, but I glance around anyway. I don’t want anyone to see my boyfriend with his hand in my dress! At the same time, I don’t want him to move. I’ve regained enough feeling in my legs that I can enjoy how his fingertips brush my skin ever so lightly, trying to turn me on. If that’s his goal, the man is definitely succeeding.

  Another preview starts, and Ridge takes a moment to search even deeper, his fingers tracing lightly just under the hem of my panties. If he felt a little bit towards the center, he would know just how turned on I am right now.

  “Ridge,” I whisper. “We’re in public!” I don’t want him to stop but he should stop.

  “What?” he asks, his face a mask of innocence. “I’m just enjoying the previews. That last one looked good, don’t you think? We should come back and see it.”

  “You know that’s not it…” The words die on my lips when a finger finds my center, teasing my swollen, wet lips. “Ridge,” I gasp again, this time more a moan than a whisper.

  Fortunately, the movie starts and a loud moan fills the theater, but at least it isn’t mine. The woman on screen, a petite brunette, is in bed beneath a tall, muscular man and although you can’t see everything, it’s pretty clear what’s happening. There are huffs and bumps and hot pants, all to the tune of a fairly melodic violin soundtrack.

  “You picked this on purpose,” I whisper. He slides my panties down my legs for better access. “Are you serious? What are you doing?”

  He grins at me, his teeth flashing white even in the dark.

  “You know what I’m doing, sweetheart.”

  A thrill of anticipation makes me shudder and then suddenly, it happens. His finger strokes my folds lightly before probing my hole, and I nearly cum on him right then.

  “Unh!” I squeal.

  “Shhh,” he soothes in my ear. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

  I try to relax but there are people around us! They could notice us and we could get kicked out of the theater. I’d be mortified if some
teen usher had to come in and tell us to stop.

  I glance around again even as my pussy shudders and juices around his finger. At least the patrons closest to us are engrossed in the movie, seeing that the man on-screen is now doing something particularly delicious to the woman. Her faces scrunches in pleasure and she lets out a delicious moan, holding her head back.

  I do the same when Ridge adds another finger. Oh shit, it feels too good to stop now and I don’t even care if we get caught. I want him to keep pumping those fingers in and out of me and my thighs part as I raise my knees to give him better access.

  “Yes, just like that,” I moan, holding my legs wide for him. “Give it to me.”

  “Oh, I will little girl,” he rasps quietly against my ear, his thumb grazing my clit with each plunge.

  “Ridge, I’m going to…” I can’t even get the word out before my pussy explodes in orgasm. It shudders and clamps, hot honey spilling onto his palm as deep waves of pleasure run from my cunt all throughout my body. I bite my finger, trying not to scream too loudly, even though the audience probably just thinks it’s part of the film. Damn, my boyfriend knew exactly what he was doing when he chose this borderline pornographic movie.

  Ridge kisses me hard. “You’re so beautiful when you cum,” he whispers in my ear.

  I reach for his fly, ready to return the favor. He lets me pull his hard cock from its enclosure, and I moan in anticipation, but he stops me when I start to lubricate for a hand job.

  “I want to be inside you.”

  My eyes widen. “We’re in a theater, Ridge. Really?”

  He nods, those blue eyes fierce even in the darkness. “I want you right here.”

  Without warning, Ridge lifts me from my seat and onto his lap. His huge dick pokes up between us, almost reaching my belly button and my pussy wets in anticipation.

  This is so dirty! We could definitely get caught, but neither of us can resist the temptation. I use the armrests to lift myself enough for Ridge to line himself up with my sensitive hole, and then lower myself down onto him, holding back a groan. Oh god, he’s so huge and my head falls back as I try to adjust to the stretch. My pussy feels filled to the max, and it’s always like the first time all over again.


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