Dr Feelgood

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Dr Feelgood Page 16

by S. E. Law

  “That’s it, baby,” he croons. “You got it.”

  My arms are strong, so I lift myself and then slowly impale myself on his hard shaft again. He stretches me again and again, and I love how deep his cock goes as his ridges rub against my insides.

  He turns my chin towards him for a deep kiss as I continue sliding up and down.

  “You feel so good, Summer.”

  “You too,” I manage breathlessly. “So deep.”

  I move up again, but just as I’m about to take that monster cock into my wet folds once more, he stops me and shifts a bit. His dicktip nudges my back hole and my eyes fly open.

  “Oh my god!” is my gasp. “Here? Now?”

  He nods.

  “Yes baby. Take it like the butt slut you are. One stroke, deep, fast and thorough.”

  I moan even as I begin to obey his words. We’ve done anal a few times now, but it wasn’t easy because of his enormous size. As a result, I clench a little as his tip brushes against my pleats but then with a deep exhale, I do as my man commands. My ass resists at first, but I force my plump peach down onto his huge cock, welcoming him deep into my anal cavity.

  “Oh shit!” I cry out. “Fuck!”

  The loud moaning is okay though, because incredibly, the woman on screen also appears to be taking it in the ass right now too. We bump along on our respective men’s cocks in syncopation, my anal canal getting filled with the tastiest man meat. I throw my head back and squeal as Ridge plays with my nipples.

  “That’s it,” he grunts. “Oh fuck, I love how you’re such a horny butt slut, baby girl.”

  With that, the crest approaches and I sail over, lost to sensation. Hot jets of energy burst through my frame, my pussy gushing as my ass clamps on him. Simultaneously, Ridge erupts like a fire hose, blasting his virile semen deep into my GI tract. Hot jets of bubbly fill up my rectum and I scream and cry out with the incredible sensation.

  Yes. This is who I am as a woman. This is who I was meant to be. Maybe I’m in a darkened movie theater with a man’s cock in my ass, but you know what? It’s what I want. This is the new, sensual Summer, and with Ridge deep inside my body and soul, life doesn’t get any better.



  “You’ve got this, sweetheart,” Ridge rumbles with encouragement. I meet his eyes, sweat beading on my temple. Meanwhile, Danielle, my favorite nurse, holds my right arm steady. Another nurse, Natasha, is on my left.

  “We’ve been working up to this,” Ridge adds. “You’re ready.”

  I shake my head. The muscles in my arms quake from exertion, but at least I’m standing.

  I’m standing!

  Over the last two months, I’ve regained full feeling in my legs. It means I’ve been six months in a wheelchair, my body growing lax in a constant seated position. We kept up the strength in my legs the best we could, but I still need to relearn how to walk.

  “You’re okay, Summer,” Danielle chimes in. Her smile is usually contagious, but not today. My arms quake as exhaustion runs through my frame. I’m strong, but not that strong.

  Ridge moves hurriedly towards me. He had been standing twenty feet away, at the end of the double bar pathway used to help patients walk again, but clearly, he’s concerned. It’s my first time trying it, and it’s not going well so far.

  Careful not to be too touchy feely since we’re in the company of others, Ridge pauses in front of me. “Summer, listen to me.”

  I avoid eye contact. “I can’t do it,” is my whine.

  He puts a hand on my wrist. Danielle and Natasha are helping me support myself, but I can’t stay in this position for much longer. Luckily, they keep my chair right behind me just in case.

  “Your legs can hold you,” Ridge says calmly. “You have to believe in yourself, Summer. You can stand without straining yourself so long as you let your body do what it already knows how to do.”

  He says it so easily, like I should be able to let go of the two silver bars and walk to the end without problem, but it’s not that simple. My legs feel like jelly beneath me and my balance is precarious.

  “We won’t let you fall,” Danielle promises. “Just give it a try.”

  Ridge is watching me with such tenderness that I know I have to attempt to walk at least. If it were anyone else, I’d probably drop to the floor like a pound of bricks, but I can’t disappoint this man. I don’t want to.

  My right foot shuffles forward at a painfully slow pace. When it’s a few inches ahead of me, I lean gently on my right leg. The muscles in my arms relax as my leg holds beneath the pressure. It’s a miracle!

  Ridge goes back to his post at the end of the walkway, waiting for me. I meet his eyes and he smiles a special smile just for me. I hope the nurses don’t catch the passion sizzling between us because I swear, it’s palpable. I was nervous when Ridge said we’d need help for these next few appointments, but now it all makes sense. Learning to walk again is a big deal, and it takes more than one person. It takes a village.

  Danielle and Natasha are still helping to hold me steady when I swing my left foot forward, carefully angling it around my right.

  Holy cow, I did it! I took my first step!

  Tears threaten to spill from my eyes, and Danielle sniffles beside me. I don’t know Natasha very well, but even she looks overcome with emotion.

  It’s my man that matters most, though. The look of pride on his face encourages me to take another step, and then another, until I’m standing right in front of him.

  “I did it,” I whisper, my eyes wide.

  “You did it,” he responds, the air electric between us. I would kiss him if not for our audience, but of course, we can’t.

  The appointment continues with some different machines that help my brain learn to control my legs again. It’s scary and sometimes painful, but it’s progress. After my accident, I thought the wheelchair would be a permanent part of my life, and thanks to Ridge, that isn’t going to be the case.

  After the appointment’s over, Danielle escorts me to the hospital exit, just the two of us.

  “I’m so happy you can walk again,” she begins, a little hesitantly.

  “I know, me too, right?” I say in a joyous tone. “It’s a miracle!”

  She nods and then looks down, biting her lip.

  “Yeah, but … well, I’ve been meaning to ask you,” she says, glancing around the empty corridor. “What’s going on with you and Dr. Maddox?”

  My mouth opens and closes over and over as I search for the words. I finally settle on, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She laughs.

  “Oh, girl, I see the heat between you. Come on, Summer. I know you now. You can’t hide. You’re among friends now. It’s okay to say.”

  She wouldn’t be asking me if it weren’t safe, so I decide to spill. With a smile, the admission comes. “You’re right. We’ve been dating for four months.”

  Danielle squeals. “Seriously? That’s so awesome. I knew there was something going on!”

  “Shhh,” I say. “Keep it down, okay? The hospital can’t find out, or Ridge could get in trouble.”

  “Your secret is safe with me,” Danielle promises. “Just know that I’m really happy for you.”

  I grin at her. “Thanks, that means a lot.”

  It feels so nice to finally say the words out loud: Ridge and I are a couple.

  We arrive at the van and the driver lifts me into the back, but even this doesn’t get me down. Soon, I’ll be able to walk again, and hopefully even drive. I won’t need this transport van, although they’ve been nothing but lovely.

  “Hey, Summer?” Danielle says, peeking her head into the interior when I’m situated. “You’re making a lot of great progress. I’m proud of you, girlie.”

  I reach out for her hand to give it a squeeze. “Thank you. You’ve been so good to me.”

  With a huge smile on my face, the ride flies by. Finally, once I’m at home, I curl up on the couch a
nd read a book until Ridge arrives. He only had a few appointments after me, so it takes less than four hours for him to come, and the man takes me into his arms as soon as he gets to my apartment.

  “You walked today, sweetheart!” he shouts, pulling me to my feet. After the PT session, my legs are shaky, but I’m comfortable standing. In fact, Ridge thinks I’ll be able to move around on just crutches in a few weeks. “I knew you could do it. I know I said it before, but I’m so unbelievably proud of you.”

  I lay my head against his chest, where his heart thumps with loud, strong beats.

  “It wouldn’t be possible without you,” I confess softly. “You make me believe in myself and you’re a great doctor.”

  He strokes my hair. “No, you’re the one who’s amazing, sweetheart. Just wait: you’ll be walking on your own in no time.”

  His belief in me is all I need. If he thinks I’ll walk again, without crutches or bars, then it must be true because Ridge wouldn’t lie to me.

  “Thank you,” I murmur with relief and comfort making my heart melt.

  We stay cuddled together for a while, but then Ridge sits us both on the couch. “We should celebrate,” he proclaims. “Anything you want.”

  My eyes light up. “Anything? Those are famous last words,” I giggle.

  He looks suitably wary. “Within reason.”

  I rub my hands together like an evil scientist. “Let’s go out for dinner at that Italian restaurant we love.”

  He brightens.

  “That’s doable. Let me call and make a reservation.”

  “Make it for four.”

  Ridge sighs. “Oh shit. What are you up to, Summer? More matchmaking?”

  “Nothing,” I say, feigning innocence. His inquisitive look doesn’t falter. “I just think that Annabel and Leo need a little push in the right direction, and who better to give it to them than their best friends?”

  He rolls his eyes.

  “Yeah, but I thought we’d agreed to stay out if it.”

  “You agreed we’d stay out if it after they failed to start dating after that first group thing, but I’m sick of staying out of it. I want to meddle. Help me meddle, Ridge darling.”

  He wraps his arm around my shoulders and sighs.

  “Fine, if you want to get involved, we’ll get involved, but what exactly do you have planned?”

  I brighten.

  “A double date, except only we know it’s a double date.”

  Ridge laughs. “You’re devious. How are you going to get them there though?”

  “I’m going to see if Annabel wants to have dinner with me tonight. I’ll tell her the other girls are busy, so it will just be the two of us. You tell Leo the same, and then we’ll all hang out together. Voila! It’s what they need to finally see how perfect they are together.”

  “That might work on Annabel,” Ridge says slowly. “But I don’t think it’ll work on Leo. We don’t go out to fancy Italian restaurants on a whim. We go to dive bars and shady pool joints.”

  Oh. I hadn’t thought about that. It’s pretty normal for Annabel, Dee, Liz, and me, or any combination of us, to go to nice dinners together, but yeah, Ridge and Leo are more dive-bar types.

  “Well, how about this: Leo likes me, right?” Ridge nods. “Tell him we’re going to Vesuvio’s to celebrate my amazing feat today, and we were wondering if he wanted to come along.”

  The corner of my boyfriend’s mouth pulls up in a smile.

  “That might work, but what if it doesn’t?”

  I shrug. “Then, tell him the truth.”

  Ridge rolls his eyes.

  “Hopefully the celebration thing works.”

  My boyfriend moves into the kitchen to call the restaurant and Leo. Meanwhile, I pull out my phone and dial Annabel’s number.

  “Bella, guess what?” I say when she answers.


  “I walked today!”

  She screeches with excitement. “Summer! That’s fantastic. We have to celebrate!”

  “I was thinking the same thing. Dee and Liz are busy tonight, but do you want to go to Vesuvio’s with Ridge and me?”

  She hesitates.

  “Oh, Summer, I don’t want to impose on your date night…”

  “Trust me, we get enough time to ourselves. I want to celebrate with you! And we can celebrate again next weekend for girls’ night. What do you say?”

  Annabel considers my proposal for a minute. “Okay, I’m in. What time?”

  “We’ll meet you there at seven?”

  “Okay, I’ll see you then. And I’m serious, Summer. I’m so happy for you.”

  I thank her again and hang up, immediately dialing a conference call between Dee, Liz, and myself. When they answer, I share my big news with them, too.

  “Oh my God!” they scream in unison. “You’re walking!”

  “Summer, that’s fantastic. I knew you’d recover!” Liz squeals. I can picture the wide smile on her face. Dee offers similar congratulations, and then adds, “We need to celebrate!”

  I bite my lip. “Okay, so that’s the thing. I want to celebrate with you guys, but I also want to set Annabel up with Leo.”

  “Ridge’s friend?” asks Dee in a puzzled voice.

  “Yeah, him. They hit it off that night we all hung out together but they’ve both been dragging their knuckles about making something more happen.”

  “Yeah, but you’re a terrible matchmaker,” Dee points out gently. There’s some truth to that. I tried to set her up with a ton of guys before she met her husband, who is the exact opposite of the guys I thought she’d be into.

  “No seriously, it’s going to be fine,” I say quickly. “I saw how Annabel and Leo vibed that night, so it’s going to be fine. We’ll celebrate at girls’ night all together?”

  “Yes, of course,” my friend says ruefully

  Liz laughs. “Just be careful, Summer, because this could backfire.”

  But I don’t think it will. I’m pretty sure Annabel and Leo could really hit it off, given the googly eyes from last time. I’m just trying to give them the opportunity to hit it off once again.

  Ridge returns to the living room looking triumphant. “He bought the celebration thing. I guess you’ve won him over.”

  It makes sense. Leo and I have spent a lot of time together over the last few months. He and Ridge are close, so I wanted to get to know him better, especially since Ridge does the same with my friends, though all of us haven’t had a chance to hang together since that first time. I’m hoping if Leo and Annabel start dating, there will be even more incentive for a group thing.

  We have an hour before we need to be at the restaurant, so Ridge and I put it to good use in the bedroom, and then again in the shower. As always, his huge cock makes me tingle in the best of ways, and soon, I’ve got his cum dripping from all my holes.

  “Mmm,” I murmur. He tweaks my nipple playfully.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” he chuckles. “It’s time to go. We can’t keep doing this forever because our friends are waiting.” With another chuckle, he tosses me a towel, and soon we head to the restaurant.

  Annabel is waiting by the door when we get there. She rushes over to me and pulls me in for a hug. “Summer! I’m still so happy for you. Oh my god, walking again! That’s huge. I’ve been smiling all day.”

  I smile in return.

  “I’m glad I could make you happy.”

  She squeezes me and giggles as Leo walks up.

  “Congrats, Summer,” he says, taking Annabel’s place and giving me a hug. “Ridge told me you’re a professional at relearning how to walk. I see my patients struggle with that a lot, so you’re obviously doing really well. I’m happy for you.”

  I thank him, and then he notices Annabel beside me.

  “Oh. Hey.”

  She blushes. “Hey, Leo. How are you?”

  “I’m good. You?”


  Luckily, we don’t have to put up with that fascina
ting conversation, because our name is called and the hostess leads us to a table. Annabel walks beside me a few paces behind the boys.

  “Summer, this is a setup,” she hisses so that only I can hear. I pretend not to understand.

  “What? We’re just here celebrating my recovery!”

  She rolls her eyes. “I should’ve known. Liz and Dee weren’t even busy, were they?”

  I’m still pulling the innocent act.

  “They might be, I don’t know. We’re still going out for girls’ night next week as far as I know.”

  Annabel laughs. “You’re devious.”

  She looks ahead, taking in Leo’s black slacks and button up shirt from behind. Vesuvio’s is on the fancier side of dining, so we’re all a little dressed up, and Annabel seems to like what she sees. Plus, I couldn’t help but notice his light green tie matches the dress she’s wearing perfectly.

  “But I’m not mad at you about it,” she concedes.

  “Oh good,” I say with a devilish smile. “I knew you wouldn’t be.”

  “Well, let’s see if I change my mind by the end of the night.”

  Fortunately, Annabel doesn’t change her mind. The dinner is a blast, with the two of them flirting like mad. By the end of the night, she and Leo share a kiss in the parking lot, much to my delight.

  “Thanks for coming out to celebrate with me,” I tell them after their epic lip lock. “It meant a lot.”

  Annabel smiles and Leo nods. “Any time,” he says. “Keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see you walking around.”

  We bid farewell, and Ridge and I head for his car while Annabel and Leo make plans to see each other again. Excellent.

  “I have to say,” Ridge says ruefully. “You did a good thing tonight. Leo seems really happy when he’s around Annabel.”

  “I’m just glad it worked and they both don’t hate me.”

  He laughs. “Well, hopefully they stay together so they don’t hate you in the future.”

  “I think they’ll last a long time,” I say, glancing back. Annabel and Leo are hugging now, lingering just a bit longer than is necessary in the embrace. “Honestly, they remind me of us.”


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