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by Diarmaid MacCulloch

  Newington, 341

  Nicholson, James, 363, 416, 461

  Nicholson, John: see Lambert

  Nicodemism and Nicodemites, 72, 542–3

  Nix, Richard, Bishop of Norwich, 75, 82–3, 90, 161, 239, 264, 293–4, 355–6

  non-residence, clerical: see pluralism; Winter

  Nonsuch Palace, 520, 696

  Norfolk, 294, 356–9, 497, 550

  Duchesses of: see Stafford; Tilney

  Dukes of, 180; see also Howard

  Earls of, 180

  Norris, Henry, 337–9, 348

  Northampton, 69, 194

  Northamptonshire, 187, 540

  Northaw, 549

  northern England, 195, 209, 296–7, 309, Chs. 16–17; see also Cumberland; Durham; Lancashire; Pilgrimage of Grace; Yorkshire

  Northumberland, Duke of: see Dudley; Earl of: see Percy

  Norwich, 104, 161

  Bishops of, 355; see also Nix; Parkhurst; Repps

  Cathedral, 433, 481, 490

  diocese, 82

  Nostell Priory, 490

  Nottingham, 394

  Nottinghamshire, 17

  nuncios, papal, 217, 233–4

  nuns and nunneries, 81, 307, 319, 454, 463, 491; see also individual houses

  Nuremberg, 206, 262, 263, 291

  Oakham, 484, 538

  oaths, 247, 252–3, 264–7, 280–81, 295, 299, 379–80, 382, 388–9, 391, 409, 546: see also Succession; Supremacy

  Observant Franciscans, 164, 167, 197, 208, 229–30, 233–4, 247, 249–50, 253, 265, 268, 283, 453, 459, 461

  Ockham, William of, 138

  Oecolampadius, Johannes (Johann Hussgen), 71

  Old Testament, 141, 266, 297; see also Bible

  Oliver, John, 151–3, 197

  ordination, 413

  Orford, 91, 102

  organs, 364

  Ormond, Earl of: see Butler

  Orthodox (Eastern) Churches, 414, 451

  Osiander, Andreas, 206; see also Cranmer

  Ossory, Earl of: see Butler

  Otford Palace, 225, 234, 361

  Ottoman Empire, 24

  Oxford, 275, 462

  Blackfriars, 462

  St Frideswide’s Priory, 62, 197, 488

  Countess of: see Howard

  Oxford University, 54, 63, 113, 160, 200, 256, 275–6, 295–6, 306–7, 367–9, 375, 382, 432, 463, 488–90, 544

  Brasenose College, 489n

  Canterbury College, 375, 489n

  Cardinal College (Christ Church; King’s Henry’s College), Ch. 3, 76, 82, 88, 110–11, 122, 125, 128, 131, 139, 142, 151–3, 156, 202–3, 223, 275, 368, 394, 473, 488, 489n, 617: see also Higden; Oliver

  Durham (Trinity) College, 489n

  Gloucester (Worcester) College, 489n

  Jesus College, 56, 544

  Magdalen College, 14, 299, 367, 369

  Merton College, 298, 367, 369

  New College, 81, 275, 295, 417

  St Bernard’s (St John’s) College 489n

  St Mary’s College, 489n

  Oxfordshire, 317, 356, 437, 506

  oyer and terminer commissions, 335, 339

  Packington, John, 424

  Packington, Robert, 395, 424

  Padua University, 82, 307

  Page, Richard, 93, 176, 338, 609

  Page, Roger, 147–8

  Paget, William, 1st Lord Paget, 178, 147, 261

  Painswick, 484

  palaces, royal, 141, 193, 354; see also Canterbury: St Augustine’s Abbey; Grafton; Greenwich; Hampton Court; Nonsuch; Richmond; Westminster: The Neat, St James’s, Whitehall

  pallium, 331

  Palmer, Thomas, 248, 408, 436, 450

  Palmer, William, 524

  Palsgrave, John, 70, 191

  Papacy, 11, 24, 26, 31–3, 106, 108–9, 117, 134, 138, 146, 161, 180, 207, 217, 226, 247, 252, 270, 295. 307, 331, 333, 359–61, 455–6, 505, 527–8, 545; see also annates; anti-papalism; Antichrist; Clement VII; dispensations; Gregory I; indulgences; Innocent III; legates; Leo X; nuncios; papacy; papalism; pallium; Pius II; Paul III; Rome; Supremacy, Royal; Vatican; Western Church

  papalism, 256–7, 260, 460–61, 465, 480, 521, 523, 526, 532–3

  Paris, 87, 209, 290, 314–15, 492

  University, 81–2, 100, 492, 508

  Parker, George, 383–4

  Parker, Henry, Lord Morley, 28, 347, 436

  Parker (Boleyn), Jane, Lady Rochford, 304, 347

  Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, 332, 489–90

  Parkhurst, John, Bishop of Norwich, 367–9

  Parliament, English, 13, 52–3, 149, 215–16, 395, 411, 424, 518, 547–8; (1523), 49–53, 93, 105, 159, 168, 518, 550; (1529), 60, 86–102, 162, 182, 190, 486; (1531), 127, 131–5, 144–50, 165, 182, 188–9; (1532), 149, 156–68, 189–90, 354, 486; (1533), 209, 214–19, 246; (1534), 185, 239–48, 265–71, 274; (1536), 187, 309–10, 312, 318–28, 336, 346, 348–50, 352–7, 361, 381, 486; (1539), 433, 491–3, 495–504; (1540), 325, 517–19, 522–3, 525, 528–30, 534; (1543), 328, 540; (1547), 540

  divisions, 159, 349

  parliamentary privilege, 166–7

  see also Commons, House of; Lords, House of

  Parr, Katherine: see Katherine Parr

  Parr, William, 436, 540

  Parsons, Robert, 288

  Partridge, Nicholas, 366–9

  Paston, Erasmus, 91

  Paston, William, 91

  Pate, Richard, 526

  Paul III, Pope, 254, 278

  Paulet, George, 16–17, 405–7, 445, 497

  Paulet, John, 2nd Marquess of Winchester, 543

  Paulet (Cromwell), Mary, 550

  Paulet, William, Baron St John, 1st Marquess of Winchester, 41, 91–2, 229, 306, 392, 397, 405–7, 474, 497–8, 537–8, 543, 625, 636

  Paynell, Thomas, 494–5

  Peak District, 17

  Pembroke, Marquess of: see Anne Boleyn

  penance, 390, 460, 482–3; see also confession

  Penizon, William, 238, 467, 687

  Pennine region, 372, 378–80, 388–9

  Pennington, William 179, 317

  Pentney Priory, 415

  Pepys, Samuel, 506

  Percy, Henry, 6th Earl of Northumberland, 60, 77–8, 334, 340–41, 351, 381, 390

  Perreau, Louis de, Sieur de Castillon, 443–6, 449, 464, 475, 491–2

  Perrenot, Nicolas, Sieur de Granvelle, 126, 334, 336

  persecution, religious, 160–62, 287–9, 457–61, 475–7, 532; see also heresy

  Pershore Abbey, 62–3

  Peterborough Abbey (Cathedral), 118–19, 310–11, 511

  Peterson, Robert, Prior of Lewes, 368, 431, 433–4

  Peterson, William, 366–8, 433

  Peto, William, 167, 230

  Petre, William, 361, 421

  Petworth, 462

  Phelips, Henry, 285, 408, 477

  Phelips, Richard, 285

  Phelips, Thomas, 285, 640

  Philipp, Duke of Bavaria, 513

  Philipp, Landgraf of Hessen, 136, 446, 475, 495

  Philippe IV, King of France, 138

  Philips, Thomas I, of Wales, 172

  Philips, Thomas II, of London, 242–5, 649

  Pilgrimage of Grace, 14, 29, 84, 116, 133, 180, 203, 215, 297, 325, 331, 360, Chs. 16–17, 423, 434, 445, 488, 516, 526–7, 546–7; see also Lincolnshire Rising

  pilgrimages, 346, 362, 414, 452

  Pius II, Pope, 227

  Placet (Placidus): see Horwood

  plague, 66, 410, 426, 435, 500; see also sweating sickness

  Plantagenet dynasty, 11–12

  Plantagenet, Arthur, 6th Viscount Lisle, 186, 24
8, 283, 320, 425, 440, 445, 453, 465, 473–4, 507, 509

  and Cromwell, 226, 303–5, 335, 449–51, 484

  arrest, 2–3, 521–2, 526

  see also Grenville

  Plantagenet (Pole), Margaret, Countess of Salisbury, Plate 40; 199, 207, 436, 471–5, 478, 640

  plays: see drama

  pluralism, clerical, 94–6, 389, 420–21, 432–3

  Poland, 261

  Pole, Geoffrey, 336, 436, 471–2, 474–5, 478

  Pole, Henry, Viscount Montague, 336, 401, 436, 471–3, 475, 478

  Pole, Cardinal Reginald, Archbishop of Canterbury, 5, 31, 72–3, 82, 86–7, 97, 137, 436, 459, 471, 485, 522

  and annulment of Aragon marriage, 108, 115, 360

  in exile, 48, 157, 280–81, 407, 473–5, 477–8

  papal legate 408–9, 411, 480

  writings, 108–10, 360–61

  Pollard, Richard, 403, 608

  Polstead, Henry, 20, 325, 357, 368–9, 439–40, 484–5, 534, 646, 682

  Polstead, Thomas, 325, 368–9, 534

  Ponet, John, Bishop of Winchester, 676

  Pontefract, 373–5, 387–90, 402, 404

  poor relief, 322–3, 326, 467, 487, 495, 500

  Pope, Thomas, 321

  Popes: see Papacy

  Popley, William, 43, 320–21, 509

  Portinari, Giovanni, 111, 440

  Poughley Priory, 66–8, 70, 89, 203

  Poynings’ Law, 329

  Poyntz, Nicholas, 300

  Poyntz, Thomas, 285

  praemunire, 84, 86–7, 95, 101, 144–6, 149, 163, 239, 264, 267, 449

  Pratt, James, 376–7, 379

  Prayer Book: see Book of Common Prayer

  prayer for the dead, 447, 488; see also chantries

  preaching, 73, 195, 240, 282, 295, 297–9, 319, 323, 331–2, 346, 362, 375–6, 394–5, 416, 448, 454–5, 460–61, 490; see also London: Paul’s Cross

  Precedence, Act of, 502–3, 519

  Premonstratensian Order, 196, 295; see also individual houses

  primer seisin: see uses

  primers, 89, 121

  printers and printing, 188–92, 234, 237, 246, 362–3, 366, 416, 461, 492, 547

  abroad, 139, 285, 363, 366, 416, 492–3

  see also Berthelet; censorship; Gough; Grafton; Marler; Marshall; Nicholson; Rastell; Regnault; Whitchurch; Wolfe; de Worde

  Prior, Mercy, 35–7

  Privy Chamber, 348, 382, 391, 478, 507, 537

  Privy Coffers, 113, 170, 210, 465

  Privy Council, 398–9, 445, 451–2, 493, 500–501, 507–8, 519–20, 525–7, 531, 533–4, 537–8, 548–9; see also Council, Royal

  proclamations, royal, 215–16, 323, 326, 392–3, 476, 495–6

  Proclamations, Statute of, 548

  progresses, royal, 208–9, 235, Ch. 13, 326, 336, 340, 375, 419, 426, 429, 449–52, 462, 464–5, 473, 506–7

  prophecies, 406; see also Barton, Elizabeth

  Protestantism, 18, 477, 531

  see also evangelicalism; ‘New Learning’; Reformation; Reformed Protestantism

  public opinion, 264, 456, 458, 460, 464, 468, 518

  Purgatory, 346, 417, 454, 459

  Puritanism, 467

  Pursglove, Robert, Bishop of Hull, 388, 400

  Putney, Plate 1; 7, 9–20, 37, 191, 354, 520, 551

  Pynson, Richard, 33–4

  Radcliffe, Henry, 3rd Earl of Sussex, 387, 460

  radical religion, 72–3, 532; see also Anabaptists; unitarianism

  Rastell, John, 267, 282–3

  Rastell, William, 244–5

  Ratisbon: see Regensburg

  Rayne, John, 384

  Reading Abbey, 509

  rebellion and rebellions, 548–50; see also Ireland; Pilgrimage of Grace

  recusancy, Catholic, 103, 373n

  Redinge, Thomas, 299

  Redlynch, 302

  Redman, Richard, 355

  Reformation, 116, 414–15, 454–5, 466–7, 532; see also Lutheranism; Reformed Protestantism

  in mainland Europe, 188, 227, 442, 542; see also Germany; Italy; Switzerland

  in Tudor realms, 35, 116, 241, 416, 428, 458–9, 473, 481–2, 501, 504–6, 532, 540–43, 551; see also evangelicalism

  ‘Reformation Parliament’, 90; see also Parliaments, 1529–36

  Reformed Protestantism, 142, 363–71, 414, 421, 532, 542–3

  Regensburg, 180

  registers, parish, 287–8, 465

  Regnault, François, 492

  regular clergy: see friars, monks

  Reigate, 434

  relics, 298, 415, 435, 442, 452–3, 477

  Repps alias Rugge, William, Bishop of Norwich, 355–6, 412

  Requests, Court of, 215

  Restraint of Appeals, Act in (1533), 143–4, 214, 216–19, 237, 307, 545

  Revesby Abbey, 434

  Reynolds, Richard, 280–81

  Rich, Richard, 1st Baron Rich, 202, 279, 310, 320, 321–2, 353, 384, 391, 467

  Richard II, King of England, 528

  Richard III, King of England, 12, 44, 374

  Richmond (Yorks.), 389

  Countess of: see Beaufort

  Duke of: see Fitzroy

  Richmond Palace, 9, 37, 117, 234, 394, 498, 520

  Rievaulx Abbey, 196

  Ringley, Edward, 208

  rings as tokens, 91, 174, 210, 528

  Robinson, John, 34–5

  Rochester, 261, 335, 514

  Bishops of: see Fisher; Heath; Hilsey

  diocese, 264

  Rochester, John, 409

  Rochford, Lord: see Boleyn

  Roehampton, 10

  Rogers, John, 416; see also Bible

  Rokeby, Christopher, Abbot of Coverham, 380, 630

  Rokeby, James, 373–6, 380–81, 389–90

  Rokeby, John, 374, 388

  Rokeby, William, 374

  Rome, 28–9, 32–3, 36, 42, 48, 83, 135, 143–5, 164, 359–61, 408, 465, 477–8, 526, 550

  Bishops of (Popes): see Papacy

  Romney (Rhymney), 39, 46, 171–2, 356, 538, 607

  Roods, 415, 453, 460, 464

  Roper, William, 249

  Rovezzano, Benedetto, 56–8, 101–2, 111

  Royal Supremacy: see Supremacy, Royal

  Rugge alias Repps, William: see Repps

  Rullo, Donato, 31, 72–3

  Rush, Thomas, 60–61, 80, 88, 91–3, 101–2, 112, 203, 355

  Russell, John, 3rd Earl of Bedford, 93, 106–8, 127–8, 132, 345, 386, 478, 527, 535–6

  Rutland, 541, 550

  Earls of: see Manners

  Rycote House, Plate 22; 317

  Ryedale, 401

  Ryther, John, 534

  ‘sacramentaries’: see eucharist

  sacraments, 412–13, 531; see also baptism; confirmation; eucharist; marriage; ordination; penance; unction

  Sadler, Henry, 49

  Sadler, Nicholas, 71, 126, 204

  Sadler, Ralph, Plate 34; 49, 90–92, 96, 100, 174, 177–8, 193, 252, 309, 503

  royal service, 284, 310–11, 340, 346, 348, 352, 392–3, 407, 435, 465, 478, 491, 523, 534, 538, 551

  Principal Secretary, 519, 526

  Sagar alias Whalley, Stephen, Abbot of Hailes, 298–9, 489–90, 511

  St Albans Abbey, 100, 117, 691; see also Wolsey

  St Asaph, diocese, 459

  St Bees Priory, 388

  St Bene’t’s Hulme Abbey, 355

  St David’s, Bishops of: see Barlow, William; Ferrar, Robert

  St Gallen, 366–7

  St Osyth’s Abbey, 490

  St Radegund’s Abbey, Bradsole, 354–6

  St Clar
e Byrne, Muriel, 2

  St George, Richard, 210–11

  St German, Christopher, 162

  St Leger, Anthony, 16, 61, 309, 405–6, 481, 534, 545–6

  St Leger, Arthur, Prior of Bilsington, Leeds, 61

  saints and their festivals, 361, 375, 378, 459, 476, 487

  Salcott alias Capon, John, Bishop of Bangor then Salisbury, 112, 236, 252, 262

  Salinas, de (Willoughby), María, 91, 384–5

  Salisbury, 57–8, 79, 93

  Bishops of: see Audley; Campeggio; Salcot; Shaxton

  Cathedral, 43, 82, 500, 696

  Countess of: see Plantagenet

  diocese, 134, 305, 359

  Salisbury alias Simpson, John, Bishop of Sodor and Man, 432–3

  Salter, Thomas, 250, 281

  Salvago, Arrigo, 210

  salvation: see justification; Purgatory

  Sampson, Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 340, 347–50, 385, 412, 441, 449, 451, 482–4, 507, 522–3, 525, 645

  sanctuary, 131, 187, 241

  Sander(s), Nicholas, 103

  Sandys, William, Baron Sandys, 107, 138, 473, 498, 500

  satires, 34, 157, 464

  Saunders, Anthony, 298–9

  Savage (Berkeley), Anne, Lady Berkeley, 47

  Savage, Thomas, Archbishop of York, 374–5

  Savonarola, Girolamo, 72, 141

  Sawley Abbey

  Saxony, 365

  Dukes and Electors of: see Johann Friedrich

  Scarborough, 392

  Scarisbrick, J. J., 96

  Schmalkalden, League of, 135–6, 261–3, 487, 526, 542

  embassies to and from, 142–3, 277, 289–91, 364–5, 446–52, 464, 494–5, 498–9, 508, 515–17

  Scotland, 10–11, 158, 171, 402

  Kings: see James V; James VI

  Scripture: see Bible

  Scroby, 121

  Scudamore, John, 322, 350, 353

  seals: see Signet

  Sedbergh, 378–80

  Sempringham Priory, 463

  sermons: see preaching

  Servetus, Miguel, 288

  sewers, commissions of, 157, 183–7, 274, 433

  Seymour, Edward, 8th Darl of Hertford, 5th duke of Somerset, Plate 9; 226, 268, 303, 316, 333, 351, 370, 424–5, 427–8, 436, 460, 541, 551

  Viscount Beauchamp, 347, 349, 353, 428

  Earl of Hertford, 437, 439, 484, 540

  Duke of Somerset, 542, 549, 677

  see also Stanhope

  Seymour (Cromwell, Paulet, Ughtred), Elizabeth, Plate 27; 102, 422–8, 438–41, 480, 483–4, 491, 529, 534, 538–41, 543, 550

  Seymour, Jane: see Jane Seymour

  Seymour, John, 303

  Seymour, Lord Thomas, 521, 547

  Shaftesbury Abbey, 81–2, 307

  Shaxton, Nicholas, Bishop of Salisbury, 116, 276, 411, 475, 500–501, 506–7, 517, 696


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