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Over Ruled: On the Wild Side Series

Page 4

by Lizabeth Scott

  She stowed the groceries on the front counter and when she got a glimpse of Jennipher, her eyes grew large and she shot him a questioning glance.

  Nate bit his lip to keep from laughing because he could just imagine what Rylee was thinking. “Rylee, this is Jennipher…”

  “With a ph. Not an f,” Jennipher quickly added.

  The look on Rylee’s face was priceless. “Right. Jennipher, this is Rylee, and she’ll be able to help you with your little…problem”

  Rylee turned around and gave him a WTF look before following her client into her office.

  Nate chuckled and got back to work. He knew he had about an hour to work on Joe before Jennipher, with a ph, not an f, was ready for ink.

  Chapter 6


  * * *

  Rylee took a seat behind her desk. She waited for the unhappy bride to sit down before she asked, “So, Jennipher, tell me what I can do for you today.”

  “You can call me Jen,” she said, turning in her seat. “I need you to design something that will make this disappear.”

  The double wedding ring design was small, thankfully. “Well, that shouldn’t be a problem. What do you have in mind?”

  Jennipher’s shoulders drooped. “I don’t care. A black box would be fine with me.”

  Rylee hurt for Jen. She’d obviously been wounded, and badly. “I don’t mean to intrude, but do you want to talk about what happened?”

  “No.” She sniffled, tears filling her eyes. “Not really.”

  Grabbing a tissue from the box she kept in her bottom drawer, she handed it over. “Oh, okay. Well, just let me get…”

  “He was screwing my cousin ten minutes before our wedding. I walked in on them in the vestibule,” Jen wailed, then began sobbing.

  Rylee had no idea how to handle a distraught bride. She just remembered when her sister showed up on her doorstep. All she’d really needed was someone to listen. She pulled a few more tissues and gave them to Jen. “Oh, my. That’s awful. But isn’t it better you found out before and not after?”

  Blowing her nose, Jen nodded. “Well, there is that. Everybody tried to tell me not to marry him, but…but… I thought we were so in love that I didn’t listen.” A new flood of tears cascaded down her cheeks.

  This time, Rylee handed Jen the box of tissues. “Sometimes our emotions keep us from seeing things that are right in front of us. How long had you been together?”

  Pulling a handful of tissues out, she sniffed. “Almost two years.” Jen looked up at Rylee with her swollen, red-rimmed eyes and asked, “Do you think he’s been unfaithful before now?”

  Rylee wanted to say no; she could see the hope in Jen’s bloodshot eyes, but Rylee couldn’t lie. There was a high probability that the scumbag had. Probably often. But she wasn’t going to say that. “I don’t know, sweetie. You’d have to ask him.”

  Those weepy eyes narrowed as Jen’s lips tightened. “I don’t ever want to see him again. That’s why I want this tattoo gone. The matching tattoos were his idea and I just went along with it. I don’t want any reminders of the rat bastard.”

  Rylee bit her lip to keep from laughing and pulled out a fresh sheet of tracing paper. “Then that’s what we’ll do. Tell me a little about yourself, and let’s come up with something that will inspire you and you’ll enjoy looking at.”

  Jen gave her a weak smile. “Thank you, Rylee. You’ve been very nice.”

  Helping people like Jen was why Rylee loved her job. It amazed her that she could take a childhood talent and find a job that not only paid her to draw, but that also rewarded her heart by helping people feel better about themselves. It wasn’t only bad tattoos she helped to cover. Her friends Abe and Roxy worked at the hospital and referred patients to her for corrective tattoos as well. “No problem. Now, tell me about some of your favorite things…”

  An hour later, Jen had a very cute fairy design, which she loved. She was in her community theatre group and her favorite role had been Tinkerbell. Rylee had sketched a very artistic fairy, with pixy eyes and fluttering wings. Nate would do an incredible job, and Jen would love it.

  “Would you hold my hand while he’s doing it?” Jen asked, chin quivering. “This one really hurt, and well, I’m a big baby when it comes to needles.”

  Rylee looked to Nate, who nodded. “I’ll be happy to.” The whole time Nate worked, she kept Jen talking to distract her. While they talked, she was able to sneak glimpses of Nate, with the same jittery feeling each time. He really was incredibly handsome. His dark hair and light olive skin gave him an exotic look, but he had the bluest eyes she’d ever seen.

  As she watched the design come to life under Nate’s graceful hand, she marveled at how good he was. And she tried to ignore how much that turned her on.

  By the time Jen left three hours later, she was in a much better frame of mind. Rylee knew Jen would recover from her ordeal, but it would be a long time before she trusted someone again. She moved back to the counter to gather her things.

  “Thanks for coming in, and for staying with her.”

  Rylee looked up and noticed Nate had cleaned up his station and was getting ready to leave. “She’d been through a lot. I was glad I could help.” Rylee’s phone vibrated in her pocket. Again. She’d already ignored the last six messages. She knew who they were from. As soon as Nate had called, she’d texted Grace to let her know she’d be late. She pulled her phone out and frowned at the same message multiple times, all of them wanting her to know there was nothing to eat in the house because Rylee hadn’t brought the groceries like she’d promised.

  “Did you stand a boyfriend up tonight?” Nate said, and nodded at her phone.

  He was much too close for her to think in complete sentences. “What? No. No boyfriend. But I do have a very needy sister at the moment.”

  Nate chuckled and leaned against the counter which put him only a few inches from her. “Oh, I know all about needy family. I hope there’s nothing wrong—I heard your phone going off while I was inking Jen.”

  Nervous, she played with her hair like a teenager, then dropped her hands when she realized what she was doing. “I’m sorry. I hope that wasn’t distracting. It’s just that Grace is going through a tough time right now. And I’m trying my best to be a supportive sister.”

  He crossed his arms and the fabric of his shirt tightened across his chest. “No, it wasn’t distracting at all. Is there anything I can do?”

  Rylee tried to move out of his immediate space because whatever cologne Nate wore was doing funny things to her. Like making her want to do very naughty things to him. “No. I’m afraid she’s had some bad circumstances lately.” She didn’t want to tell Nate about Neil, but it would be in the news soon when he went to trial. “Her husband is in prison for possession and she’s filed for divorce. Cora thinks I’m enabling her by letting her move in with me.”

  Nate’s eyes widened, and to Rylee, the space between them widened. “Wow. I’m sorry about that. How long has she been there?” he asked.

  “Almost three months,” she told him with a sigh.

  Nate whistled through his teeth. “Wow. That’s a long time.”

  Rylee chuckled ruefully. “Tell me about it. I love my sister, but she’s not even trying. She can only see the negative instead of seeing her three beautiful daughters who need her.”

  “Couldn’t she move in with your parents?” Nate asked.

  Rylee glanced down at her clasped hands. There was no way she was telling Nate about her mother. “No. That’s another reason why I feel responsible for her. But I can’t get her to look for a job, or take the girls to the park, or some days even to change out of her pajamas. And that’s just not like Grace. She’s always been so full of life, and the girls don’t understand why their mom is different now.”

  Nate rubbed his jaw, debating his next words. “Has she seen a doctor lately?”

  She glanced up, surprised at his question. “No, I don’t think so. Do you think there
might be something wrong?”

  Nate shrugged, “I’m no doctor, but she just went through something very emotional. Maybe it goes deeper, and she needs professional help.”

  Rylee hadn’t thought of that. She’d call Roxy and ask her to recommend a doctor. She glanced up; Nate was making a good point. “Thanks, Nate.”

  He gave her one of those smiles and asked, “For what?”

  “For giving me a different perspective. I’m not going to lie; it’s been really hard living in a two-bedroom apartment with four extra bodies and all their stuff. Oh, and their dog. Maybe I was too close to the situation to see what was right in front of me.”

  Their eyes met and held. For a few moments, neither one moved. She’d never noticed that the rims of his irises were a blue so dark they appeared black. Nate was the first to look away. “Well, if it ever gets to be too much for you, I have a spare bedroom.”

  Just the thought of staying in Nate’s house caused her face to flush. Her eyes darted nervously back to his. She lost her breath when she found Nate’s burning gaze fixed on her. And then he caused her heart to stop when he said, “What you said earlier today. Did you mean it?” he asked, his voice low and husky, and Rylee swayed toward him.

  “I need…” Rylee had to stop and take a much-needed breath. “I need to apologize.”

  “Was it true?” Nate interrupted. “Do you dream about me, Rylee? Do I make you wet?” he traced a finger softly down her cheek and ended with his burning eyes on her lips.

  All she could do was nod. “Ummm hmmm.”

  His hand moved gently up her arms, not quite touching her, but enough to make her shudder. “I think about you too, sweetheart. So. Damn. Much.”

  Suddenly weak-kneed, Rylee grasped the counter. “You do?” she nearly squeaked.

  He picked up a lock of her brown hair and rubbed it between his fingers before bringing it to his nose and drawing a breath of coconut and vanilla. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you bent over a desk working on a design with this gorgeous hair falling down around your shoulders. You had on a pretty pink top with short, fluttery sleeves that rippled when you moved. I wanted you then. And I want you now.”

  Rylee’s brows pulled together. She didn’t understand—he’d never shown any interest in her until now. “Then why…”

  He let her hair drop, sighing heavily. “Because, Rylee, you are a forever girl and I don’t have that to offer.”

  She didn’t like what his reason implied. Surely, he wasn’t that egotistical. “Do you mean you think I can’t control myself around you?”

  With a cocky grin, Nate asked, “Are you saying you could? Because honey, we both know what you said earlier.”

  She crossed her arms and studied him closely through narrowed eyes. “I’m saying that’s a very opinionated thing to say. Not all women think sex leads to marriage. Women are capable of having casual affairs. Welcome to the twenty-first century, Nate.”

  Nate angered her more when he threw his head back and laughed. “Are you saying you’re okay with hooking up? Because Rylee, I find that hard to believe. You’re too sweet, and your heart couldn’t help becoming involved. You wouldn’t be able to help yourself; you’d want more. It’s just your nature.” He let his lips quirk into a snide, self-assured grin.

  “Oh, my gosh!” Rylee exclaimed. Her eyes filled with ire. “I never realized how infuriating you can be. Or how highly you think of yourself and your skills in the bedroom. I’ll have you know that I am perfectly capable of having a casual affair without seeing wedding bells.”

  Nate’s chuckle only increased her frustration. “Rylee, what are you saying? You just want to fuck?” he asked, a teasing light glowing in his eyes when she cringed at his frank wording.

  She glared directly at him. “I’m saying that sex with you wouldn’t turn into a walk down the aisle. I can control myself. And in all transparency, I spend way too much time thinking about you and I need it to stop. So an affair sounds perfect. A short affair. Just long enough to get you out of my head. A fling.” Rylee had no idea who had taken over her mouth.

  Nate crossed his arms and twisted his mouth up. “And you think if we sleep together, we’d get it out of our systems? But what about after? I don’t want to lose you. You’re a big reason this shop is doing so well.”

  With a nod, Rylee agreed. “I think we’re mature enough to keep it professional. There’s not going to be a bad breakup because we aren’t emotionally involved. We are mutually deciding to…have an affair. And we’ll end it like adults.”

  His eyes narrowed and his face turned doubtful. “I don’t know, Rylee. I don’t know if what you’re describing is possible.”

  Rylee held out her hand. “Then we’ll shake on it,” she dared.

  Nate stared into her eyes, before looking down at her offered hand and shrugging. After they shook, she added, “But nobody can know about it.”

  Nate grabbed her hand and headed for his office. “That’s fine,” he said as he shut and locked his door, leaning back against it. Her mind went completely blank when his eyes stared at her lips. “Are you sure about this, Rylee?”

  Her lips parted to answer, but she only managed a very frustrated, “Yes.” The air in the room was suddenly charged, vibrating around them. She pounced, knocking his back against the wooden door. He flipped their position so she was pressed between the door and a very hard body, then his mouth was on hers. All she could focus on was kissing him back. The feel of his lips on hers: divine. His taste: tart and delicious. His hands tangled in her hair, holding her at the perfect angle to coax her lips to open for him. His tongue swept inside and began a caressing dance. She’d never known how lethal a kiss could be, and Nate was an outstanding kisser.

  From chest to thighs, his body pressed against hers. They fit together perfectly and his desire for her was a hard-throbbing need against her stomach. His hands skimmed down her sides, and never in her life had she been so happy she’d worn a skirt to work. When he reached the hem, his fingers slid beneath and started their journey upward, bunching her skirt around her waist in their progress.

  “These skirts drive me crazy,” he said against her lips.

  Note to self, buy more. Rylee grabbed his shoulders and, with his helping hands on her ass, she jumped, wrapping her legs around him. Tilting her hips nestled his rigid cock between her lower lips. Her hips begin to buck rhythmically, rubbing to create a perfect friction that hit her clit with each thrust.

  But even as close as they were, it was still not enough. She clawed his shirt over his shoulders and then let her hands slide over the abs she’d been lusting over for months. He yanked her blouse apart, sending buttons pinging against the wood floor. And she couldn’t have cared less that it was—had been—her favorite. She cried out when he jerked her bra down to cup her breast. She began to tremble, sounds she’d never heard before coming from deep in her throat.

  Her nipples, tight and peaked, were easy for his hands to find and tease until she screamed his name.

  “Fuck, Rylee. This isn’t enough. You deserve so much more than my office. Next time, I promise, but I’ve got to have you. Now. Shit,” Nate exclaimed and rested his head on Rylee’s. “I don’t have any condoms.”

  His lips found the side of her neck and she shivered. There was no way she wanted him to stop. “I’m on birth control.”

  Nate raised his head and their gazes met. “I’m clean, and I can show you the papers, but I’ve also never gone bare,” he said, taking her nipple in his mouth and sucking.

  She moaned, desperate to have him inside her. “I’m clean, too. Just fuck me, Nate.”

  She didn’t question how he transported them to the couch or how their clothes ended up in a heap on the floor. All she was interested in was his lips devouring her, while he pressed inside her one slow inch at a time. “More. Please, more,” she begged, craving the sublime torture of his touch. She didn’t want slow; she wanted fast and hard.

  His mouth left hers
just long enough to murmur, “Rylee.” Then his lips trailed down her neck. Shifting, he held himself above her and gazed into her eyes as he pushed the last few inches inside. Staring up at him, feeling him fill her, was altogether a powerful combination. She caught her breath from the look in his eyes. Tender, sweet, almost as if what they were doing meant something more. Then he began to move, thrusting, touching, making her wetter than she’d ever been.

  She was so close, her skin felt on fire. She’d never before had an orgasm from intercourse. Ever. Her inner muscles tremored, preparing to explode. The intensity she felt building inside was almost scary.

  “That’s it, baby. Let me have it. All of it. I want to feel that pussy grip my cock.”

  No one had ever talked dirty to her. Especially in that dreamy accent, and she found she loved every wicked word. She liked it so much she crested the top and came in the most powerful orgasm she’d ever had. She felt each wracking spasm as she gripped him tight and then felt the warmth of his release inside her. When the shudders turned to ripples and then calmed, she opened her eyes to find him watching her.

  “That was…” he started to say and stopped, unable to articulate what had happened between them. Instead, he grinned.

  “Yeah, I know.” She smiled up at him.

  The dim light in the room played off his gorgeous features, making her heart flutter for reasons she wanted nothing to do with. She’d told him she could do casual. That being with him wouldn’t mean anything. So, whatever was making her happy needed to stop.

  “Come home with me, Ry?” he asked, searching her eyes for the answer he wanted.

  ‘Yes’ was on the tip of her tongue, until she thought of Grace waiting on her. Rylee didn’t know if she was glad or sad that she had a valid reason for not giving in. “The groceries…”


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