Dragon Emperor 10: From Human to Dragon to God
Page 24
“Lord Evan!” the lizard guard named Maze shouted from further down the road, and I squinted to see him through the smoke that filled the streets. “There are more of the thieves running toward the market and the fields!”
“I’ll end all of them,” I snarled.
Then I took off at a sprint in the direction Maze had pointed and shifted while I ran. My dragon form took up nearly the entire width of the road, and I flapped my wings and lifted my heavy body into the sky. Then I soared over the market, and I could see two more bandits try to kick in the door to one of the stores.
While I wanted to shower the entire area with flames, I had to be more precise.
So, I roared and drew their attention, and as the bandits stepped away from the door to get a better look at me, I opened my maw and dispatched a narrow column of flames directly onto them.
The thieves yelled in surprise and then in pain as the flames overtook them before they fell to the ground.
I didn’t care about catching anyone to interrogate right now. These bastards would pay for attacking the city.
And I had no mercy for thieves.
Then I flew further from the market to the fields, and another pair of bandits had grabbed Jasper as he tried to get into the toolshed. One of them held the lizard Demi-Human’s arms, while the other had already kicked the door down.
“Please! Don’t destroy my tools!” Jasper pleaded as he struggled against his captor. “We need those!”
“You need to tell us where your leader has hidden the artifacts!” the bandit who held him bellowed as his partner exited the shed.
“We’ll find it, one way or another!” the other thief threatened as he reached out to grab the lizard.
“Think again,” I boomed as I dove down toward the sand, grabbed the second thief with my claws, and launched him over the fields.
The thief crashed into the sand with a yelp and didn’t move.
The man who held Jasper took in a sharp breath and dropped his captive. Then he sprinted away from the toolshed and up the sand dune, though his feet slid out from under him as he tried to hurry up the sandy slope.
I snarled and looped around to chase him. Then I released a barrage of fire up the hill, and the bandit tumbled back down the dune with his clothes ablaze. I laughed almost maniacally as I turned back around to finish the other one. He still laid on the ground, though his eyes widened as he saw me fly closer. He slowly rolled over to his back as he tried to get up, but I was faster.
I slammed my body down on top of his and plunged my talons deep into his chest, and blood gurgled from his mouth and down his torso to pool onto the sand underneath his limp body.
Then I flew back into the air and swung over Jasper.
“Is that all of them?” I asked.
“Y-Yes, my lord,” the lizard stammered as he stared at me with wide eyes. “Thank you.”
I dipped my head and then took off back into the city. Several lizard Demi-Humans used buckets of water to try to put out the flames that plagued their shops and houses, but the fire was too strong for their meager efforts. I could tell most of the buildings would soon fall, and they had already lost a few of them. So, I flew over them and called to the fire, and the flames leapt from the buildings and were absorbed into my body. The lizards waved with their gratitude, and I nodded as I adjusted my path for the palace.
Just ahead, I could see a giant bubble had formed over the castle, and the opaque film arced over the turrets of the palace and rounded down to the ground. As I flew closer, I could see three mages against the wall, and they were casting spells that smacked into the protective barrier and sparked but didn’t go through.
I wasn’t sure if my flames would get through the protection spell, and I didn’t want to risk the people who stood by the castle. So, I dove like a missile and swiped the three mages with my massive talons, and their bodies flew across the road and crashed into the sand.
One of them stood up quickly and muttered a spell that sent me spiraling backward, and my spine slammed into a building that trembled with the force. I shook my head to clear the fogginess of the impact, growled as I got back to my feet, and then charged the mage as he stared at me in utter shock.
Before he could utter another spell, I flapped my wings, leapt above him, and then showered him with a burst of fire.
As he fell into the sand in a burning heap, another mage threw off her hood and started another spell, and her eyes burned with rage as she maneuvered her hands in front of her and then plunged them into the sand.
Suddenly, a funnel of wind circled and scooped up sand in its path. The sandy tornado billowed toward me, and specks of debris and stone clouded my eyes and filled my mouth. I coughed and dipped down closer to the ground. I couldn’t see to fly, and I sent a wave of healing magic over myself just before I shifted into my human form and landed on the ground in front of her. Then I pulled my sword from its sheath and plunged the blade into her belly.
“No,” she choked out, and the sandstorm behind me died down as she crumpled to her knees.
I yanked the sword back, and she fell facedown into the sand.
Then I stepped back to search for the other mage.
“There!” Alyona called out from the steps of the castle and pointed back toward the city.
I turned to see the last mage as he sprinted away from the battle. He looked over his shoulder, and I homed in on his familiar green eyes.
It had to be Milo, Sila’s brother.
“Come on, Milo!” I shouted as I took off after him.
He huffed as he turned back around and continued to run.
Fuck all this chasing.
I conjured a fireball and launched it at the thief’s back, but just as it was about to connect, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.
One minute, he was running away. The next minute, he was gone.
“Shit,” I muttered as I turned back to face the castle. “Damn mages.”
I trudged over to the protective barrier, and the magical women looked at me with concern before they released the shield.
“Are you alright?” Alyona gasped as she ran over and touched my face.
“I’m fine,” I replied. “But Milo got away.”
“We’ll find him,” she assured me. “He won’t get far.”
“He was the last one of the group,” I said. “Who knows where he’s going alone?”
“Not far if he was already willing to take these risks for the rest of the Triad,” Naomi pointed out as she walked over to join us. “He wants the other two relics badly.”
Laika, Aaliyah, and Ravi sauntered over with the dryads, Nike, and Vallen close behind them.
I looked out onto the street, and the flames were the only thing lighting the sky. A few houses had continued to burn, but I’d pulled the fire from most of them on my flight overhead. The flames on the bandits’ bodies had almost died out, and the sun had finally set.
Darkness laid over the city like a heavy blanket.
“I’ll send the guards out to help clean things up,” Vallen offered. “The people will want to return home, and they should at least be able to have their doors intact.”
I nodded in agreement and sighed as I looked up at the night sky.
“What’s wrong?” Alyona asked.
“We won’t be able to search for the oasis tonight,” I replied. “It will have to be in the morning.”
“At least we know they don’t have the Eternal Flame,” Laika pointed out with a smile.
“How do we know that?” Naomi raised a magenta eyebrow.
“Because Lord Evan fooled them with his own flame,” Aaliyah answered with a giggle. “They flocked to him, and then he burned them up. They had no idea it wasn’t the real flame.”
“How did you know that would work?” the lizard mage asked and narrowed her eyes.
“I didn’t.” I shrugged. “But I had to try something. And not only did it work, but they showed us their hand.”
“What hand?” Naomi’s confused expression was enough to make me laugh.
“Ah, never mind,” I chuckled. “They told us more than they intended to, which was that they didn’t have the Flame yet, either. So, we can get it in the morning. With Milo having lost his entire army, I doubt he’s going to make the trip on his own, even if he does know where it is.”
“Good, then we have time to get some rest,” Laika sighed. “I’m exhausted.”
“I think we all are,” Alyona agreed as she hooked her arm through my elbow. “Let’s get some sleep.”
We walked slowly back into the castle as the last of the lizard Demi-Humans dispersed to go home, and Vallen and Naomi peeled off toward their chambers as we approached the hallway to our rooms.
A few murmured goodnights, and we all went into our chambers. Alyona sat on the chair next to the table and gracefully slipped her feet out of her shoes, and I yanked off my tunic and boots with absolutely no grace before I flopped down onto the bed. My body was worn out from the day, and I could barely keep my eyes open.
“Goodnight, my love,” the princess murmured into my ear as she curled up next to me.
“Mmm, night,” I mumbled as I drifted off to sleep.
Images of fire and magic raced through my head as I slept. Then I was drawn into my spiritual sea, and my body finally relaxed as the soothing waves drifted onto the beach next to me and faded back into the sea.
When I awoke the next morning, drool had pooled on my arm underneath me, and I sat up and wiped it away as I stretched. The sun had just peeked over the horizon, and I could smell eggs and bread from downstairs.
“Morning,” I whispered into Alyona’s ear.
“Good morning,” she giggled as she rolled over to face me.
Her amethyst eyes sparkled in the low light of the sun, and as she turned, the blanket shifted to reveal her perfect creamy breasts and tight pink nipples.
My cock immediately stood at attention, and I growled as I ripped the blanket off and indulged in my first, second, and third meal of the day.
The sun was a little higher in the sky when Alyona and I made it down to the dining hall. Everyone else was seated at the table, so I pulled out the chair next to Naomi for the princess, and Alyona sat down and helped herself to the eggs, fruit, and rolls.
I sat down on the other side of her and prepared my second breakfast.
“I hope you slept well,” Naomi murmured as I took my first bite.
“Sleep was great,” I said after I swallowed the egg. “The sex was even better.”
Vallen choked on his bite and began to cough before he took a swig from his mug.
The dryads giggled uncontrollably, and even Nike covered a laugh with his hand as Naomi blushed and looked back down at her plate.
No smartass comebacks this time? The pretty lizard Demi-Human was at a loss for words, and I knew she was remembering her peep show from the other day, since I could feel the heat radiating from her body as she pushed the food around on her plate.
“So, we have a long trip ahead,” Laika announced when the laughter finally stopped.
“Long trip?” I repeated. “How far is it to the Montague Oasis?”
“It’s at least a day on the wagons,” Naomi replied as she stood, grabbed the map of the city from a shelf, and rolled it out onto the table. Then she pointed to a spot far out in the desert.
“We don’t have time to travel for a whole day,” I said. “If Milo does have more people in his army, or even if he decides to go alone, he could have left last night. Plus, we don’t know how long it will take to get past the water sprites.”
“What do you propose?” the lizard mage asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I’ll fly there,” I decided. “Alyona and Laika can go with me. With just a few of us, the water sprites may not feel as threatened, and we can keep quiet more easily.”
“My lord, could I accompany you in spirit form?” Miraya asked softly.
“Of course,” I replied with a smile. “I can always use your guidance.”
She dipped her head and returned my smile as she forked a cube of fruit into her mouth. The juice dribbled down the corner of her mouth, and she licked the juice with a quick flick of her tongue.
My dick pressed against the seam of my trousers, and I had to look away from her beautiful face before I jumped across the table.
“What would you like the rest of us to do?” Aaliyah wondered. “We can’t just sit around.”
“I agree,” I said. “I think it would be helpful if everyone else talked to the townsfolk and asked what we can do to help them rebuild. A lot of businesses and homes were destroyed last night, and it will take some work to help put things back together.”
“What a wonderful idea!” Vallen exclaimed and clapped his hands. “I can help with that!”
“Yeah, you should definitely check in with everyone,” I advised. “The people need to know we’re taking care of things. I’m sure it didn’t feel like a total win to have half the city broken into, but we defeated nearly all of the thieves. Our people can feel a little safer now.”
The lizard Demi-Human nodded in agreement, and we stood up from the table. Then we filed out of the dining hall and out to the sandy lawn of the castle. I shifted into my dragon form, and my shiny black scales glistened in the sun. It was early, but the temperature had already risen in the desert terrain.
Miraya smiled before a quick flash of light nearly blinded me, and then she had returned to my spiritual sea. I could feel her relax as she laid down on the sand and closed her eyes, and a sudden thought came to mind.
“Hey, while you’re in there, I want you to study the ropes,” I said.
The soul bridges connecting you to your mates? Miraya asked as she opened her eyes and looked around before her gaze settled on the white lines anchored in the sand.
“Do you see the images when you touch them?” I asked.
I do, she confirmed. I wonder if you can travel the bridges once they’re complete.
The thought hadn’t even occurred to me, and I blinked a few times to refocus on the mission as Laika and Alyona walked over to my side.
Laika helped Alyona onto my back, and then the wolf-warrior climbed up behind her. Each of them gripped one of my spikes and waved to the others on the ground.
“We’ll be back soon,” I rumbled before I lifted into the air and took flight toward the vast desert.
We soared over the sandy ground, and I closed my eyes as I let the warm breeze drift over my body. I always felt so free when I was flying, and it seemed even better with my women on my back.
I could fly like this for days.
“There!” Alyona called out after about an hour.
I opened my eyes and peered ahead of us to see a small copse of palm trees next to a pile of large rocks and the glint of water. So, I slowed down and came to a gentle landing just outside the tree line.
The women slid off my back to the sand with a soft plop, and I shifted into my human form. Then we crept closer to the trees and peeked around the oasis.
Nothing moved but the palm leaves that blew softly in the breeze. I took a few more steps in the sand past the trees, and still nothing moved. So, I signaled for the women to follow me closer to the water, and we tiptoed through the sand to the edge of a clear, beautiful lake.
The water was completely transparent, and I couldn’t see anything swimming in its depths, but I did see a glow at the bottom. It was bright, and it almost looked like the sun reflected off the surface, but the light definitely came from under the water.
I pointed to the glow, and Alyona and Laika nodded.
Now to figure out how the hell to swim to the bottom of a lake without making a sound. It seemed impossible.
I took a step closer to the edge of the lake, and the water lapped up the beach to touch the toe of my boot.
Suddenly, dozens of tiny droplets of water burst from the surface of the lake with a hum. As I got a better look, though, I
realized they weren’t water drops, but they were tiny fairies, no bigger than six inches tall.
These must be the water sprites. Their tiny wings flung water as they flitted above the surface and stared at us with deep blue eyes. They all had long white hair, and their naked bodies were covered with almost transparent skin. At first, they looked harmless, but then they began to screech and drew thin, shiny swords that glistened with water.
“Hey! Whoa!” I yelled as Laika and I stepped in front of Alyona, and I put my hands up in a surrender position. “I didn’t even make any noise.”
“You don’t belong here,” one of the tiny voices cried out.
My eyes scanned the sprites for the speaker, but they all glared at me with the same angry expression.
“His Eminence sent us here for the Eternal Flame,” I replied. “How else would we know it was here?”
“You lie,” another sprite hissed. “The king decreed that no man should ever have the Flame. It is too dangerous.”
“I agree no man should have it,” I said gently. “But some very bad men have already found out about the Triad. The Flame is in danger, and King Rodion has given us orders to move it before the others find it.”
“Why should we believe His Eminence would send a dragon?” the first sprite scoffed, and I finally picked him out near the front row of hovering creatures. “Your kind is known to collect treasures by any means.”
“I understand, but--” I tried to find an explanation.
“You can believe the dragon because I am with him,” Alyona announced as she stepped forward between Laika and me.
The water sprites gasped and began to whisper among themselves in their quiet, high-pitched voices.
“Is that her?”
“She has her father’s eyes, so it must be her.”
“She is supposed to be in the cave.”
“Your Highness,” the sprite leader called out over the noise, and the others stopped their talk. “We didn’t know you traveled with the dragon.”
“This is my fiancé, Lord Evan,” the princess introduced me. “And this is my guard and confidante, Laika of the Blue Tree Guild. We need to retrieve the Flame immediately, or we risk further danger at the hands of thieves.”