Too Complicated
Page 12
She was gorgeous.
Long, dark hair falling down her back, straight and glossy. Her face done up in a way that made her already beautiful eyes look smoky and sultry. Her tight, hot body, covered in a sexy little black dress that hit mid-thigh and had a plunging neckline that made my mouth water.
And she was walking toward me…
I sighed even as my heart soared, and I silently thanked anyone who was listening for giving me the gift of this woman.
“Hey, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting,” Chloe said with a smile when she reached me.
I took her hand, looked her in the eyes and admitted, “I’d wait four years and be grateful for one minute of your time.”
I heard her intake of breath and watched her eyes widen. She brought her free hand to her chest and clutched at her heart before saying softly, “That’s the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
I smiled, happy to have given her that, then leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the cheek.
“You look amazing,” I said as I pulled back, then gently squeezed her hand in mine and asked, “Ready?”
I’d spoken with the concierge earlier, and scored reservations at a swanky seafood restaurant downtown. When we arrived, something occurred to me, so I stopped, one hand on the door and the other holding hers gently.
“Do you like seafood?” I asked, suddenly feeling like a giant jackass for not asking sooner.
Chloe laughed and squeezed my hand.
“I love it.”
“Whew,” I replied with a smile, then opened the door and held it for her to enter ahead of me. The hostess led us right back to our table, and once Chloe was seated, I took my place across from her.
“So, was today everything you imagined?” Chloe asked as she laid her napkin across her lap.
“Everything and more,” I said, not bothering to try and hide my excitement. “I can’t wait until tomorrow. This is the best honeymoon ever, and it’s not even mine.”
Chloe laughed at that, the sound deep and throaty.
“I could listen to you do that all night,” I said.
Chloe’s eyes sought mine, and her face was soft when she replied, “You’re great on a date. Very flattering. I like it.”
“I speak only the truth.”
The waiter came up to take our drink order, then, while we were perusing our menus, I noticed a bit of a frenzy by the door.
“Oh my god,” I said, covering my face with my menu, then lowering it down to peek over the top. I had no idea why I was doing it; it was just instinctual. “Don’t look, but Bradly Simon is over there.”
Bradly Simon was an action movie star, who’d started out in paranormal teen flicks. He was wildly popular, and, I wasn’t ashamed to admit, one of my favorite actors.
“Really?” she asked, turning her head to look over her shoulder.
“No,” I almost shouted. “Don’t turn, he’s got about twenty women surrounding him right now. Oh crap, he just looked over here. He’s walking this way, act casual.”
I could see that Chloe was trying not to laugh at my totally uncool reaction to seeing my favorite celebrity, but I couldn’t care in that moment. I was sure to kick myself over it later, though.
I brought my menu up again, just as Bradly was about to pass our table, then, when I felt the presence of our server coming back to the table, I lowered it.
Except, it wasn’t our server. It was Bradly, and he was smiling down at Chloe.
“Chloe Zahn, how lovely to see you again,” he said with a genuine, normal-guy smile.
My mouth dropped when Chloe stood and brought her cheek to his for an air kiss and said, “You too, Brad, how’s everything?”
“Can’t complain,” Brad replied, and I had to admit, if I was a woman who was wearing panties, he totally would have melted them. Chloe, however, seemed unaffected.
“Brad, this is my boyfriend, Reardon,” Chloe said, her introduction pulling me out of my stupor.
I stood up and held my hand out to the shorter, but much buffer, man.
“Reardon, Bradly played Cash in the movies based on Zoey’s books.”
The light bulb went off and everything clicked. I’d forgotten he’d played a small roll in those films.
“It’s great to meet you,” I said, trying to keep my tone cool and collected. Still, I couldn’t help but add, “I’m a big fan.”
“Thanks,” Bradly replied graciously. “I’m sure I’m a fan of yours as well. Anyone who can land an awesome lady like Chloe has got to be a cool guy.” His praise was still wrapping around me like a warm blanket, when he dropped my hand and kissed Chloe lightly on the cheek. “It was great seeing you again; we’ll have to make time to catch up. And wonderful meeting you, Reardon. Be good to this one … I’ll let you get back to it.”
And, just like that, he was gone, moving on into the restaurant while I stared after him, totally star-struck.
I turned my attention back to Chloe, who was already seated and grinning up at me, then lowered myself into my chair, somewhat dazed.
“Wow, what a cool guy.”
“He really is,” Chloe replied. “I met him a couple times on set, then at the premieres and stuff, and although his career has really taken off since then, he’s still the same good guy.”
“I hope I didn’t embarrass you,” I said, fidgeting with my fork as I thought about what I must look like to her sometimes. “I often react without thinking, and I know I can come off as a total dork.”
“Hey,” Chloe said softly, her hand covering mine as she looked at me sincerely. “You don’t embarrass me, not at all. I love that you get excited and aren’t afraid to show who you really are. You’ve been nothing but honest with me, and I find that really refreshing. Plus, the fact that you’re a gorgeous lawyer, who looks like a Viking but acts like a geek, is one of my favorite things about you. You’re unpredictable and never boring, and I like that.”
“You think I’m gorgeous?” I asked with a teasing grin, choosing to pick that out and ignore the Viking comment.
Chloe laughed and admitted, “Yes, you’re gorgeous.”
“And I have a great body?”
“Well, I didn’t say that, but, yes, you have a great body.”
“And, hilarious?”
“Now you’re just fishing for compliments.”
I laughed and said, “Nah, just trying to make sure you’re aware of all of my attributes.”
“Oh, I’m well aware.”
“Wow,” I said again, looking back to where Bradly had disappeared, then back at Chloe. “I still can’t believe that happened. You know what my favorite part was, though?”
“When you introduced me as your boyfriend.”
Chloe’s cheeks reddened, but her lips turned up and she replied, “You know, that was my favorite part, too.”
Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Chloe
A few weeks had passed since Comic Con and everything was going beautifully.
Reardon and I were officially dating, and it was better than I’d ever imagined. I’d never actually had an adult relationship with a man, and I found that I took to it like a fish to water. It was nice to have someone to talk to, spend the occasional night with, and go places with.
I was so used to being alone, or with just Chris or Zoey, that I worried I’d feel suffocated by a boyfriend, but Reardon wasn’t like that at all.
He wasn’t clingy, annoying, or controlling. He was affectionate, easy going, and always open to suggestion.
We complemented each other really well.
Our families all seemed to take our relationship in stride, and although their easy acceptance sometimes made me worried, like I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, it had made Reardon and I that much closer.
“How’s it going, chica?” Jasmine asked as she approached the table, pulling me out of my musings.
“Really good,” I replied with a smile. “How
about you?”
Jasmine sat across from me and sighed, “So busy. We’re looking at expanding, so there’s been a lot of research and numbers. God, I hate numbers.”
I chuckled and took a sip of my water.
“I feel ya; accounting is never my favorite part, but it’s a necessary evil.”
“Yeah,” Jasmine whined, tossing her thick red hair over her shoulder, “but that’s supposed to be Dillon’s department, not mine, yet he still keeps making me help.”
She was still pouting prettily when Laurel joined us.
“Uh-oh, I know that face. What did Dillon do now?” she asked as she sat.
“He’s making me do math,” Jasmine spat, as if it was a dirty word.
Laurel just laughed.
“Silver lining,” Jasmine said, her face clearing as a smile took over, her bad moon gone just like that. “I get to go on a trip.”
“Oh, where are you going?” I asked.
“San Francisco, Seattle, and Boise.”
“That’s a random list,” Laurel said, smiling at the waitress who approached our table.
Once our orders were in, Jasmine turned to Laurel and replied, “We’re scoping out prospects for new stores. Dillon was going to go at first, but he has so much going on right here that I offered to go instead. I need to get away, have a little fun, you know.”
“Yeah, I wish I could get away,” Laurel admitted, and I gave her a small smile.
We’d been working on getting the business expansion going, and Reardon was helping with the permits and such, but I knew Laurel was concerned about it taking longer than anticipated.
“What’s up?” Jasmine asked.
“Oh, just this business plan,” Laurel replied with a shrug. “It’s starting to drive me nuts.”
“You should talk to Dillon,” she suggested, and I watched as panic fluttered across Laurel’s face, before she closed it down and asked calmly, “Why?”
Hmmmm, interesting…
“Um, because he successfully runs a business. He loves that stuff. I bet he could write a business plan in his sleep. And, Laurel, you know he’d be happy to help.”
“Mmmm hmmm, I’ll keep that in mind.”
“I need to run to the restroom real quick,” Jazzy said, jumping up from the table.
Once she was gone, I reached across to touch Laurel’s hand. She brought her eyes to mine.
“You okay?” I asked. We’d gotten pretty close after working together over the last few weeks, and I was beginning to understand her moods and facial expressions.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m willing to do whatever I need to do to make this business work, but asking Dillon?” Her blonde hair framed her face as she shook her head. “I don’t know if I could stand it if he didn’t take me seriously and treated me like an annoying kid, just like he always does.”
“You like him,” I surmised.
Her blue eyes widened, and her lips turned down as she shook her head again.
“I’ve been in love with him since I was nine years old.”
My stomach fluttered, even as my heart soared at the romance of it all, and I gently squeezed her hand under mine and said, “Oh, Laurel.”
“I know, it’s okay,” she said, her face closing up. “He’ll never see me as anything other than his sister’s best friend who used to torment him when we were younger, and Jazzy would flip. It’s okay, I’m sure I’ll get over it.”
“I don’t think…” I began, then paused when Jasmine returned.
“Hey, do one of you have a tampon?” she asked. “I guess I wasn’t paying attention and the dates got away from me.”
“Sure,” I said, grabbing my purse and going to the inside pocket to get one out. I had it in my hand, and was about to hand it to her, when something clicked.
When was the last time I needed a tampon?
Shit, I’m late…
“Uh, Chlo, can I have it?” Jasmine asked, her tone amused.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” I said with a short, fake laugh as I lifted my hand toward her.
“Thanks, you’re the best,” she replied, but was already rushing away before I could respond.
I was frozen in place anyway.
“Chloe?” Laurel asked, her voice sounding far away.
I opened my mouth to tell her I was fine when my phone went off, saving me from having to lie.
I looked at the screen, then pressed the green button and asked, “What’s up, Zo?”
“It’s Gabe,” he answered, voice frantic. “It’s time. Zoey’s water broke and we’re heading to the hospital.”
“We’ll be right there,” I said, breaking out of my fog and springing from the chair.
“Okay,” he replied, then hung up.
I looked to Laurel and said, “Zoey’s in labor.”
She gave a little squeal and clapped her hands, then stood up and flagged down our waitress.
As Laurel was dealing with that, I thought of Christopher.
He was in school and had practice after.
Should I let him be and get him when Zoey had the baby, or take him with me to the hospital?
Deciding to let him decide, I called his cell.
“Mom?” Chris answered almost immediately, his voice nervous. I never called him during school hours. If I needed to ask or tell him something, I’d just send a text so as not to interrupt his school day. “Everything okay?”
“Zoey’s in labor, so I’m going to the hospital. These things can take a while, so I didn’t know if you wanted to come and wait, or just stay at school and do your thing, and I could come get you once she has the baby.”
“Um, can you come get me?” he asked, and my heart literally melted. “I want to be there when my new sibling comes into the world. Plus, I want to be there for Dad and Aunt Z.”
“Of course, sweetheart, I’m on my way.”
Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Reardon
I ran around my office, trying to make sure everything was shut down and put away, frantic and excited, as if I were the one about to have a baby.
This was the first time a baby was being born into our family, at least when we were all old enough to be excited about it, so as soon as Gabe had hung up, I’d started shutting down for the day.
I couldn’t wait to get to the hospital and wait with the rest of my family. I couldn’t wait to see my new little second cousin, who, putting it honestly, would be more like a niece or nephew than cousin. And, I couldn’t wait to see my big, football player cousin holding his sweet little baby in his arms.
I knew how much he’d been looking forward to this moment, and I was thrilled to be a part of it.
All of this might make me seem even weirder than normal, but nothing was more important to me in this life than family. I was sure Chloe was out of her mind with anticipation as well, and I couldn’t wait to connect with her at the hospital.
“Just take messages, I doubt I’ll be back in today,” I called as I rushed out of my office.
I made it to the hospital in record time and headed up to the Labor and Delivery floor to see the waiting room already beginning to fill.
Aunt Annabeth and Uncle Zeke were sitting in a row of seats against the wall. Aunt Annabeth was talking to my mother, while my pop and Uncle Zeke were thumbing through magazines.
Dillon and Jazzy were deep in discussion in the corner, and I’d bet dollars to donuts, they were talking about work.
Laurel was reading a book in the corner, and I was just getting ready to announce myself when Serena came rushing in and threw her arms around me.
“I’m so excited, Rear,” she said happily as she squeezed as much as her delicate arms would allow.
“Me too, Rena, I can’t believe Gabe is the first one of us to have kids.”
“I know, I always thought it would be Dillon,” Serena said, pulling back to look up at me.
I was almost a foot taller than her, so she had to tilt her head way back.
“Dillon? Really? Why?” I asked, t
hinking that Dillon would have been my last choice, not first.
Rena shrugged and said quietly, “You know, I always figured he and Laurel would realize they’re madly in love, settle down, and have lots of babies.”
“Laurel?” I asked, looking at her as if she’d lost her mind.
Rena slapped my arm and shook her head.
“You guys always were oblivious,” she said, then walked over to Jazzy and Dillon.
I stood there like an idiot for a moment, my mind racing as memories of Dillon and Laurel flashed through … Nope, still don’t see it.
Needing a minute to process, I shook my head and walked over to my parents.
“Hey, Mom … Pop.”
“Reardon,” my mom said with a smile as I leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Such a happy time.”
“It is,” I agreed, then gave my father a half hug.
“Aunt Annabeth, Uncle Z,” I said with a nod and a smile.
“How have you been, Reardon?” Uncle Zeke asked. “The town keeping you employed?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m surprised you’ve been able to get any work done, spending all of your time with Chloe Zahn,” Aunt Annabeth added, and I knew she’d been waiting weeks to bring this subject up.
“Now, Annabeth,” my mother began, but Aunt Annabeth just held up her hand.
“I’m not saying anything, Jenny, I just want to make sure Reardon knows what he’s getting into. It’s quite a sticky situation already, what with Zoey and Gabe together. Adding a relationship between him and Chloe to the mix is a recipe for disaster.”
I was about to tell my aunt to mind her own business, when I heard my mother say, “That’s enough,” as well as a gasp from behind me.
I turned to see Chloe in the doorway, her face stricken, as everyone in the room looked on. Obviously my aunt had not worried about being subtle.
“Chloe,” I began, taking a step toward her.
She spun and walked quickly out of the room.
“My relationship with Chloe is none of your business, but for your information, I’m in love with her, so you’re going to have to get used to her being a permanent part of my life.”
That said, I hurried out after her, calling her name just as she disappeared into the delivery room.