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Soul City

Page 43

by Thomas Healy

  Without the money … shares in the Soul City Company: Walter Larke Sorg to Gerald Campbell, July 18, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 1274.

  “getting that first commitment”: Walter Larke Sorg to Ray J. Graham, March 7, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 5501b.

  one-eighth of its water supply: “Projected Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash,” December 15, 1972, McKissick Papers, folder 1297; Lewis Myers interview with the author, August 20, 2015.

  Miller went elsewhere: Dan Pleasant to Gordon Carey, November 7, 1975; Gordon Carey to Robert Stewart, October 21, 1975, McKissick Papers, folder 5467a; Lewis Myers interview with the author, August 20, 2015.

  “pissing and shitting in”: Lewis Myers interview with the author, August 20, 2015.

  The obvious solution … the sewer system: Gordon Carey interview with the author, July 19, 2016.

  “Without sewerage, you’re nothing”: Gordon Carey interview with the author, April 23, 2015.

  “not be having this conversation”: Lewis Myers interview with the author, August 20, 2015.

  “potentially volatile situation”: Walter Larke Sorg to Walter J. Schularick, January 24, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 847.

  “becoming more of a disadvantage”: Memorandum from John P. Stewart Jr. to FM, January 23, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 528.

  “dramatize to the public the true concept”: “Recommendations on Changing the Name of Soul City,” Carmichael and Company, January 24, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 528.

  “not one has been bought by a white homeowner”: Memorandum from Gordon Carey to FM, February 14, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 528.

  “a good excuse for people’s inability”: Floyd McKissick, “Reasons Why We Should Not Change the Name,” February 17, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 528.

  a truly fresh start: “Recommendations on Changing the Name of Soul City,” Carmichael and Company, February 28, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 528.

  proposed “Kerr Lake”: Julian C. Madison to FM, February 23, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 528.

  “switch horses in midstream”: Harvey Gantt to FM, March 7, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 528.

  “must not falter from its original goal”: Irving L. McCaine to FM, March 2, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 528.

  “there was no turning back”: Gordon Carey interview with the author, April 23, 2015.

  “black accomplishment:” Harvard University Study, 1969, McKissick Papers, folder 6573, 5.

  annual payroll of more than $2 million: “Soul City Gets First Industry,” New Pittsburgh Courier, April 22, 1978, 24.

  personally visit Soul City: Phillip Drotning to FM, April 26, 1978; and John E. Swearingen to FM, July 24, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 5504; Floyd McKissick, “The Economics of Being Black” (speech, Red Crown Lodge, Arbor Vitae, WI, June 23, 1978), McKissick Papers, folder 7481b, and in personal papers of Charmaine McKissick-Melton, copy on file with author.

  “popping in the next couple of months”: Walter Larke Sorg to FM, December 19, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 5521.


  oak, sweet gum, and cedar: Memorandum from FM to Residents of Green Duke Village, November 22, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 548b.

  completion date in the spring of 1981: “Timeline of Accomplishments,” McKissick Papers, folder 1811; “Highlight Report on Soul City Prepared for the HUD Task Force,” February 22, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 258.

  “alive and kicking and beautiful”: Walter Larke Sorg to FM, November 6, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 2575.

  General Motors had ruled out Soul City: Lewis Myers to Stuart R. Hochman, November 3, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 5429.

  “cloud over an otherwise unblemished record”: FM to Thomas A. Murphy draft letter, undated, McKissick Papers, folder 5429.

  revised budget in January: Gordon Carey to William J. White, December 29, 1978, McKissick Papers, folder 1970.

  final $4 million in bonds: Memorandum from William White to Patricia Harris, December 29, 1978, New Community Development Corporation Records, Program Records Relating to Soul City, container 1.3.

  no longer a financially acceptable risk: Edward Cachine to FM, January 16, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 258; Memorandum to file from Kathy Gibbons, January 5, 1979, New Community Development Corporation Records, Program Records Relating to Soul City, container 1.12; Soul City Company v. United States, Complaint, August 17, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1831, 12.

  “to make Soul City a success”: “Task Force Named on Soul City, N.C.,” HUD News, February 17, 1979; Memorandum from Patricia Harris to William White and Sterling Tucker, February 5, 1979, New Community Development Corporation Records, Program Records Relating to Soul City, container, 1.3.

  into combat once more: Jacqueline Trescott, “Sitting in for Civil-Rights Veteran James Farmer,” Washington Post, March 5, 1979, B7; Thomas A. Johnson, “CORE’s Founder and Ex-Members Planning a New Civil Rights Group,” New York Times, March 5, 1979, A14.

  After spending … check on his condition: Charmaine McKissick-Melton interview with the author, March 4, 2015; “McKissick Badly Hurt in Wreck,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), March 7, 1979, 27.

  “headed in the wrong direction”: Floyd McKissick Jr. interview with the author, October 12, 2015.

  “Come Out Better Than Segregationists”: Neil Maxwell, “Mixed Fortunes: Black Leaders of the 1960s Have Come Out Better Than Segregationists,” Wall Street Journal, March 12, 1979, 1.

  give them a fair shake: Charmaine McKissick-Melton interview with the author, April 1, 2019.

  “Sustained by Federal Money”: Susan Harrigan, “An Old ‘New Town’ Hangs On, Sustained by Federal Money,” Wall Street Journal, April 19, 1979.

  “and to make a profit”: FM to The Editor, Wall Street Journal, April 23, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1810.

  “alive in the minds of readers”: John V. Hunter III to FM, April 25, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1810.

  “concrete evidence of progress”: FM to William J. White, April 25, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 261.

  massive infusions of cash to survive: Pat Stith, “Progress Lags at Soul City as Costs Soar,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), May 13, 1979.

  “treated Soul City like a favorite nephew”: Pat Stith, “Red Tape, Federal Laws No Problem When Soul City Seeks New Funds,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), May 13, 1979.

  McKissick’s salary had increased: Pat Stith, “Family Finds the Good Life at Soul City,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), May 13, 1979.

  “McKissick’s money spigot”: “Hard Reality Hits Soul City,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), editorial, May 17, 1979.

  “Another couple-a-million?”: Dwane Powell, editorial cartoon, News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), May 15, 1979, 4.

  “accomplished for the state of North Carolina”: Pat Stith, “Soul City Founder Expecting More Aid,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), May 29, 1979.

  praising Soul City’s efforts: Daniel Pollitt to President Carter, May 31, 1979, New Community Development Corporation Records, Program Records Relating to Soul City, container 1.3.

  “rally around the project”: “Soul City: Attacked Again,” Carolina Times, editorial, May 26, 1979, 5.

  “hold a cocktail glass the same”: Harrigan, “An Old ‘New Town’ Hangs on, Sustained by Federal Money.”

  “more in the years to come”: “Without Soul City’s Help,” Warren Record, editorial, undated clipping circa May 1979.

  “understanding of the Soul City situation”: Claude Sitton to Lewis Myers, May 29, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1810.

  “such use of the taxpayers’ money”: 125 Cong. Rec. 9235 (May 1, 1979).

  “a way around it”: Pat Stith, “Helms to Seek Funding Cutoff,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), May 17, 1979.

  weren’t being welcomed properly: Memorandum from Dorothy L. Waller to FM, May 4, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 262.

  at 8:35 a.m. on a recent morning: Memora
ndum from Gordon Carey to Lewis Myers, May 11, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 262.

  new plant on the East Coast: Memorandum from Gordon Carey to Lewis Myers, March 19, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 260.

  marketed as a retirement community: Gordon Carey to HUD, McKissick Papers, folder 262.

  “The future is there”: Thomas A. Johnson, “Soul City Seeks to Get Recruits from the North,” New York Times, June 16, 1979, 6.

  three thousand dollars in annual premiums: Dorothy L. Waller to the Paul Revere Company, May 24, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1270.

  “It won’t help”: Gordon Carey interview with the author, July 19, 2016.

  “tried and convicted in the press”: FM to Birch Bayh, June 5, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 264.

  with a similar request: FM to Robert Morgan, June 8, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1810; FM to L. H. Fountain, June 11, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1811.

  “Dear Senator Helms”: FM to Jesse Helms, June 12, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1811.

  ever visit Soul City: Gordon Carey interview with the author, July 19, 2016.

  improve the town’s public image: “The Status and Future of the Soul City Community, Prepared by the Soul City Company,” April 12, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1825.

  decided against foreclosure: “Task Force Report,” June 27, 1979, 6, McKissick Papers, folder 1824; Soul City v. United States, Complaint, August 17, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1831, 15.

  “an alien atmosphere”: “Analysis of Financial Viability of Soul City and Cost Ramifications of Alternative Proposals,” Avco Community Developers, June 21, 1979, 4, McKissick Papers, folder 1827; Minchin, “Brand New Shining City,”147.

  further assistance from HUD: “Task Force Report,” June 27, 1979.

  Although McKissick … “like the entire staff had died”: Rhee, “Visions, Illusions, and Perceptions,” 127–28.

  For Floyd Jr.… that it wasn’t: Floyd McKissick Jr. interview with the author, October 12, 2015.

  “We’re just beginning”: Ball-Groom, Salad Pickers, 303–8; Jane Ball-Groom interview with the author, June 3, 2014.

  “a rural, isolated area”: Associated Press, “HUD Cuts Financing; Dream of Soul City Dies in N. Carolina,” Washington Post, June 29, 1979, A7.

  William White … “a friendly foreclosure”: A. O. Sulzberger Jr., “H.U.D. to Foreclose on Soul City, Troubled ‘New Town’ in Carolina,” New York Times, June 29, 1979, A12.

  Soul City was not in default: Statement by F. B. McKissick Sr., June 28, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1810.

  “got to fight this”: Joanne Omang, “Fighting Still: Founder Won’t Surrender His Hopes for Soul City,” Washington Post, July 2, 1979, A1.

  “until we couldn’t continue anymore”: Rhee, “Visions, Illusions, and Perceptions,” 128.


  circulating a petition: Save Soul City, signed petitions, McKissick Papers, folders 1814, 1815a, 1815b.

  hosting a picnic at Soul City: Thomas A. Johnson, “Blacks in Carolina Battle to Save Soul City,” New York Times, July 3, 1979, A6; Thomas A. Johnson, “North Carolina Blacks Support Troubled New Town,” New York Times, August 27, 1979, A12.

  hundreds of letters from ministers: Letters of support for Soul City, 1979, McKissick Papers, folders 1816–1823.

  “threatened with a cut-off”: William Feyer to FM, July 10, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1820.

  “stem this tide”: Malvin Goode to FM, July 9, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1819.

  “start an organic vegetable farm”: Katherine Heaton Daye to FM, July 1, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1819.

  Walter Sorg … “support your logic”: Walter Larke Sorg to Jesse Helms, July 26, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1818.

  “arrogance with which they spend the money”: Eric Chandler, letter to the editor, News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), July 11, 1979.

  “paying for foolish dreams”: 125 Cong. Rec. S9377 (daily ed. July 13, 1979) (statement of Sen. Helms).

  prosecutor named John Kerry: Stacy Jolna, “Brooke Divorce Perjury Probe Begins in Mass.,” Washington Post, June 17, 1978, A1.

  approved his proposal by a voice vote: Richard Whittle, “Senate Opposes Soul City Loans,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), July 14, 1979, 1.

  “profited enough from this venture”: Whittle, “Senate Opposes Soul City Loans.”

  support from his allies in Congress: Memorandum from Gordon Carey to FM, July 14, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 261.

  “and the right to be a successful entrepreneur”: Telegram from FM to Members of Congressional Black Caucus, July 16, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 885; Steve Levin, “‘Vendetta’ by Helms Spurring Soul City Cutoff, Director Says,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), July 15, 1979, 1.

  At the same time … new sewage treatment plant: Pat Stith, “Official Says McKissick Hinted at Negotiations,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), 21; Richard Whittle, “Warren Will Still Get Sewage Plant Grant,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC) 14; Cole C. Campbell, “Smaller Soul City Facility Backed,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), July 27, 1979, 15; Soul City v. United States, Complaint, August 17, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1831, 20–21; Press Release, The Soul City Company, August 17, 1979, folder 892, 2.

  final $4 million in bonds: Soul City v. United States, Complaint, August 17, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1831; Associated Press, “Developer of Soul City Files Suit Saying U.S. Has Hindered Project,” New York Times, August 19, 1979, 16.

  push the project into default: Soul City Company v. United States, Temporary Restraining Order, August 17, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1839.

  “it is only the personalities that change”: FM to David Stith, August 3, 1979, McKissick Papers, folder 1819.

  “please feel free to call”: FM to Gordon Carey, July 12, 1979, personal papers of Gordon Carey, copy on file with author.

  “walked in and been cordial”: Gordon Carey interview with the author, July 19, 2016.

  “disagreed with the thrust of his letter”: Email from Gordon Carey to the author, February 14, 2019.

  “had to go on with our lives somehow”: Gordon Carey interview with the author, July 19, 2016.

  to negotiate a settlement: Rhee, “Visions, Illusions, and Perceptions,” 130–32.

  Perdue Foods agreed to buy: “Perdue Inc. Purchases Land from Soul City,” Wall Street Journal, January 3, 1980, 4.

  a private homeowners’ association: “U.S. to Acquire Soul City in Jan.,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), June 27, 1980; Minchin, “Brand New Shining City,” 151–52.

  “Everything that I owned was in hock”: Rhee, “Visions, Illusions, and Perceptions,” 129.

  “can’t ask for more than that”: Rhee, “Visions, Illusions, and Perceptions,” 129.

  “no taps or tears”: “No Taps for McKissick,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), editorial, June 30, 1980, 4.

  “it all goes down the drain”: Rhee, “Visions, Illusions, and Perceptions,” 132.

  “I have been in Sorrow’s kitchen”: Zora Neale Hurston, Dust Tracks on a Road: An Autobiography (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1984), 280.

  “gavel had been slammed down”: Ball-Groom, Salad Pickers, 326–27.

  $1.5 million was quickly accepted: Associated Press, “Failed Soul City Auctioned Off, with U.S. as the Only Bidder,” Washington Post, January 31, 1981, A7.

  “there was no such place”: “Group Wants Road Signs for Soul City Back Up,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), February 12, 1982, 17A.


  terminating the program: Andre Shashaty, “HUD Closing New Towns Program,” Washington Post, January 15, 1983, E1.

  party had changed … “senile turncoat”: Marable, Race, Reform, and Rebellion, 180; Fields, Black Elephants, 49–55.

  rejoined the Democratic Party: Hunter James, “Hope Still Lingers for Soul City,” Greensboro News & Record, December 26, 1984.

  rented a storefront office: Rhe
e, “Visions, Illusions, and Perceptions,” 147.

  “I was talking with God”: Pat Bryant, “McKissick Preaches Trial Sermon,” Carolina Times, August 11, 1979, 1.

  “Tell it like it is”: Bryant, “McKissick Preaches Trial Sermon”; Bob Sherrill, “Politics of 1980 Thread Bible-Thumper Sermon,” Durham Morning Herald, August 6, 1979, 1A.

  “lost a lot of his fire”: Robert Brown interview with the author, July 19, 2016.

  charged him with impeding traffic: Ken Allen, “7 Arrested Protesting PCB Site,” Charlotte Observer, September 17, 1982, 31; United Press International, “100 Arrested in PCB Protest,” Afro-American (Baltimore), September 25, 1982, 1.

  “I will never leave, period”: Minchin, “Brand New Shining City,” 155.

  “I am my brother’s keeper”: Charmaine McKissick-Melton interview with the author, August 22, 2015.

  “need dedicated social engineers”: McKissick, Three-Fifths of a Man, 86–90.

  “took a deep breath, and that was it”: Charmaine McKissick-Melton interview with the author, August 22, 2015.

  “civil rights maverick”: Glenn Fowler, “Floyd McKissick, Civil Rights Maverick, Dies at 69,” New York Times, April 30, 1991, D19.

  “giants of the civil rights struggle”: Claudia Levy, “CORE Director, N.C. Judge Floyd B. McKissick Dies,” Washington Post, April 30, 1991, B6.

  Printed inside the program: “A Celebration of Life,” Floyd B. McKissick Sr., May 2, 1991, Daniel H. Pollitt Papers, folder 131.

  “I didn’t really”: Gordon Carey interview with the author, July 19, 2016.

  Helms’s profile … nuclear deterrence: Furgurson, Hard Right.

  “Harvey Gantt says it is”: Rob Christensen, “Racial Themes Arise in Senate Campaign,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), November 1, 1990.

  After that campaign … “wonders for the psyche”: Harvey Gantt interview with the author, October 14, 2015.

  Helms served … “better have a bodyguard”: Link, Righteous Warrior, 407, 414, 428.

  “for Senator Helms”: Sherrill, “Politics of 1980 Thread Bible-Thumper Sermon.”


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