by Thomas Healy
Ford administration and
Ford Foundation and
Freeman aids
fundraising and
Gantt hired by
GAO audit and
Governor Scott and
Hammer’s economic analysis and
Helms and
home of, at Soul City
housing in Soul City and
HUD and
HUD foreclosure and
industry and
Journey of Reconciliation and
King assassination and
land found
land purchased
March Against Fear and
marriage to Evelyn
McKissick Enterprises and
Meredith and
moves to Soul City
N&O attacks and
“Nation Within a Nation” and
new cities and
New Communities Act and
New Community Development presentation by
Nixon and
nonviolence and
oral history by
preaching career of
Purple Heart and
radical capitalism and
rejoins Democratic Party
returns to law practice
Rouse and
sewage plant and
Shocco battle and
sit-ins and
Soul City Company, sale of land to
Soul City Foundation and
Soul City name and
Soul City design and
Soul City residents and
Soul Tech I groundbreaking and
staff and
Standard Oil speech and
Target City project
Ted Kennedy and
UNC and
Vietnam War and
Wall Street Journal vs.
Warren County and
World War II and
McKissick, Floyd, Jr.
McKissick, Magnolia
McKissick Enterprises
McKnight, Henry T.
McNeill, Beverly
McNeill, Duncan
McNeill, Jean McKissick
Meek, A. L. “Bud”
Meek, “Butch”
Meet the Press (TV show)
Mellencamp, John
Melton, Tyrone
Memphis sanitation workers strike
Meredith, James
Metropolitan Applied Research Center
Metz, battle of
Miles, W. A.
Milgram, Morris
Miller Brewing Company
Minneapolis Star
Mitchell, George P.
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, Martha
Mitchell, Parren
Model Cities
Monroe, North Carolina
Montgomery bus boycott
Moore, Archie
Morehouse College
Morgan, J. Pierpont
Morgan, Robert
Morse, Philip S.
Morse Electro Products Corporation
Mound Bayou, Louisiana
Moynihan, Daniel P.
Murphy, Thomas
Murray, Pauli
Myers, Joycelyn McKissick
Myers, Lew
Nabrit, James M., Jr.
National Action Council (CORE group)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Legal Defense Fund
National Association of Manufacturers
National Baptist Convention
National Black Network
National Capital Planning Commission
National Committee for a Two-Party System
National Committee on Urban Growth Policy
National Conference of Black Lawyers
National Congressional Club
National Corporation for Housing Partnerships
National Council of Black Republicans
National Enquirer
National Guard
National Minority Purchasing Council
National Negro Business League
National Rifle Association
National Urban League
“Nation Within a Nation, A” (McKissick and Innis)
Negroes with Guns (Williams)
Nesbitt, Linda
Newark riots of 1967
new cities
“New City, The” (report)
New Communities Act (1968)
New Communities Administration
New Community Development Corporation
New Pittsburgh Courier
News & Observer (N&O)
new-towns movement
New Urbanism
New York Amsterdam News
New York City
New Yorker
New York Life Insurance
New York Stock Exchange
New York Times
New-York Tribune
Nicodemus, Kansas
Nicoson, William
Ninth Judicial District of North Carolina
Nixon, Edward
Nixon, Pat
Nixon, Richard
resignation of
Norfolk Journal and Guide
Norlina, North Carolina
Norlina High School
North Carolina A&T
North Carolina Anvil
North Carolina Association of Black Lawyers
North Carolina Association of Educators
North Carolina Bankers Association
North Carolina Black Belt
North Carolina Black Leadership Caucus
North Carolina Central University (formerly North Carolina College)
School of Law
North Carolina National Bank
North Carolina Senate race of 1990
North Carolina state agencies
Alcoholic Control Board
Board of Health
Department of Administration
Department of Conservation and Development
Department of Transportation
Highway Commission
Highway Department
North Carolina state legislature
Novak, Robert
Oakland Post
Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO)
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE)
oil embargo of 1974
Oklahoma Territory
Olympics, boycott of 1967–68
O’Neill, Paul
Opportunity Road
Organization Man, The (Whyte)
“O Rotten Gotham” (Wolfe)
Owen, Robert
Oxford, North Carolina
McKissick law practice in
Oyo Tungi, South Carolina
Paine, Thomas
Palmieri, Victor
Parish, Mary
Parker, Henry H.
Parker, Jack
Park Forest, Illinois
Park Forest South, Illinois
Parks, Rosa
Patton, George
Payne, Harry
Perdue Foods
Perkins-Brown, Voyette
Perry, Leon
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia Plan
Philip Morris
Phoenix, Arizona
Pleasant Hills Village
Poitier, Juanita
Poitier, Sidney
Pollitt, Daniel
Poor People’s Campaign
Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich)
Port Royal, South Carolina
Progressive Architecture
Progressive Party
Proxmire, William
Pruitt Igoe project (St. Louis)
Quaker Oats
Race Beat, The (Roberts and Kl
racial equality
Radburn, New Jersey
Radiant City
radical capitalism
Raleigh, North Carolina
Raleigh News
Raleigh Observer
Raleigh Times
RAND Corporation
Randolph, A. Philip
Randolph Industrial Park (later Warren Industrial Park)
Reagan, Ronald
recession of 1974
regional water system
Republican National Committee (RNC)
Republican National Convention
of 1968
of 1972
Republican Party
Republic of New Africa
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Resettlement Administration
Responsiveness Program
Reston, Virginia
Reynolds, Bob
Reynolds, Malvina
Richardson, Mary
Riesel, Victor
right-to-work laws
R. J. Reynolds Company
Roanoke River
Roberts, Gene
Roberts, Leslie
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, Jack E.
Robinson, Jackie
Rockefeller, David
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rockefeller Foundation
Rocky Creek
Roman, Stan
Romney, George
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roots (Haley)
Rouen, battle of
Rouse, James
Rouse Company
Rowe, Billy
Ruffin, Waved
Rumsfeld, Donald
Russell, Richard
Salad Pickers, The (Ball-Groom)
Sanford, Terry
San Francisco
Satterwhite, Samuel J.
Save Soul City Campaign
Schoen, William
breakfast program
Scott, Dred
Scott, Robert “Bob”
Scott, Stanley
Scott, W. Kerr
Scott Circle
Scott Mitchell Apartments
Seaboard Coast Line Railroad
Seabron, William
Sears, Roebuck
Selma-Montgomery march
Shabazz, Betty
Shenandoah, Georgia
Shindana Toys
Shocco toxic waste fight
“Should We Pay Taxes to Caesar” (McKissick)
Shriver, Sargent
Sierra Leone
silent black majority
silent majority
Simon, Robert E.
Sitton, Claude
60 Minutes (TV show)
Small Business Administration (SBA)
Smith, Lillian
Smith, Willis
Snow Hill Baptist Church (Warrenton)
Soil Conservation Service
Sorg, Walter
Soul City. See also Green Duke Village; McKissick, Floyd; Soul Tech I; and specific individuals, landmarks, and organizations
accomplishments of
aftermath of
ambulance service and
Baltimore Sun on
Bicentennial celebration
Black capitalism and
Black reactions to
Black separatism and
Black towns and utopian forerunners of
bookkeeping and
brochures for
buildings constructed
challenges of developing
Circle P Ranch site purchased
Collins song for
concurrent development strategy and
corporate structure and
current condition of
death of Kearney at
death of McKissick and
debt restructuring and
design firm hired
dreams and failures of
economic analysis and
employee trusts and
entrance to
environmental impact statement
federal grants and
final months of
fire department
first wedding and baby born at
Freeman’s support for
funds raised for land
funds raised for seed money
Gantt and
GAO audit of
governmental structure for
growth of
Harvard Business School case study of
health and education and (see also HealthCo)
Helms vs.
horses and tack room at
housing developed
HUD and
HUD decision to foreclose and
industry and
infrastructure and
integration and
interviews of residents
KKK and
launch of
liberal donors and
local communities and
manor house of
mass transit and
McKissick burial at
McKissick family as staff and
McKissick family moves to
McKissick home in
McKissick’s car accident and
McKissick’s support for Nixon and
media coverage of
Miss Soul City pageant
monolith for
municipal incorporation and
N&O attacks on
name of, as problem
NCHP stake in
New Community Development presentation and
Nixon and
nonprofits support
North Carolina audit of
planning and appearance of
practical nature of
prison near site of
recession of 1974 and
red barn and
regional water plan and
residents and community
roads and
sanitary district and
schools, shopping centers, and amenities
sewage treatment and
size of
soil and topography
Soul Tech I groundbreaking and
staff life at
staff recruited for
street lights
street names
transportation and
UNC and
Wall Street Journal vs.
Warren Country and
water supply and
welcome center at
white opposition to
whites on staff of
Soul City Boulevard
Soul City Company
Soul City Foundation
Soul City Founders Day annual banquets
Soul City Parks and Recreation Association
Soul City Sanitary District
Soul City Sounder
“Soul City’s Plan” (Sitton)
Soul City utilities company
Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois)
Soul Tech I
prison factory
South Africa
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Southern Democrats
Southern Manifesto
Southern Politics in State and Nation (Key)
Southern Poverty Law Center
Southern Strategy
Sparkman, John
Spottswood, Stephen G.
Standard Oil
Stans, Maurice
Stansbury Park, Utah
“Statement of Principles and Purpose” (McKissick)
St. Charles, Maryland
Stennis, John
, Eric
Stewart, John P.
Stith, David
Stith, Pat
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Sullivan, Leon
Sunburst City (Denver)
Sunnyside Gardens (Queens, New York)
Target City project
Tarheel Banker
Tar River
Task Force on Metropolitan and Urban Problems
Task Force on New Towns
Taylor, Frederick
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
Tea Party
textile industry
Thal, Steven
“Theory of the Sugar Tit, The” (McKissick)
Thompson, Robert
Thoreau, Henry David
Three-Fifths of a Man (McKissick)
Thunder and Lightning publishers
Tidmore, Sam
Toal, Lawrence
Today show
Tolbert, Froncell “Skip”
Tolstoy, Leo
To-morrow (Howard)
Tornquist, Elizabeth
Tourcoing, France
Tower, John
Toynbee, Arnold
Trotsky, Leon
Tsongas, Paul
Tugwell, Rexford Guy
Tulsa, Oklahoma
race massacre of 1921
Turner, Ernest
Turner, Nat
Turner Circle
Twitty, William
Union Army
Union Baptist Church (Durham)
United Nations
United Negro College Fund
U.S. Army
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
U.S. Congress
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Public Health Service
U.S. Senate
Banking Committee
Helms’s career in
Helms vs. Soul City in
McKissick testimony to
Watergate Committee
U.S. Supreme Court
University Heights (Providence)
University of Mississippi, Meredith integrates
University of North Carolina (UNC)
Center for Urban and Regional Studies
City and Regional Planning Department
Institute of Government
Law School, McKissick integrates
urban crisis
urban design
Urban Design Conference (1956)
Urban Growth and New Community Development Act (1970)
urban renewal
urban riots
Vance County
Velaj, S. J.
Vietnam War
Von Blaine, Lloyd
Voting Rights Act (1965)
voting rights and registration
Wachovia Bank
Walker, David
Walker, W. O.
Walker Circle
“Walker’s Appeal”
Wallace, George
Wallace, Henry
Waller, Dorothy “Dot”
Waller, Margaret
Wall Street Journal
War on Poverty
Warren, Joseph
Warren Correctional Institution
Warren County
Board of Commissioners
Board of Education
Chamber of Commerce
Health Department
police department
school board