by Thomas Healy
Woodward, C. Vann. The Strange Career of Jim Crow. New York: Oxford University Press, 1974.
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ABC News
Abdin, Ihsan
Abernathy, Ralph
affirmative action
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Agnew, Spiro
Agriculture Department
Alexander, Elaine
Ali, Muhammad
Allen, Charles
Allen, Ethel
Allen, Richard
Allen, Robert
Allen Circle
American Electric Power Company
American National Housing Company
American Society of Planning Officials
American Stock Exchange
“Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” (McKissick)
Amoco Chemical
Architectural Forum
Arthur D. Little
Asheville, North Carolina
Atlanta Daily World
Atlanta Exposition
Atlanta Metropolitan Planning Commission
Avco Community Developers
Avon Products
Aycock, Charles
“Back to Africa” movement
Baker, Ella
Baldwin, James
Ball, Buddy
Ball, Jean
Ball-Groom, Jane. See Groom, Jane
riots of 1968
Baltimore Afro-American
Baltimore Sun
Bayh, Birch
Beautiful City, California
Bell, Hattie
Bernstein, Carl
Biden, Joe
Birmingham campaign
Bixler, Floyd S.
Black Awakening in Capitalist America (Allen)
Black Blitz
Black Business Digest
Black capitalism
Black cooperatives
“Black Manifesto” (McKissick)
Black Man’s Burden (Killens)
Black migrations
Blackmun, Harry
Black Nationalism
“Black New Towns” (Galantay)
“Black Orientation of the New Community”
Black Panthers
Black Power
Black Power Conferences
Black Power (Wright)
Black Republicans
Black self-determination
Black separatism
Black towns
Black Wall Street (Tulsa)
Blue Ridge Mountains
Boley, Oklahoma
Bond, Julian
Borden Foods
Borders, William Holmes
Boy Scouts
Bragg family
Braun, Carol Moseley
“Bridges to Human Dignity” (Nixon)
Brigadoon (film)
Brimmer, Andrew
Brooke, Edward
Brooklyn, Illinois
Brown, Charlie
Brown, Harold
Brown, H. Rap
Brown, James
Brown, Jim
Brown, John
Brown, Karen
Brown, Michael
Brown, Robert J. “Bob”
Brown Circle
Brown v. Board of Education
Burchard, Hank
Burlington Industries
bus desegregation
Bush, George H. W.
Butler, Jerry “Iceman”
Caesar, Shirley
Canton, Mississippi
white vs. Black
Capps, Amos
Carey, Anthony
Carey, Betye
Carey, Gordon
background of
Chase loan and
CORE and
death of McKissick and
divorce and remarriage of
life after Soul City
McKissick’s break with
McKissick’s friendship with
name of Soul City and
new cities proposal and
Carey, Kristina Lee
Carey, Ramona
Carey family
Carmichael, Billy
Carmichael, Stokely
Carnegie, Andrew
Carolina, David
Carolina Times
Carswell, G. Harrold
Carter, Jimmy
Catalina Federal Honor Camp
Cedar-Riverside, Minneapolis
Certain-teed Products
Chamberlain, Wilt
Chandler, Eric
Chappaquiddick accident
Charlotte News
Charlotte Observer
Chase Manhattan Bank
Chavis, Benjamin
Chew, Henry
Chicago Daily Defender
Chisholm, Shirley
Circle P Ranch
Cities of Destiny (Toynbee)
CITY magazine
Civil Rights Act (1957)
Civil Rights Act (1964)
civil rights movement
Civil War
Clark, James
Clark, Kenneth
Clayton, Eva M.
Clayton, Theaoseus Theaboyd “T.T.”
Clement, Rufus
Target City project
Cleveland, Grover
Cleveland Call and Post
Clinton, Bill
Cocopah Indian Reservation
Collier, R. J.
Collins, Ronnie
Columbia, Maryland
Columbia University
Commerce Department
Committee to Reelect the President (CRP)
community corporations
community development corporations
Community Self-Determination Act (proposed)
Community Services Administration
Congressional Black Caucus
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
annual conventions
Connecticut General Life Insurance
Connor, Bull
Cony, Edward
Cook, C. W. “Tex”
Coors Brewery
Cornwall, Ron
Correction Enterprises Janitorial Productions Plant
Cosby, Bill
Council, John
Crisis, The
Cuffee, Paul
“Cultural Exchange” (Hughes)
Daily Argus
Daly City, California
Daniels, Jonathan
Daniels, Josephus
Dausch, James
Davis, Angela
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
Davis Bend, Mississippi
Daye, Katherine Heaton
Deacons for Defense and Justice
Death and Life of Great American Cities, The (Jacobs)
Decentrists group
Democratic National Committee
Democratic Party
Dent, Harry
riots of 1967
Doherty, Martin
Dole, Bob
double consciousness
Dow Jones company
Drotning, Phil
Du Bois, W. E. B.
Duke, Green
Duke, Louis
Duke, William
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina
integration and
Easton, Maryland
Edmund Pettus Bridge attack
Ehrlich, Paul
Eisenhower, Dwight
of 1932
of 1948
of 1960
of 1964
of 1968
of 1972
of 1976
of 1980
of 1990
of 1996
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
employee-owned trusts
Environmental Protection Agency
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Ervin, Sam
Evans, A. D.
Evans, Rowland
Evers, Charles
Evers, Medgar
Fain, Irving
Fair Housing Act (1968)
Fame (film)
Farmer, James
Faubus, Orval
Faulkner, William
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
federal contracts and grants
federal deficit
Federal Housing Administration
Federal Reserve Board
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Ferguson, Missouri, protests
Fesperman, Forest
Feyer, William
First Baptist Church of Soul City
First Pennsylvania Bank
Fishburne, Laurence
Fishing Creek
Fitzgerald, Robert
Fletcher, A. J.
Flower Mount, Tennessee
Food and Agricultural Organization
food stamps
Ford, Gerald
Ford, Henry, II
Ford, Johnny
Ford Foundation
Ford Motor Company
Fortas, Abe
Fortune 500
Foster, Tody
Fountain, Lawrence H. “L.H.”
Fountain Hills, Arizona
Fourier, Charles
Franklin, John Hope
Freedmen’s Bureau
Freedmen’s camps
Freedom Caucus
Freedom Highways
Freedom of Information Act
Freedom Rides
Freedom Summer
Freeman, Orville
French Broad River
Friendly, Fred
Fuller, Howard
Gaither, Tom
Galantay, Ervin
Galifianakis, Nick
Gananda, New York
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gantt, Harvey
garden city movement
Garment, Leonard
Gartner, Alan
Garvey, Marcus
Gast, Roy
Gehry, Frank
General Accounting Office (GAO)
General Electric
General Foods
General Motors (GM)
Globe Union
Godschalk, David
Goldberg, Arthur
Goldwater, Barry
Goode, Malvin Russell
“Good Place to Live” (Wilken)
Gordon, Walter R.
Gould, Jay
Graham, Frank Porter
Grant, Ulysses S.
Granville County
Great Dismal Swamp
Great Society
Greeley, Horace
Green, Jerome
Greenbelt, Maryland
Greendale, Wisconsin
Green Duke Village
Greenhills, Ohio
Greensboro Daily News
Greensboro sit-ins
Gregory, Dick
Gregory, Irene
Groom, Amy
Groom, Jane (née Jane Ball, later Jane Ball-Groom)
Groom, Jim-Jim
Groom, Jimmy
Groom, Julia
Groom, Lianndra
Groom, Sandra
Gulf Oil
Halberstam, David
Haldeman, H. R.
Haley, Alex
Halifax County
Haliwa Hills
Hamilton, California
Hammer, Greene, Siler
Hammer, Philip G.
Hampton, Lionel
Hancock, Gordon B.
Harbison, South Carolina
Harbor National Bank of Boston
Hardin, Clifford M.
Hard Times
Harlem Commonwealth Council
Harlem Delight Coffee
Harlem Freedom Associates
Harrigan, Susan
Harris, Patricia
Harris, Walter J.
Harrison, Benjamin
Harvard Business School
Soul City case study
Harvard University
Urban Design Conference
Hatch, Orrin
Haynsworth, Clement
Health, Education, and Welfare Department (HEW)
Hegel, Georg
Helms, Jesse
Henderson, J. J.
Henderson, North Carolina
Henley, William Ernest
Hersh, Seymour
High Point, North Carolina
Hills, Carla
historically Black colleges
Hodges, Luther, Jr.
Hollie, Pamela
Holmes, Melvin
Holshouser, James
Housing and Urban Development Act (1968)
Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD). See also New Communities Administration
foreclosure decision and
GAO audit and
Helms and
N&O attacks and
Soul Tech I and
task force and
Wall Street Journal and
housing projects
Howard, Augustine
Howard, Ebenezer
Howard, Oliver Otis
Howard County, Maryland
Howard Johnsons
Howard University
symposium on industrial recruitment
Hughes, Langston
Humphrey, Hubert
Hunt, James
Hunter Outdoor Products
Huntley-Brinkley Report, The (TV show)
Hurst, Charles
Hurston, Zora Neale
Ifill Johnson Hanchard
infant mortality
Innis, Roy
Interfaith Committee
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
“Invictus” (Henley)
Irvine, California
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Joseph H.
Jackson, Samuel C.
Jacobs, Jane
J. C. Penney
Jim Crow
John Graham High School
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Byron
Johnson, Conrad, Jr.
Johnson, Johnnie
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson C. Smith University
Johnson Products
Johnston, Donald
Jonathan, Minnesota
Jones, Bignall Speed
Jones, Paul
Jordan, Lucille
Jordan, Vernon
Journey of Reconciliation
Justice Department
Kabeyesi, King
Kaiser, Neva
Kansas, Great Exodus of 1879–81
Kearney, Middock
Kearney, Odell
Kelly, Gene
Kelso, Louis
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kennedy, Ted
Kerner Commission
Kerr Lake
Kerry, John
Key, V. O.
Killens, John Oliver
King, Coretta Scott
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
assassination of
March Against Fear and
King, Martin Luther, Sr.
r /> Kingdom of God, The (Tolstoy)
King Town, Iowa
Klibanoff, Hank
Ku Klux Klan
Kurtz, F. N.
Labor Department
labor unions
La Follette, Robert M.
Laird, Melvin
Lamont, Edward
Langston, Oklahoma
League of New Community Developers
Leary, Timothy
Le Corbusier
Lee, Annie Carter
Lee, Robert E.
Lester, Julius
Letchworth, England
Levister Towers (Mount Vernon)
Levi Strauss
Levittown, New York
Lewis, John
Liberation Road
Liberty National Life Insurance
Liddy, G. Gordon
Lincoln, Abraham
L. L. C. Medicine and Toilet Factory
Look Homeward, Angel (Wolfe)
Look Out, Whitey! (Lester)
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Sentinel
Los Angeles Times
Louisville, Kentucky
Lumberton, North Carolina
Lynn, James
Maddox, Lester
Madison, Julian
Madison, Robert
Magnolia Ernest Recreation Complex
Malcolm X
Malek, Fred
Malthus, Thomas
Man of La Mancha (musical)
March Against Fear
March on Washington (1963)
March on Washington Movement (1942)
Margolies, Melvin
Markham, Isaac B.
Maroon settlements
Marshall, Thurgood
Martin, James G.
Martin, Robert E.
Martin Luther King Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Social Change
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Mathews, David
Matthews Creek
Maumelle, Arkansas
McCabe, Edward Preston
McCaine, Irving L.
McCarthy, Joseph
McGovern, George
McKissick, Andree
McKissick, Charmaine
McKissick, Ernest
McKissick, Evelyn
McKissick, Floyd Bixler
American vs. Black identity and
announces Soul City plan
appointed to North Carolina District Court
autobiography of
banking industry and
Black capitalism and
Black Power and
Black separatism and
Brooke’s defense of
Bush and
car accident and
Carey friendship and
Carey friendship ended by
Carter administration and
Chase loan to purchase land and
childhood and youth in Asheville
childhood skating incident and
childhood trolley incident and
civil rights movement and
community corporations and
CORE and
CORE resignation by
death of
death of Fain and
dreams and accomplishments of
early law career of
economic autonomy and
education of
Farmer testimonial and
final speech of