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The Dead-End Job Mysteries Box Set 1

Page 13

by Elaine Viets

  But Helen knew it was Christina. She sat down in Margery’s comforting purple recliner and had a sudden overpowering desire to fall asleep, but she knew she’d have no rest until she made that call. Her hands shook so badly, Margery had to dial the number for her.

  The Miami Palms officer sounded more professional than the bored Sunnysea Beach policeman. Her name was Sweeney, she said.

  Helen told Officer Sweeney about Christina not showing up for work. Sweeney asked many of the same questions as the Sunnysea missing persons officer. Helen had the same embarrassingly vague answers. How could she not know where Christina was going on vacation? she asked herself. Because Christina did not want to say. And I did not want to know.

  “What was the subject wearing when you last saw her?” Sweeney asked.

  “A black pantsuit with a long slinky jacket,” Helen said.

  “Do you know the brand name?”

  “Ferragamo,” Helen said. “I’m sure it was a Ferragamo. It was new.”

  Officer Sweeney tried to keep her voice neutral, but Helen thought she heard a heightened interest. She asked Helen several questions about the suit’s details, down to the buttons.

  “They were black with a gold center,” Helen said. “Very distinctive.”

  “Would you be able to identify them?”

  “Definitely,” Helen said.

  Then Officer Sweeney asked if Christina had any distinguishing physical characteristics, “something that could help us with the identification.”

  What made Christina different from any other underfed blonde in South Florida? Helen wondered.

  “Well, she had her lips injected with collagen.”

  “OK,” Sweeney said, and Helen knew that was no help. Everyone got their lips enlarged these days.

  “And, wait, she just had some biopolymer injections in her face. The illegal ones. Something went wrong, and her right cheek is very swollen. It’s really big, about the size of a grapefruit half.”

  “Um, that’s not going to help us in, uh, under the current circumstances,” Sweeney said, and Helen’s stomach lurched. She realized that elegant Christina was gone forever. Did the dead Christina know she looked like something in a horror movie now? How she would hate that. Was that part of her punishment? Good lord, I sound like my mother, Helen thought, and made herself listen to Sweeney again.

  “. . . We’re trying to make an ID on the body,” she heard Sweeney say. “Would you know the name of her dentist?”

  “I’m not sure she has one,” Helen said. “She told me once that she was afraid of dentists.”

  “What about any surgical procedures? Any recent biopsies? Any blood she was stockpiling prior to a planned surgery?”

  “She’s pretty healthy,” Helen said. “I don’t think she’s ever had any operations, except for breast implants. But I guess they don’t count. Everyone around here has those, right?”

  “Actually, that’s very helpful,” Sweeney said. “Silicone implants have serial numbers.”

  Then Helen blurted, “That’s awful! Her fake boobs are the only way to tell if it’s the real Christina.”

  “I can’t believe I said that to the police,” Helen groaned.

  “You were in shock,” Margery said. “Drink this hot tea.”

  “What time is it?” Helen said. “I have to open the store.”

  “It’s nine o’clock. Are you sure you’re well enough to go to work?” Margery said.

  “Don’t fuss,” Helen said. “Work will do me good.” She stood up. She still felt wobbly, but she was OK.

  “Peggy will drive you there,” Margery said. “And don’t argue.”

  Helen did not. She was grateful for both women’s help. She hoped work would keep her mind off the horror of Christina’s death.

  At Juliana’s, Helen opened a box of silk dresses, wrinkled and crammed too tightly into the box. She tried not to think of Christina, her battered body jammed into a barrel. Was she still alive when the barrel was dumped in the bay?

  Helen called the florist and complained that the flowers looked funereal. “Send something cheerful,” she said. But the funeral Helen was thinking about was Christina’s. It would have to be closed casket. I’m burying her too soon. The police don’t know. It may not be Christina.

  Everything reminded her of Christina. Helen knew Christina had done wicked things, but that’s not how she remembered her. Helen saw her sitting on the silk-satin loveseats, laughing with her regulars. She saw Christina finding the perfect dress for a desperate woman, convincing her it was designed to make a man as lovesick as she was. With Christina’s magic, it often did.

  Helen saw Christina, slim and elegant, in her exquisite clothes. Then she saw her on an autopsy table, wearing a white sheet and a toe tag.

  That’s when Helen picked up the phone and called Tara. She could not be alone at Juliana’s any more. Tara was eager to return to work.

  “I’m sorry about Christina not coming back. I hope it’s not serious.”

  “Nobody knows,” Helen said. She would not mention the newspaper article unless she had to. That would make it too real. “Do you know where Christina was going on vacation?”

  “It’s funny,” Tara said, “but she went out of her way to avoid talking about it. I figured it was her business and didn’t press her. I’m sorry you want me back because there’s trouble, but I can’t wait to get out of here.”

  Helen had not mentioned the fake robbery. The subject seemed to have barbed wire around it. Now Tara was whispering into the phone. “Paulie’s smothering me. I swear I can’t go to the john without him tagging along. He means well, but I’m going crazy. I’ll tell him my shrink recommends I go back to work as part of my recovery. And I know! I’ll say the cops have a twenty-four-hour guard on Juliana’s. You’ll back me up on that, right? I’ll be in Monday.”

  “Terrific,” Helen said. “I need you.”

  And she did. All morning long, customers came in and bought clothes as if someone had shredded their wardrobes with garden shears. Everyone asked after Christina. Some brought her little gifts, which Helen put away for when Christina returned. (If she returned.) I don’t know for sure the dead woman is Christina, Helen told herself. (But she is.) The ID hasn’t been confirmed yet. (But it will be.)

  That afternoon, two Miami Palms homicide detectives showed up at Juliana’s. They looked like they’d been auditioning for Miami Vice. Did anyone still wear pink sport jackets and two-day stubble? The men even looked like Crockett and Tubbs. She wondered which one lived on the sailboat.

  “Do you recognize this purse?” Crockett asked her. He pulled out a brown paper evidence bag. Inside was the vintage gold mesh purse with the diamonds on the clasp. The one Christina had showed Helen the day she left for vacation. Helen looked at it and felt the floor slide away. She grabbed onto the counter to keep from falling.

  “Where did you get it?” she said. “Did you find it in her home? Or her car? Pawn shop, that’s where you got it. Someone stole it and . . .”

  Helen was babbling. She knew it, and the detectives knew it, too. They looked at her with the professional sadness of people who have had to deliver too much bad news, and Helen could not lie to herself any longer.

  “Christina is dead.” She’d said it. Now it was real.

  “We found this purse with the body,” Crockett said.

  How ironic, Helen thought. A fragile vintage purse survived unharmed, but Christina, hard as nails Christina, did not.

  “One more thing, ma’am,” Crockett said. He showed her a smooth black button. The subtle gold center glowed like a jewel.

  The words stuck in her throat. Helen forced them out. “It’s her suit button,” she said. “Was she alive when they put her in the barrel?”

  “No,” Crockett said gently. “She was dead.”

  Helen felt relieved. She did not ask if Christina had suffered. She’d been beaten to death. “Please don’t make me identify her.”

  “No, you wo
n’t have to,” Tubbs said. “We’ll make the ID from the implants.”

  Helen felt an irrational anger flare up. “Then why did you have that terrible article in the paper, if you knew about the implants? Couldn’t you have traced her that way and saved me this?”

  “The implant manufacturer was out of business,” Tubbs said. “The records were in storage. We were afraid it would take awhile to locate them. Time is important. The faster we start the investigation, the faster we can find her killer. We have the records now. But your information was a big help.”

  “Does she have any family to bury her?” Helen asked.

  “A sister, Lorraine,” Tubbs said. “She lives in Arkadelphia. Once the medical examiner is through, Lorraine will take the body home to Arkansas for burial. The sister is flying in today. We’d like to ask you some questions now, if you don’t mind.”

  Helen locked the green door and put up the “back soon” sign. Then she and the detectives went to the black silk-satin loveseats. Helen sat down, even though sitting was forbidden for sales associates when there were no customers. Let Mr. Roget fire her. With Christina dead, who would run the store?

  The detectives asked Helen questions for what seemed like hours. The funny thing was, Helen could not remember any of them later or how she answered. But she remembered being very careful. Helen did not lie to the police. She just did not tell them everything. She did not say anything about Christina’s drug dealing and skimming. She did not mention the murder of Desiree Easlee. She told herself she was too disoriented to deal with those matters now. If she said the wrong thing in her shocked state, she could be implicated in drug dealing, embezzling, and murder. After all, they happened at the shop. She needed time to work out the best way to tell the police.

  After the homicide detectives left, Helen called Mr. Roget. The store owner made appropriate sounds of horror and dismay when he learned of Christina’s murder, but they sounded perfunctory to Helen. He seemed more interested in making sure that Helen and Tara could run the store now that Christina was dead.

  “I’m not sure I want to manage Juliana’s, Mr. Roget,” she said, just to see how the old cheapskate would react.

  “I’ll make it worth your while,” he said. “I can give you an additional dollar an hour.”

  “That’s all? For running a store?” Helen said.

  “You’ll get your commission after six months. And of course, I’ll keep the same terms, cash only, off the books,” he said, and it almost sounded like a threat. Helen remembered the Las Olas store owner who wouldn’t pay her in cash. She’d be making seven seventy an hour. She knew how hard it was to get that money on her terms.

  “OK, Mr. Roget. Do you want me to close the store Monday, in honor of Christina?”

  “Oh, no, Helen,” he said, genuinely upset now. “Don’t close the store. Christina wouldn’t want that.”

  Right, Helen thought. And you wouldn’t want to miss a sale. She wondered if he’d closed the store when his own mother, the original Juliana, died.

  “And Helen,” he added, “do what you can to keep the store name out of the newspapers. We don’t want that kind of publicity for Juliana’s, do we?”

  Now a new fear gripped Helen, something she’d never thought of. What if Christina’s murder got a lot of press? What if her own name got in the newspapers? And the two homicide detectives. Their clothes may have been out of style, but they looked smart. Suppose they figured out who Helen was? One phone call back to St. Louis, one story on the news wires, and Rob would find her.

  Helen would have to go back to cold St. Louis. There would be no evenings spent drinking wine by the Coronado pool with Peggy and Pete. No purple-clad Margery, dispensing chocolate and sympathy. No glimpses of Daniel, the perfect man.

  It was a horrible prospect.

  Helen felt sick just thinking about it. She ran for the rest-room and threw up. Then she closed the shop for the day. To hell with Mr. Roget.

  Chapter 18

  When Helen opened Juliana’s Monday morning, she thought she saw someone back by the dressing rooms.

  “Hello?” she called into the darkened store. “Anyone there?” Helen was frightened. Too many odd things had happened here lately.She flipped on the lights and reached into her purse for her pepper spray. With the spray in her hand, Helen had the courage to walk through the store.

  “Hello?” she called again. She looked behind the counter but saw no one. The carpet had been vacuumed last night by the janitor service, and no footprints disturbed the deep pile.

  “Who’s there?” Her voice sounded like a croak. There was no answer. But she could swear someone was in the store with her.

  When Helen opened the dressing room door, she saw it—a flash of blond hair and black. But there was no one in the room, and no way for anyone to run past Helen. There was just an empty dressing room, with a freshly vacuumed carpet, a peach silk dressing gown on a padded hanger, and a pair of tiny black heels in a size Helen could never hope to wear. There was no blonde in black. It was a trick of the room’s triple mirrors.

  “It’s my imagination,” she thought. It’s Christina, whispered a voice in her mind.

  But Christina was dead and had been dead for more than a week. Why would she be in the store now? Yet Helen had the feeling she was there, saying good-bye, walking past the ice blue silk jackets she so admired, caressing the Hermes scarves, drinking in the vibrant D&G colors, reveling in the rioting Versaces, looking at the painting of the make-believe Juliana, and finally, defiantly, sitting on the silk-satin loveseats for the last time.

  “Christina, if that is you, I hope you are at peace,” Helen said, and she felt foolish when she said it. But then she didn’t feel foolish, and she didn’t feel frightened any more. She was sure whatever had been in the store was gone. Still, when Tara showed up at ten that morning, she was relieved to see her.

  Tara blew in like a fresh breeze. “I’m in black in honor of Christina,” she said, solemnly. Helen had called her from Margery’s last night and told her that Christina was dead.

  Helen almost smiled. She could hardly call that outfit mourning. Tara’s top stopped just south of her black bra, and her Brazilian lowrise jeans barely covered her bikini wax, leaving most of her flat midriff exposed. But Helen thought Christina would have appreciated the effort.

  “Poor, poor Christina,” Tara said. “It’s so horrible. I can’t believe it.”

  Her black veil of hair parted, and Helen saw Tara’s forehead. Even skillful makeup could not completely hide the ugly bruise.

  “How are you?” Helen asked.

  “I’m OK,” Tara said, and shrugged, baring more midsection. “But I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Helen didn’t either. She didn’t know what to say or why Tara had faked the robbery. They were both relieved when the doorbell rang. Tara looked out and said, “Do you really want to buzz this woman in? She doesn’t look like one of ours.”

  Unlike Christina, Helen buzzed in almost everyone. The only person she ever kept out was a mother with two little girls, and those children had chocolate ice-cream cones. But even Helen had her doubts about this woman. She was short and stout and wearing a shiny black satin dress with fussy ruffles and rhinestones. Her chubby feet bulged out of patent leather heels. Her gray hair was tortured by a frizzy perm, and her bangs were chopped off straight across her forehead. Her skin was pale white and thickly powdered. Her mouth was a thin, mean line in blood-red lipstick. She didn’t look like someone who would shop at Juliana’s, and yet she seemed familiar.

  “Honestly, Helen, that woman scares me. She looks like a vampire. Do we have to let her in?”

  “I think I’ve seen her somewhere before,” Helen said.

  “Halloween II?” Tara said.

  Helen laughed and buzzed in the woman. She bustled in, looked around the room with disapproval, and dropped a shapeless black leather purse as big as a doctor’s bag on the counter. Tara stepped back as if it were poisoned.
  “I’m here for my sister Leanne’s last paycheck,” the woman said, her jaw thrust out like a bulldog’s. “And don’t try to deny it. I’ve been through her books and I know she’s owed one more.”

  “I’m sorry, but we have no one named Leanne working here,” Helen said, more politely than the woman deserved.

  “Oh, yes, you do. You just don’t know her God-given name. She called herself Christina. She liked that phoney foreign froufrou. Our parents gave us honest, down-to-earth names, Leanne and Lorraine, but Leanne’s name wasn’t good enough for her. Arkadelphia wasn’t good enough, either. She left home more than twenty years ago. Said we were hicks.” From the set of the woman’s jaw, the insult still rankled. “Then she went and took an Eye-talian name instead.”

  “Oh, of course, you’re Christina’s sister, Lorraine,” Helen said, and as soon as she said it, she saw the woman had Christina’s eyes, without her clever makeup, and her pale skin, powdered into flour whiteness. Her thin lips could have used some collagen.

  “The police said you would be in town,” Helen said. “I am so sorry. We’re all in shock. Christina’s death was so sudden, so unexpected.”

  “I always expected it,” Lorraine said. “My sister was a sinful woman. She lived a life of shame and degradation, and God struck her down so she would no longer infect the righteous.”

  Tara gasped. Helen felt a sudden rebellious urge to defend Christina. “I think you are mistaken, Lorraine. Christina managed a fashionable store and was much loved by her clientele. Many of them were her friends.”

  “Whores and kept women,” Lorraine said, looking directly at Tara, “who use their bodies for shameless display and immorality.” Tara backed into a rack of blouses until they almost covered her bare middle.

  “I said to Leanne, maybe I don’t have your looks, but I have something more lasting, my immortal soul.”


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