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Nowhere to Hide (Tundra Wolves Book 4)

Page 7

by Maggie Walsh

  Even though Fane was an alpha/beta and was good at fighting and defending, he could see that even he would have a rough time going against Jude. While Fane had been off first traveling the world, then settling in with Julius in New Orleans as one of his personal guards where he had to keep himself strong and observant, Jude was up here in this frozen hell training every day for a war that might come one day, or a threat to his pack and way of life that could come at any moment. The man truly was a warrior.

  “Does that knowledge include that any alpha can come along and put a claim on an omega at any time after he is of age and there is nothing the omega can do about it?” Jude asked.

  Oberon gasped, “That’s barbaric!”

  “Exactly what both Dell and Ridge think, as well as how their fathers thought, but it is still so with our council. The only defense an alpha has against that stupid law is that as alpha, if someone went to him and put in a claim with him for mating another pack member, especially an omega, Dell could always step in and declare the freedom of choice clause. He fully believes everyone has the right to decide what they want and what they think is best for them. The main problem is, that if some alpha or beta came along and officially petitioned Dell to claim an omega, then he would have no choice but to ask if there was anyone else interested in claiming the omega as a mate. If there was, then the two would have to battle, and whoever won, would win the omega as the prize and Dell would have no say. If there was only one candidate that officially petitioned and no one else was interested, then the petitioner would have three months to convince the pack alpha that he was the best person to claim the omega, or any other member that the petition was made for, and that he himself would be an asset to the pack. In an omega’s case, the stakes would be higher because of their submissive nature,” Jude explained.

  “But all of that really wouldn’t pertain to me, right, with this particular case being true mates?”

  Jude nodded. “Very true. Because you are true mates, no one would be allowed to petition Dell for either of you.”

  “Then, why the whole omega history lesson on petitions and them having no choice?” Oberon asked.

  Jude looked to Oberon and said, “Because I want Fane to understand the things that have gone through Marlo’s head his whole life. Being an omega is being the lowest on the totem pole in the hierarchy of a pack, although that doesn’t mean we treat our omegas as slaves. What I’m trying to say is that omegas are totally submissive. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, an omega will want to serve.”

  Fane’s face twisted in disgust. “But I don’t want a slave either.”

  Jude gave him a sad smile. “That’s good to know. Just as your dominance is a part of you, total submission is a part of an omega. In Marlo’s case though, things are a bit different.”

  “How so?” Fane asked as he sat forward.

  “Marlo comes from alpha and omega fathers. His stud father was his alpha father. Both men expected Marlo to be an alpha as well, but the female that carried Marlo was a gamma, so they didn’t get their alpha child as they had hoped for and... his alpha father never really let him forget that and also never connected with Marlo.”

  “What about his omega father?” Fane asked.

  “He was a bit of an odd duck. Timothy wanted to have an alpha son as well, because he didn’t want his child to grow up like he had, always serving others. When Marlo was growing up, Timothy would encourage Marlo to think for himself. To not be so subservient and to find his own path. That caused a lot of problems in his home as you can imagine. Marlo grew up seeing Timothy in full on omega mode all day, all night, and it went against what Timothy was trying to teach him. It had become so confusing to Marlo at one point as he hit his mid-teens that the alpha had to step in. Dell’s dad, Mark, was our alpha at the time and he took Marlo out of the home and brought him in to live here at the alpha house.

  “Marlo was already good friends with Caleb, Alex, and Bo, which Timothy also encouraged, and he had spent most of his childhood days here anyway, running around this house like it was his own. So, Alpha Mark thought it would be the best place for him. Alpha Mark also saw the difference in Marlo from other omegas, showing him that some of what Timothy was teaching him had gotten through and made Marlo who he is today.”

  “Which is?” Fane asked.

  “Not like any other omega you would ever come across,” Jude replied. “Because of growing up best friends with Caleb, Alex, and Bo, Marlo learned how to defend himself. He knows how to fight and is pretty good at it. He’s also good at hunting, fishing, and is almost marksman level when it comes to the bow and arrow. Marlo is probably in the top five of this pack with a bow. He’s also pretty outspoken and sometimes puts people in their place when called for. Which are all things that are total opposites when thinking about an omega.”

  “Okay, so he’s not a doormat, that’s good,” Fane said.

  Jude gave him a smile. “He’s definitely not a doormat, that's for sure. When Alpha Mark noticed how efficient Marlo was at organization, he hired him to be his assistant, and Dell has kept him on. He’s super smart and just amazes us sometimes with what he can do. I can honestly say that without Marlo, Dell would have had a harder time transitioning into alpha when his father stepped down. Marlo makes Dell’s day to day life a lot easier, and I don’t think Dell would know what to do without him.”

  As Jude spoke, Fane could see respect and fondness in Jude’s eyes.

  Fane suddenly got a strange feeling in his gut, and before he could pull the words back, they were stumbling out of his mouth, “So you’re telling me that Dell and Marlo are…”

  Jude’s eyes widened and his face twisted with what looked like horror. “Hell no. Dell looks at Marlo as a little brother. And so do I. Between those four boys running around this house and me always being here for my own reasons, the six of us became very close. Like brothers. Dell is very protective of Marlo and understands his issues. Since Marlo fully came into being at the age of twenty-five, he’s been afraid of ever finding a mate. Not a true mate of course, because we never thought that would come. But he has feared an alpha coming along and putting a claim on him because of the way he is. Yes, he is an omega, but he is a very independent omega. He loves his job with Dell and his life living with his friend Nelo at their place. He’s afraid that when an alpha comes along to claim him that all of that will come to an end, because of what everyone expects an omega to be.”

  “Oh, wait, I get it,” Oberon said, drawing their attention. “He’s not your average omega and if an alpha comes along looking for an omega who is totally submissive, which is their nature, there would be a lot of problems, and Marlo is afraid of losing himself and only being looked at as a slave and plaything.”

  Jude smiled as he nodded. “Exactly.”

  “Well, as I said, I don’t want a slave,” Fane replied.

  Jude turned his smile to Fane. “Good. Because in Marlo’s case, if you did, I think it would destroy him. I don’t know you from a hole in the wall, Fane, but I hope you really mean what you say.”

  Fane’s brows drew down low as anger rose inside him. “Of course, I do. Why would you think I would lie about something like that?”

  “Because, you are an alpha/beta and we all know how dominant both can be. Now, I don’t know how it will work with a true mating, but I worry that once you claim Marlo that your dominant side will prevail, no matter what the words coming out of your mouth say, and I have a feeling that’s why Marlo ran. All he saw and scented was your alpha/beta, and he’s terrified of having to give up all of himself to you.”

  “I can honestly say that what comes out of my mouth will match what is inside my heart and soul. I’ve made mistakes in this life and I have learned some very hard lessons. As I said, I don’t want a slave,” Fane said with conviction, then pushed back from the table. “I think it’s time I go find my mate and the two of us have a long, honest talk.”

  Jude nodded as he smiled and stood. “I
think you’re right, but we need to wait for Dell’s call or we may wander around out there and freeze to death looking for Marlo. So, how about I show you men to Bo’s place which is where you’ll be staying, and if Dell doesn’t call by then, I’ll send him a text for an update and I’ll show you around the pack.”

  Fane and Oberon both nodded their agreement as Oberon stood and the three men headed out to the living room.


  Dell followed Marlo’s scent to the center of town, then noticed it got stronger, but the footprints in the snow changed from human to wolf, and Dell smiled. Marlo was probably freezing his ass off and had shifted. Good, it would keep him protected longer from the elements. That was something he really loved and admired about Marlo, the man could think for himself and adjust.

  No omega that Dell had ever met was anything like Marlo. Most of them hardly thought for themselves and used their omega status to get away with it. His pack had a total of four omegas, Marlo included, but the other three always did as expected. They stayed to themselves except to care for the smaller children in the pack, and when others were around they dropped into their totally submissive state no matter who they dealt with. They used their omega status to their advantage in not having to do any of the pack chores or training, and always looked to others to tell them what to do and take care of them. They were not independent at all, not like Marlo.

  One of his omegas, Pax, was a cute little thing, only about five feet two and a hundred and ten pounds, with long golden-blond hair, cute pixie face and big green eyes. He was a bit unlike the other two only in the fact that Dell knew the man was tired of always taking care of others, and Dell could understand why. Pax was sixty years old, even though he looked around twenty-seven, and had spent his whole life taking care of everyone around him. First his fathers and siblings, then the children of the pack, and also the other omegas.

  Dell could see the longing in Pax’s eyes whenever he watched Marlo around the pack and how he interacted with others, as well as when Pax observed some of the matings in the pack. Dell knew Pax wanted someone to call his own, but was afraid of an alpha coming along to claim him and his life continuing on as pretty much a slave, but with an alpha mate he would also have to be a slave in the bedroom. Dell had overheard Pax talking to Alex once about wishing he could find someone who would want to take care of him. Pax said he didn’t mind taking care of the man he loved, but he wanted someone to take care of him as well, and would love to have a daddy. Not a daddy as in his fathers, but as in a man who would put him and his needs first and take care of him, like a sugar daddy.

  Dell smiled at the thought. Most people would think that there was something wrong with that or sick about it, that the men involved in the relationship were perverted thinking about fucking your daddy or your son, but that wasn’t how it was. The term daddy was a tenderness, like a pet name people used, like baby, babe, or in their world, pet. It was a term of endearment, respect, and appreciation to the man who took care of them and made them feel wanted, loved, and safe. And in turn the “daddy” would most likely call him “boy” and would take care of all his boy’s needs like he was the most cherished thing in the world. There was nothing sick, perverted, or wrong about it. Dell didn’t care what any of his pack did in their relationships as long as everyone involved agreed and were consenting adults.

  Because of the way Pax and Marlo were, was why Dell and his father before him always took a greater interest in the omegas of their pack and watched over them. Marlo was independent and nothing like other omegas and Pax needed someone to show him love and care instead of the other way around.

  Marlo’s scent grew stronger as Dell followed it across town, and he stopped when it hit him like a wall. Dell looked around and noticed he was in Alex’s neighborhood where he now lived with his mates, Tug and Raiden. Dell looked to their house and spotted a dark figure hiding in the shadows in the corner of Alex’s porch, and he smiled in relief when he heard the faint whine of Marlo’s wolf.

  Dell slowly walked up the path and chuckled when he heard the sexy noises coming from within the house. The trio must be having a good night, he thought. He was happy for them. Alex and his men had a rough start, but the three true mates were now very happy and very much in love, so Dell couldn’t be happier for all of them.

  He approached the porch then sat on the top step, his back to Marlo. Dell rested his arms on his knees, with Marlo’s coat still clutched in his hand and stared out over the neighborhood. It was mid-afternoon, and already the sun was setting and the sky looked like twilight. The dark season was upon them and soon this time of day would look like night. Dell thought about the cold, lonely nights to come, but smiled thinking about his lover and how they would sneak to make time to be together.

  A small whimper came from behind him and without looking, Dell said, “I brought your coat, Marl, but seeing as you shifted for warmth, I don’t think it would be a wise idea to shift back right now and be totally exposed to the elements. Although your coat would be a help, it wouldn’t cover all of you. If you want to stay here longer I can cover you with your coat to help keep in the heat, or if you prefer, we can head back to your place where you can put some clothes on and get warm?”

  Marlo whined again, and Dell turned, then lifted the coat and placed it over Marlo’s form, tucking it in around the sides of the white wolf. He met Marlo’s gaze and saw the gratitude in his pretty blue eyes.

  Just then the door flung open and a very large and nude Tug stood there looking out in worry. When he spotted Dell, Tug’s eyes widened slightly as he said, “Alpha, is something wrong?”

  Dell heard two gasps from inside followed by, “Alpha?” and his gaze drifted behind Tug where he saw Raiden scrambling to his feet as he pulled Alex up off the couch. Both were also naked with Raiden wearing a chest harness and Alex with a black collar, nipple clamps, and a cock cage. Dell coughed, trying to hold in the laugh that threatened to come out, and immediately turned his head away. Not that it bothered him any to witness such an intimate moment. He was used to seeing his pack members in all sorts of compromising positions, and fucking while dressed in all sorts of garments and sex gear, but he didn’t want to embarrass Alex who was like a brother to him.

  “Nothing’s wrong, Tug. I’m sorry if I interrupted your night. I just came looking for Marlo,” Dell finally replied, and made a gesture in Marlo’s direction.

  Tug looked down in the corner and his eyes softened when he saw the white wolf. “Hey, Marlo, is everything okay? Did you need something?”

  “Marlo? Marlo’s out there,” Alex’s frantic voice came from inside, and a moment later he appeared in the doorway at Tug’s side and slipped out past his mate, looking at first Dell, then Marlo. “Marl’s, what’s wrong?”

  Marlo raised his head and turned, looking up at the pair and whined, then lowered his head again and buried his nose under his paws.

  Alex put a hand on his hip as his face twisted in annoyance. “Well excuse me, but I was a bit busy with my men. Sorry I stink like sex,” Alex said in a huff.

  Dell chuckled as he shook his head. “You got all of that from his small whine?”

  “Well, yeah. I know what Marlo was thinking. That’s his, ‘you stink’ whine.”

  “Why is everyone out here freezing their balls off? Alpha, Marlo, please come in and warm up,” Raiden said as he stepped up behind his mates and looked over their shoulders.

  “Of course, sorry, Alpha. Please come in. Let me go throw on a robe like my mates. When I sensed your presence, I didn’t even think about that and just ran for the door,” Tug said as he slipped past Alex and headed back into the house.

  “It’s no problem, Tug, we’re the ones who should be apologizing,” Dell replied.

  “Absolutely not. You’re both welcome here anytime you want,” Alex insisted. “Please come in Marlo before you freeze.”

  Marlo’s sad eyes met his, and Dell sighed. “It’s all going to be okay, Marl, I promise, but
I think we should talk a bit about what happened and what is about to happen, don’t you?”

  Marlo replied with another whine and the look in his eyes shifted to pleading. Dell reached out and laid a hand on the back of his neck in comfort. “Seeing as it’s as cold as a witch’s tit out here and we can’t talk with you in wolf form, and going back to your place or mine will only make you a lot colder at this point, I say we take Alex up on his offer and at least go in to warm up a bit. How does that sound?”

  Marlo turned his head slightly and licked Dell’s arm, then let out a small bark. Dell pulled his hand back and stood and at the same time, the white wolf rose up on all fours and stretched, then turned and lumbered into the house past Alex and Raiden’s feet. Dell grabbed up Marlo’s coat that had slipped off him as the wolf moved, and he followed Marlo inside, with Alex and Raiden at his heels.

  Dell watched as Marlo went by. Marlo coughed and sniffed, then his muzzle scrunched up and he shook his head. Dell chuckled and shook his head too. The scent of sex heavy in the air from what Dell figured Alex and his men were doing before they interrupted. The white wolf made his way to the fireplace and dropped down in front of the blazing fire and curled up.

  “I’ll get you some clothes. Just stay there,” Alex said, then disappeared up the stairs just as Tug was coming down.

  “How about Raiden and I go put on some coffee, then we’ll make ourselves scarce upstairs, so you both can talk with Alex?” Tug offered.

  Dell gave him a grateful smile as he replied, “That would be great, Tug, thanks.”

  “No problem, Alpha,” Raiden said, then he and Tug turned and left the room.

  Dell moved closer to Marlo who still lay by the fireplace in his wolf form. He leaned down and got onto the floor then crossed his legs and leaned back on his hands. A moment later Alex joined him, sitting only a few feet to his right, and they both looked down at Marlo who remained quiet with his eyes closed, but Dell knew it was because he was afraid to have whatever conversation they were about to have.


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