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Nowhere to Hide (Tundra Wolves Book 4)

Page 11

by Maggie Walsh

  If the man had gone through the proper channels and called ahead, discussing things with him and they agreed upon his visit, then Dell would have shown him the respect he deserved just for being a leader, but because of all the sneaking onto his lands and the attack, the guy could go fuck himself if he thought Dell would show him any respect.

  He saw the vampire’s jaw clench but also saw the man take a deep breath through his nose, and Dell was sure he was trying to control himself. “First, I would again like to apologize for coming on your lands unannounced and without your permission, Alpha York. It was not my intention. If we may speak alone for a moment, I think we may be able to clear up a few things and come to some kind of agreement, or at the very least, peace between us.”

  Dell looked up and met Jude’s gaze and nodded. Jude opened the door and stepped aside as he looked to the other vamp and the witch. “If you’ll follow me, we’ll wait for our leaders in the common room,” Jude said.

  The vamp shot daggers at him and Dell growled deadly from his throat as he allowed his canine’s to drop and he snarled. The witch grabbed the vampire’s arm and forcefully pulled him toward the door. Before they exited, the witch looked at Jude and asked respectfully, “Could we please have a First Aid kit, so that I may attend to my mate’s wounds while we wait?”

  Jude looked at the little witch with cold eyes, but then gave a tight nod.

  Once they were gone and the door closed, Dell looked back to the vampire. “Now, I have given you more concessions than I should, so what would you like to tell me? And by the gods I hope you speak no lies.”

  “Your lack of respect for me says a lot about you, young Alpha,” Julius sneered, putting emphasis on the word young and using it as an insult.

  Dell didn’t let it get to him, which he knew would piss the arrogant prick off. He smirked as he replied, “Don’t let my youth fool you, old man. I have no problem proving to you that my youth, is not an obstacle against someone as advanced in years as you are, no matter what they say about old vampires and their strength and abilities.”

  The two just stared at one another for a moment, then Dell saw the corner of the vampire’s mouth twitch slightly like he wanted to smile, and a sparkle lit in his eyes. “So, should we stop with the pissing contest and get down to business?” Dell asked as his smirk deepened.

  The vampire’s will finally broke and a small chuckle escaped his lips as his eyes twinkled. “I understand perfectly why you have shown me no respect. I would have done the same thing to you if our positions were reversed. I’ve heard many great things about the York pack over the years, as well as your leadership here, which is most impressive. I met your father once at a meeting of leaders at the council headquarters. He is a very honorable and fierce man. I can see he has taught his son well. I can also see that he has trained you well. I do not wish to make us enemies, Alpha York. On the contrary, I would like us to become allies. The gods know that in the world we live in today as well as what is prophesied to come, we could use all the friends and allies we can get.”

  “Amen to that. I have also heard of you and your... activities, shall we say, Leader Valerian.”

  Again, the vampire chuckled softly and shook his head. “I always knew all the stories would come back and bite me in the ass someday. To show you good faith, Alpha York, and to prove to you that my interest in us becoming allies is real, I will tell you a little secret, but I must insist on your oath that what I say will not leave this room. That is why I asked for privacy.”

  Dell nodded. “You have my word. Anything you tell me in confidence will stay here between us. Unless you give me permission to share it with Alpha Heart. I’m sure you know our packs are now intertwined by promise and blood and we share our lands because of what is to come to our world.”

  “I have no problem with you sharing anything I tell you with Alpha Heart on the condition that he also gives his oath that it goes no further.”

  Dell nodded as he sat back into his chair. “Agreed.”

  “I know all the stories you and the rest of our kind have heard about me and my nest, and I know none of those are good, but there is a very necessary reason behind that. I, along with a few others around the world do... let’s just say ‘private work’ for our council. What we actually do needs to stay unknown to others. As I am sure you are aware, there are some in our world that are unhappy with our council and their progressive thoughts and the changes they have instilled over the past two hundred years or so.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard of some factions who want us all to stay in the old ways and traditions. One of those things being no interspecies matings or same sex matings, which would mean that all Tundra Wolves would be hunted down and wiped out.”

  “You and a few others. In the beginning, when paranormals had no problem finding their true mates, no one had an issue with these things. They also agreed fully that we needed to fit in with the humans and get along with them, hiding who we are, because it would be dangerous for all of us if we were discovered. As things changed in our world so did the mindset of the earlier council. They believed that all the gods were angry with us for the way we lived. Interspecies matings, same-sex matings, multiple-mate matings, etc. and that’s when that council changed the rules and declared all of those things unlawful. When paranormals stopped finding their mates, that council thought it was because of the gods’ anger and disapproval and that the gods’ agreed with them.

  “As the council changed and new men and women came to power, they found the old scrolls and history books that I know you and Alpha Heart both have copies of and have been studying. All paranormal leaders were sent the true histories and scrolls, so that we could all learn and be prepared for the Reckoning and Purge, but some of these groups insist that the new council was lying and they were trying to fool us. They are convinced that the history given to us, in regards to the Reckoning and the Purge aren’t true, and that the council is using all of that as a way to control us. They also believe that it should be the time of the paranormal uprising and that we should come out of hiding and take over the world from the humans.”

  “Yes, my father has explained all of that to me. But these factions are the ones who are wrong and we both know it. With what is written in the histories and the truth of them coming to pass, like paranormals finding their true mates again, including multiple mates, and the appearance of the first Linchpin in New York, it proves that what this council is telling us is true. And for paranormals to show ourselves now, would be the worst move we could make. The humans would do everything they could to enslave us, which would mean a lot of us would never find our true mates and be prepared for the Purge,” Dell replied, as he crossed his hands over his stomach.

  “I completely agree and so does the council. I’ve heard that your pack has gained its first Linchpin mating as well.”

  Dell smiled as he thought of Alex and his men. “Yes, we have, and I suspect we will have a few others, as well as the Heart Pack.”

  Julius’s eyes lit up happily. “That’s wonderful. It just proves that what is prophesied is happening, and soon more and more of our kind will find their true ones. Maybe there is finally hope for us all.”

  “Amen. So, what does this all have to do with the rumors I have heard about you and all your... activities?” Dell asked, as he smirked again and raised a brow.

  Julius undid the buttons on his suit coat and relaxed back in his seat as he smiled at Dell. “This is the part that must remain secret. I, as well as a few others of our kind around the world that have rather... unsavory reputations, are the real lies of the council. We secretly work for them as their eyes and ears. Those who do not believe and wish to destroy our council and change us back to the old ways, and would like to take over the world from the humans, have been gaining numbers and secretly building an army. The council has found that they have their hands in a lot of criminal activities around the globe, including, weapons trafficking, drugs, money laundering, and even the sex
trade in both humans and paranormals. They use the profits for their cause and to build up their resources and acquire weapons to fight against the council, as well as the humans, and those who stand with the council.

  “I believe in our council and what they are doing. I believe in the prophecy and know it will be our only way of survival, so I went to work with the council, undercover, many years ago. One of those ways was to establish a criminal reputation for myself and my nest. What we do when we meet with these cartels and gun traffickers is to gather information for the council as well as get our hands on those weapons and destroy them. The work has been slow and I’m not sure exactly what kind of impact we’re actually having on the numbers, but even if we get a few thousand of those weapons out of the enemy’s hands, hopefully it will help in keeping our kind safe until and after the Purge comes.”

  Dell sat forward and leaned his elbows on the desk as he clasped his hands. “So, you’re telling me that you and others are actually getting your hands on these weapons?”

  “Yes. We’ve also been able to get a good amount of these drugs out of the hands of unsuspecting paranormals and have rescued some of those that have been sold into slavery.”

  “What?” Dell gasped.

  Julius sighed heavily as his face darkened. “These rebels, kidnap humans and other paranormals, like omegas and gammas, as well as other weaker members of other breeds, including vampires, and they either keep them as some form of slave, or sell them to other rebel groups or on the black market. They use them as currency or bargaining tools to make deals with each other. The stories I have heard from some of the men and women we have rescued will curl your toes. The disgusting things they have done to them and made them do is worthy of torturing them and sending them to Hell.”

  “Holy shit! I had no idea,” Dell replied.

  “Most don’t. The council has insisted these things be kept under wraps as much as possible and for as long as possible, because they are afraid that if everyone finds out, then the rebels may gain more support from other sick fuckers who will just join them, because they want to get their hands on these slaves, or certain drugs that actually affect our kind. In a way, you have all been fortunate living so far up north and away from all the horrors that are truly happening in our world. I must confess, most don’t even think of all the breeds that reside up here or others like you in remote places around the world. I’m sorry to say that the Tundra Wolves of Northern Alaska, as well as the polar bears, and all the others that call the tundra their homes, have pretty much been forgotten. Which brings me to our becoming allies, and what I would truly like to discuss with you.”

  “Well, you have my attention, but I’m sure this isn’t the reason you’ve come up here and trespassed on my lands,” Dell said.

  Julius smiled, but Dell could see the anger in his eyes. “No, it is not. In all honesty, I am among those that have never given your kind or any other paranormal that resides here a minute of my time. It all started with trying to find Fane and Oberon. That schmuck, Silvan, took off to New York to hunt down Fane and found his fathers to see if they knew where Fane was hiding. Unfortunately, by the time I got there, Silvan had already beaten his fathers pretty badly. I did stop him and reprimanded him for what he had done, as well as talked to the council about it and have tried to make things right with Fane’s fathers.”

  Dell’s brows rose as the anger began to build inside him again. “Reprimanded?”

  “I know,” Julius replied, as he held up his hand. “There are reasons why I have had to have that piece of crap as one of my seconds and why he is still alive after the things he has done, but that is for another time. With everything that happened down in New York, the council told us about Fane being a Tundra Wolf and thought this was the best place for us to start looking. After our conversation, expect a call from them asking for yours and Alpha Heart’s help.”

  Dell clenched his jaw and nodded, but remained silent.

  “While I was working with the council on a plan and how to approach you, Silvan took it upon himself to come up here looking for Oberon and Fane. He is insistent on killing them in hopes that it will save his ass during the Purge,” Julius continued.

  “Yes, Fane explained what happened.”

  “I figured as much, seeing as you took him into your pack, which, I must say surprised me seeing as Alpha Heart is his blood.”

  Dell chuckled as he shook his head. “That’s a long story for another time as well. So, I’m guessing you didn’t come here to help Silvan.”

  Julius shook his head. “No. I came to stop him. I don’t want anyone else to have to pay for his fuck up, and I certainly don’t want Fane and Oberon killed. I also couldn’t allow Fane to kill Silvan, because I don’t know what would happen to Cyrian if Silvan dies. Fane and Oberon are both good men and were some of my best, most loyal guards. As well as men I called friends, and they don’t deserve to die because of Silvan’s mess. You’re lucky to now have them in your ranks. While I was in meetings with the council, Cyrian called to inform me that Silvan disappeared again. I immediately knew where he was coming, so I came after him, but the little shit got a pretty good head start on me. I was trying to get to him before he entered your lands and avoid all of these discussions until the council made first contact, but he had already gotten here and I had no time to call you and go through the proper channels. At that point I was just trying to stop him and get him out of here before we were found out. I didn’t think you would be too receptive, even with the council, after we broke the rules and came on your lands unannounced.

  “I didn’t want Cyrian to come along, but he used his witch powers and followed me. I tell you, that poor man is in dire straits with Silvan as a mate. Cyrian is a good man and deserves better than Silvan, but again, a story for another time. Anyway, we had just caught up with Silvan and Cyrian was giving him hell, when he caught Fane’s scent and took off again, and you know the rest.”

  Dell sat back with a sigh and closed his eyes as his mind began to run through everything Julius had just told him, then suddenly an idea struck. His eyes popped open and he met Julius’s gaze again. “This Cyrian, how powerful is he?”

  “Not great, but not bad. He is still pretty much a witch in training. Why?”

  “Damn, we’ve been trying to find a powerful witch or coven to make a deal with, but Ridge and I haven’t been very successful,” Dell admitted.

  Julius’s brows rose high and Dell could see the surprise in his eyes. “A deal for what exactly, may I ask?”

  Dell chuckled. “Nothing nefarious, I assure you. We need to restore the protection spells around our lands. Recently, one of my people,” Dell began, but stopped to take a calming breath. “A stupid ass, did some things that he didn’t realize would put us all in danger. Because of what he did, the original spells that were cast up here a long time ago, that protect us from being found by the humans, both in person by stumbling upon us, and by satellite, are now gone and have left us open to discovery. We need another powerful witch or coven willing to trade or make a deal with us to restore that protection.”

  Julius gave him a mischievous smile. “I really think we can help one another out.”

  Now Dell’s brows rose with interest. “And how is that?”

  “Cyrian may not be strong enough for what you need, but his coven sure is. His mother is Abigail Salle,” Julius replied happily.

  “Holy shit. You mean…” Dell hissed, impressed.

  “Yes, the Grand High Witch.”


  Halfway through cleaning his mate, Marlo suddenly shifted back to human form and let out a small whimper of pain that went right to Fane’s heart. With the shift he could see that most of the superficial wounds had healed and only two of the deeper claw marks still remained visible, but they were more like cat scratches than deep gashes from a vampire. Fane and Nelo both blew out sighs of relief.

  They hadn’t done the best job cleaning off all the blood and dirt from
Marlo’s fur, but it was enough to see that he was going to be okay. Fane covered Marlo with a blanket, then Nelo picked up all the soiled towels and the bowls and exited the room, leaving him alone with his mate. Fane sat for another ten minutes just looking at his mate’s stunning face and dreaming of the life they would hopefully have together, when finally, those gorgeous sapphire-blue eyes blinked open and looked up at him.

  Marlo stared at him for a moment, confusion in his gaze, then suddenly his eyes opened wide and he gasped softly as he tried to sit up. “Oh, my goodness! You’re okay,” he said, but then made a sound of distress and his face twisted in a bit of pain before he settled back into the bed.

  Fane sat forward holding out his hand as he replied, “Shh, mate, easy. Everything’s okay. You’re all healed, but I’m sure there are still a few tender spots. Just take it slow.”

  Marlo nodded, then carefully pushed himself up until he was sitting with his back to the headboard. “I remember vampires and he was attacking you. He came after you again even after that other vampire said to stop and you did. That was sneaky. The big prick,” Marlo said, huffing out the last sentence as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  Fane chuckled from not only Marlo’s words, but the ferocity behind them and the angry look on his cute face. “Very true, but my amazing mate gave him a piece of his own medicine. Which I know he hadn’t expected, especially from an omega. I admit, it surprised me too, baby, but I am grateful. Thank you for trying to protect me. I only wish you hadn’t gotten hurt doing it,” Fane sadly sad.

  Marlo dropped his arms to his sides and gave him a shy smile. “Yeah, that part sucks, but I didn’t even think about that. Stupid, huh? All I know is that he was trying to attack my mate and I couldn’t let him do that,” Marlo replied with a shrug.

  Fane shifted off the chair and slipped onto the edge of the bed and took one of Marlo’s smaller, delicate hands into his and kissed the back of it, before he looked up and smiled at Marlo. A thrill ran through him when he saw the heat in Marlo’s eyes as his mate sat frozen in place, his gaze focused on his own hand as if mesmerized. “I wouldn’t say stupid. A bit reckless maybe, but only because there were two very large unfamiliar vampires there and you had no idea what they would do or what they are capable of. Other than that, I would say you were very brave and selfless. And even though I would have chosen for you to run the other way, so you wouldn’t have been hurt, I am honored that you tried to protect me and without a thought to your own safety. I would also like to tell you that in the future, should something like that happen again, or anything that puts you in danger, I would prefer you get as far away from the situation as possible, but I have a feeling that my words would fall on deaf ears. I’m sure I have only seen a small fraction of how protective you are over the people in your life. I’m positive had I been Dell or Jude, probably even Nelo or some of your other friends, that you and your wolf would have been even deadlier.”


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