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My Best Friend's Dad: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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by Matilda Martel

  My Best Friend’s Dad

  Matilda Martel

  Copyright © 2018 by Matilda Martel

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6


  Follow Me

  Also by Matilda Martel

  Chapter 1

  “Lea, just come home with me. I can’t leave you here by yourself.” My best friend, Kelsey whines as she attempts to make herself feel better for stealing my boyfriend last semester.

  I’m exaggerating. She slept with my longtime boy crush, Justin, who followed me from high school to college but got tired of waiting for me to put out.

  I liked him. I just wasn’t ready for sex, yet.

  Kelsey was ready and willing and now they’re an item.

  I’m better off, right?

  Well, it didn’t feel that way for the first month or so, but we’re better now and because we’ve been dorm mates since last year, we found a way to get along.

  “I’ll be fine here, Kelsey. I could have gone to Montreal with my father, I just can’t stand his wife and you know my Mom. I’d rather not spend my entire Christmas holidays being told how fat I am.” I return to my e-reader and try to ignore all the mess she’s making while she packs.

  “Fat? How the hell are you, fat? You’re all ribs, legs and tits.”

  “I guess it’s the tits. You know, she’s an asshole. I stopped trying to understand her when I was 10.”

  I gaze at my vibrating phone. It’s my Dad messaging again.

  “Is that your Dad? What’s he saying?” Kelsey climbs over to look at my phone, she can’t help herself. Deep down, she’s always suspicious it might be Justin sending me a text.

  “He’s threatening to come get me if I stay here alone.” I throw the phone in my nightstand and continue reading.

  “Jesus, Lea, just come with me! It’s either Montreal with your Dad and his bitch or home with me. Besides, my father insists I spend time in Cambridge with him and I need a buffer.” Kelsey pouts like a 6-year-old and searches for my luggage.

  My ears perk up with the mention of Dr. Boorman, Kelsey’s hot professor Dad. I’ve met him a few times when he’s come to New York to visit his daughter and we have an ongoing flirtation.

  Actually, it’s more than that. The first time we met, he took Kelsey and I to visit the Museum of Natural History and surprised me by kissing me when we were alone in the Primate exhibit. Kelsey kept wandering off to text Justin and left me to entertain her father most of the afternoon.

  We talked and flirted so much, there came a point when we didn’t have anything to do but stare anxiously at one another and smile. That’s when he swooped in and kissed me. At first, it was just a peck, but when he saw no one else was around, he closed his mouth over mine and devoured my lips. I never shied away or made one attempt to stop him. No one had ever kissed me like that before. When Kelsey returned, we both behaved like nothing had ever happened.

  “Kelsey, your Dad is the one who comes to visit you, unlike your Mom. You should feel grateful he wants to spend time with you.” I grab my phone to text my father. It’s been a while since I’ve been fondled, and I’m curious if he’ll continue escalating things.

  Since the kiss, he’s added caressing my ass in an elevator and last month we had a heavy make out session when he stopped by our dorm room to visit Kelsey unannounced. I’m afraid I might have scared him off by telling him I was still a virgin, since he hasn’t come by since. Maybe it’s just a coincidence.

  “Lea! My Dad is fucking boring! He teaches physics at MIT and was a boy genius. His social skills super suck. He’s nice, but he’s so strange and dull to be around. He just turned 40 and he acts like he’s 60. I’ll bet my Mom was the last person he had sex with, seriously and they divorced when I was 3.” I watch her carry on about her poor Dad.

  Am I the only person who finds this man irresistible?

  “You know, I’ve always wondered how you can have a genius for a father and yet be so dumb.” I laugh as I snatch my luggage from her.

  “Ha! Ha! You’re so hilarious. It just so happens he’s not my biological Dad. He thought he was at first, but my slutty Mom wasn’t sure, and he married her anyway. I was 6 months when they found out for sure, but he legally adopted me anyway.”

  “He sounds like a decent person, Kelsey. You should spend some time with my father, the lingerie designer. He would bring his girlfriends into our house ALL the time when my Mom was at work. I wish the worse thing I could say about him was that he was a bit boring.” After I send a text to my philandering Dad that I’ll be spending Christmas in Boston, I start packing.

  Chapter 2

  We travel by train from New York to Boston and arrive in just under four hours. Kelsey’s mom is at the station to greet us with her latest boyfriend, Jared. Like Kelsey, she is a very pretty lady and has been married a few times since her divorce from Kelsey’s dad. I can tell by the look on her face, that she is not expecting her mother’s boyfriend to be so young. He appears to be in his late 20s and they both look like they’ve just crawled out of bed.

  “Lea! I’m so glad you came after all! You’re always such a good influence on my Kelsey!” Her mom hugs me, and I succeed in evading a creepy hug from her boyfriend by ducking into the back seat of their car.

  On our way to lunch, Kelsey’s mom briefs us on the schedule for the week. Right out of the gate, there’s a problem.

  “Sweetheart, your Dad knows you arrived on the 11:00 am train so he’s made dinner reservations for you tonight. I’ve got the address here.” She hands her a note.

  “He’s sending a car service to pick you up. I told him you brought your friend and he said he’ll change the reservations. FYI, it’s a nice place.” She seems pleased with herself, but Kelsey looks incredibly upset.

  “Jesus Christ, Mom! Justin is coming in tonight to see me, why didn’t you clear this with me first?” Kelsey scowls and pulls out her phone.

  “Why is Justin coming here? I would have just stayed in New York if you were planning on spending the holidays with him.” I am not in the mood to see them spend a lovely holiday together.

  “It’s just for tonight, then he’s going home. How long do we have to stay with Dad, tonight? I’m going to have Justin meet us there.” While Kelsey texts Justin, I sit and watch the exchange between mother and daughter.

  “And what are your father and Lea supposed to do after he arrives?” Kelsey’s mother peers into the back seat to scold her daughter.

  Kelsey is unmoved. “I’m telling him to get there at 9:00, dinner should almost be over by then. We can chat a bit and Daddy will pay for Lea’s ride back to the house.”

  I have excellent peripheral vision and know she’s lying.

  “I just saw your text. You told him to arrive at 8:30. I swear to God, Lea, if you leave me alone with your Dad to run off with Justin, I will marry him and make you call me Mommy.” I cross my arms across my chest and shake my head defiantly.

  “Well, at least you’ll both finally get laid.” She gives me a silly smirk that only serves to annoy me further.

  I hadn’t planned on going out to a fancy dinner and only have two dress options to choose from,
a black or red low-cut minidres. Both show off my three best assets, my boobs, my ass and my legs, but a part of me is afraid he’ll think I’m coming on to him. It’s not like I want to discourage him. I just don’t want to be the aggressor. Deciding on black, since it is the more conservative of the two, I opt to wear my dark hair long, hoping it makes me look a year or two older. Not wanting to look like I’m trying too hard, I wear minimal makeup and jewelry.

  Don’t give it away, Lea. Just give him something nice to look at.

  Kelsey doesn’t put quite as much effort in looking nice for her Dad. She is dressed too provocatively for a dinner date with her father and is only concerned with seeing Justin. This will be such a long night.

  I smile to myself. Oh God, I hope it is.

  Chapter 3

  “Hi Daddy! Merry Christmas!” Kelsey feigns excitement as she hugs her father. He’s standing by the hostess desk waiting for us and catches my eye as soon as we walk in. He’s tall, maybe 6’5, lean with dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes that look larger through his dark-rimmed glasses. He looks so handsome in his navy suit and red tie. I feel myself getting wet remembering the way he fingered my clit the last time we made out. No one had ever touched me there before, but I instantly submitted to his every request.

  “Daddy, you remember my roommate, Lea Rousseau. Lea, you know my Dad, Dr. Boorman.” Kelsey’s father extends his hand to me, then covers my hand with his own.

  “Please call me David. Kelsey, I think I’ve spent more time with Lea than with you this past semester. You’re always far more occupied with your phone.”

  His deep, baritone voice is such a turn on. He sounds like a man, not a boy. Many nights I’ve gone to sleep fantasizing about that voice saying the nastiest things to me.

  “Lovely to see you again, David. Thank you for including me in your dinner plans.” I gaze up at his striking blue eyes, even bluer than my own and feel my heart beat wildly in my chest.

  “My pleasure. Shall we?” He gestures for us to follow the hostess to our table and he follows closely behind.

  There is nothing boring about David Boorman. His daughter is simply incapable of carrying on an intelligent conversation. We discuss politics, science, world history, the city, and theories on the Salem witch trials all before dessert. Kelsey is so busy staring at her phone, waiting for Justin to text her, she can hardly contribute a few “yeses” and “oh yeahs” to our discussion. I’m not sure who is more embarrassed by her behavior, her father or me.

  “Why aren’t you with your parents, Lea?” David hands me a dessert menu after Kelsey waves hers off.

  “I don’t get along with my mother very well and my father wanted me to go to Montreal with him and his new wife, but she doesn’t like me very much. I’d feel like I was in the way.” I hide behind my menu, feeling weird talking about my stupid family.

  He looks at me apologetically. I’m not sure if he is sorry he brought it up or sorry that my parents are assholes.

  “Are you sure you don’t want anything, sweetheart?” David makes one last attempt at tempting Kelsey into ordering something from the menu.

  “No Daddy. I’m going for dessert with Justin.” She goes back to her phone.

  Fifteen minutes later, while David and I are enjoying our desserts, sharing bites of my gelato and his apple crostata, Kelsey abruptly leaves the table to head to the front of the restaurant.

  “What’s that about?” He asks, as he scoops a spoonful of my gelato.

  “I assume Justin has arrived.” I hand him a napkin to wipe some chocolate from his bottom lip when Justin and Kelsey return to our table.

  “Lea! What are you doing here?” Justin looks genuinely surprised.

  Both David and I gaze up at the couple staring down at us and put our spoons down.

  “What do you mean? Kelsey asked me to spend the holidays here with her. Didn’t you mention it to him in all your texts?” I glare at Kelsey, frowning with curiosity.

  “I thought I had.” She replies dismissively.

  “No, you know you didn’t. What were you thinking? I told you how I felt about this.” Justin is addressing Kelsey but gives me a strange look before storming out. David and I watch his whining daughter chase after him.

  After they are gone, we sit in silence for a few minutes before he finally asks me my opinion on what has just transpired. I give him a few details on Justin and my history and how things ended rather badly but leave out details of his daughter’s explicit involvement. He guesses that part on his own.

  “He doesn’t appear to be over you yet.” David grins mischievously as he asks for the check.

  “No. It’s been over a year. They’re just weird about their relationship.” I watch him pay for the check and he asks if I want to take a walk around Harvard Square before he takes me home.

  “I can catch a cab. You don’t have to drive me.” I walk ahead of him as we exit the restaurant and look for Kelsey. She never said goodbye or told us she was leaving. I assumed we’d see her and Justin arguing out in front.

  “Please allow me to take you home. I’ll feel better knowing you got home safely.” He joins me in looking around the front of the restaurant for any sign of his daughter then we both grab our phones. He has a text.

  Daddy. Please take Lea home. I left with Justin.

  “I apologize. Kelsey has abandoned both of us. She’s gone somewhere with Justin. Would you still like to take a walk before I take you home?” He offers me his arm and after shaking my head and laughing to myself, I take it. Kelsey is such a jerk.

  It’s cold, too cold to be out and about for too long. After a nice try at a romantic stroll, we’re forced to duck into a coffee shop to talk.

  “Kelsey’s mom has remarried a few times. You never have?” My true curiosity lies with his current love life.

  “No. I spent most of my time working and after my divorce, I didn’t think marriage was for me. But I’d actually like to get remarried if I met the right person.” He smiles and acts like he wants to say more but holds back.

  “You don’t want any more children? Or is Kelsey more than enough?” I remark sarcastically.

  “Kelsey’s not mine biologically. I’ve raised her and love her like she is, but I suppose a part of me would like to know what it feels like to have one that is my own. Does that sound horrible?”

  He draws a bit closer and because he is so much taller, I have to look directly up to answer him.

  “Nope. I understand.”

  Chapter 4

  It’s close to midnight by the time he drives me back to Kelsey’s mother’s home. On the way there, my phone begins going off every few seconds. Believing it’s Kelsey, I grab it, then grumble out loud when I see the true sender.

  “Is it, Kelsey?”

  “No, it’s Justin. Kelsey must be home, already. He’s apologizing for the scene earlier. He expected me to stay in New York. Apparently, Kelsey only brought him here because she knew he was breaking up with her and he planned on going back to New York.”

  I read the texts in my most annoyed voice but a part of me is trying to make him jealous. When I glance over at the pained look on his face and how tightly he is gripping the steering wheel, I’m certain I’ve succeeded.

  Reaching over, he grabs my hand. “Are you staying in Boston for the remainder of the holidays?”

  I nod.

  “I think so, unless Kelsey is too upset to be around me. Are you?” I allow him to clasp my hand tightly.

  “I could. Would it be weird if I ask to see you again? I mean without Kelsey?” He stares at me nervously.

  I nod again, looking out the window in an attempt to seem demure, yet screaming for joy inside.

  “I’d love to see you again. Should I text you my phone number?”

  He takes my phone and texts himself, making it easier on both of us.

  When he finally arrives, he stops the car a house away, hoping no one will see us pulling up. After he thanks me for a lovely evening,
he kisses my hand tenderly then leans in and gently presses his lips to mine.

  I feel dizzy with lust. His natural musk mixed with the scent of his cologne floods my senses, forcing me to reach my hand out to touch his chest, steadying myself on his hard body. When I moan into his mouth, relishing his kisses, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

  “You’re so beautiful, Lea. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” He whispers in my ear as he trails kisses down my neck, driving me mad with desire.

  Cupping my breasts and squeezing them, he slips both out through the top of my dress. After removing his glasses, he inhales my taut nipple into his mouth and suckles deep, rolling it with his tongue and pulling it with his lips. I writhe and moan, panting heavily as he continues to lick and tug on my sensitive bud, making it extend further and grow larger than I’ve ever seen my nipples become. When he reaches down to slip his hand inside my panties, I’m soaking wet.

  “Lea, I don’t want to pressure you into anything, but I’m dying to make love to you. I stayed away from New York because I knew if I saw you, I’d have to have you.” He kisses me, crushing his lips against mine, while his finger finds my clit and makes lazy circles against it.

  “David, please, don’t stop. You’re going to make me cum.” I’m so close to the edge, he doesn’t have far to push. I kiss his chin and lick his Adam’s apple, making him shudder then kiss me passionately, intertwining his tongue with mine. He leaves me panting for air as I moan and convulse on his stroking hand.

  “That’s it, Lea. Cum for me, baby. Tell me what you want. Do you want me to make you mine?” He whispers in my ear as my body surrenders to the orgasm he is forcing out of me.


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