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Page 15

by Chelsea Fine

  Gabriel shifted his eyes to Heather, trying to look bored. “Yes?”

  “Have you guys talked to Mr. Brooks yet?” she asked a little too sweetly.

  Slowly and reluctantly, Gabriel asked, “Who is Mr. Brooks?”

  “He’s the only living descendant of the founding family of Avalon.”

  Gabriel narrowed his eyes at Heather. “So?”

  Heather shrugged. “I just so happen to know that he keeps his family’s private records in his cellar.” Heather started walking around the living room, touching things nonchalantly. “Things like journals…and maps….”

  “Perfect!” Nate gave a little boy smile. “I’ll go talk to him.”

  “It’s too bad Mr. Brooks is a paranoid recluse and doesn’t talk to strangers.” Heather sighed dramatically. “If only there were someone in town whose family brought him meals on Sundays…someone who always sings Christmas carols at his door and bakes him cookies for Easter every year….” Her hands traced along the wall until they met the blue tarp.

  “Heather.” Gabriel slid his eyes to her, but she ignored him.

  He casually walked over to her and gently caught her hand as it moved from the broken window to an end table. “Do you know Mr. Brooks?”

  Heather turned a cunning smile on him. “I do.”

  Gabriel released her hand, inhaled slowly, and pinched his lips together. “Will you please introduce us to him?”

  He didn’t want Heather involved. But he also didn’t want Scarlet to die.

  What to do, what to do.

  Heather blinked pleasantly. “Why Gabriel, are you asking me to help you?”

  He exhaled through his nose. “Maybe.”

  “Does this mean I get to be part of the team?” She clapped her hands again.

  “Yes,” Nate said.

  “No,” Gabriel said at the same time.

  “Duuuude,” Nate said to Gabriel between his teeth. “I really want to talk to this Mr. Brooks guy.”

  “Fine.” Gabriel sighed. “Let her help. I don’t care. But if you die,” Gabriel pointed at Heather, “or get cursed or something, that’s your fault.”

  Heather nodded merrily, still clapping. “Yay, I’m part of the team.”

  “We’re not a team,” Gabriel said through gritted teeth.

  Heather ignored him and looked at Nate. “I think we need a team name.”

  “Ooh! Good idea.” Nate pointed a finger into the air. “How about Team Awesome?”

  Heather wrinkled her nose. “Too vague. Team Super Secret Fountain Seekers?”

  “Too specific.” Nate shook his head. “Team Ash Guy Hunters?”

  “Ashman.” Heather shook her head. “Too hard to say.”

  Nate scoffed. “And ‘Super Secret Fountain Seekers’ is easy to say?”

  Gabriel huffed and started walking toward the door. “You guys can stay here and pick a name and a Team Captain or whatever, but I’m going to find Mr. Brooks.” He opened the door to leave, night falling on the forest around them.

  Heather said, “Mr. Brooks doesn’t open his door when it’s dark outside.” She shrugged. “So we’re going to have to wait until tomorrow after school.”

  Frustrated, Gabriel closed the cabin door on the setting sun. “Tomorrow then.”

  “Perfect.” Nate nodded, shifting his eyes from Scarlet, to Gabriel, and then to Heather.

  A moment passed.

  “I call dibs on Team Captain,” Nate said.

  Gabriel rolled his eyes.


  Scarlet stared over Gabriel’s shoulder at the tree picture for the hundredth time. He was sitting at the desk in his bedroom, Scarlet standing behind him.

  Laura had called earlier to let Scarlet know she was going to be stuck in a meeting all night—what kind of work meetings took place at nighttime?—so Scarlet had decided to stay at the cabin a little longer.

  Heather had already left, flying out of the dirt driveway so fast the trees that lined the road rustled after her.

  Scarlet bit her lip. “Why would my mother keep an old drawing hidden in her brooch?”

  Gabriel sighed. “I have no idea. Unless it wasn’t your mother’s at all.” He looked at Scarlet. “Maybe you found this drawing in your last life and hid it in the brooch then.”

  Scarlet nodded, feeling like an idiot for not knowing what she’d done in the past. “Maybe. But that makes it even more strange. Why would I hide it? Why wouldn’t I tell you about it?”

  Gabriel gave a sympathetic smile.

  Scarlet sighed. “Because I was secretive in my last life. I know, I know.” She flopped down on Gabriel’s big bed and groaned into a pillow. “It sounds like I was a psycho in my last life.”

  Gabriel laughed. “You weren’t psycho. You were just…frustrated. You wanted to find the fountain more than ever before and you were impatient and…and….”

  “Psycho?” Scarlet sat up and frowned.

  Gabriel stood up from his desk chair and walked to the bed. Taking Scarlet’s hands, he gently pulled her up. “No. You were desperate.” He kissed her cheek. “And I don’t blame you.”

  “I hate being desperate,” Scarlet muttered. “And I hate my flashy eyes and my amnesia and the fact that Heather is trying to talk me into going to the Avalon Fair.”

  Breathing out a laugh, Gabriel said, “The fair can’t be that bad.”

  “Oh, but it is,” Scarlet said. “The only thing worse than the fair is the Kissing Festival.” She gave a fake shudder.

  Gabriel smiled and kissed her lips. “The Kissing Festival wasn’t that bad.” He kissed her again, pulling her into his arms and setting his hands against her hips.

  “Did you forget about the sidewalk dentist?” Scarlet said in between kisses. His lips were soft and full and warm. “It was pretty bad.”

  “Mmm.” Gabriel’s mouth slid up her jaw slowly. “I try not to remember any dentists.”

  Scarlet laughed as Gabriel’s lips tickled her ear before gliding down to her neck. Her laughter was quickly replaced with a hushed breath as she wrapped her arms around Gabriel and let his mouth trail down to her shoulder before meeting her lips again.

  Sinking into the kiss, Scarlet thought back to Kristy’s words in chemistry.

  See, Kristy? Here I am, making out with my gorgeous boyfriend in his bedroom because we’re hot. We’re on fire.

  Scarlet eagerly kissed Gabriel back, heat rushing through her core as she parted her lips and felt his tongue against her own.

  His hands slid beneath the hem of her shirt and his fingers padded along the bare skin of her back and hips.

  Scarlet shivered with desire and pressed herself against him as she ran a hand down his back. He was so big and strong and he smelled so good and tasted so delicious.

  Their mouths became a tangle of heat and wetness as Scarlet’s breaths grew heavy. She tilted her head against Gabriel’s. His hands slid up her ribcage and desire curled around her body, wrapping around her legs and stomach with tight warmth.

  And then she felt it.



  Ignore it. Just ignore it.

  Scarlet arched her body into Gabriel’s and willed Tristan’s emotion away. She was trying to prove to Kristy—and to herself, of course—that she and Gabriel had heat. This was no time for Tristan to interfere.

  But Tristan was there. Or, at least, his soul was. Floating inside Scarlet, absorbing what she felt. Hating what she felt.

  The jealousy turned to sadness and Scarlet’s chest felt tight. She was breaking Tristan’s heart.

  Gabriel’s hands were on her, his mouth was on her….

  Gabriel was turned on.

  But Tristan was sad.

  And now…Scarlet was sad, too.


  Tristan paced the small bedroom of the shack and kept rolling his shoulders. He could feel Scarlet’s desire for Gabriel crawling into his veins, tormenting him with heat.

  Taking a long, deep breath, h
e tried to ignore Scarlet’s emotions.

  He thrust his hands in his hair and squeezed his eyes shut.

  But she was still there.

  He turned on the radio and cranked the volume up.

  But he could still feel her.

  He paced. He cursed. He clenched his fists.

  Scarlet was there, inside him. Everywhere.

  Wanting Gabriel.

  Breaking Tristan.

  Enraged and helpless, Tristan grabbed the nearest object—a heavy book from the top of a short stack on the dresser—and threw it against the far wall with a grunt.

  Go away.

  Tristan had been connected to Scarlet for centuries, but he’d never been able to feel this. Their connection had never been so strong. So real. So…explicit.

  He would almost rather die than experience one more moment of her passion for Gabriel.

  He threw another book, the hardcover thudding against the wall as he sank to the floor and shoved the heels of his palms into his eyes.

  Go away…go away….


  Scarlet couldn’t take it anymore. She abruptly pulled back from Gabriel and dropped her eyes to the floor, confusion and sadness washing over her.

  Breathing heavily, she kept her face downcast, heat staining her cheeks as she thought of Tristan knowing she had been turned on by Gabriel.

  Why was she blushing? Why did she care?

  Gabriel’s voice was breathy. “What’s wrong?”

  Scarlet swallowed and looked up at him, unsure what to say. She stepped away from him, untangling herself from his arms, and ran a hand through her hair. “Uh….” She smoothed her hands down her shirt, which was wrinkled in the back from Gabriel’s hands.

  How in the world was she supposed to explain what had just happened?

  “Are you okay?” Gabriel looked concerned and frustrated at the same time.

  “Yeah,” Scarlet said. “I’m fine. It’s just…I could feel….” Scarlet searched for the right words. There were none.

  “You could feel what?” Gabriel waited a moment. Then looked at her darkly. “You could feel…Tristan?”

  Scarlet blushed again.


  Crap, crap, crap.

  “Uh…yes?” Scarlet twisted her fingers together.

  Gabriel’s jaw squared as his heavy breathing slowed. “Could he feel you?”

  Scarlet didn’t answer, but her cheeks were still hot.

  Gabriel muttered a curse and ran his thumb and forefinger down the side of his mouth. “And that’s why you pulled away?”

  Scarlet nodded.

  “Is that why you’ve been awkward about kissing lately?”

  She nodded again, placing her hands on her stained cheeks.

  He looked at the floor for a moment, his shoulders tense. Scarlet opened her mouth, but no words came.

  What was she supposed to say?

  Nothing. There was nothing she could say.

  Gabriel turned away from her, fisting and flexing his hands as he paced to the other side of his room.

  Suddenly, he gave a humorless laugh. “I can’t win.” He turned around and the smile on his face was an eerie contrast to the heaviness in the room. “Tristan is always right here.”

  Scarlet was quick to shake her head. “Tristan’s not right here.”

  Even as she said it, she felt Tristan’s heart settle in her chest. He was no longer in distress.

  Lucky him.

  “But he is!” Gabriel thrust his arms out. “Even when he’s far away he’s still right here. In between us.”

  “He’s not in between us. He’s just…he’s just….” Come on, Scarlet. Think of something brilliant.

  “He’s just what?” Gabriel shrugged, his body language sharp and edgy. “He’s just…feeling everything you feel? And you’re just feeling everything he feels? And it’s just one big happy feel fest?” Gabriel’s voice rose.

  Scarlet jutted her chin and raised her voice as well. “What do you want me to do, Gabriel? It’s not like I can delete him from my life.” Not that she would even if she could.

  Just the idea made her stomach hurt.

  Gabriel shook his head. “I don’t want him deleted, Scarlet, I just don’t want him in the background when I’m kissing you. God!” He fisted his hands and paced back to the wall again. Shoving his hands into his hair, he said, “I can’t ever have you to myself, can I? Not ever.”

  Scarlet felt helpless. And guilty. And kinda angry. “You have no right to be mad at me.”

  Gabriel blinked. “I’m not mad at you. I’m not even mad at Tristan.” He thrust his hands out again. “I’m mad at the circumstance. Because I can’t change it. I can’t control it. And all—” He clenched his jaw.

  A long moment passed before he quieted his tone and continued, “All I want is to be with you.”

  Scarlet scrunched her face. “Are you sure?”

  “What’s that’s supposed to mean?” Gabriel looked scolded.

  Scarlet shrugged. “I mean, are you sure that’s why we’re together? Are you sure you want me?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “For starters, because you’re cursed.” Scarlet sighed in frustration. “You don’t have a choice, right? So, even if you really wanted me, you wouldn’t really know if you wanted me.” Did that make sense?

  She continued, “Doesn’t it feel like there’s all this…pressure on us? All the time?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…” Scarlet searched for the right words. “Don’t you feel like we have to be this perfect, in-love couple? Like, we’re destined to be hopelessly in love, except nothing ever runs smoothly because of the curse?”

  “Yes, all the time.” Gabriel shrugged. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you.”

  Scarlet blinked. What was she doing? Was she just fighting to fight? Or was she fighting for a reason? Her head hurt.

  Scarlet sighed.

  Gabriel shifted his weight.

  “I know,” Scarlet said.

  She licked her lips. Tasting Gabriel. Feeling Tristan.

  The three of them made a tragic triangle.

  Scarlet swallowed. “I’m sorry this is such a mess. I’ll…I’ll try harder to ignore Tristan.”


  Scarlet was pretty sure ignoring Tristan wasn’t an option.

  Gabriel let out a long sigh. “No, I’m sorry. I just don’t know how to handle this new connection you have with him.” He took a moment to compose himself before sighing in frustration. “It’ll be fine.”

  It would not be fine. She knew it. Gabriel knew it.

  Scarlet’s heart started to pound in fear. She was losing Gabriel.

  Gabriel walked to his bedroom door. “Come on. I’ll drive you home.”


  The afternoon Scarlet had agreed to marry him, Tristan entered the dining hall of the Archer castle.

  “I have found someone to marry.” He announced to his father as he strode up to the round man in the otherwise empty hall.

  Cornelius Archer turned around and eyed him. “You?” He laughed. “You are not my boy who marries.”

  Tristan nodded his head. “I was not, no. But I have changed my mind.”

  Cornelius waved him off. “It is too late, my son. The king requested you in his army.”

  “Yes, but I refused to go.”

  “You did.” Cornelius nodded as he took a seat in one of the ornate chairs at the table. “But I have made an agreement with him. One of my sons for his war and in return I get six more parcels of land.”

  “You…you sold me to the king?” Tristan was not surprised by this, but he was incredibly panicked.

  Cornelius waved a hand. “I did not sell you. I negotiated with the ruler of our land, Tristan. Stop acting used.”

  “But why?”

  “Because you and Gabriel are the best archers in our region.”


  “So, the king
wanted the best.”

  “Then why not send Gabriel?”

  “Ha!” Cornelius plucked a fat grape from a tray of fruit before him. “If I send Gabriel, then you are left here to marry and reign in my place. We all know how poor an idea that is.”

  “Why? Why is that a poor idea? I can reign. I am wise and strong.”

  “You are a bleeding heart!” Cornelius looked at him sternly. “If I hand the castle over to you, you will be passing out food and giving away gold like a nun. No.” Cornelius shook his head again. “You will go fight for the king and Gabriel will marry and reign here.” He sighed. “Thankfully, I have found a more suitable woman to be his wife. Do you know he runs around with Eli Fletcher’s daughter?”

  Tristan said nothing, not caring one bit about Gabriel’s love life. Tristan was being sent away from Scarlet. Away from his home. Away from everything he knew. “When is my departure scheduled?” Tristan tried to act honored, even though he wanted to throw something.

  Cornelius chewed another grape. “Tomorrow.”

  Tomorrow?! Tristan only had one day to come up with a plan.

  “Allow me to marry first,” Tristan said desperately. “Allow me to take a wife before I go into the king’s service.”


  That way Scarlet and Ana would be cared for while he was away. He would marry Scarlet and she would never have to hunt again. She could move into the castle and be cared for until he returned.

  Cornelius grimaced. “Who is this girl you are so desperate to wed?”

  Tristan raised his chin. “You do not know her. She is a peasant.”

  Cornelius rolled his eyes and stood up, grabbing another grape. “Absolutely not.”


  “No,” Cornelius said, popping the grape into his mouth. “You are not marrying a peasant just so you can go off and fight in war while I feed and clothe your woman. Do you know how many servants that would require?” He shook his head again. “You can marry whomever you want when you get back. But I refuse to take care of your woman with my wealth while you are away.”

  “You do not have to care for her. Just protect her. She has a home and can provide for herself. Just allow her to be protected under your title until I get back.”


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