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Fortune Favors the Cruel

Page 27

by Kel Carpenter

  “You’ve got five seconds to tell me who in the dark realm you pricks are that thought to start a war outside my mother’s city,” the young woman spoke in Ilvan, a language Quinn knew.

  Though it seemed Lazarus did not as he answered, “We come from Cisea to speak with Imogen. I am Lazarus Fierté, friend of Ilvas.” The girl narrowed her eyes and just as Quinn opened her mouth to say something, she smiled.

  “Lazarus,” she said in far better Norcastan than Vaughn could speak. The accent was nearly indistinguishable. “She’s been expectin’ you. Thorne of the mountains sent word, but we were dealin’ with a small predicament from Norcasta you so nicely chose to handle for us.” She gave him an appraising look. “Tell me, who have you brought to the Pirate Queen’s city?”

  “I am Vaughn,” the warrior said before Lazarus could reply, and she could tell it irked him.

  “Emissary from Cisea, I presume?” she asked, sucking the air between her teeth as he nodded.

  “Dominicus is a guard, and as you can tell, Lorraine—one of my vassals—has been injured and needs a healer immediately,” Lazarus said. The girl motioned with her hand and one of the soldiers dismounted to assist Dominicus and Lorraine.

  “Patch and Poppet,” she said. “You go with them. Make sure she gets the help she needs and let Mother know our guests have arrived.” Two of the riders broke away and escorted Dominicus to the city in the distance. “What about these two?” she asked, waving an axe that Quinn hadn’t noticed before in her and Draeven’s direction.

  “Draeven is my left-hand and second-in-command,” Lazarus answered tightly.

  “Not right?” the girl asked.

  “He’s too kind to be the right,” came Lazarus’ reply. The girl considered that for a moment before nodding.

  “And you?” she asked. “You come from the self-righteous bastards over the border, do you not?” Her dislike of N’skara clear from the grim set of her lips.

  “She’s with me—”

  “Obviously,” the girl replied, cutting him off.

  Quinn stepped up, storing the blade she held before turning her attention to the girl. “I’m Quinn, his right-hand,” she answered.

  Overhead, a bird, black as the void she’d created, spread its wings and cast a shadow over her. Quinn squinted, putting a hand over her eyes as the beast turned its head and let out a caw so loud the Gods must have heard it. Quinn frowned as a single silver feather drifted on the wind before it turned to the west.

  Towards N’skara.

  Towards her home.

  Quinn looked back to the red-headed young woman who only blinked and then smiled with swagger. “I’m Axe, adopted daughter of Imogen the Pirate Queen,” she said. “And I look forward to hearin’ all about how you came to be with the next king of Norcasta.”

  To be continued …

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  About Kel Carpenter

  Kel Carpenter is a master of werdz. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s traveling the world, lovingly pestering her editor, and spending time with her fiancé and fur-babies. She is always on the search for good tacos and the best pizza. She resides in Atlanta, GA and desperately tries to avoid the traffic.

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  About Lucy Smoke

  Lucy Smoke has a master’s degree in English and is a self-proclaimed creative chihuahua. She enjoys feeding her wanderlust, cover addiction, as well as her face, and truly hopes people will stop giving her bath bombs as gifts. When she’s not on a never-ending quest to find the perfect milkshake, she lives and works in the southern United States with her beloved fur-baby, Hiro, and her family and friends.

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  Also by Kel Carpenter

  The Dark Maji Series:

  Fortune Favors the Cruel (Book One)

  Blessed be the Wicked (Book Two)

  Twisted is the Crown (Book Three)

  For King and Corruption (Book Four)

  Untitled (Book Five)

  The Daizlei Academy Series:

  Heir of Shadows (Book One)

  Trial by Heist (Novella)

  Scion of Midnight (Book Two)

  Queen of Lies (Book Three)

  Vessel of Destruction (Book Four)

  Queen of the Damned Series:

  Lucifer’s Daughter (Book One)

  Wicked Games (Book Two)

  Infernal Desires (Book Three)

  Brimstone Nightmares (Book Four)

  Also By Lucy Smoke

  Fantasy Series:

  Nerys Newblood Series



  Resurrection (Coming Soon)

  Sci-Fi Dystopian Series:

  Sky Cities Series

  Heart of Tartarus

  Shadow of Deception

  Sword of Damage (Coming Soon)

  Contemporary Series:

  Iris Boys Series (completed)

  Now or Never

  Power & Choice

  Leap of Faith

  Cross my Heart

  The Break Series (completed)

  Study Break

  Tough Break

  Spring Break

  Contemporary Standalone:



  Wildest Dreams


  For all of the support we have received during the process of creating this series—thank you to our wonderful, patient editor, Analisa, as well as our personal cheerleaders and part-time coauthor/marriage therapists, Graceley Knox and Dee Miers. A thank you also goes to our alpha reader, Courtney, and proofreader, Ellen, for taking on this new project with us.

  And of course, with sincerest gratitude, we also thank Amanda Pillar, Meg Anne, Kelly St. Claire, and Raye Wagner.

  We appreciate all of the well-wishes and incredible support from everyone. As our first fictional child together, this story means so much to both of us and you have all been a blessing in this invigorating, sometimes wild and outstanding, journey.

  And one final thanks to you—our fans. Buckle up and enjoy the twisted ride.




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