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Dubstep Succubus

Page 19

by Aaron Siverling

  I knew this world was real, I had no doubt about that. It wasn't just being able to experience the full range of senses.

  There was an energy, a feeling to being outside. To being in nature. I felt that here, with every breath and every step I felt present, free and alive.

  Not to mention that the NPCs, the Natives, showed every indication of consciousness. Of being people with free will.

  The A.I.s that ran the NPC's on other worlds could be pretty realistic, but they always, eventually, showed a lack of humanity.

  Despite being a Centaur, that's exactly what David had, humanity. Not that I could explain that to him.

  What we call humanity has nothing to do with the physical, biological or mechanical structure and everything to do with reason, compassion and empathy.

  Tahaniria broke into my thoughts as she asked, “So, the only thing left of the Humans are the Half-Elves?”

  “Well, them and the undead lurking in undiscovered dungeons. And the Half-orcs. Oh, and the People, most say they used to be Human until they became the Beast People.”

  “Dungeons?” asked Crystalea, who had been quiet until now. "Like, treasure filled dungeons?”

  David smiled wryly. "Humans didn't live very long but they bred like jackalopes, spreading far and wide across the entire continent. The hordes of undead didn't just destroy all the Humans, it came close to doing the same with everything else. Ancient ruins are everywhere but don't get too excited. Only the most dangerous ruins have remained unrobbed.”

  Everytime I decided this was a real world, independent of Earth, something like this drew my attention. A perfect setup for adventuring.

  "Okay. That's it." I muttered to myself as I rubbed my eyes. "I'm going to stop worrying about the nature of reality and just enjoy the scenery."

  There was a lot of scenery to enjoy too. Not only were the streets carved with images but the buildings were too.

  Spaced along the sides of the road were fanciful metal grates shaped like the mouths of strange fish, presumably to collect and direct rainwater

  Spindly thin trees with purple leaves grew at even intervals down the street. I learned later that they were bioluminescent and used as street lamps.

  Colors and images were everywhere, some seemed to tell a story, while others looked to be just fanciful pictures.

  Most of the people I saw were Half-Elves, with sharp ears barely longer than a Humans. All attractive, tall and lithe, without a clumsy bone in their body. They had the same undercurrent of "Elf" in their scent the Aegis, Neon and Midian Elves had.

  The full blooded Elves were rare and easy to spot. Taller, paler, thinner, pointed ears longer, they moved with a kind of floating grace. Their flesh seemingly lighter than air with only thin bones to keep them connected to the ground.

  I was slowly getting better at sorting through all the smells of so many people in one place.

  A full blooded Elf smelled much like a Half-elf except… lighter? But stronger. It didn't make sense that Half-elves smelled "heavier" but that was as close as I could get to describing it. English isn't a smell oriented language.

  Native Dwarves were even more rare and they seemed to stick together. The first one I saw was in a group of three walking down the street.

  They were almost as wide as they were tall and should have looked awkward and overweight, but they didn't. Something in the way they were put together gave the impression that they were exactly what they were supposed to be.

  Saying that they looked like short, wide Humans was saying that a Human looked like hairless chimpanzees with longer legs and shorter arms. A Human was an animal all its own.

  The Dwarves wide, almost square bodies moved in ways that were in no way graceful but still seemed natural.

  Aegis Dwarves, by comparison, looked more like pointy eared Humans who happened to be short and wide.

  I saw a Dwarf from Midian walk past the other Dwarves and the differences between them were startling. For one thing, unlike the Natives or Taren, Midian Dwarves didn't grow beards. For another, they looked like Elves who happen to be five feet tall and stretched wide.

  They had broad faces, pointed chins, high cheekbones and deep set glittering eyes under heavy brow ridges. All of which conveyed a subtle inhumanity that seemed more pronounced in them than in any other type of Dwarf.

  The arms that hung from their broad shoulders were thick, heavy and overly long with large hands that seemed slightly oversized without being ungainly

  But while all that should of made them look disproportional, it didn't. They just looked inhuman.

  This one had pale skin, short, curly dark hair and eyes the color of jet glinting in moonlight. He waved cheerfully at the other Dwarves as he passed. They gazed back, surprise and confusion write large on their expressions.

  Unlike the Native Dwarves, who walked with a rolling gait, the Midian Dwarf walked with an intent, ground devouring stride.

  It sparked a memory in me and I remembered that each race in Midian had a different way of moving. It was like the race and class specific idle emotes.

  In most games when people went AFK (minus the keyboard of course) or stood idle for too long their character would run through various idle emotes.

  Aegis had several emotes. The Elves posed casually or provocatively. Orcs flexed bulging muscles. Dwarves stroked beards and sharpened blades. Naga were always coiling and uncoiling. Wraiths had a habit of floating a few inches off the ground.

  And that was just for standing. They had specific ways of moving and gesturing when they talked as well.

  Those from Neon didn't have as many emotes. For them it was mostly how they stood. Ogres crossed and uncrossed their arms or rolled their shoulders. Quicken fidgeted, bouncing on toes, rolling on heels and generally displaying an overabundance of energy. Trolls posed as if they were going to be on a fashion magazine cover. Elves always looked like they were about to start moving even when just standing.

  Those from Rath had ear and tail moments when they talked but most of their emotes were based on whatever fighting styles and weapons they had. Whenever they stood idle they brought out their weapons and started going through forms and stances.

  I had been so used to seeing those same emotes I didn't realize until now that the Dwarves and Elves had still been using them.

  It was kinda funny.

  Or eerie.

  Midian didn't have any programmed idles. Instead we had walking, jogging and running styles.

  Orcs had a casual swagger, like they were action heroes walking away from an explosion going off just behind them.

  Under Kin walked with, like I said, an intent ground devouring stride. Like they were on their way to do mayhem and violence to their archnemesis.

  Blood Kin strolled in a way I always thought of as aristocratic. Like they were nobility on their way to a ball. Or Dracula on his way to a snack.

  Dark Kin moved with economical precision, always looking up, down and around. As if at any moment they were going to have to kill a Nightflying Sluagh, a Feral Shoggoth or any other such beast.

  Gargoyles prowled like the hunters they were, like great cats. Well, great cats with occasionally red glowing eyes who stood on two legs and with wings tucked back.

  Succubi flowed like water going downhill. A martial artists dream of movement that make every series of actions into a single prolonged move.

  Nymphs sort of danced, the first step always part of another, every turn the end of a twirl, every stop a smooth pause that began it all over again.

  Goblins, well, imagine the quickness of a squirrel combined with the fluidity of a feline and the adorableness of an otter. Kinda like that but not really.

  Savage Kin stalked or bounded forward like wolves. Like we were just waiting for something to run so we could chase it.

  The Giants... they tried to step lightly.

  Looking at the Fallen from Midian I saw that they didn't walk exactly the way they did in the game. But elements of i
t was still there, more prevalent in some than others.

  "Is it unconscious mimicry because we're so used to the bodies moving that way?" I asked myself quietly. "Or is it because this world made racial flavor text real? How much did we inherit from the game mechanics?"

  My own walk became stilted and unsure as I thought about it. Then I noticed that the Aegis Elves didn't have any of the inherent grace of the Natives, nor did those from Neon.

  When I remembered my instinctive reaction to another Forest Elf I mentally shrugged and decided not to worry about it. Unless I got the urge to start sniffing people's butts. Then I'd worry.

  I noticed Taren scowling as he looked between the Midian and Native Dwarves.

  "Hey, what's up?"

  He turned his scowl on me and said, "Nothing."

  "Well that's obviously not true."

  "It's none of your business."

  "You say that like it actually means anything."

  This time his response was an unintelligent grunt.

  "Oh come on. You can trust me!" I said.

  He grunted again.

  "Hmm, I do speak a little bit of Sourpuss. Let's see… it sounds like… you're cranky."

  He put a hand over his face and moaned.

  "Oh! And that means you… want a hug!"

  I grinned, jumped in front of him and spun around, opening my arms wide.

  Instead of walking into my embrace and accepting my hug, I got an up close and personal view of his axe as it hovered at eye level.

  "You know that old saying about being a smartbutt, right?"

  I eyed the axe and said, "Well, my mother always said 'Its better to be a smartbutt than a dumbbutt.'. However, I'm getting the distinct impression you mean something less generous.

  "I'm glad that we're friends now and that mild insults can be taken as teasing because if we weren't friends I'd have to call insult but hey since we're friends I'm sure you're comfortable enough with me to tell me what's bothering you okay good!"

  He sighed, lowered his axe and walked around me before continuing down the street.

  I followed, walking beside him but not saying anything for once. I just waited.

  He was silent for a moment before saying, "I don't know why I'm telling you this but... think I made a mistake in choosing a Dwarf."

  "Well of course!" I agreed. "Any choice other than a Midian race us obviously a mistake."

  Taren shivered. "No. No thank you. Living in the body of a Midian Dwarf would just be disturbing."

  "Um, you must be confused. You used the word disturbing when you should of used the word awesome."

  Taren ignored that comment and continued. "I mean, I spent three years, three years, as a Dwarf on my home world and it went perfectly with my play style. I tried every other race - "

  "They let you do that? On Midian we only got one reroll!" I turned and looked at Aeria and Tahaniria who were walking a few feet behind. "Did you know about this?"

  The Light Elf smirked and said, "I tried an Orc and a Dwarf before I settled on my race."

  Tahaniria added her two coppers by saying, "I wanted to be a Light Elf originally, but didn't like having pale skin. It just didn't look right so I went with something closer to my original skin tone."

  I guessed that made sense. In Midian we generally didn't care about that. I've seen people of African descent in the bodies of the permanently pale Blood Kin or Orcs. You could tell their original race from their facial features if you really wanted to.

  Taren stroked his beard. "We could try every race at least once before settling on a permanent one." Then he paused and said, "Or if you find a unique quest… or potion… or spell. Anyway, nothing fit. Not until I tried being a Dwarf as a last resort."

  "Sooo, what happened? From what I know your racial skills haven't changed, right?"

  I honestly did not understand the problem.

  "He's at a disadvantage," Cashus said from behind us. "You know physically."

  Aeria turned and glared at the Elf, speaking with such heat I wouldn't of been surprised if the guys ears had started to melt off.

  "He is not! In any way! Disadvantaged! Physically or otherwise!"

  "No. No he's right," Taren interrupted. "It's clear that the Natives and the Midianites would be better fighters. You just have to look at them to see that."

  He sounded incredibly dejected.

  I laughed.

  Everyone glared at me.

  "Sorry, sorry. But yeah. If life is like a race, then you will always be lagging behind because of your race… that you're racing against... other… races? Okay, that's a bad metaphorical analogy simile thingy. What I mean to say is that you're totally boned if it weren't for, you know, that one thing."

  Taren gave me a hard stare but didn't say anything, he just waited.

  I resisted the urge to mess with him, well, mess with him more.

  "Your magic. You got more innate magic than any Native Dwarf. You're even, and if you tell anyone I've said this I will make you pay, more OP than a Midian Dwarf within your own skill set. All you have to do is take advantage of it."

  He was silent a moment before summoning his interface and reading through it.

  "Earth and Fire, stone and metal," he murmured to himself. "Magic augmenting physical limitations. If I can… Maybe…"

  A high pitched scream shattered the air and I reacted on instinct. My hands flaring with ghostly fire while Taren yanked his axe out.

  Then I saw Aeria jumping up and down as she pointed at a horse ten feet from our left, tied to a pole in front of a shop.


  Okay, not a horse. I was wondering why it smelled like sugar and bubble gum. Does bubble gum even exist here? If so, I hope it wasn't made from anything coming out of a unicorn.

  “Jeez woman!” Taren hissed at her, putting his axe back into his bag. "You about busted my eardrum.”

  Then Tahaniria screamed as well. "It IS a unicorn!”

  David sighed. "That is the third time that's happened today. What's the deal with that?”

  I was about to explain when Aeria interrupted me.

  “Can I pet it?” her voice was a reverent whisper as she slowly extended a hand.

  Tahaniria was doing the same, her eyes wide as she whispered, “I must pet it.”

  The Guard put on a stern expression and said, “Are you two virgins?”

  They froze as if hit by a paralyzation spell. Then, when it looked like they were about to cry, David's eyes went wide and he put his hands up.

  “It was a joke! A joke! I meant it as… I mean yes! Yes!” The centaur looked a little panicked. "Yes, you can pet the unicorn! You don't have to be a virgin, they only react violently to people who are inherently malevolent.”

  I took a wide, cautious step away from the unicorn. Everyone looked at me and I said, "Hey, don't judge me. It's horn looks wicked sharp and I'd prefer not to verify that point personally."

  The two Aegis Elves started slowly towards the creature, whispering sweet nothings to it. The other two Shadow Elves following them.

  The rest of the Fallen decided to go on ahead and Mervin volunteered to go with them.

  I decided to wait along with Taren, Cashus and Crystaliza. Vicious had held a quick, whispered conversation with Dash and Savage before they left.

  "You're not sticking with them?" I asked the Elf.

  "Savage will be scouting out the weapons and armor shops while Dash starts recruiting."

  "And you'll be doing…"

  He gave me a fanged and professional smile. "I will continue to explain the benefits of joining my guild to you and to everyone else as well."

  Before I could tell him he was wasting his time Taren asked Crystaliza why she didn't want to pet the unicorn.

  She looked at the unicorn and said, “It's just a horse with a horn. I’m not going to go gaga over it.”

  I grinned. "Ya, she is more interested in a certain horsey name Billy.”

  She blushe
d and mumbled something I couldn't hear.

  I was about to tease her some more when a frowning David said, “If you wish to pursue a dalliance with a Centaur I would advise against it.

  Crystaliza narrowed her eyes and in a flat voice asked, “Why?”

  I wondered if there was some sort of prejudice against interracial relationships. I hoped not. Back on Earth it was a nonissue, just like same gender marriages, interreligious marriages or trans and non binary gender relationships.

  Except for a few holdouts, Earth was in a love and let love era.

  Expect when it came to Subadults of course.

  “Well… it's… just…” the Centaur was looking a bit nervous with all five of us (the Aegis Elves were still in a unicorn haze) staring at him.

  He tried again. "Okay, so I don't know how it is where you Fallen, ah, fell from? But, family is very important to our people and if a couple can't breed and one of them is unwilling to convert - “

  “Convert?” Crystaliza asked.

  “ - converting involves a race change - “

  “What!?” she yelled.

  “It's about family! Not about discrimination! I mean, I barely even notice you only have two legs and no tail! I don't see physical distribution of limbs!”

  I learned over and whispered to him, “Tell her some of your best friends only have two legs.”

  “Yes! Some of my best friends - “

  “No, go back,” she interrupted. “What about race change? I can change into a Centaur? How? When?”

  “And why?” I put in. "Why would you want to be a Centaur?”

  David stopped looking flustered long enough to give me a look. "What's that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, I could say it's because I couldn't endure the sheer awesomeness that being a Centaur entails.” I gave him a double thumbs up. "But that's simply not true.” I pointed my thumbs right back at me. "I'm Savage Kin, a Forest Elf from the world of Midian. There is no part of that, that isn't awesome!”

  “Yeah,” Taren said sarcastically. “Like the fact that you're a walking, talking ‘I'm always horny’ joke.”

  “See! Nothing not awesome!”

  “I'm curious,” Vicious cut in, “about what it would be a Centaur but not enough to give up what I am now. Why are you so interested in this… conversion?”


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