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MILF Money for College- Complete Set

Page 1

by Holly Ardent

  MILF Money for College

  Complete Set

  Books 1-6

  (Cheating Wife MILF Erotica)

  Holly Ardent

  Table of Contents

  Lisa's Pool

  Pam's Fence

  Ella's Junk

  Jeannie's Garden

  Kelly's Attic

  Hannah's Basement

  Lisa's Pool

  MILF Money for College #1

  (Cheating Wife MILF Erotica)

  Holly Ardent

  Text copyright © 2015, Holly Ardent

  All Rights Reserved

  Find Holly's other stories on her Amazon Author Page:

  Holly Ardent's Amazon Author Page

  Jim Riley was in dire need of cash. College was more expensive than he'd thought. Not tuition and education related expenses, his father covered those as long as Jim's grades were acceptable. No, he needed his own money if he wanted to do anything other than study.

  I've got all summer to make some cash, but no-one has a job opening for just the summer. How the hell am I going to make any money?

  He decided to take his mind off his troubles. His bedroom looked out over the backyard, and the neighbor's fence. The Simm's lived next door and they had a hot daughter a couple years older than him. He'd occasionally caught a glimpse of her sunbathing topless beside their pool last summer. Jim was hoping that she was out there today. That would take his mind off his troubles and give him fantasy material for some quick relief.

  He leaned towards his window and glanced across the fence. Sure enough, there was someone sunbathing.

  Holy shit! That's Mrs. Simms. I never saw her sunbathing before, but she must do it a lot. There's no tan lines on those massive tits.

  He pulled a chair over close to the window and sat down. His jeans and underwear went down around his ankles as he stared at the tits on display in the neighbor's yard. His hand went to his cock and he started to stroke himself, imagining that it was buried between the pair of breasts that filled his vision.

  Mrs. Simms glanced around and seemed to look straight at him for a moment. He panicked and almost lost his erection. Then he watched as her hands crept to her breasts and she started playing with herself.

  Oh good, she was just making sure no-one could see her. If she only knew.

  His erection surged upwards again as she took hold of her large nipples and tugged on them. When she let go, they stayed standing straight up. Once again, she glanced around, then one of her hands dropped down to her bikini bottoms and slid inside of them. The other stayed at her breasts, stroking and fondling. It occasionally went back to the nipples, tugging and pinching to keep them erect.

  Jim was lost in his fantasy. Now Mrs. Simms wasn't just offering him her tits to fuck, she'd offered him the rest of her body as well. In his mind Jim followed her into her house where she dropped the bikini bottoms to reveal a thick nest of pubic hair. He bent her over the kitchen table and drove his cock into her.

  He got the tissues over his cock just in time. He spurted so hard that they tore, but the little bit of cum that made it through fell back down on top of the tissues. He tossed them in the trash and pulled up his underwear and jeans, feeling vaguely guilty like he always did when he jacked-off while watching an unsuspecting female. He knew he'd get over it in a couple of minutes, so he didn't let it bother him too much.

  The house phone rang a while later. He could hear it up in his bedroom, but his mom was down near it.

  “Jim!” his mother called.

  “Coming mom.”

  Jim headed downstairs.

  “What's up?” he asked.

  “Mrs. Simms just called,” she said.

  Jim braced himself.

  Crap, maybe she did see me. But if she did, why'd she do all that stuff after?

  “She was wondering if you could do her a favor. She had a cleaning crew scheduled to clean her pool tomorrow, but they just canceled. She's seen you clean ours before and was wondering if you'd be interested in taking care of hers. She said she'd pay you and everything.”

  Jim breathed a mental sigh of relief.

  “Sure mom, I'd love to. She wants me to get it tomorrow?”

  “If you can. I jotted her phone number on the pad next to the phone. She said you can call her back and arrange it if you're willing.”

  “Cool, I'll do that. I wonder if she knows anyone else that needs some work done. Maybe I can do handyman stuff over the summer to earn some money.”

  “It's possible Jim, but don't get your hopes up, okay?”

  “Okay mom, thanks.”

  His mom waved off his thanks as she left the room. Jim walked over to the phone and dialed the number. The woman who answered had an incredibly sultry voice, and Jim realized that he'd never actually spoken to Mrs. Simms before.

  “Hi, is this Mrs. Simms? This is Jim, returning your call.”

  “Hi Jim. Yes, this is me. Did your mother tell you what I wanted?”

  “Yeah, she said someone canceled out on cleaning your pool and you'd like me to do it for you?”

  “Yes, I need the chemical treatment and I also need the filters cleaned. You know how to do all that, don't you?” she said.

  “Yeah, I used to do it for my dad when I was living here all the time.”

  “Good, then would you be willing to take care of it for me?”

  “Sure, I can do that. My mom said something about getting paid for it?”

  “Oh, yes. I'll pay you the same as I would the normal pool cleaner, a hundred dollars. We have everything you'll need to do it on hand, so you don't have to worry about any materials.”

  “That sounds great Mrs. Simms, I'll come over first thing tomorrow afternoon then?”

  “That would be fine Jim, and please, call me Lisa.”

  “Alright Mrs. Si... I mean Lisa. I'll see you right after lunch tomorrow?”

  “It's a date.”

  She hung the phone up and left Jim thinking about the sound of her voice, and the parts of her body he'd seen earlier in the day.

  * * *

  Jim woke up late the next morning. He'd masturbated twice more before he could get to sleep the night before, both times with the memory of Lisa's tits, and her sexy voice, in his mind.

  He hopped into the shower and woke up under the jets of hot water. Then he went down and grabbed breakfast. His parents were gone for the day since it was Monday. They both worked nine to five jobs and wouldn't be home until much later in the day.

  After lunch he headed over to Lisa's house. He was hoping her daughter Heather was going to be home, but when he rang the doorbell, Lisa herself answered the door.

  “Hi Mrs. Si... I mean Lisa.”

  “Hello Jim. Come on in, I'll show where all the stuff you'll need is.”

  He followed her inside. They made small talk for a while before he asked.

  “Is Heather around?”

  “No, she's not coming home this summer. She and her boyfriend rented an apartment near the college.”

  “Oh, I didn't realize she was seeing anyone seriously.”

  “Jim, you hardly ever talked to her when she was here, how could you know?”

  Jim blushed, he hadn't realize that anyone paid that much attention to what he did.

  “So, everything you need should be that shed right there,” Lisa said, pointing to a shed at the side of the yard.

  “I'll get right on it then,” he answered.

  “If you need anything, I'll be nearby.”

  Jim started cleaning the pool. After a few minutes he started sweating and pulled his t-shirt off.

  Damn it's sunny out here, hot too. Maybe I'll jump in ou
r pool after I'm done with theirs.

  He was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. When he looked up, Lisa was coming out. The bikini he'd seen the bottoms of yesterday was the only thing she was wearing.

  “Don't mind me,” she said, “I just want to take advantage of the sun to work on my tan.”

  She laid down on a lawn chair set off to one side of the pool and splayed her body out to catch more of the sun. Jim stared for a few moments before he caught himself and got back to work.

  A few minutes later, after he'd finished the chemical treatment and was ready to start on the filters, she interrupted him again.

  “Jim?” she called. “Would you come here for a second?”

  He turned around and saw her lying face down on her lawn chair. There were no straps crossing her neck or back, so she'd obviously removed her top at some point.

  Damn it, I should've been paying more attention to her and less to what I was doing. Would've been a hell of a show to see her tits this close up.

  “Sure,” he said, walking over.

  “Would you be a dear and rub some of this on my back please?” she asked, holding up a bottle of suntan lotion and exposing a bit of sideboob.

  Jim took the lotion and stared until her lowered arm concealed the side of her breast. He shook his head, then squirted some lotion into his hands. He rubbed them together then lowered his hands to her back. Her flesh was soft and tanned. Lisa was plump, but not fat, and he felt the gentle give of her body as he rubbed his hands, and the lotion, all over her back.

  Jim put a bit more lotion on his hands and moved down until he was applying it to the top of her ass.

  That's still part of her back, right? I hope she thinks so.

  He rubbed it in right down to the edge of her bikini bottoms and wished he had the guts to go farther. Instead he moved up and put lotion on the tops of her arms, pulling them away from her sides while he did so and staring at her revealed sideboobs again. Finally he couldn't think of any more spots he could get without being slapped, so he stopped.

  “That okay Lisa?” he asked.

  Her answer was practically a purr.

  “Yes Jim, that was wonderful. Thank you.”

  Jim adjusted the hard-on he'd gotten while rubbing her, then returned to the filters and started to clean them. When he glanced up again a few minutes later, Lisa was gone. The door was just swinging shut when he looked around for her.

  She must be back inside for some reason. I hoped she'd keep tanning longer than that. Having her out here to look at sure made the job less boring.

  Jim finished cleaning the filters and put everything away. Then he went up to the back door and knocked. It took a moment for Lisa to answer, but when she did Jim's jaw dropped nearly to the ground. She was wearing a short, silk kimono or something like it, and her nipples were prominently visible through the thin fabric.

  “Are you all done with the pool Jim?” she asked.

  He nodded, unable to think of the appropriate words to answer her.

  “Come on inside then and I'll get your money for you.”

  She turned away and Jim followed her inside. When she bent over her purse to get the money, the bottom hem of the kimono rose high enough to show him half her ass. His dick, which had gotten soft while he cleaned the filters, sprang up again, obviously tenting his shorts. He was about to try to adjust it so it wouldn't be quite so visible when Lisa straightened and turned around.

  * * *

  “Oh, that's wonderful,” Lisa exclaimed.

  Jim glanced down at himself and then back at Lisa. She was busy loosening the top of her robe and letting it swing open. Her tits hung heavy on her chest and Jim froze as she uncovered them all the way.

  She smiled at his reaction to her exposed tits.

  “When I saw you watching yesterday, I hoped that you might be interested,” she said. “I guess you are.”

  Once again Jim was caught off-guard and all he could do was nod. A few moments later his brain caught up and he spoke.

  “Yes, interested. I mean, I am interested. I hope we're talking about the same thing though.”

  She walked over to him and brushed her naked tits against his unclothed chest.

  “That give you an idea of what I'm talking about?” she said.

  “If not then I'm even thicker about women than I thought,” he replied.

  “So Jim, it's hours until my husband gets home and your parents won't be back much before he is. What would you like to do?”

  Is this a trick question? he thought. Do I dare answer honestly?

  “You,” he said.

  “That's a given,” she said. “I was hoping for something more specific. For example, would you like to bury your head between my breasts? Maybe you'd like to get rid of those shorts and see how much of that big cock that's trying to tear its way out of them I can fit down my throat?”

  “Yeah, I'd like either of those, or both.”

  She swung the rest of the robe open and he gaped. Her pussy wasn't a thick nest of pubic hair like he'd imagined. It was hairless, pink, and looked smooth as the silk that had covered it.

  “Maybe you'd like to get your tongue on me? Or your hands? But I want to hear you tell me what you'd like. Tell me what you want to do with me and maybe I'll let you.”

  “You're not going to slap me, are you? I was slapped before when I told a girl what I'd really like to do to her.”

  “I won't slap you Jim. I might say no, but I won't slap you.”

  “Okay then. I'd like everything you said already. I want to play with your tits, bury my head between them, tug on your nipples and suck on them. I want you to go down on me and see how much of my cock you can take in your mouth.”

  Lisa's hand made a beeline for her pussy while he was speaking. She started rubbing along the top of her slit while he continued to speak.

  “I want to eat you out and see what you taste like. I'd love to make you cum and feel you quiver beneath me. I want to drive my cock into your cunt over and over. Then I want to slide it into your ass and cum there.”

  Lisa was breathing heavy by the time he finished his list. Her fingers were working furiously on her pussy and Jim could tell she was getting turned on. The air in the room was taking on a musky smell and he could see droplets of moisture glittering along her slit.

  “Okay,” she said, “but I want one thing a little different. I want you to cum in my pussy. Then if you can get hard again before you have to leave, you can cum in my ass too.”

  “You're serious?” he said. “It's a deal.”

  He stood there watching her play with herself until she spoke.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked.

  It was enough to break Jim's stupor. He stepped forward and took her tits in his hands. They were soft and heavy. Her nipples were dark pink and already slightly excited.

  He lifted one of her breasts towards his mouth and sucked the nipple in. As he touched it with his tongue it grew longer and harder. He sucked furiously on it, trying to see just how large it would get. The fingers on his other hand found her second nipple and started tugging on it like he'd seen her do the day before. That one grew also, but not as quickly and not as large, so he switched sides and sucked that one until it was as big as he could get it. Then he pulled back and stared at them.

  Fully excited, Lisa's nipples were longer than the last joint on his little finger, and thicker around too. She caught where he was looking and followed his gaze.

  “They never did shrink down that much after I breastfed Heather.”

  Jim squeezed his eyes shut. He knew she was talking about when Heather was a baby, but the image that popped into his mind was of Heather as he'd last seen her sucking on Lisa's nipples. His cock twitched in his shorts, trying to get harder.

  “Oh my, that doesn't look very comfortable,” Lisa said, pointing at his shorts. “Why don't you get rid of those and let him out to play?”

  Jim kicked his shoes off and remove
d his shorts. Lisa stared for a moment before she reached out to gently stroke his cock.

  “That should do nicely,” she said. “Would you like me to suck on you now or do you want to play with my tits some more first?”

  “Yes,” Jim said. “I mean, how about I lie down and you can suck on me, but have your body arranged so I can play with your tits while you do?”

  Lisa smiled at him and wrapped her hand around his cock. When she started walking, Jim had no choice but to follow.

  She led him into the living room before letting go of his cock.

  “I think this will be nicer on your back and my knees than the kitchen floor.”

  He hadn't even noticed when they'd stepped onto the thick pile carpeting of the living room. He was in a state of shock, unable to believe what was happening. She looked pointedly at the floor and he quickly laid down. She got down on all fours, with her knees beside his head, which put her mouth near his cock and her breasts dangling down just beside him.

  She bent over and her tongue touched him. His cock twitched as though it were trying to leap into her mouth. He watched as she licked her lips and lowered her head. Then his cock was engulfed in a warm, wet, paradise. She closed her mouth until her lips were lightly pressuring his cock, then started working her way down.

  Lisa slid her mouth down an inch, then pulled back a half inch. She did it over and over, working her way down his cock. When she was almost at the bottom, she stopped and just held him in her mouth for a moment. He was fascinated and couldn't take his eyes off the process. Then she thrust herself down again and Jim heard her choke a little.

  He was going to tell her not to make herself sick, but a motion attracted his attention.

  Lisa's breasts were swaying with her movement. Every time she bobbed her head, her breasts swayed. They hung so far down off her chest that even the littlest movement set them to jiggling. Jim found himself entranced again, but this time he wasn't going to just lie there. His hands reached up and started stroking her breasts. He reached out and tugged on her nipples and watched as her entire breast stretched out just a little farther.


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