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MILF Money for College- Complete Set

Page 3

by Holly Ardent

  “Oh yeah, no problem. Why don't I get to work right away to make sure we have enough time to play around today.”

  “If you like. I was thinking that later on, maybe you could just strip me down and bend me over the kitchen table. Shove yourself in me and shoot your load. I'm still mostly satisfied from yesterday, but I know you young men are always wanting more. I figure that would do me fine and would calm your nerves for our visit with Pam. Since I recommended you, I'd like you to make a good impression.”

  Jim awkwardly shifted the hard-on that had sprung up while she was walking. She'd damn near hit on the fantasy he'd masturbated to after he found her sunbathing topless the first time.

  “I see that has some appeal for you,” Lisa said. “But, work first, then play.”

  Jim hurried as he got the lawn mower out and started it up. Lisa stayed out sunbathing next to the pool all the while he was cutting the grass in the back yard. When he went to finish up out front, she went back in the house.

  Once he was done, he put the lawn mower away and came to the back door, the one that led to the kitchen.

  “Come in,” Lisa called when she heard his knock.

  Jim walked in and found her sitting at the kitchen table, already nude. She'd been playing with herself. Her nipples were hard and he could smell the musky scent of her arousal in the air.

  “I thought I'd get ready for you,” she said.

  She slid out of the chair, dropped to her knees in front of him, and tugged his shorts down. His cock sprang out and she quickly snapped it up with her mouth, sucking him right in. She only sucked on him for a minute or two and when she took her mouth off of him, his cock was glinting with her saliva.

  “How do you want me?” she said.

  Jim stepped forward and spun her around. He bent her over at the waist so her tits were on the table, and moved up right against her. He thrust his cock forward into her pussy. It slid in easily since she was already wet and she'd left his cock dripping with her spit.

  He started thrusting in and out of her and then reached for her tits. They were trapped against the table so he couldn't get his hands on them.

  “Damn it!” he said.

  He reached for her clit and found that she was too close to the table for him to get his hand in there either.

  “This isn't going to work,” Jim said.

  He pulled her upright again and yanked a chair out. He pushed Lisa to her knees and slid the chair in front of her. When he leaned her forward, her stomach was resting on the seat of the chair with her tits hanging off the front. It looked as though there'd be room to get to her clit also.

  He knelt behind her and drove his cock into her cunt. When he reached around this time, he made contact with her tits, kneading them with his hands. Then he started thrusting in and out of her. His cock was still a little tender, but at this point he couldn't care less.

  “Oh yeah, I want you to cum inside me again,” she said.

  Jim started thrusting harder.

  “Tell you what, you cum for me, and I'll cum for you,” he said. “I want to feel your pussy clamping down on my cock again, like it did when you came yesterday.”

  He moved his fingers to her nipples and started teasing them with feather light contact.

  “Gah,” she squeaked. “You do that very much and there won't be a question about me cumming. But if you want me to cum hard, one of us will need to be playing with my clit. You want your hands on my breasts or clit?”

  Jim pondered for a moment, but it really wasn't a hard decision. He loved her tits, especially her nipples.

  “I'll take your tits, you play with your clit.”

  She nodded and her hand snaked back around the chair and between her legs.

  “You can be rougher with my breasts if you like,” she said. “I like it a little rough.”

  Jim's answer was to pinch her nipples hard and then pull them down. He watched as her tits stretched from the pressure on her nipples.

  “Yeah,” she gasped, “that's good.”

  Jim kept up the pressure on her nipples as he thrust in and out of her. She was working her hand furiously on her clit and sounded like she was enjoying every second of it.

  He pounded her pussy as hard as he could for what seemed like forever, although the clock on the stove said it was only five minutes. He was about to start slowing down a little when he felt Lisa convulse beneath him, all her muscles tightening up simultaneously. Her cunt clenched his cock and he felt the urgent need to cum. He fought to hold it back and managed, until he felt her pussy flood with her juices. Then he drove in as hard and deep as he could and filled her with his cum. While he was cumming he yanked down on her nipples a little bit harder than he had been and she squeaked and started writhing beneath him.

  She couldn't move much because of the position, but her cunt was convulsing around his cock, teasing out the last of his cum. When she finally went still, he slid out of her, grabbed another chair, and slumped into it.

  Lisa was the first one to move and when she turned and saw him, she crawled over to him. His cock was at half mast and she ducked her head to suck him into her mouth. She gently cleaned his cock with her tongue, bringing him erect again. When she drew her head off of him, he tried to push it back down, but she swatted his hand.

  “Nope, we need to get going,” she said. “You'll have to wait until later, or more likely some other day.”

  Jim sighed in exasperation, but pulled his clothes back on.

  * * *

  Jim watched as Lisa drove down the dirt road. He'd never known where Sheriff Macintosh and his wife lived, but it looked like it was way out there. Right on the border of the suburban and rural areas.

  “They own about twenty acres out here,” Lisa said. “It was a great place for their kids to grow up, but they're all out of the house now. I imagine Pam gets pretty lonely from time to time since their nearest neighbor is about a half mile up the road.”

  “This is their place?” Jim asked, gazing at the white fence that bordered the road.

  “Yes, it is. Evidently someone was driving drunk on this road a few months back and drove right through their fence, then drove back out another section of it. Doug, that's Sheriff Macintosh if you didn't know, doesn't have the time to take care of it himself. Pam could do it herself, but she'd rather pay to have someone else do it.”

  Maybe it was a drunk, or maybe someone that the sheriff pissed off found out where he lived and did it on purpose, Jim thought. They'd have to have more guts than I do though, or maybe not since I'm seriously considering fucking the sheriff's wife.

  They pulled into a long driveway that led to a ranch-style house. Lisa got out and headed for the door with Jim tagging along.

  When Pam answered the door Jim knew that his 'seriously considering' was now an 'intending to'. Pam was hot. She didn't look like she was old enough to be a mother whose children had already moved out, but Jim knew she was.

  She had lightly tanned skin and long brown hair. Her jeans were straight out of the 80's, the knees were torn out and several other tears decorated the legs. The tight fitting brown shirt she had on emphasized her tits. They were big and very noticeable in her shirt, not as large as Lisa's, but definitely more than a handful.

  “Hi Pam, I brought Jim along like you asked,” Lisa said.

  “Hey Lisa, hello Jim.”

  “Hi,” Jim said, determined to keep his mouth shut as much as possible for the time being.

  “Come on in. Coffee anyone?”

  Pam played host for a few minutes, but once everyone was settled in the living room she stared at him for a minute.

  “So, did Lisa tell you what I'm after?” Pam asked.

  “She told me you need someone to fix your fence, and that you might have something else you'd like me to do as well,” Jim said.

  “Good, at least you know something about being discrete. You understand that if I do want something else from you, you can't talk about it to anyone else?”r />
  Jim glanced at Lisa and Pam caught his look.

  “Sure, you can talk about it with her. After all, I will if it's any good, so you might as well also. But you can't tell any of your friends.”

  “Not a problem,” Jim said.

  “First off, do you think you can fix our fence? You saw it on the way in.”

  “I'm sure I can. I can't tell you how long it'll take or anything until I see the damaged section though. If I need to replace any of the support posts, it'll take a lot longer than if it's just the cross pieces.”

  “It'd take longer than you'd think if you needed to replace posts. They're all set into a bag of concrete about two feet underground. But you just need to replace a bunch of the cross beams.”

  “Yeah, that won't be a problem,” Jim said. “Do you need me to pick up the materials or do you have them already?”

  “I've got the materials,” Pam said. “The hardware store didn't get around to delivering them until last week. That's the only reason we haven't fixed it yet.”

  “I can do it whenever you like then. Probably a couple of hours for the whole thing.”

  “We'll need a triple coat of paint on them and it takes a couple of hours for each coat to dry.”

  “Call it six hours then, assuming I can just leave the last coat to dry on its own.”

  “Good, are you busy tomorrow? Show up first thing in the morning, say around eight o'clock? I'm sure I can find a way to keep you busy while the first and second coats of paint dry.”

  I guess she's got this all planned out already, he thought. I'd be a fool to say no. I've been called stupid before, but never a fool.

  “I'll be here,” he said.

  The rest of the visit was just that, Pam and Lisa visiting. They tried to include Jim, but he frequently had no idea what they were talking about. He asked Pam for directions out to the damaged section of fence and took a look. If anything, his time estimate was high. If not for the paint, he could probably finish the whole thing in under an hour.

  When he returned to the house, Lisa was ready to leave. They drove back to her house and on the way Lisa went a little cryptic on him.

  “I do hope you're as kinky as I thought. You'll both enjoy yourselves much more that way,” she said.

  He pressed her to explain that statement, but she wouldn't say anything else about it.

  “I guess I need to let you go home,” she said. “I imagine getting there for eight is going to have you waking up earlier than normal tomorrow. I'll want you over the day after tomorrow though. Then you can tell me how it went with Pam.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “I don't want people to start getting suspicious.”

  “Just keep coming in the back, no-one will see you. If they do, there's plenty of things around here that need to be done. I'll just tell them I hired you for that and it'll be true even if it isn't the whole truth.”

  Lisa shooed him back to his own house, then stared at him regretfully as he left.

  * * *

  Jim had his mom wake him before she left for work the next morning. He glanced blearily at the clock when she banged on his door.

  Six-thirty, I don't even get up this early for my classes. I hope it's worth it.

  He got dressed and ate breakfast. Then he started the old pick-up truck he used to get to and from college and headed for Pam's house.

  She sat him down on the couch when he arrived. Over coffee, she explained what she wanted.

  “Now, you're going to go down and fix that fence. Once you have it repaired and the first coat of paint on, you come back up here. I've got some plans for then, but we can always change them on the fly so I'm not going to tell you what they are.”

  “Not even a hint to keep me going while I'm working on the fence?” he asked with a grin.

  Pam stretched and arched her back. Her nipples tented the fabric and pointed straight at him.

  “I'd rather not say, but I've got a list of things I'd like to do. I'll ask what you'd like when you get back and we'll start with anything that's on both of our lists. You okay with that?”

  “I'm a little worried about your husband coming home in the middle of it. That would be... bad. Okay, bad is probably an understatement.”

  “You might be surprised,” she said. “Doug would be more likely to go for a video camera than his gun. He can't bring himself to do a lot of things for me. He says they're too closely related to his work and he needs to leave work at the station and not bring it home. But when I tell him everything that happened, he'll be enthusiastically receptive to hearing about it.”

  “Wait, you're going to tell him what we do?”

  “Yes and no. I'll tell him the story like it was a fantasy I thought up. He likes that, even if he can't bring himself to do those things to me himself. He really just likes me to take charge and control what we do sexually. I'm okay with that most of the time, but sometimes I need a man that's willing to take control of me. I've a bit of a submissive streak that needs to be sated from time to time. That's all the hint you'll get, but if you can't figure out what to do from that then you aren't the partner I was hoping for. Now, are you still interested?”

  Jim took a deep breath. He knew he'd kick himself for the rest of his life if he backed out now. Finally he nodded.

  “Show me where the materials are and I'll get to work,” he said.

  Pam grinned at him.

  “I'll make sure you don't regret it,” she said.

  The work was mostly mindless. He did have to shift where the fasteners secured the cross boards since the old ones had torn out of the wood, but that was the only thing he couldn't have done in his sleep.

  He tried hard not to get any of the paint on himself, but he'd known that wouldn't work so he'd worn some old battered clothes. He was amused when he thought about it. The torn up jeans and t-shirt he wore matched Pam's choice in outfits perfectly. Anyone who saw the two of them together would think they were a couple of hold-outs from the eighties.

  He capped the paint pail so he could use it later, then turned and headed for the house.

  Pam answered quickly when he rang the bell. Once again, she took him into the living room and plied him with coffee. She'd apparently been cleaning the living room since the only thing on the coffee table now were their cups.

  “Okay,” she said. “Tell me what you'd like to do.”

  Jim blinked, he hadn't been expecting it that bluntly. He did a double take as she picked up a notepad and pencil.

  She's taking notes?What the hell?

  “Umm, pretty much anything?”

  “That's such a cop out,” she said. “Give me some specifics. Is there anything you've always wanted to do, but were scared to suggest to your girl? Anything you like so much, you'd want to do it every time you had sex? Anything you want to do that you think would scare me off? Try me, I don't scare easily.”

  Well shit, I suppose if I end up freaking her out I can drive back to Lisa's while the paint dries. I bet she'd be glad to see me. Pam said she didn't want to control anything, she wanted to submit. So let's go for it. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky.

  “Fine, you asked for it though. Yeah, there is something I'd like to do every time I have sex. I like anal, I'd love to fuck your ass.”

  Pam jotted something down on the notepad.

  “There's things I'd love to do, but never suggested also. They kind of fit in with the scaring you off bit. I'd love to push you down on your knees, grab your head and pull it onto my cock. I'd want to keep hold of your hair so I could make sure you did what I wanted.”

  Pam's pencil was racing on the pad. She made a satisfied noise deep in her throat before she looked up at him.

  “Is that all?” she asked.

  “No, I'd also love to tear your clothes off of you and have you parade your naked body in front of me. All the while you're showing me the parts of your body that you think I should definitely use, maybe tell me in detail how I should use them. Then I get to de
cide if I should bother with what you said or if I should just take you however I want.”

  Jim watched her nipples harden under the tight t-shirt she was wearing today. He could see that she had a bra on underneath it, but her nipples were poking through everything in their way, craving attention.

  Pam was biting her lower lip as she wrote. When she spoke, her voice was a breathy whisper.

  “Can you think of anything else?” she asked.

  How much more does she want? Let's see, maybe something non-physical?

  “Yeah, the one other thing I'd like is to hear you to tell me that your body is mine to use however I want. That you're giving it to me for the duration. You could always beg me to stop if I do something you really hate, but that would kind of take the fun out of it for both of us, wouldn't it?”

  Pam dropped her pencil while he was talking. She was staring at him, her breathing fast and shallow. Her nipples threatened to tear the fabric of both bra and shirt and he swore he could see a moist spot at her crotch.

  She stood up and tossed the notepad on the coffee table. When Jim realized she was crossing the room to him, he put his coffee cup down, just in case she was planning on slapping him or something. Instead, she stopped at about arm's reach in front of him and just stood there.

  He stared at her for a minute as she stood still. Finally he caught on. Jim stood up and reached for her shoulders. When he put pressure on them, Pam shook her head slightly. She reached up and gently plucked at the fabric of her shirt.

  Jim decided that meant a slight alteration of the order in which he'd told her what he wanted. He reached for one of the worn spots on her t-shirt with both hands. He grasped the two sides of the small hole, and when she made no move to stop him, he pulled.

  The fabric parted easily at first, revealing her bra and upper chest. When he got to a seam, it stopped him. Pam was just staring at him, almost panting, while he decided what to do about it. In the end, he didn't want to stop and find a tool so he just used brute strength. He yanked on the seam as hard as he could. Part of it dug into Pam's skin, but the area he was tugging on tore. Now her t-shirt was only supported by one of her shoulders.


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