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Kelly: Summers of Love: A Why Choose Contemporary Romance (Seasons of Love Book 2)

Page 8

by Pepper Paris

  “I hope that you can eventually work things out and he can enjoy being with his family again. I know what it’s like not to have one that loves you enough to care what you do with your life.”

  “Thanks for taking care of him when we can’t. I’m hoping that he’ll make up with his mother at some point, but right now it seems like an impossible hope.”

  “I’ll make sure he’s home for Christmas, but it’s up to the two of you to extend the offer to him.” I stood. “I’ve really got to get back to work, but if you ever need to get a hold of me, just call.”

  He stood up and left without saying anything else.

  Sue waited until the lobby door closed behind him. “Is everything okay?”

  I sank back into the chair. “I sure hope so. That was my boyfriend’s dad, and he was hoping that I’d use my leverage to sway him back to what they want him to do.”

  “Aw, honey, that sucks. I’m so sorry.” Sue glanced at her watch. “It’s almost lunchtime. Why don’t you go a little early?”

  “You know, I think I’ll take you up on that. I need a little fresh air after that encounter.”

  “Sure. You’re one of our hardest workers, and you don’t even take smoke breaks like some of the others.”

  I went back to save my work and grab my purse. I was feeling the need for some reassurance before I tried to talk to Kelly again, and there was only one person that I felt comfortable talking to about things like this: Sophia.

  “Can you meet me for lunch?”

  “You name the place and I’ll be there.”

  “Nancy’s Tea Shop over on Second Street.”

  “Be right there.”

  I was nervously twisting my hair when she breezed into the room, bringing confidence with her.

  “Hi, honey.” She gave me a side hug before taking the seat across from me.

  The waitress came over and took our orders as Sophia eyed me with concern.

  “Spill, young lady. What happened that has you in such a tizzy?”

  “Kelly’s dad came to see me. He wants me to suggest to Kelly that he join the football team at my school.”

  “He came to see you? How dare he,” she huffed in indignation.

  “I sort of understand. He just wants the best for his kid, but Kelly’s got to make decisions for himself. I haven’t guided him at all, and if he thought I was doing that, he would never listen to anything I have to say.”

  “Sweetie, don’t sell yourself short.”

  “His mother isn’t going to apologize or invite him home until I’m out of the picture.” I frowned. “I don’t think his dad is nearly as worried about that part as he is with his kid not playing sports. He knows what the odds of Kelly going pro are.”

  “Even if his dad knows the truth, that doesn’t make it any easier to accept. He wants to see if Kelly is doing this for you, or if there’s a way to get you both apart.”

  “I don’t know. Should I tell Kelly that he came by?”

  “You have to, don’t you? If you don’t mention it and he sees his dad and something is mentioned, then you’ll be in a bad spot. If you don’t mention it, it’s going to eat at you that you’re keeping something from him.”

  “Honesty is the best policy. It’s just hard because I know this is going to hurt him.”

  Sophia laid a hand over mine. “Honey, we can’t protect them from everything. It’s not fun, but I have to say that they’re tougher than we think they are.”

  “I hope so. Kelly’s suffered enough this year, and we only have about a week before we go back to school.”

  “He’ll make it through this, you just wait and see,” she assured me.

  “I’m not really surprised that my dad came to see you.”

  “You’re not?”

  “No. He’s always looking for ways to make my mom happy. It doesn’t matter that it means his son doesn’t get to make his own choices, as long as she’s not bothering him.”

  Kelly started laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m just imagining how much trouble my poor father is in if he came to you to see about putting me on the straight and narrow. She’s getting to him.”

  “He seemed pretty confident that if I just threw my weight behind it, then you would jump on board.”

  “Well, he doesn’t get what I’m doing. He thinks that playing sports is the only way a kid with no career prospects is going to have a chance in the world.”

  “You have prospects, they’re just education related.”

  “Yeah, he and Mom don’t exactly agree with you about that. They think anyone that goes into public service is really stupid. It’s that they’re doing a job that nobody else will do for horrible pay. My parents don’t get that someone has to do the job and wind up loving it.”

  “I don’t understand that kind of thinking. Do they want everyone to become rich? Then there would be no one to work on the sewers or farms, and there would be a new system of people who were on the top of the system.”

  He came over to wrap his arms around me in a comforting way. “Look, I can’t fix them. I can only be myself in the best way I know how. Everything after that is just a bonus. One day, they may have a wake-up call and realize that they can love people that aren’t in their social circle, but until then, it’s me, you, and the guys against the world.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  “At you? No way. You didn’t do anything wrong, and my dad didn’t really either. He’s just in an impossible situation with my mother. I often wonder if he ever thinks about divorcing her and seeing how well she can fend for herself without his money.”

  “No you don’t. That’s your hurt feelings talking.”

  “I’ve thought it, but I don’t really want it to happen to her.”

  “Enough of this sad talk. I’m declaring it movie night, which means that we have to sit together and cuddle. It must be a comedy or something fun, no dramas or sadness allowed.”

  “Yes, ma’am. You’re the boss.” Kelly grinned, flopping his entire body over the length of the couch.

  It was time for school again, leaving us a little sad, but it would be nice without the constant reminders of the parents who made our lives miserable.

  Sarah instantly made me feel at home when I walked into the dorm room, peppering me with questions like I hadn’t been gone all summer.

  “Where’s your little puppy? Or did you turn him in for a new one from the subscription service?”

  “Ha, very funny. Kelly will be around all year to torment you and keep you in line. How did your summer go? Did you finally find the perfect guy to settle down with?”

  Sarah scoffed. “Of course not. I did try a few on for size, but they didn’t fit well so I traded them in for new ones.”

  “You know the guys you date would be devastated to find out that they’re only toys to you.”

  “No, they wouldn’t. They don’t care as long as they’re getting laid. The guys I date always have huge egos, and could appreciate being taken down a few notches.”

  I shook my head. There was no way Sarah was going to quit sleeping around, and I wasn’t about to pass judgement. I was going to laugh at her stories about her summer conquests, being retold with extra drama thrown in for emphasis.

  Life would never be dull with Sarah for the one that finally stuck around to settle her down long enough for her to notice him.

  Kelly and I had fallen into the normal routine of classes and work. Before we knew it, Thanksgiving break was almost here, and while we could go to Wade’s place, it wasn’t the same as a family meal. So I had an idea and texted the guys.

  Roxie: I think I should take Kelly up to see Jay over Thanksgiving. What do you guys think?

  Kelly: I’m down for a trip to see him. I’ve always wanted to see Oregon, but I don’t really have the money for that.

  Wade: I’ve got tons of miles on my card that I can cash in, so all you’ll have to worry about are your meals.

; Roxie: Do I tell Jay ahead of time or just surprise him?

  Kelly: Surprise him. If we tell him, then he’ll come up with an excuse as to why we can’t come to see him.

  Wade: Agreed. He’ll say that it’s not a good time, and that he wouldn’t be able to visit.

  Roxie: When we get there, if he truly is busy, then we can get a motel, but I’m going to cook a Thanksgiving dinner.

  Wade: Wish I could join you, but we’ve got a gig Wednesday and Friday. Too tight to work it in.

  Kelly: That’s not what she says. ;)

  Roxie: Ha-ha, very funny. Wade, will you get the tickets for us to leave on Tuesday night? All classes are out by noon, so we can be at the airport by two or three.

  Wade: Got it. I can’t wait to see Jay’s face when you guys show up on his doorstep.

  Two weeks later, I was on a plane again, only this time, Kelly was with me.

  Feeling like a pro because I’d flown twice now and survived, I approached the security scanners with confidence.

  My bags were cleared, and I walked through the body scanner without any trouble. It was as I went to grab my shoes and put them back on that I realized Kelly wasn’t behind me.

  They were leading him over to another area marked for body searches.

  I wanted to ask the security lady what was happening, but didn’t want to go to the little room with him.

  Collecting my stuff, I went over to sit on one of the benches to wait. I glanced at my phone, we had about thirty minutes until our flight was supposed to leave, and our tickets weren’t exchangeable.

  It’s going to be okay, I tried to reassure myself. He didn’t have anything that would make them keep him. This was probably just a random search.

  Twenty minutes later, I wasn’t so sure. That was my guy in there, and I was going to make sure he was okay.

  “Excuse me, ma’am?” I approached the security guard that wasn’t doing scans.

  “You need to step back from the scanning area. You’ve already been cleared and you need to move on.”

  “I would, but my boyfriend was taken somewhere and our flight leaves in ten minutes. How can I find out what happened?”

  She gave me a closer look. “Stand over there and I’ll see what happened.”

  Backing away so I didn’t lose sight of her, I stood there waiting as she walked to a side door and knocked.

  Another security guard stuck his head out and talked to her for just a minute. They both looked in my direction, and I gave a little wave.

  A few more gestures and he went back into the room. She glanced in my direction and started working the scanners again.

  “What the hell?” I muttered, about to walk back over and knock on the door myself when it opened.

  Kelly came out pulling his suitcase and chatting with the guard.

  He kept the smile on his face as he joined me. “Let’s go.”

  Walking toward our plane quickly, I started to ask what happened, but Kelly shook his head. “I’ll fill you in on the plane.”

  “Last call for flight 936 to Portland.”

  At the words over the intercom, we both took off running through the last four gates.

  The attendant quickly scanned our tickets and pulled the door shut as we raced down the long hall.

  “Ah, you just made it. Go ahead and take your seats so we can get ready for takeoff.”

  Out of breath, we nodded and hurried to find our seats in the middle of the plane.

  Kelly opened one of the overhead compartments to put our two bags up before he dropped into the seat next to me. Our side of the plane only had two seats, so we didn’t have to worry about others listening in to our conversation.

  “All right, out with it. What happened?”

  He glanced around before starting the story. “They’d been given the heads up that a guy my age and height might be carrying drugs. Thus, the extra search and questions. One of the other security areas found him, but they still did a thorough body search before letting me go.”

  “Aw, babe, that’s horrible.”

  “Well, I don’t recommend it as good foreplay.” He grinned. “Now, are we going to join the mile-high club?”

  I turned, unable to hide my shock. “Seriously? You just got searched and almost didn’t make the flight. You want to join the mile-high club and take a chance that we’ll kicked off the plane?”

  “We can wait until we’re in the air at least halfway so they can’t turn around.” He gave me his most devastating smile.

  “Yeah, I think I’m going to pass on that.”

  “That’s no fun, but I agree with you for this trip. Now, on the way home is an entirely different story.”

  “Whatever.” I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. It was the only way to get him to stop thinking about sex.

  The cold weather was a bitter shock to our senses as we waited for the taxi.

  “Is it always like this?” I questioned the driver as I gave him the address for Jay’s apartment.

  “Nah, we ordered it in special for the holiday.” The driver grinned into the rearview mirror.

  “Great. It’s a good thing I plan to go grocery shopping before I plant my butt inside.” I shivered into my coat.

  “Do we know if he’s going to be home?”

  “Yeah. Wade told him that he was going to do a Skype call with all of us, but wanted to make sure he was off. Unless he was going to take the call at work, he should be there.”

  We pulled up to an apartment complex, and I paid the driver while Kelly got our bags from the trunk.

  “Which one is it?” Kelly’s lips were looking blue in the cold.

  “Number 559, so it should be the fifth building, and then we’ll have to see where it is from there.”

  “Right. At least staying warm will be easier if we move around.”

  The cold made any distance seem like it was longer than we thought, but at least the inside of each building was warmer leading to the apartments.

  “Fifth floor, and it’ll be the one on the end,” I announced as I read the signs. “I really should have brought gloves.”

  “I think that’s the least of our worries. He’d better be home so I can get warm,” Kelly groaned miserably.

  The elevator kept the wind off of us, and we only had a few short steps to his door. Now that I was standing there, my nerves took over.

  What if he got mad at us? What if he had another girl inside? Were we totally stupid to have done this?

  Kelly had no such problem and pounded on the door with three quick raps of his knuckles.

  “Just a sec!” Jay’s voice called from inside.

  The door opened, and so did Jay’s mouth as it hung open from shock.

  “What are you doing here?” He barely had a second before Kelly pulled him into a bear hug.

  “We’re here to spend Thanksgiving with you.” I waited my turn for my hug.

  “Oh my gosh. That’s why Wade wanted to be sure I was home.” He stepped back, letting us into the apartment, but he didn’t hug me.

  “Yep, we’re here through Sunday if you’ll have us?”

  “Oh, sure. I have to work a few hours tomorrow and Friday night, but you’re welcome to stay here.” He seemed a little uncomfortable with both of us being there. “I only have the couch, which I’ll sleep on, and let the two of you share the bed.”

  Something was up with Jay, but I hoped that over the next few days I’d be able to figure out what was going on in his brain.

  “Unless you have plans, I was hoping that you’d let me cook Thanksgiving dinner for the three of us. Kelly and I don’t have any family, and we knew that you would be just as lonely as us.”

  “Ah, that makes sense. I do miss seeing the family on holidays. Eating cold cereal while watching the parades just isn’t the same by yourself.”

  “Don’t worry about any of that, man, I’ve got you covered. We can watch the football games and help Roxie with whatever she wants us to do in the ki

  Jay let out a relieved sigh. “Sounds like a plan. Are you guys hungry? I can order some pizza.”

  “Yeah, that would be great.”

  I’d made sure to plop down between the boys after we were done eating and the trash had been cleared away. Jay was a little shy, and also wasn’t as confident as the other guys in our group, so I wanted to ease him back into the circle in his own time.

  “Shh…Kelly’s asleep.”

  “He must have dozed off during the last TV show.” I raised my head from Jay’s shoulder. “He’s not used to working and actually studying. Come on.” I stood up and held out my hand to pull him up with me.

  “Roxie.” He took my hand as he started to blush. “I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

  “Do you have a blanket I can cover Kelly with?” Ignoring his protests until we were in his bedroom would be better than trying to talk and wake up the sleeping bear.

  “Yeah, but I was sure that you’d want to be with Kelly.” He walked over to a closet and returned with a pillow and blanket.

  Gently, I pulled Kelly’s shoes off and put his legs on the couch. He barely stirred as he got comfortable. The blanket covered his feet, but I was sure that I’d come out to find them sticking out. I kissed his forehead, and then took Jay’s hand, pulling him to the bedroom.

  “R-Roxie,” he started to stammer.

  “Hold on. Just because we’re going to be in the same bed doesn’t mean that we have to have sex.”

  He dipped his head at my words, trying to hide his face, but I wasn’t about to let that happen.

  My finger tilted his chin up so I could see his face. “Jay, do you still like me?”

  “Yes,” he mumbled.

  “Did you enjoy having sex when we did it in the tree house?”


  “You’re just unsure about where you fit in the picture, right?” I took a seat on the bed and patted the spot next to me. “I didn’t sleep with all four of you so that I could just forget one of you. You’re all mine. I wasn’t certain about how that was going to work in the beginning, but now I’ve gotten used to saying it out loud.


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