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The Crowd and the Cosmos: Adventures in the Zooniverse

Page 26

by Lintott, Chris

  we see in the data. This happens on a regular schedule, as the

  * Following negotiation with a journal editor who insisted that it was policy that all acronyms be spelt out, it was agreed that WTF stands for ‘Where’s the Flux?’, neatly referring to the central mystery presented by the star.

  Is It AlIens? 215

  ringing repeats with each swing of the smaller star past the larger.

  This is interesting, and such behavior valuable in trying to under-

  stand stellar interiors, but something more complicated is going

  on with the WTF star.

  Daryll found a clue in the data that was available on the web.

  Most of the objects in Kepler’s target list had been extensively

  studied in preparation for the mission. In many cases, the

  properties of any planets found can only be pinned down if the

  stars themselves are understood, and effort has already gone

  into excluding stars whose inherent variability would have

  hidden likely planets. As a result of all this work, Daryll could

  tell that this star was brighter in the infrared than stars of its

  type usually are.

  Unexpected brightness in the infrared usually means that

  there is a disc of dust, leftover from planet formation, in orbit

  around a star. As the dust absorbs light from the star, it reradiates mostly infrared radiation; hiding a star behind dust therefore

  usually results in the system appearing dimmer than normal

  when viewed in visible light, but brighter in the infrared. This is

  one reason that astronomers studying star formation normally

  turn to longer wavelengths, hoping to be able to observe stars

  still embedded in their embryonic cocoons. The infrared excess

  suggested that the neighbourhood of the WTF star was a dusty

  place, and Daryll realized that this might be the key to explaining

  its bizarre behaviour.

  He suggested that there really was a planet in orbit around the

  star, but that the planet was itself surrounded by a dust disc. That

  seems sensible enough. Just as planets form from the disc of left-

  over dust and gas which surrounds newborn stars, so a newly

  formed planet might be surrounded by a disc of leftover material

  from which moons might form. Our own Moon probably had a

  more violent origin, coalescing from the debris of a collision

  216 Is It AlIens?

  between the proto-Earth and a Mars-sized object, and the two

  moons of Mars seem to be no more than captured asteroids.

  Large planets such as Jupiter seem to have formed their systems

  of large moons more directly, though, and a large planet with a

  dense disc of material passing in front of a star would certainly

  block plenty of the star’s light. If the geometry of the passage

  changed each time, you might be able to explain the observed

  differences each time the WTF star dimmed or flickered.

  The attractive thing about this proposition is that it could

  explain an almost arbitrary pattern. The disc might have a gap at

  its centre, between the planet and its inner edge, just as there’s a

  gap between Saturn’s rings and the planet itself. The team flying

  the Cassini spacecraft, which took several plunges between rings and planet at the end of its life, called it the ‘Big Empty’, so it

  should be no surprise that light would shine through such a gap,

  adding to the complexity of the behaviour during an observed

  ‘blink’. Saturn’s rings also have gaps within them, shaped by

  interactions between ring particles and the myriad tiny moons

  which surround and shepherd them. Add the same sort of thing

  to the WTF system, and you might have a chance of explaining

  what’s going on.

  By the time speculation had reached this state, with Daryll and

  others drawing possible models for the rings, the Planet Hunters

  team themselves became involved, most notably Tabby Boyajian,

  then a Yale postdoc, who led the professional end of the effort

  to solve the mystery of this most unusual star.* The dust disc

  explanation felt wrong from the start; every piece of information

  we had in the Kepler Input Catalogue pointed to KIC8462852

  * Because of Tabby’s efforts in leading the work on the star, it’s sometimes known not as the WTF star but as Boyajian’s star, which I rather like. ‘Tabby’s star’ also gained currency, but I like the authoritative and official sound of using her surname.

  Is It AlIens? 217

  being a perfectly ordinary, stable, and middle-aged star, while dust

  discs are almost exclusively the property of younger objects. Worse

  than that, the fact that two of the dips accounted for almost 20 per

  cent of the star’s light meant that the obscuring object had to be

  enormous. If enough dust existed in a disc to create such a large

  dip, it should be stonkingly bright in the infrared—and it wasn’t.

  So there’s no dust disc. And the star appears to be perfectly

  normal, with nothing in its colour or spectrum marking it out

  as one especially likely to behave oddly. The team led by Tabby

  checked that there were no signs of camera malfunction. Neigh-

  bouring stars appeared to maintain a nice, constant brightness,

  and when, driven by some magic combination of desperation

  and paranoia, they checked which pixel each observation of our

  star landed on there was no obvious pattern that might explain

  the observed dips. In the paper we put together announcing the

  discovery, and on which seven separate citizen scientists appear

  as authors, we fairly reluctantly nailed our colours to a hypoth-

  esis that suggested that the dips we observed were the result of a

  string of comets.

  Comets have a lot to commend them. For starters, they’re less

  bright in the infrared than one would expect a dust disc to be,

  and that means you can hide enough stuff to cause big dips in

  brightness without exceeding the infrared limit set by the obser-

  vations. Our comet would need to be broken into bits, so that

  each piece could be responsible for an individual dip, but that’s

  ok. Breaking up is something that comets tend to do. Comet

  Schwassmann–Wachmann 3, for example, survived for sixty-

  five years after being discovered by two German observers in

  1930, but broke into four pieces in 1995. By 2006 it was in eight

  separate pieces and seems to be in the process of crumbling

  entirely. Comet Biela, a spectacular sight in the nineteenth cen-

  tury, split somewhere around the middle of the century and had

  218 Is It AlIens?

  disappeared completely by the time of its predicted return in

  1859. Both Schwassmann–Wachmann 3 and Biela even produced

  short-lived meteor showers, their remnants burning up in the

  atmosphere as Earth crossed their orbits.

  The most famous of comet breakups was that of Shoemaker–

  Levy 9 (SL9), which came too close to Jupiter in the early 1990s.

  By the time it was discovered, the giant planet’s gravity had split

  it into a string of separate nuclei, each on a collision course with

  Jupiter itself. The impacts happened on the far side of the planet

  as seen from Earth, but I will never forget the experience of turn-

  ing my small backyard
telescope to the planet a few hours later

  and seeing clearly the striking bruise left in Jupiter’s atmosphere

  by the impact of the first large piece of the comet. I dragged my

  parents out of bed so they could take me to the larger telescope at

  school, and marvelled at a sight not seen for centuries.

  More recent amateur observations have established that aster-

  oids and comets hit Jupiter at least a couple of times a year, but

  SL9 was special because of the size of the comet and the sheer

  drama of the event. For a week or so, impact after impact caused

  bruise after bruise in the giant planet’s atmosphere, many of

  which remained visible for months following the impact.

  These experiences made it seem sensible to us that a comet

  might have happened to break up just as Kepler started observing this particular patch of sky. People who actually understand

  comets disagreed. A typical comet nucleus is a small thing. That

  visited by the European Space Agency’s Rosetta probe and its

  famous bouncing lander, Philae, is just a few kilometres across.*

  Our comet would have to be the size of Ceres, the largest body in

  * Churyumov–Gerasimenko, since you ask, but commonly known as Chewy-

  Gooey until it was pointed out that Churyumov and Gerasimenko, its discoverers, might not be amused.

  Is It AlIens? 219

  the asteroid belt. When discovered, Ceres was large enough to be

  considered a planet, but the increasing flood of discoveries

  quickly relegated it to being just an asteroid, a nineteenth- century parallel to the plight of Pluto in the twenty-first. Both are now

  technically classified as dwarf planets (much to the chagrin of a

  loud and very vocal minority of the planetary science community

  and the wider cacophony of shouty people online).

  So we had either found the largest comet known, and done so

  just as it started to disintegrate, or we had no idea any more what

  the WTF star was up to. Others had ideas, and we heard a lot

  about one of them in particular. Jason Wright from Penn State

  and his colleagues thought that our discovery fitted perfectly

  with a research programme they had underway, and the title of

  their paper was certainly eye-catching. It’s called ‘The Ĝ search

  for extraterrestrial civilizations with large energy supplies IV.

  The signatures and information content of transiting megastruc-

  tures’. It’s that last word that does it; mention finding alien ‘megastructures’ and the world and its dog starts to pay attention.

  Specifically, the word ‘megastructures’ turned out to be catnip

  for journalists. It sounds just technical enough to make the story

  appropriately sciency, while not being so technical that it puts

  people off. The paper Jason and friends published (in the

  Astrophysical Journal no less—the premier US venue for astro-

  nomical research) spends most of its time talking about how one

  might, if so inclined, use data to distinguish a transiting alien

  space station from the signature of an ordinary planet. The logic

  is that any sufficiently advanced alien civilization would want to

  make use of as much energy as possible, so rather than idling

  away on the surface of a planet like ours would seek to surround

  their star with fleets of orbiting solar panels. Often called in sci-

  ence fiction a Dyson sphere, a spherical shell surrounding a star

  would be unstable. It’s best to think of many individual orbiting

  220 Is It AlIens?

  Figure 28 Artist’s impression of a Dyson swarm; what it might look like if an alien civilization surrounded their star with solar panels.

  spacecraft arrayed into a much larger ‘megastructure’—what the

  physicist Freeman Dyson called a swarm (Figure 28). Either way

  it would be a spectacular feat of engineering on the grandest of

  scales, but as the authors of the paper pointed out, clusters of

  swarming alien spacecraft would make a pretty good explanation

  for exactly what we see in the WTF star’s blinking.

  So Planet Hunters volunteers may have been responsible for

  the discovery of alien intelligence, the most significant moment

  in astronomical history. Have they really? The press wrote the

  story up as if astronomers had seen green tentacles waving back

  from a passing spaceship. That fuss made the star famous, and

  ultimately led to an appeal on the web to fund Jason and Tabby’s

  efforts to keep an eye on their new favourite star.

  Screaming ‘Aliens!’—or in this case, having the press scream

  ‘ALIENS!’ on your behalf—turns out to be a good way not only to

  attract those who might want to donate to your research, but

  Is It AlIens? 221

  also to get other astronomers to notice what you’re doing. There

  can’t have been a department anywhere in the world that didn’t

  discuss the star, if only in idle chat by the coffee machine, but

  conversation led to action at Harvard, where the observatory

  keeps a stack of historical images of the night sky. Most exist in

  the form of photographic plates, enormous things that could be

  strapped to the end of a telescope and exposed to record dim

  starlight. The Harvard observatory has spent a lot of time and

  energy scanning these things, turning relics sitting in an archive

  into useful, digital data, and it was quickly realized that the WTF

  star appears in more than ten historical plates, dating back to the

  late nineteenth century and stretching forwards to 1970 or so.

  These historical records revealed the startling fact that the star

  has been gradually fading over the course of the century. This

  result started an enormous row among the handful of experts on

  such data, who disagreed about how long-term storage and the

  process of digitizing the plates might have affected the results,

  but more recent, careful analysis of the Kepler data seems to confirm the observed trend. The star is fading slowly and seemingly

  inexorably, regardless of the dramatic sudden dips that had

  drawn attention. My scientific instinct tells me that we’re looking

  for an explanation that ties together both unusual behaviours—

  slow fade and sudden dips. Having one star behave oddly for two

  different reasons seems like a stretch, and so I reckon we’re

  searching for just one answer.

  Clearly the slow fading of the star has implications for any

  alien civilization too. Perhaps they are still constructing their

  star-circling space station. In a note we published in the Journal of Brief Ideas,* with tongues firmly in cheek, Brooke Simmons and

  * This is a real thing—you can find our paper here:

  222 Is It AlIens?

  I calculate their progress, assuming that the end goal is a full Dyson sphere which completely captures the star’s light. Assuming

  construction doesn’t slow down (or speed up), they’ve got about

  700 years left. We also noted in the paper that this probably

  meant that elections on any worlds responsible probably

  occur less than once a millennium, it being hard to fund infra-

  structure projects anywhere if they last longer than a single

sp; electoral cycle.

  By the end of 2017, though, there was still no clear consensus

  as to what was going on. New infrared observations suggest a

  surrounding dust cloud might be responsible for the slow fade,

  but not the dips. The leading hypothesis in my mind is that the

  star has recently swallowed a planet. Such an event, as modelled

  by exoplanet astronomers whose imagination knows no bounds,

  would apparently cause the star to brighten and then to slowly

  fade. Any remaining rubble, left over from the inevitable disinte-

  gration of the planet, could be responsible for dramatic dips—

  the explanation accounts for both halves of the puzzle, but more

  evidence is clearly needed.

  Specifically, we need data taken during one of the dips by tele-

  scopes larger than Kepler. A worldwide network of robotic telescopes has been employed to keep an eye on the star, and plenty

  of other professional and amateur observers have joined in too.

  For a couple of years, nothing happened. And then, one other-

  wise unremarkable day in May 2017, the star dipped once more.

  This threw Tabby and her colleagues into a frenzy of activity.

  Just as we’d relied on the black market in telescope time to get

  that initial spectrum for the Voorwerp, so the team started call-

  ing, begging, and pleading for people to observe the star. Some of

  this activity happened quietly, as applications for what’s known

  as ‘Director’s Discretionary Time’ (available slots in the personal

  gift of the observatory director) and programmes which allow

  Is It AlIens? 223

  one to observe ‘Targets of Opportunity’ went in, but it also con-

  sisted of frantic Twitter activity, with Tabby and others posting

  the latest data that showed the dip in progress and asking for


  That meant we—the world—watched as the star dipped,

  recovered, and then dipped again. Debates broke out about

  whether the dip was the same shape as on previous occasions.

  Spectra were obtained and slowly the star returned to its normal

  brightness. What do the results tell us? Well, the mystery remains,

  but we know one thing—there is no alien megastructure orbit-

  ing this particular star. We know that because observations were

  obtained during these 2017 dips in brightness which showed that


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