The Maple Effect

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The Maple Effect Page 26

by Madeleine Cull

  It took well over an hour to find June after that. But it was worth it. Worth it because Aaron had never seen June smile like that. Because he’d never seen June so open and so raw before. Because the boy had cried; not sad, but heavy, overwhelmed and overjoyed tears falling like hot rain down his cheeks. Aaron had never seen anything like it.

  Today couldn’t possibly have gone any better. He was sunburnt. He was tired. He’d spent more money than he planned to (on T-shirts and of course two copies of MCR’s album), but it was still worth it. He had a five-hour drive back to Bass Lake ahead of him tomorrow, but it was still worth it. Making June happy was worth it. Would always be worth it.

  Aaron was well aware of how fast he was falling, and so instead of running, he embraced it. Refused to be afraid. Cast a line out to those subconscious feelings and reeled them to the surface.

  During the single moment he and his cousin had alone, Aaron stopped, looked Arco straight in the eyes and said, I think I’m in love with him. Arco had let out a long, slow sigh. Perhaps because this was the first time in their lives, Aaron hadn’t confronted him about his feelings before laying them out on the table. Or because it was simply a bittersweet thing—to realize the person you’re closest with no longer needed you.

  “Alright,” Arco murmured back to him, lifted a fist and gave him a gentle jab in the shoulder. “Go get him, Bud.”

  They parted ways just before sunset after a long hug and a promise to keep in touch for the rest of the summer. Aaron watched his cousin and Brynn get into a rental car, feeling satisfied. June waited for him patiently, still clutching the set list to his chest like it was the most important thing he’d ever gotten his hands on.

  Until the next time, they’d see each other again, Aaron knew he’d be okay.

  The tiny motel he’d booked was a few miles inland. Just far enough away from the beach to be reasonably priced, but not too far they couldn’t make a stop there tomorrow before the drive home. It was painted a terrible, faded orange color, and had vines crawling up every side of it, but Aaron was pleased to find it was also clean and comfortable. With two queen sized beds and a shower with decent water pressure, they couldn’t ask for much more (maybe extra soap because he was disgusting).

  Aaron scrubbed himself and washed the grime out of his hair twice before toweling dry and changing into a clean pair of boxers. He stared at himself in the mirror a moment, taking in the stark redness of his shoulders and comical tan lines along his chest. He hoped June wouldn’t make fun of him and considered putting on the extra T-shirt he’d packed, but ultimately decided he was too tired to bother. It was too hot for shirts anyway.

  He walked out of the bathroom and threw himself down on the bed face first. Shoving his arms under the pillow and stretching his back in one exaggerated movement. Several of his joints popped in protest, abused from the day’s activities.

  “Bathroom’s all yours,” he hummed to June, who may or may not have already shuffled away.

  The more Aaron lay there, the more he smiled. Squishing deeper into the pillows and squirming on the sheets trying to contain himself. Everything had gone so well today it was hard to believe it wasn’t a dream. The June he’d taken on this date was not the same edgy and frustrating teen he’d been dealing with previously, but a vibrant and open version of himself. Someone that got along with others had good ideas and no fear. Someone a little softer around the edges.

  Their date technically hadn’t ended yet, considering they weren’t back at the cabin, but Aaron wondered when it might be appropriate to ask June out again. Or better, ask him to straight up be his boyfriend. His stomach gave a weak flutter at the thought.

  June and him. The delinquent and the goody-two-shoes. Black and white. The moon and the sun. Together. Maybe not in perfect harmony because that was awfully boring, but racing side by side. Finding new momentum and crashing into each other. Exploring each other on a deeper level. Basking in messy, inexperienced feelings.

  Aaron liked all those things but knew himself well enough to realize he might be a little in over his head. He’d never felt this way about a person before, but it happened much the same as it did when he discovered a new song he loved. He wanted to memorize the chords and the notes. To drown himself in the lyrics until he heard them in his dreams. Wanted it loud and wanted it on repeat. Wanted it until he absolutely burned himself out on it.

  He wondered if it were possible to burn out on love. Whether what he had with June was love or just a wicked juvenile crush, he still craved the answer. Figured the only way he was going to find out was if he kept pushing forward.

  June stepped out of the bathroom sometime later, releasing a cloud of muted aromas into the musky motel room. Aaron blinked, realizing his thoughts had been fading toward sleep rather quickly. Everything was darker now, except for the small entry light illuminating June’s bare torso.

  “Hmm?” Aaron realized June was staring at him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he whispered, scratching at the side of his cheek and shifting his weight back and forth. “I just…”

  Aaron waited, curious enough to turn over on his other side and get a better view. June wore the same thing he did—hardly anything—and looked incredibly golden from head to toe. His hair was damp, falling over his forehead and curling ever so slightly under his ears. He looked nice. Maybe even nicer than he had earlier while sitting with his shirt open in the dappled shade. It made Aaron blush.

  June strode toward him. Past the other empty bed and straight to the foot of his. He knelt into it, mattress dipping and creaking as he crawled over. Aaron felt a rubber band of tension snap within him. It made his blood pump and his throat dry. June didn’t stop until he was beside Aaron; hand slipped under the same pillow. He slowly lowered until they were carefully inches away from each other.

  June curled his free hand under his chin and met his gaze. Blue eyes deep and cool like the Pacific. “Thank you.”

  Aaron’s lips twitched toward a smile, and he fought the urge to reach out and wrap June up in all his limbs. If he wasn’t afraid of popping the sensitive bubble between them, he might have. But it was growing larger with each breath, turning quickly into anticipation.

  Kiss me. “I knew you’d have fun.”

  “I think today is one of my top three favorite days ever.”

  Kiss me. “Me too.”

  “I’m definitely going to go see My Chemical Romance live again.”

  Kiss me. “We should try and go together again.”

  June hesitated, and then nodded. A finger curled around Aaron’s under the pillow. “Yeah…I’d like that.”

  Aaron’s eyes slipped shut, heart thudding in his ears. He swallowed and couldn’t take it anymore. He craved it too much. Another rubber band snapped hard inside his gut.

  “K-Kiss me.”

  Silence. Nothing at first. Then fear Aaron had overstepped a boundary. When he couldn’t hold his breath any longer, he let it out shakily. Tilted his head down and tried not to look disappointed. If June wasn’t ready, that was okay. He’d already gotten more than he’d hoped for out of this date. It was just hard to lay together like this without going farther.

  June’s hand uncurled from under his chin; elbow slid cautiously across the inch or so of the bed between them. Aaron bit his lip, waited for something. Anything. He wasn’t expecting June to get up and leave him, but also wasn’t expecting much to come from the stupid request. He felt his fingers twitch anxiously, regretting the impulsiveness.

  June’s hand settled on the side of his face. Tentative thumb stroked the hairs of his eyebrow. Fingertips grazed softly, curled down his cheek and around his ear—pushed back a few of his damp locks. His nerves sang under his skin, ears beginning to ring. A steady pulse of blood in his neck. June didn’t even have to kiss him. All he had to do was touch him, and Aaron came undone.

  Their eyes met again. Dangerously close. Searched for words neither one of them could find or say out loud. Another r
ubber band snapped.

  June’s nails trailed down Aaron’s neck, flattening into the pads of his fingers and then the whole palm of his hand; strong against his collarbone. Aaron’s mouth was full of cotton threatening to choke him. June shifted closer. The bed creaked. Another snap. All the blood rushing hot to his groin.



  Not on his mouth but against the lightning-white scar on his jaw. It smoldered and sizzled. Left Aaron helplessly clutching the underside of the pillow with one hand, and desperately trying not to let his other one slip south. June’s mouth moved down. Kissed his throat a little harder. Shifted up on his elbow and kissed the space between his collarbones. Moved up again; bed squeaking as he sought leverage. He found a tender spot where Aaron’s pulse was rapid and ran his teeth against it. Sucked lightly—not enough to leave a hickey but enough to get his point across.

  June wanted this.

  He might not be able to admit it, but he wanted this too.

  All the rubber bands snapped then, and Aaron’s frozen body thawed. He reached out, grasped June’s side just above his hip, and inched him forward. Slotted their ankles together and managed to get an arm under the boy in the same breath. Mouth met mouth, and Aaron rolled until June kneeled over him.

  June’s lips were everything Aaron remembered them to be and more. Tender and bold, slipping from sucking on his lower to his upper, then nipping playfully. A swipe of tongue edged Aaron’s mouth open, leading him in with a gasp as hands moved greedily to his hair. Their tongues met differently this time. Not cautious and curious like they had after their fight, but desperate and zealous. Both competing for a speck of control.

  “Mmnnph!” June jumped as Aaron’s hands slid down each side of his spine and pressed firmly to the small of his back. He twisted and arched slightly, then let the weight of gravity pull him closer. Their chests touched, their stomachs, their hips and everything lower.


  Aaron let out a low whine; head tilted back as June settled against him. Nothing but two thin articles of clothing to separate the most crucial parts of their body. They stayed like that a few seconds, suspended in time. Holding their breaths and giving their hearts a chance to catch up. Aaron felt June’s directly against his, and it was surreal.

  “You're hard.”

  Aaron couldn’t help it. June’s observation was so ridiculous and obvious it made him laugh—a squeaky nervous laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. He was shaking.


  “That’s so hot.” June ogled him, cheeks burning red and eyes blown wide. There was hunger there. Adrenalin and longing. “Me too.”

  Aaron had hardly noticed. He was too busy trying to reason with his actions. One wrong move might send June running, and since he wasn’t thinking with the head that contained a brain, he figured best to be careful. Knowing June was as aroused as he was didn't make it any easier.

  Aaron swallowed, opened his mouth, and found he couldn’t speak. Not without making a fool of himself at least.

  He had no idea what to do with another male. He had no idea what to do with anyone actually. Not that he wasn’t well educated when it came to sex or anything. No. He’d spent his fair share of time waiting on a browser to load so he could jerk off, but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was he was so stunned and delirious with lust he couldn’t think straight. All he knew was that he didn’t want this to end.

  “Should we…?” June suggested.

  All Aaron could do was nod.

  With Aaron’s consent, June shifted down. The steady thrum of pleasure hot in his blood. Something primal and thirsty drove him forward to perpetual madness. Toward the curse of being both young and randy, and in the presence of someone he found incredibly attractive. Because honestly. Who was he kidding? Aaron was delicious. All distinct lines and toned muscles. Warm peachy skin and green eyes. Fuck, I’m weak for those eyes. If Aaron dared give him another one of those pleading puppy-dog looks, June would have to do something to stop it. Maybe tie him up and blindfold him. Yeah.

  He’d fuck Aaron any day.

  Which, for the record, wasn’t going to happen right now. June knew better (even between the blurry, horny haze). Sex between two guys didn't happen overnight. It took patience and practice and lots of preparation. Not to mention trust, which June assumed Aaron would give him…but regardless. It wasn’t happening.

  June didn’t have a condom, lube, or the knowledge on how to rock Aaron’s world quite yet. Things like that took time, and he was going to savor it. He was going to learn all that he could now, so next time…next time if they went all the way, he’d be ready.

  June pulled out a big fat rainbow folder and scrawled the words SEX WITH AARON on the front. Slotted it into his filing cabinet and got to work.

  He kissed his way down Aaron’s chest. Tongue darting out to taste his skin with each dip of his head. He spent a little time around the sensitive, tender indent between his pecs, and then continued outward. Sucked and nibbled at a tight nipple until Aaron covered his face with both his hands and his hips jerked upwards. He bit it, and Aaron gripped the sheets.

  He likes that. June would remember.

  He continued down. More hot kisses over abs. His fingernails scratched down Aaron’s hips a little rougher, leaving red lines in their tracks. June stopped at his pelvic bones, played with the hem of Aaron’s boxers and knew he had a decision to make. Would it be better to take them completely off, or leave a little to the imagination? He sat up, straddled Aaron’s legs, and set both his hands on his thighs.

  Aaron was completely pliant under June, which made him feel strong (and made his cock scream for attention against the fabric of his underwear). June took it in, breathing hard. Determined to succeed at this. He may fail at communication and romance, but this. This June could get on board with. He rubbed circles up the inner part of Aaron’s thighs, shifted his legs farther apart, so they had more room.

  Aaron watched him. Eyes a sultry deep green, half-lidded and pupils wide. His face was red. Chapped lips also red from being sucked on. It was what June imagined post-sex looked like—what with his already messy hair and the sheen of sweat across his forehead. No doubt, pushing Aaron over the edge was going to be beautiful.

  June loved this. Loved it almost as much as he loved that cabin in the mountains. So much that for a very brief moment, he had the idea of digging out Aaron’s disposable camera and snapping a picture so that he could keep it forever.

  “Mmm’not gonna last—”

  Aaron closed his eyes under his arm and took a few deep breaths. His pelvis gave another involuntary jump.

  June decided it was better to give the guy a moment. Otherwise, this was going to be over before it even started. He removed his hands, wiped the clamminess of them against the bedsheets, and then focused on himself.

  No one had ever seen June completely nude and turned on like this before. Not even Angie, who he had skinny-dipped with a countless amount of times over the years. And while he wasn’t insecure about his body in any way, he did wonder if stripping would give Aaron the wrong idea. June didn’t want to scare him.

  So, he decided to leave his boxers on and opt for just threading his dick through the opening. He did it quickly, hissing as it drooled a long, thin strand of pre-cum across Aaron’s bulge.

  Scratch that. Neither one of them were going to last long. When Aaron finally peeked back up at him, his chest rose and fell faster, hands finally coming back to life. Settling on June’s hips. A newfound determination flashed in his eyes.

  “Shit,” Aaron whispered. “I really am gay.”

  June parted the opening of Aaron’s boxers with two fingers, undid a button and reached in gently. He had to twist his wrist around in the fabric so he could pull Aaron completely out, but when he did it sprung to life. Stood at attention begging for more, and then fell back heavy against Aaron’s abdomen.

  He was spectacularly hard. Not as drippy as June but pul
sing extra hot.

  “I’ll say…” June traced his two fingers along the underside of Aaron’s shaft, mesmerized with the vein running upward. It was a lot different than his. Prettier. Redder. Longer... He thumbed at the skin just below the head, making Aaron gasp.

  “J-June I-I—”

  “It’s okay…” he whispered, using his free hand to push his dick toward Aaron’s. Rocked his body forward a little and slowly encased them together against his palm. It was the first time he’d touched someone else, so he assumed it would be best just to do it the way he knew how. He gave them both an experimental jerk, found it rather sticky, and decided they were too far past being disgusting not to at least try and make things easier.

  June summoned as much saliva from the back of his throat as he could manage, leaned over their cocks and let it fall quietly from his lips. With the little bit of pre-cum from them both and his spit, it was easier. Their skin slicked together nicely as he began stroking.

  Aaron writhed beneath him. Bucked into June and yanked him closer at the same time. They rolled against each other. Building friction. Moaning. Whimpering. Aaron’s fingers wrapped around the backs of June’s thighs and moved up the firm shape of his ass. He grabbed two handfuls and squeezed hard. June’s toes curled, tendons in his ankles straining from this position.

  “Mmn’c-close.” Aaron’s shoulders curled inward, taut with strain.

  June’s hands vanished from around their cocks, and he planted them again on the sides of Aaron’s head. He collapsed down, chests bumping together. Found Aaron’s mouth with his own and kissed him feverishly. Tried to imagine what it would feel like to be inside of Aaron—focused on the image and humped him faster until he couldn’t feel anything but his approaching orgasm.


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