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His Smile: A Mafia Romance

Page 26

by Katerina Winters

  "Before I go, though," Roman let his words trail off watching as Dev who was ahead of him slide open the living room doors revealing his men and the youngest Chopra son standing in the hall waiting. Roman waited until Dev turned around in curiosity. He enjoyed the look of surprise on the man’s face at Roman’s proximity to him, though Roman enjoyed it even more so as it slowly mutated into confused horror as Roman palmed the man’s narrow head into the side of the door’s frame. The thudding force of his head hitting the wall brought gasps of horrified surprise from the room’s occupants around them.

  Leaning his weight on the struggling man, Roman grinned at Mrs. Chopra over his shoulder and offered an assuring wink before focusing back on Dev. "If I ever hear your name again Mr. Gorshal, I will come to your house, the white brick one at five twenty-two Mullen Lane. I will pass by your parents’ room and walk to the back and open the door on the left and enter your room while you are sleeping,” he explained with slow precision, feeling the struggling man still under his crushing pressure to his skull. Looking down at his pained face, Roman tilted his head so that he could get a better look at him. Injured pride, pain, but mostly fear swirled in the man’s dark eyes as Dev reluctantly met the chaotic gaze before him. “I will then proceed to mutilate you, Mr. Gorshal, I will cut off your balls and dick and feed them to my dogs. That is what I will do if I hear your name so, you can imagine what I will do if I see you, Mr. Gorshal. Nod if you understand.” The man managed a frantic nod under the pressure of Roman’s hand. “Good,” Roman continued. “Now, who does Rahina Chopra belong to?"

  "Y…you,” he stammered.

  Shaking his head, Roman increased the pressure on the man's head and ignored his pained moan. Turning to look over his shoulder, Roman watched as Amin and Amit watched him back with wide eyes and frozen postures. Mrs. Chopra had gathered herself and her shock somewhere along the way, her eyes were back to the stern disapproving stare with the only sign of her stress being the wringing of her hands. Looking back to Dev, Roman clarified. "My name, Mr. Gorshal, say my name."

  "You, Roman Mashir!” Dev’s voice was half cough and half choking sound.

  "That is correct," he growled. "I suggest you find another girl to turn your attention to."

  Releasing the man with a shove Roman straightened. "Now if we are done here, I now have to go home and do some consoling.”

  Not waiting, he turned and walked out the living room and past the pale traumatized looking Riaz who stood frozen in the middle of the foyer. Seeing Sergei come down the stairs with quick steps, Sergei quickly stepped in line behind Roman as they walked out. Standing next to Rahina’s yellow roadster, Maksim, one of his enforcers held up the keys signaling he would be the one to take the car. Running past him, Sergei went to open the door to the second black SUV parked in front of the house.

  Roman stopped when he heard the footsteps behind him and turned around to see Deeya Chopra walking purposely towards him.

  "Mrs. Chopra?" he raised a brow at the approaching women.

  "Now for my own terms," she informed him, lifting her chin to a haughty angle as she continued. "I never wanted Rahina to dance for two reasons; one, I feared no one would take her seriously in that all white world,” looking away briefly she stared out unseeingly into the night. “But she proved me wrong."

  "She proved the world wrong, not just you,” he stated.

  Shaking her head as if she didn’t want to hear him, Deeya pressed on. "And secondly, when she first started at that company her cousin Piya, became pregnant and while we all rejoiced the news, Rahina laughed when asked when would she be next and said she would never allow herself to get pregnant and that her dance career would always come first."

  Roman said nothing to that, he simply waited for the woman to get to the point.

  Deeya Chopra stood silently, simply staring back at him with expectation that confounded him. Narrowing his gaze at her, he thought of her words again and froze.

  "Mrs. Chopra are you…" Roman couldn’t finish the question, for the first time in years Roman was honestly at a loss for words.

  The woman gave him such a slow deviously sweet smile, Roman had to remember just who he was for a moment as he shook himself from the shock.

  Sensing he was going to speak Deeya lifted a commanding finger and spoke first. "I want grandchildren Mr. Mashir, you will make that happen for the terms of my part of this bargain."

  The words were stuck in his throat as he unwilling imagined Rahina pregnant with his child. No—the woman said grandchildren, he mentally corrected. The image in his mind immediately changing as he pictured his house filled with the sound of children and the image of Rahina standing next to him holding a baby—his baby. Satisfied at what she had done, Deeya gave him a serene nod of farewell before turning back to the house, leaving him standing in her driveway stunned.

  Getting back into the car, Roman simply nodded as Sergei handed him Rahina’s cell phone, he procured from Rahina’s youngest sister, Safina. Gradually, Roman’s smile returned as he stared out the window as they drove away.

  That woman drove a hard bargain.


  Once the sound of the door to the garage sounded, Mosca gave her a small nod and left her alone in the living room. Standing up from the couch, Rahina felt emotionally worn out and tired all over, but she was still anxious to hear about what happened after she left. She had gotten there fifteen minutes ago just as a storm rolled in and with each minute that passed her regret for leaving Roman at her parents’ house intensified. Seeing him walk through the door, he sat down her car keys and phone on the counter and gave her an enigmatic smile.

  “I have to be honest, your mother is terrifying,” Roman admitted.

  "What did you tell them? I knew I shouldn't have left," Rahina shook her head as she paced back and forth across the rug. She had let the shock of the situation scare her into leaving the first chance she got, but now it only made her feel worse and out of control. "I was just so…I just wanted to leave."

  Looking up, Rahina sucked in a breath when she realized he had crossed the room at some point and was standing directly in front of her now. Reaching with both hands, he gently grabbed the sides of her face. Meeting his steady gaze, Rahina felt the stinging return of her tears as she began to cry in his hold. Swiping his thumbs like windshield wipers under her eyes, Roman placed a kiss in the middle of her eyebrows. "Shh, I took care of it, sweetheart, just as I told you."

  Leaning against him, she wrapped her arms around his waist. "How did you take care of it?"

  Outside the rain began to pelt at the windows giving the silent room a soft muted feeling.

  His expression turned smug, and she couldn't help but smile at his ego. "I simply had a talk with them to explain that I will be a constant presence in your life, and they should get comfortable with it now."

  Rahina groaned into his shirt. "Please tell me you did not say that?"

  “I did,” he answered proudly.

  “And my mother,” she asked warily, stepping back to prepare herself for the inevitable message of exile her mother most likely sent with Roman to relay to her. “What did she say?

  Roman unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it on the back of the sofa, before unsnapping the gun holster on his chest and doing the same. "She went in depth on how inappropriate and dangerous I am for you,” he explained with a shrug. “But I reminded her that the man she picked was a spineless piece of shit that would never deserve or have you. Funny enough your brother and father said absolutely nothing during this only speaking up at the end demanding if I get to have you, then they should receive more money in my deal with your father."

  For a moment, all she heard was a far-off ringing in her ears. Frowning, she replayed the meaning of his words and stared at him to see if he was being serious or not. "So, what you're telling me is that my father and brother essentially sold me to you and you agreed?” she asked very slowly.

  With an unabashed nod, Roman gave her a lar
ge toothy smile. "Precisely."

  White hot anger heated every part of her body until she was positively shaking with fury. Pointing her finger at him, she jabbed every syllable into his stomach as she spoke. "You can’t just buy me!” Infuriated she had to even say this, she took a step back and blinked a couple of times not believing this was happening. “This isn't how I wanted it between us Roman.”

  Stepping forward, Roman closed up any distance she tried to put between her and him. “What is the problem?” he asked with such offhanded casualness, Rahina almost began to look around to find something to throw at his big fat head. “You have me, and I certainly have you now—with receipts even!”

  The remark stung like a stab to the gut. For the second time tonight, she found herself looking at the person in front of her with a sense of utter betrayal. Grinning like a madman, he raised one eyebrow at her in a challenge. Roman wasn't taking this seriously at all she realized. He saw nothing wrong with what he had done.

  “Do I get to own you—with receipts?!” She shot back, desperately trying to get some leverage in this argument.

  Roman's smile faded a bit, and a surge of satisfaction and hope blossomed in her heart. Not moving away, she allowed him to gently capture her face again between his large callused hands. Brushing some of her hair back from her face, he whispered cruelly. "Baby, you couldn't afford me."

  The hope she had of him understanding and taking her feelings on this serious died. Stepping away from him, she felt a numbing pain in her stomach and chest. This man didn't care about her at all, she realized. Nodding to herself, she turned away from him.

  "Rahina," she heard him call out to her, but she ignored him.

  Walking around the sofa, she felt like she was in a daze. If he was going to be heartless towards her, maybe it was time, she started doing the same.

  “Rahina!” This time his sharp tone was accompanied by the grip to her arm, stopping her just as she got to the foot of the stairs. Anger burned behind his eyes as he tethered her to the spot.

  “It’s fine, whatever you say, Roman," she said, giving him a defiant look. “Just know that you got screwed because I won’t be owned. Actually, you won’t even have me now,” her voice rising as her anger and pride began to rise with frantic speed. Snatching her arm from his hand, she walked over to the counter and grabbed her car keys. “You can have your fucking car," she yelled, throwing the keys with deadly force at his head. Roman dodged them with ease, but she didn't miss the moment of surprise in eyes before his anger leapt back to the forefront, but she didn't care, she was beyond livid at this point.

  Stomping past him and up the stairs, she marched into the bedroom feeling rather than hearing his own pounding footsteps behind her, following her into the room as she continued to yell. "And you can have the deal with my dad without me because obviously, I was wrong about you, I want nothing to do with you,” her voice cracked with a swell of devastation as she stepped into the closet grabbing her bag on the top shelf. She would pack her things, and she would leave this man tonight; she would turn her back on all the passion and memories she shared with him. She would rather walk home in the pouring rain than stay another minute with someone who didn't care enough not to see that she was hurt by what he had done. Anger and sadness fueled her tirade as she felt his presence behind her in the closet. Turning to him, she glared at him with overly bright eyes while she stuffed some of her clothes into her bag. "And when I find another man who will value me I will…AAH”

  Her words were cut off with a scream. With alarming speed, Roman moved from the closet doorway with rushing speed until he had her pinned against the back of the large walk-in closet. His steel gray eyes burned bright with seething rage branding her to the spot. Holding both of her elbows against the wall, he leaned over her until their foreheads touched.

  "If another man so much as looks at you, Rahina, he will regret the decision," he whispered. Rahina could see the unhinged anger in his eyes as he forced her to look at him, she could feel the burning rage course through his iron grip. Opening her mouth, she tried to speak but only ended up releasing a strangled sounding moan as he kissed her slowly. Frustrated and furious, Rahina cried into the kiss, feeling large wet tears slide down her cheek onto his face as he worked his mouth against hers, demanding her softening compliance. Pulling away with a low snarl he bit at her lip. "If another man so much as touches you, I will decimate his lineage and kill him slowly," his voice somehow lowering until she could feel the vibrations of it in her chest. "And Rahina,” he paused, looking at her meaningfully. “If you ever try to leave me, I will level this city around you until you understand that I will be the only man in your life."

  Wiping the tears from her eyes with the back of her hands, she looked away with a shake of her head. "This isn't what I wanted Roman.”

  "But this is what you asked for," he countered savagely. Capturing her chin between his fingers, Roman turned her face back to his. "I warned you, sweetheart. I have you now, and there is no way I am giving you up. I finally found a bit of light, no one, not even you will take that away from me."

  His kiss was low and deep, sealing his dark threat between them. Pulling her from the closet, he led her to step over her fallen, half-packed bag on the closet floor. In the bedroom, Roman pulled her towards him and covered her mouth with his again. A slow beat of pleasure began to thrum through her veins spreading to the pulsating spot between her legs. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she felt his chest lift, and his heavy shoulders flex beneath her hands as he lifted her off the ground and walked her dangling body to the bed. Laying her down, he took a step back just long enough to strip himself. Their room was dark, only lit by the gray light of the rain soaked rays of moonlight filtering through the windows. The dim gray light settled on his skin, giving it a blue hue as he removed his clothes, perfectly outlining the hard planes of his muscular flesh. Reaching for her, he grabbed the front of her jeans with a huge powerful grip pulling her hips upward until they left the bed. Jerkily, he unsnapped the denim and tugged the jeans along with her panties from her waist and down her legs. Rahina shuddered at the coarse feeling of the hair on his thigh rubbing against the smooth, soft skin of her inner thighs as he forcibly kneed her legs apart. Large and dominating, Roman settled between her parted legs.

  "Undress," he commanded, his voice low and rough as if he was barely holding onto his control.

  Knowing that the fight to resist him had died somewhere with his slow, angry kiss, she obediently pulled the shirt over her head and plucked the fastening of her bra loose. Not waiting for her to remove the satiny material, Roman yanked the bra from her breasts and down her arms, pushing her back flat onto the mattress. Immediately, she felt his hot mouth covering her puckered nipple, arching her back with a cry as he molded, rubbed, and pinched at the sensitive peak Rahina speared her fingers through his short dark hair holding him to her breasts. Rolling the velvety stem between his teeth, Roman suckled harshly at her, flashing her a cruel smile of enjoyment at her sharp cry of pain. Feeling him shift on top of her, Rahina instinctively pulled back her knees, parting herself wider for his massive body to settle between. Feeling the muscles in his ass flex beneath her calves as he guided himself torturously slow inside of her, Rahina let out a long moan as the stretching feeling of his swollen length pushed deep inside of her. Cradling his powerful body with her legs and arms, she felt his muscles tense as he began to pull back slowly before driving back inside of her with jolting power. Her body arched, and her hips lifted in an effort to take him deeper with each powerful stroke. Each clap of thunder outside the large picture windows punctuated their movements, the headboard thudding against the wall with each sway of his thrusting hips. There was a tinge of painful pleasure with each reach of his turgid length inside her, hitting that farthest spot. Each hit took her breath away. She began to dread it and long for it with each pull of his hips she exhaled knowing what and where he would reach with that next powerful push inside of her. She
screamed as he hit home, again and again, the thick head of his cock burying itself against the entrance of her womb demanding her defeat until her legs hung limply at his sides and all she could do was accept the crashing waves of ecstasy that washed over her.

  Feverishly she writhed against him, weakly holding onto his shoulders as she cried out under the beautiful assault. Catching a glimpse of the hard tension in his face, watching him groan with each movement, the sight broke her, and her body tightened again with unbearable force around him as her mind blanked into white light. Vaguely, she could hear his groans increase and feel her breasts bounce and shake as his pace increased, leading to his own shuddering release inside her. Eventually, his strokes slowed as he pumped the last of his release inside her sore body. Collapsing against her, he crushed her beneath him and the mattress, whispering foreign words in her ear as he rained kisses against her sweat slickened shoulder.

  She was still half lost in the white foggy light of semi-consciousness when the sharp stinging pain to her nipple brought her forcibly to reality with a pained cry. Looking up in confusion, Roman gave her a hard look from where he just bit her nipple.


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