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Dungeon of the Old Gods: A Dark Dungeon Realm LitRPG

Page 9

by Wolfe Locke

Chapter 18: The Skeletal Champion

  * * *


  Sloppily done, but you have at least survived where others have not. The challenge is near its endpoint, though we still have much further to go.

  Now that the flames were gone and the undead had been defeated, John took a moment to examine his injuries. A portion of this simple leather armor had burned completely away, the skin underneath on second look was revealed to be slightly burned, but only to the 1st or 2nd degree. It hurts, but I’ll live.

  John’s other hand was thankfully completely unmarred.q He made his way towards the exit, mentally trying to prepare himself for the next challenge. At least I get a little bit of a rest when I’m heading down the staircase.


  Let us see how this floor has marred you.

  Hmm.. You seem to have lost some of the strength in your arms. Until you are healed, those burns will compromise your endurance.

  Interesting… a spark of the Everburning Flame now lives within you. Nurture this, and it will grow into useful power.

  STR = 10 - > 9

  WIT = 3 > 3

  END = 15 >11

  AGI = 7 > 7


  *Smite - Upon killing an unclean one, the spirit of what is sacred will be stored within your body. Use this power to amplify the holy effect of any attack you should unleash on the unclean.


  *Fear of the Dark

  *Burned Skin


  *Thrice Blessed Axes, Burnt Simple Leather Armor, Sovereign Medallion *


  Book: The Book of Keys

  Torn Page

  Broken Band

  Yeah, I need to heal myself. John thought as he passed through the raised gate and walked down the stairs, but quickly he realized this was not as the others had been. It was different.

  Instead of descending into darkness, John could see the next from where he was through an open doorway. He saw sand bathed in bright light.

  But, as John approached, he saw that this newest floor was not like the others.

  That’s new, and changes are always something to be wary about. John wasn’t sure what to expect. Once again, he readied his thrice blessed axes and carefully went down the steps. Ignoring the burning sensation of his arm.

  Once he reached the bottom of the short staircase, John saw that this challenge was not yet over. Scattered widely around the room were the bones of what John assumed were giants. His heart started bounding. He knew exactly what was about to happen.

  There were no more braziers of torches of purity. Just normal torches that lined the walls.

  Across the room was the wooden door that John had become familiar with. While it stood open, almost mocking him, the doorway had iron bars over it.


  I grant a quest to you. Defeat my champion and seek me out below. Then you will know power everlasting.

  In front of him, the bones began to move. John watched as a giant undead skeleton formed before him. It was easily five times the size of those he had just dealt with, and the glowing light from its eyes was a hateful red.

  John readied himself once more. There would be no getting past this thing, this champion, until it was reduced to bone ash on the floor. The door sealed shut behind him. Here goes.

  The undead took a step toward John and he thought that the floor might cave in. Such was the size and weight of the monster.

  John had fought many monsters before. A large portion of which had been in this dungeon alone. I’ll just have to fight this one too, and I’ll win. He would fight this one too, and he would win.

  The massive skeleton launched itself at John, and he dove out of the way in a roll as a massive sword materialized in the skeleton’s hand, slicing sideways and sending grains of sand everywhere in a spread. John barely avoided it. He came up on the other side of the giant skeleton, hoping to do some damage, but the monstrous skeleton had an animalistic cunning about it and was prepared.

  The undead pivoted and swung one of its thick bony arms backward towards him. The giant’s fist slammed into John and sent him flying into a far wall.

  Dazed and hurting, John finally recognized he was in the middle of an arena.

  In his stunned state, John could barely recognize the sensation of pain. Though he recognized his hands were still clutched around the thrice blessed axes.

  He made himself get back up. His mind foggy, he had only one thought. I can’t stop now. John ran at the giant undead.

  Its massive arms came streaming down at him, but John had recovered enough of his wits to get out of the way while moving closer into its reach. The skeletal arms shook the ground like an earthquake that caused the sand to stir, but John’s footing was sure. I won’t fall down again.

  Once he got close enough, John let out a roar and attacked with his thrice blessed axes. The edged weapon bit deep, shearing off long sections of bone and cutting straight into the marrow beneath.

  The skeleton roared and launched another attack with its sword. John jumped out of the way and moved in to strike again, but a massive bony hand grabbed him, pinning his arms. He tried to fight and to use leverage to pry the fingers open, but it was no use. The skeleton threw John, and he once again crashed into the wall of the arena.

  He thought he heard a snap. Maybe several. It was possible that he had broken a rib, at least a few other bones. John held out his hands. “Give me the pieces of the ring.”

  The broken parts of the Ring of Temperance appeared in his hand. “Please, just this once, help me again.” In answer, the two halves reformed, and John quickly put it on his finger. It dulled the pain to a point where John only felt only slightly uncomfortable.


  This one time, I shall assist you, to honor what you did for my shadow self, but know after this battle, you have forfeited my help forever. Whatever blessing remains in that ring when your battle is over is yours to keep. You will have no further favors.

  That was concerning. John could very well go on like the Gluttonous King had. The king had taken on massive amounts of damage and still came at John like he had not been injured at all. It was only after John had pried the ring from his finger that the king had felt the sting of his wounds.

  John made a mental note to make sure not to lose the ring. He was sure that the damage he had taken from the previous room, coupled with that he had taken now, would be too much to bear if he were made to feel it.

  I’ll have to use it sparingly and not squander it. This might be what’s keeps me alive. Still, he could not rely on it completely. Eventually, he would suffer enough damage to where his body just gave out or the blessing in the Ring of Temperance would become exhausted. But at least it numbs the pain and lets me keep going.

  He was pretty sure one crack that he had just heard had been part of skull shattering on the stone walls. I can’t afford to get hit again. That’s the only way to survive. The magic from the ring is keeping me together until I can heal.

  He had to remember. Durable but not invulnerable. I just have to beat this bastard.

  For the first time, John felt scared. I think I’m going to die here. Only a fool would have thought otherwise.

  Chapter 19: The Rite Anathema

  * * *

  John looked up at the giant skeleton, and that same feeling of dread spread through his body. The feeling that let him know he might not make it out of this alive. It was the same fear that he had felt too many times while in this dungeon. It’s ok. That’s the feeling that lets you know you’re still alive, and if you’re alive, you can still fight.

  Even then, the only things he could use were his thrice blessed axes. The magic of the Ring of Temperance was keeping his body together and was already more than he had asked for.

  He dodged out of the way of the skeleton’s swinging sword, not bothering to get another attack in. The thrice blessed axes had been wildly ineffective, a
nd every attack had cost him. The damage he dealt to the giant skeleton was hardly worth the damage he incurred in return.

  If I can't harm it, how can I kill it?


  Ah. That’s the question, isn’t it. But you already have the answer. Something you’ve overlooked, perhaps. Though your trials may be terrible and harsh, they are not without a solution. A game without a way forward is no game at all. The answer lay with times.

  Always a riddle. But what does it mean? What have I overlooked?

  John didn’t have the time to stop and think it out, only that if what the voice said was true, the answer was likely something he had gained while in the dungeon. I killed the minotaur’s one at a time, and then the bigger one of the three by going for its joints. Maybe I could do something similar here, but I can’t really cut through the skeleton’s bones effectively.

  Wait? Is that the answer? I just need something that can cut the undead. Like, smite? Oh, man. I should have seen that awhile ago. It’s even an anagram of times too.

  “Smite,” John said, activating the ability with a command to ready himself once more. His axes at the ready as they began to glow with radiant power that was anathema to the undead.

  Once more into the breach. John charged at the skeleton, darting in close and dodging the strikes of its giant sword while staying away from the grasping arm. Each thrice blessed axe glowed brighter with power. I might only get one shot at this. He aimed for the same leg that he had wounded before, only this time he aimed slightly higher, believing he could slice all the way through.

  John ducked underneath another sword slash and brought one of his empowered thrice blessed axes up in a furious slash that bit into the undead giant's knee in a flash of power. The bone was disintegrated on impact and without the support for the weight of the rest of its body,

  The skeleton roared in fury as it tried to reach out and grab him. But without proper positioning, John was able to easily evade the monster and in the process was able to cut clean through some of the skeletal fingers that reached out to grab him. I can do this.

  Off-balance, the skeleton crashed into the ground. The monster unable to keep itself even somewhat upright as it’s momentum toppled it. It’s mostly immobile now. I need to end this.

  John was able to get up close to the creature’s skull. He gripped the other thrice blessed axe that still was glowing bright with the rare ability and brought it down on the monster’s brow. A flash of light filled the room again, and though the skull was not destroyed, John saw a large crack had formed. The monster was injured.

  Time for some heavy work. John brought both of his thrice blessed axes down in attack again and again. Nothing stopping save to dodge counters, never giving up. Never relenting.


  This is the way. Attack, attack, and never look back. Embrace power and might.

  Eventually, John noticed his blows were no longer striking bone, nor the sand underneath, but hard stone beneath both. He had fallen into a red haze that had taken over his mind and guided his movements.

  John opened his eyes to look down at the now completely crushed skull. In the rubble of what had been the skeletal champion was a gleaming piece of metal.

  John composed himself and sheathed his axes. This place is really starting to get to me.

  He reached into the rubble and drew out a shield. It must have been hidden inside the skeleton’s skull. It was a large tower shield. It bore little ornamentation besides some filagree and color but even then, John could tell it was worth a lot of money.

  John had seen something similar before. They were often used by paladins that protected the nobility They also normally bore the name of the god or order that the bearer held loyalty to. On this shield, where the words of power should have been, there was nothing but deep gouges on the surface.

  These had not come from John’s axes. A different blade had made these.

  John couldn’t know where the former bearer of the shield now was. It was likely that they were just another pile of bones in the room that he had passed. It may have even belonged to the champion I just killed. But something about this shield seemed familiar.

  The shield was in nearly pristine condition. It had some additional wear and tear. Likely gathered from the various battles that the paladin had found themselves in over the years.

  John was not about to leave it behind. It could be useful to him, as it had been to its former bearer. So, he strapped it to his back. The wooden door stood open once more, once again urging John Younger downward.

  He did not dare remove the ring at his finger, which continued as if heated by dragon fire. If it was that hot, then the damage that he had taken must be severe.

  Unlike the other floors, there was no fountain or god here to heal his wounds. He had only the ring to keep the pain and damage to his body at bay.

  He was not sure how much more of this he could take. The damage to his body might already be irreparable without divine intervention.

  The damage to his mind? Well, I’ll need to see. For now, as always, there was only one thing that he could do. Keep moving forward. Always forward.

  John once again entered a stairwell leading him further and further down into the depths of the dungeon. The trials that he had passed so far were behind him, although he was wounded and hurting.

  He would push on until he had nothing left to give or until he met these gods face to face. With any luck, it would be the latter result, and he would enact his own revenge on whatever dark entity was behind this dungeon if escape was not possible

  He did not know what future horrors or monsters, or gods awaited him. At this point, he did not care. Whatever the challenge was he would adapt to it or overcome it. It was what he did. It was what he was good at.


  You have done well to survive the encounter, though you have been badly marred by it.

  STR = 9 - > 5

  WIT = 3 > 2

  END = 11 >6

  AGI = 7 > 4


  *Smite - Upon killing an unclean one, the spirit of what is sacred will be stored within your body. Use this power to amplify the holy effect of any attack you should unleash on the unclean.


  *Fear of the Dark

  *Burned Skin

  *Broken Body


  *Thrice Blessed Axes, Burned Simple Leather Armor, Sovereign Medallion *


  Book: The Book of Keys

  Torn Page

  Broken Band

  3x Minotaur Essence

  !x Gluttonous Essence

  Chapter 20: Macabre, The City Without Stars

  * * *

  John Younger went further down into the unknown. Each step more painful than the last. He felt exhausted. Always down, but never arriving. How deep does this dungeon go?

  He could feel how his body had been strained well past its limits and had been damaged. I don’t know how I’m going to manage to keep going. The Ring of Temperance would not hold him together for much longer.

  Ahead of him, still many feet below John saw the light cast by flaming torches. Already enough challenge. I wasn’t quite ready. He thought grimly as the stairs widened up.

  Soon he found himself in front of a heavy looking wooden gateway. A door with bonded steel and tripled braces with intricate symbols carved into it. Images both profane and astounding as the images carved within the door seemed almost alive.

  Depictions of angels in the heavens fighting demons and monsters on the mortal plane while darker things beneath the surface waited to consume both. A good reminder there’s always a bigger fish out there. A shiver of fear passed up John’s spine, He had the feeling of a thousand eyes upon him.

  “What is this place?” he muttered, keeping his thrice blessed axes at the ready.


  This is a place for those who came before both above and below. You
may find some respite here, but be always wary. By no means is this place safe.

  Find a place to heal, here among the wretched hive. Repair or buy what equipment you can and strengthen yourself as you may. The essences you have acquired up to this point will be your coin. Spend them wisely.

  “So, trust no one and nothing,” John replied remembering the Inn of the Bloodied Hog where he had been poisoned and taken to this dreaded realm. Easy enough rule to remember.

  John walked up and carefully put his hands on the only place on the door that didn’t have any images and pushed. But the door wouldn’t budge, not even inch. What’s this? Another puzzle?


  You cannot enter that way. The city of Macabre is a peaceful city. We do not allow weapons to be drawn here. Put some things away and the door shall open for you. Your safety is assured here.

  “It’s not like I have much choice,” he admitted as he put the weapons away into the holsters on his belt. The engraved images on the door began to move, ravenously reaching toward him almost as if drawn to him. Though John was wary, he tried to pay them no mind as he went to push the door again. Careful though to make sure that none of the images were able to actually reach him.


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