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Page 12

by K. L. Savage

  I slide my palms up his neck. His beard is softer than I thought, and I caress the soft locks, loving how it feels as the strands glide between my fingers. He moans as I massage his face, enjoying how his eyes close, and the vibrations in his throat tickles my palms.

  “Feel good?” I say with a smile, then tug on his chin hair.

  “Are you kidding? It’s your hands. Anything you do to me will feel good.”

  I lick my lips for a second, debating if I want to take the chance that I know I want to take, but I’m afraid I’ll get rejected. Everyone deals with rejection, right? It’s part of life. I double check to make sure his eyes are shut, and my gaze drops to his lips. They’re plump and pink, hidden behind a thick frame of black hair. I stop rubbing his cheeks and gently cup his defined, square jaws and lean in, taking a leap of faith as I press my lips against his.

  It’s a long peck; no tongue, no urgency. Just something soft and sweet. I have a feeling he hasn’t felt anything sweet in a long time. Reluctantly, I tear my lips away, my eyes fluttering open to see his lips still slightly parted and puckered for me.

  “How did that feel?” I hardly recognize the sound of my voice with how hoarse it is.

  “Like a fucking dream I never want to wake up from.” In a blink of an eye, he grabs my face and smashes our lips together. Soft and sweet is gone, and passionate and urgent has taken its place. We breathe down each other’s throats, living only to taste one another. My lips part as I whimper when his tongue slides against mine.

  “Fuck me, I can’t get enough of you,” he says on a frustrated growl, and his hands slide down my body, grip my ass, and lift me on to his lap. “This ass.” He squeezes my cheeks in his palms and then rocks me against his hard cock. “You’re perfect.”

  “Your chest,” I say between ragged breaths. Trying to get control of my body is impossible when his fingers are digging deep into my flesh, gripping, squeezing, pulling me against his erection. My clit drags against the thick shaft since the only barrier between us are my panties.

  “My heart is full,” he replies, taking my mouth again in a kiss that makes my body so hot, a flood of cream soaks my panties as my lust grows with every stroke of his tongue against mine and every slide of his cock between my sheath.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” He tilts my head back after the words leave my lips, and Logan bites down on my neck, sending sharp stings through my nerves. My hands tangle in his hair, and the shaved side is like prickly bristle hairs against my palm while his long side is like strands of silk. I thought the longer black locks would be rough or coarse like him, but they aren’t; they’re soft, like the heart he hides.

  “Oh, little sparrow, you should be worried about me hurting you.” In one swift motion, Logan flips me to the bed by the hold he has on my ass, and now I’m staring up at him, watching him, watching me while his hands ever so slowly lift his shirt off my body. “The things I want to do to you.” The words end on a primal growl, and his fingers dig into my hips as hard as they can. Hard enough to bruise, and I guess in a way, it hurts me.

  And in the morning, I’ll be able to see his marks on me.

  “What do you want to do?” I ask, my breaths coming out harsh as he lowers his head to my abdomen, hovering his lips just below my belly button.

  He presses a soft kiss and then lets out an ironic chuckle, skimming his hands up my ribcage. His shaky breaths make my skin bead and he pauses, closing his hungry eyes as if he’s trying to stop himself from tearing me apart. “I think the better question is”—his muscular throat bobs as he speaks—“what don’t I want to do to you?”

  An audible gulp sounds, loud and embarrassing.

  He chuckles, dark and menacingly, and the room drops in temperature. My blood boils when he cups my breasts under the shirt, bringing his mouth to my ear as he whispers, “Sounds like you’re afraid now.”

  I shake my head and circle my arms around his neck, whispering, “Only afraid that I won’t please you.”

  He grabs my chin and forces me to meet his eyes. His brows furrow angrily, and his lips pinch together, creating wrinkles around his mouth where his laugh lines are. “You please me more just by being here with me, more than anyone ever has. Whatever we do, whatever we share, it will be more than anything I’ve experienced. I don’t think you understand”—he brushes his nose along my cheek—“how you’ve turned my world upside down.” My brown hair falls over my shoulder as it flows out from the inside of the shirt when Logan tugs the extra-large material over my head.

  Logan’s eyes roam my body, staring me at me like he’s never seen me naked before, but he has. His hand lays in the middle of my chest. One, two, three seconds pass before he trails his finger down the middle of my abdomen. “So soft,” he awes, brushing his fingers over me like a paintbrush against a blank canvas.

  As I watch him map me with his touch, his tattooed hands against my plain, unmarked skin, I suppose that’s what we are.

  He’s the paintbrush.

  I’m his canvas.

  And with every stroke he makes along the nerve endings on my skin, the closer we become to creating the masterpiece that is us.

  I don’t think he’s ever heard this, but he’s beautiful. I’m sure he’s heard handsome, sexy, and hot, but I don’t think anyone has really looked into his eyes and seen the vulnerability of his soul he keeps locked away, so deep that it can never be touched.

  Except right now, I’m getting to experience the softness he traps inside him that no one else can see, and it’s beautiful.

  Logan McGraw is beautiful.

  Without saying another word, he leans down and kisses me, taking his time to trace my lips with his tongue before diving inside my eager mouth. My hands press gently against his chest, and he sits up, letting me run my hands down the exquisite sculpture that is his body.

  He is art.

  And he deserves to be appreciated.

  I untether the button on his jeans and slide down the zipper, and the grinding teeth separating unlock something inside me. I only want to pleasure him and make him feel good. I have an inkling that he doesn’t get to feel good too often. One of his large hands cups the back of my head as I work his jeans down his hips.

  On either side of his hips are geometric tattoos, dipping in a V that leads to his cock. It feels big, really big, and I’m not sure how to handle the monster, but I’ll try. I gulp loudly when I see the base of him come to view, surrounded by a thick patch of black hair. Before I can pull his jeans the rest of the way down his legs, he stands and does the work for me.

  The jeans go somewhere. I don’t look for them or anything as he slings them over his shoulder because my eyes lock onto his cock and heavy balls hanging between his legs.

  “Oh, wow,” I say on a half moan, half croak, half gasp. It doesn’t sound sexy because a train of nerves has smashed against me, swaying the confidence I felt just milliseconds ago. He wraps a hand around himself and strokes the long, thick length.

  It’s also tattooed.

  And it’s pierced. Holy shit—it’s pierced. The head has a thick hoop coming from it, and then rods pierce his shaft all the way down.

  He must be nine inches and a wrist wide with thick veins pumping it full of blood and lust.

  I gulp, again.

  “It’s a Jacob’s Ladder, my innocent little sparrow, and a Prince Albert. It feels good when you rub me, but I promise”—he falls forward, and his cock settles between my shaking thighs as he cages my head in with his strong arms, teasing his lips over mine. “When I’m inside you”—he starts to rock his hips, and the tip of his pierced cock hits my clit, making me moan—“it’s going to rub so many spots inside you, and I can’t wait to feel you come around me.”

  “Logan…” His name is a pathetic whine in my throat. I’m already close to falling apart, and he hasn’t even touched my pussy yet. I’m so pathetic. I’ve never experienced burning like this. Inside me it physically hurts, and if I don’t feel him inside me so
on, I just might die.



  I’m consumed by her.

  Her smell, her taste, her skin, and the closer I get to her, I realize it isn’t close enough. I want to ravage her, own her in every way. She’s possessed me. I need more. I need more of her. This isn’t enough.

  “I need you now, Juliette. I can’t wait any longer. Next time, I’ll lick that pretty pussy until you’re screaming my name, and then I want your mouth around me, but right now? I need to be inside you.”

  “Yes, Logan, please!” She squeezes her tits, and I can’t help myself. I lunge forward and take a peaked rosy nipple into my mouth, trying to gather the milky flesh along with it. I want all of it.

  She’s delicious.

  I flick my tongue one last time over the sweet morsel and kiss my way up her neck until I steal her mouth in a desperate kiss. I do my best to distract her as I dip my fingers inside her panties and feel her wet folds parting for me.

  I groan when her slick soaks me, teasing my cock with the promise of her tight heat. I bring my fingers to my mouth and hum in appreciation when her honey coats my taste buds. Yanking her panties aside, I grab the thick base of my cock with my wet fingers and guide it to her dripping wet hole where white creamy cum is leaking out of her. I can’t wait to feel her drenching my cock.

  Her hole tightens around me, and a gasp leaves Juliette. I lay over her perfect curvy body and caress her sides, up and over her heavy tits, until I have ahold of her jaw. Our eyes lock, and I’m enchanted by her green eyes, lost in the magical forest hidden beneath the depths.


  She says my name, coated in nerves and a twinge of fear, clutching her hands on my shoulders until her nails dig into my skin.

  “I got you. It’s okay.” I slide in deeper, and my mouth drops open when more of her tight channel grips me. She’s breathing heavy, whimpering, shutting her eyes to push through the pain. “Look at me,” I demand, and she instantly pops her eyes open, wide and innocent.

  When I hit her barrier, I grunt, wanting to just punch through and fuck her like the wild instinct ferociously pumping inside me, but I don’t. I hold back and start with shallow thrusts, gliding the few inches of my cock in and out.

  She relaxes with every stroke, and suddenly small moans of pleasure are escaping her. Her pussy gets impossibly wetter. I moan as I curl over her, bringing our lips so close that a single breath would push us together, but I want to see her face when I plunge inside her, and she’s stretched full of me.

  Instead of punching through her virginity, I use the dripping nectar of her cunt soaking my shaft and slide in smoothly besides a slight tug. I expect a painful cry to join my pleasurable moan, but one never comes. Her hands run down the curve of my back until they cup my ass, pulling me closer and filling her tight cunt with my length even more.

  “Oh god, Logan.” She tosses her head back and forth before biting her lip. “You feel so good. You’re so … thick,” she moans, and I nearly come right then.

  Hearing her say that my cock feels good strokes my ego. Every man loves hearing it, and a lot of times, women just say it to say it, but not Juliette; not during her first time.

  “Your pussy was made for my cock, Juliette.” I rear back then push forward, past her tight walls until I hit the tip of her womb. My Jacob’s Ladder rubs underneath my shaft while also giving her more sensations, and I can’t hold back anymore.

  “Harder, Logan. Harder.”

  “You’re reading my mind, little sparrow.” I lift off her body, grab her right leg, and place her foot on my shoulder. “Oh, fuck, yes,” I hiss, tossing my head back onto my shoulders from the change of position. My punishing rhythm makes her tits bounce, and her lips are parted, just waiting for something to fill it. “Juliette, you feel so goddamn good.” My sack slaps against her ass with every fervent curl of my hips to send my cock into a plummeting chaos.

  Sweat drips into my eyes and causes a slight sting from the salt. I glance down to stare at my cock sliding in and out of her, and it’s a vision I can never forget. Her virgin blood coats me along with her sweetness, a divine wine that will taste better than any drink.

  My hands grab onto her hips and force them down on my cock harder, and Juliette screams my name again, and no doubt the rest of the house can hear her. “That’s right. Let everyone know who’s fucking you, little sparrow. This is my cunt, isn’t it? Mine. I took your virginity, and that means you belong to me. Tell me.”

  “Yes, Logan,” she moans.

  I rear back and slam into her harder. “Again.”

  “I’m all yours and only yours,” she says, holding her arms above her head while she watches me fuck her.

  “Again,” I growl, using her words as fuel to pump myself into her harder in hopes she explodes around my cock and sucks me dry.

  “Logan, Logan! I’m yours. Fuck, I’m only yours! Yes!” Her back arches off the bed when the first spasm of her orgasm shakes her. Her breasts jiggle, and her stomach tenses along with her sweet cunt, clasping around my thickness. A gush of fluid runs down my cock, and I’m greeted by the whites of her eyes as they roll back to her head.

  I yank my cock from her wet constraint and flip her over onto her stomach, pressing her head into the pillow as I slide back in without that damn barrier in my way. “Oh, now this is a fucking view.” I slap each round, bubbled cheek with my hands and grip the meat while I pound into her from behind. She muffles her moans into the pillow, and I yank it away from her. “I want to hear you.”

  “Logan, it’s too much. You feel too good. I’m so sensitive.”

  “Give me another.”

  “I can’t!” she defies me, but her body defies her because with every stroke I give her, she’s pressing her ass into me, wanting more.

  She’s hungry for me.

  “You’ll give me another before I fill you up.” I wrap my hand around her hair and pull her back, manipulating her head until her mouth is close to mine again. “You want that, don’t you? You want to be full of me, dripping with my cum.” I rub my lips over the shell of her ear, and a shaky breath leaves me when I think of painting her walls with my seed. I’m too close now. I reach down and pinch her clit, rolling the nerves between my fingers.

  She slams her fist against the wall, bucking against me like an untamed mare as her pussy sucks me in with every wave and spasm her body gives. I use my weight to push her flat on the bed, and I lay against her back while I plant myself inside her, roaring her name on my release. With every strong jet that leaves my shaft, I pull back before the stream leaves me before rooting my cock inside her for the next searing wave of cum to leave my body.

  “Take every fucking drop, Juliette. Every damn drop. You’re going to take it all for me,” I tell her, lazily sliding in and out of her swollen deflowered heat. She’s so wet from our combined juices that I never want to pull my cock out. I press a kiss against the back of her neck, and the salty goodness almost makes me harden again.

  I turn her head with the palm of my hand and give her a languid, messy kiss. Our tongues collide, soft and sweet, just like the sound of her voice. With a shit ton of regret, I break the kiss and roll us to our sides, keeping my cock lodged inside her. I can feel my come leaking out of her and for some reason, a maddening anger takes over.

  I want her bound to me. I can’t give up something that feels this good. I can’t let her leave me. She’s the only good in my life. She outshines all the rage, hate, and misery I feel on a day to day basis. She’s my fucking home and the only good part left in my heart.

  Gathering the juices off her thigh, I bring my cum to her clit and start to swirl.

  “Oh no, Logan.” She grips my wrist in warning, and her body trembles and squirms as she tries to get away. “It’s too much. I’m too sensitive. You’re going to make me come again.”

  I nip her ear. “I know. I just love hearing you come for me, little sparrow. You sound so beautiful. You hit the highest note when y
ou scream my name, and I want to hear it again.” I rub harder and faster on her clit, and now my cock is ready again, but I don’t move. I won’t need to.

  “Logan.” Her body bends from the quick rush of her impending orgasm.

  “Juliette!” My body breaks, my sack drawing up tight again. I’ve never come too fast before, but I do for Juliette. Her pleasure is my pleasure.

  Her thighs clamp together and my name, once again, is a harmonic note ringing through the air. I grunt one final time, filling her with another smaller load of my seed. It’s barbaric, to take her bare and raw like this, hoping like hell her womb takes me.

  I don’t know the first thing about being a father. I don’t even know if I’ll be good at it considering who I am. She makes me want to be better. She makes me want to try to reach for something other than the misery inside me.

  Even if I know misery will always be a part of me, I need it to survive just like I need Juliette.

  “Wow,” she says on a deep exhale, somehow falling even more limp on the mattress. “That was… I can’t believe I waited so long to do that.”

  I growl like a rabid animal, flipping her over onto her back. In a blink of an eye, I have my screwdriver under her chin again while I’m biting at her bottom lip. “You better be glad you waited so long. I would have had to kill every asshole who had been with you.”

  She laughs thinking I’m joking, but the crazy glint in my eye has her smile falling. “You’re serious?”

  “Very,” I grumble in unease when I think of her with someone else besides me. “You’re mine, Juliette. I don’t fuck without protection. I don’t fuck bare. I do with you, though, and that’s how we are always going to fuck; do you understand? Nothing will be between us.” I sound like a goddamn maniac, but the insanity keeps pouring from my mouth, and my weapon that has seen the inside of more skulls than screws to tighten, run, down her neck to her breasts, and the cold steel causes her nipple to bead. “You like that, little sparrow?”


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