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The Knights of the Cross, or, Krzyzacy: Historical Romance

Page 10

by Henryk Sienkiewicz


  In merchant Amylej's house, Macko and Zbyszko were deliberating what todo. The old knight expected to die soon, and Father Cybek, a Franciscanfriar who had experience in treating wounds, predicted the same;therefore he wanted to return to Bogdaniec to die and be buried besidehis forefathers in the cemetery in Ostrow.

  But not all of his forefathers were buried there. In days of yore it hadbeen a numerous family of _wlodykas_. During the war their cry was:"Grady!" On their shields, because they claimed to be better _wlodykas_than the others who had no right to a coat of arms, they had emblazoned aTempa Podkowa. In 1331, in the battle of Plowce, seventy warriors fromBogdaniec were killed in the marshes by German archers. Only oneWojciech, called Tur, escaped. After this defeat by the Germans, theking, Wladyslaw Lokietek, granted him a coat of arms and the estate ofBogdaniec as a special privilege. Wojciech returned home, only todiscover the complete annihilation of his family.

  While the men of Bogdaniec were perishing from German arrows, the_Raubritters_ of Szlonsk fell upon their homes, burned their buildings,and slaughtered or took into slavery the peasants. Wojciech remainedalone, the heir of a large but devastated tract of land, which formerlybelonged to the whole family of _wlodykas_. Five years afterward hemarried and he begot two sons, Jasko and Macko. Afterward he was killedin a forest by an urus.[58]

  The sons grew up under the mother's care. Her maiden name was Kachna ofSpalenica. She was so brave that she conducted two successful expeditionsagainst the Germans of Szlonsk to avenge former wrongs; but in the thirdexpedition she was killed. Before that, however, she built with the helpof the slaves, a _grodek_[59] in Bogdaniec; on account of that, Jasko andMacko, although from their former estates of _wlodykas_ were called_wlodykas_, now became men of importance. When Jasko became of age, hemarried Jagienka of Mocarzew, and begot Zbyszko; Macko remainedunmarried. He took care of his nephew's property as far as his warexpeditions permitted.

  But when during the civil war between Grzymalits and Nalenczs, Bogdaniecwas again burned and the peasants scattered, Macko could not restore it,although he toiled for several years. Finally he pledged the land to hisrelative, the abbot, and with Zbyszko who was small, he went to Lithuaniato fight against the Germans.

  But he had never forgotten about Bogdaniec. He went to Litwa hoping tobecome rich from booty so as to return to Bogdaniec, redeem the land fromhis pledge, colonize it with slaves, rebuild the _grodek_ and settleZbyszko on it. Therefore now, after Zbyszko's lucky deliverance, theywere discussing this matter at the house of the merchant, Amylej.

  They had money enough to redeem the land they possessed quite a fortunegathered from the booty, from the ransoms paid by the knights captured bythem, and from Witold's presents. They had received great benefit fromthat fight with the two Fryzjan knights. The suits of armor alone, wereworth what was considered in those times quite a fortune; beside thearmor, they had captured wagons, people, clothes, money and richimplements of war. The merchant Amylej had just purchased many of thesethings, and among them two pieces of beautiful Flemish broadcloth. Mackosold the splendid armor, because he thought that he would have no use forit. The merchant sold it the next day to Marcin of Wrocimowice, whosecoat of arms was Polkoza. He sold it for a large sum, because in thosetimes the suits of armor made in Milan were considered the best in theworld and were expensive. Zbyszko regretted very much that they sold it.

  "If God give you back your health," said he, to his uncle, "where willyou find another like it?"

  "There, where I found this one; on some German," answered Macko. "But Ishall not escape death. The head of the spear will not come out from mybody. When I tried to pull it out with my hands, I pushed it in further.And now there is no help."

  "You must drink two or three pots of bear's grease."

  "Bah! Father Cybek also said that would be a good thing. But where can Iget it here? In Bogdaniec one could very easily kill a bear!"

  "Then we must go to Bogdaniec! Only you must not die on the road."

  Old Macko looked at his nephew with tenderness.

  "I know where you would like to go; to the Prince Janusz's court, or toJurand of Spychow, and fight the Germans of Chelminsko."

  "I will not deny it. I would be glad to go to Warszawa with the princess'court, or to go to Ciechanow; and I would remain as long as possible withDanusia, because now she is not only my lady, but my love also. I tremblewhen I think of her! I shall follow her even to the end of the world; butnow you are first. You did not desert me, therefore I will never abandonyou. We must go to Bogdaniec."

  "You are a good man," said Macko.

  "God would punish me, if I were not mindful of you. Look, they aregetting ready! I ordered one wagon to be filled with hay. Amylejowna hasmade us a present of a feather bed, but I am afraid it will be too warmfor you. We will travel slowly, in company with the princess' court, sothat you may have good care. When they turn toward Mazowsze, we will turntoward home; may God help us!"

  "If I can only live long enough to rebuild the _grodek_!" exclaimedMacko. "I know that after my death, you will not think anything moreabout Bogdaniec."

  "Why will I not?"

  "Because your head will be filled with thoughts of battles and of love."

  "Did you not think yourself about war? I have planned what I must do; inthe first place, I will rebuild the _grodek_."

  "Do you mean to do that?" asked Macko, "Well, and when the _grodek_ isfinished?"

  "When the _grodek_ is rebuilt, then I will go to Warszawa to the prince'scourt, or to Ciechanow."

  "After my death?"

  "If you die soon, then after your death; but before I go, I will bury youproperly; if the Lord Jesus restore your health, then you will remain inBogdaniec. The princess promised me that I should receive my knightlygirdle from the prince. Otherwise Lichtenstein will not fight with me."

  "Then afterward you will go to Marienburg?"

  "To Marienburg, or even to the end of the world to reach Lichtenstein."

  "I do not blame you for it! Either he or you must die!"

  "I will bring his girdle and his gloves to Bogdaniec; do not befrightened!"

  "You must look out for treachery. There is plenty among them."

  "I will bow to Prince Janusz and ask him to send to the grand master fora safe conduct. There is peace now. I will go to Marienburg, where thereare always many knights. Then you know? In the first place, Lichtenstein;then I will look for those who wear peacock's tufts, and I will challengethem in turn. If the Lord Jesus grant me victory, then I will fulfill myvow."

  Speaking thus, Zbyszko smiled at his own thoughts; his face was like thatof a lad who tells what knightly deeds he will perform when he is a man.

  "Hej!" said Macko; "if you defeat three knights belonging to greatfamilies, then you will not only fulfill your vow, but you will bringsome booty!"

  "Three!" exclaimed Zbyszko. "In the prison I promised myself, that Iwould not be selfish with Danusia. As many knights as I have fingers onboth hands!"

  Macko shrugged his shoulders.

  "Are you surprised?" said Zbyszko. "From Marienburg I shall go to Jurandof Spychow. Why should I not bow to him, he is Danusia's father? With himI shall attack the Germans of Chelminsko. You told me yourself that inthe whole of Mazowsze there was no greater ware-wolf against theGermans."

  "And if he will not give you Danusia?"

  "Why not? He is seeking his vengeance. I am searching for mine. Can hefind a better man? And then, the princess has given her consent for thebetrothal; he will not refuse."

  "I see one thing," said Macko, "you will take all the people fromBogdaniec in order to have a retinue, as is proper for a knight, and theland will remain without hands to till it. As long as I live, I will notlet you do it; but after my death, I see, you will take them."

  "The Lord God will help me to get a retinue; Janko of Tulcza is arelation of ours and he will help me also."

  At that moment the door opened, and as though to prove that the Lo
rd Godwould help Zbyszko get a retinue, two men entered. They weredark-complexioned, short, dressed in Jewish-like yellow caftans, red capsand very wide trousers. They stopped in the doorway and touched theirfingers to their foreheads, to their mouths, and then to their chests;then they bowed to the ground.

  "Who are these devils?" asked Macko. "Who are you?"

  "Your slaves," answered the newcomers in broken Polish.

  "For what reason? Where from? Who sent you here?"

  "_Pan_ Zawisza sent us here as a present to the young knight, to be hisslaves."

  "O for God's sake! two men more!" exclaimed Macko, joyfully.

  "Of what nationality are you?"

  "We are Turks!"

  "Turks?" repeated Zbyszko. "I shall have two Turks in my retinue. Haveyou ever seen Turks?"

  And having jumped toward them, he began to turn them around and to lookat them curiously. Macko said:

  "I have never seen them; but I have heard, that the _Pan_ of Garbow hasTurks in his service whom he captured while fighting on the Danube withthe Roman emperor, Zygmunt. How is it? Are you heathens, yourdog-brothers?"

  "The lord ordered us to be baptized," said one of the slaves.

  "Did you have no money for ransom?"

  "We are from far lands, from Asiatic shores, from Brussa."

  Zbyszko, who always listened gladly to war stories, and especially whenthere was anything told about the deeds of the famous Zawisza of Garbow,began to inquire how they were captured. But there was nothingextraordinary in their narration; Zawisza attacked them in a ravine, partof them perished and part were captured; and he sent the prisoners aspresents to his different friends. Zbyszko and Macko's hearts werethrobing at the sight of such a noble gift, especially as it wasdifficult to get men in those days and the possession of them constitutedtrue wealth.

  In the meanwhile, Zawisza himself accompanied by Powala and PaszkoZlodzie; of Biskupice arrived. As they had all worked hard to freeZbyszko, they were pleased when they succeeded; therefore everyone ofthem gave him some present as a souvenir. The liberal _Pan_ of Taczewgave him a beautiful large caparison embroidered with gold; Paszko, aHungarian sword and ten _grzywiens_.[60] Then came Lis of Targowisko,Farurej and Krzon of Kozieglowy, with Marcin of Wrocimowice and finallyZyndram of Maszkow; everyone brought rich presents.

  Zbyszko welcomed them with a joyful heart, feeling very happy on accountof the presents and because the most famous knights in the kingdom wereshowing him their friendship. They asked him about his departure andMacko's health, recommending to the latter, different remedies whichwould miraculously heal wounds.

  But Macko recommended Zbyszko to their care, being ready himself for theother world. He said that it was impossible to live with an iron spearhead between the ribs. He complained also that he spit blood and couldnot eat. A quart of shelled nuts, a sausage two spans long and a dish ofboiled eggs were all he could eat at once. Father Cybek had bled himseveral times, hoping in that way to draw out the fever from around hisheart, and restore his appetite; but it had not helped him any.

  But he was so pleased with the presents given to his nephew, that at thatmoment he was feeling better, and when the merchant, Amylej, ordered abarrel of wine brought in honor of such famous guests, Macko drank withthem. They began to talk about Zbyszko's deliverance and about hisbetrothal with Danusia. The knights did not doubt that Jurand of Spychowwould give his consent, especially if Zbyszko avenged the death ofDanusia's mother and captured the peacock tufts.

  "But as for Lichtenstein," said Zawisza, "I do not think he will acceptyour challenge, because he is a friar, and also one of the officers inthe Order. Bah! The people of his retinue told me that perhaps he wouldbe elected grand master!"

  "If he refuse to fight, he will lose his honor," said Lis of Targowisko.

  "No," answered Zawisza, "because he is not a lay knight; and a friar isnot permitted to fight in single combat."

  "But it often happens that they do fight."

  "Because the Order has become corrupt. The knights make different vows;but they often break them, thus setting a bad example to the wholeChristian world. But a Krzyzak, especially a _comthur_, is not obliged toaccept a challenge."

  "Ha! Then only in war can you reach him."

  "But they say, that there will be no war," said Zbyszko, "because theKnights of the Cross are afraid of our nation."

  To this Zyndram of Maszkow said:

  "This peace will not last long. There cannot be a good understanding withthe wolf, because he must live on the goods of others."

  "In the meantime, perhaps we will be obliged to fight with Tymur theLame," said Powala. "Prince Witold was defeated by Edyga; that iscertain."

  "Certain. _Wojewoda_ Spytko will not return," said Paszko Zlodziej ofBiskupice.

  "The late queen prophesied it would be so," said the _Pan_ of Taczew.

  "Ha! Then perhaps we will be obliged to go against Tymur."

  Here the conversation was tunned to the Lithuanian expedition against theTartars. There was no doubt that Prince Witold, that able commander beingrather impetuous, had been badly defeated at Worskla, where a greatnumber of the Lithuanian _bojars_ and also a few Polish knights werekilled. The knights now gathered in Amylej's house, pitied especiallySpytek of Melsztyn, the greatest lord in the kingdom, who went with theexpedition as a volunteer; and after the battle he was lost--nobody knewwhere. They praised his chivalrous deed, and told how he, having receivedfrom the commander of the enemy a protective _kolpak_,[61] would not wearit during the battle, preferring honorable death to life granted him bythe ruler of a heathen nation. But it was not certain yet, whether he hadperished, or was in captivity. If he were a prisoner, he could pay hisransom himself, because his riches were enormous, and he also held infief the whole Podole from King Wladyslaw.

  But the defeat of Witold's army might prove ruinous to the whole ofJagiello's empire. Nobody knew when the Tartars, encouraged by thevictory over Witold, might now invade the lands and cities belonging tothe grand dukedom. In that case the kingdom of Poland would be involvedin a war. Therefore many knights, who like Zawisza, Farurej, Dobko andeven Powala, were accustomed to seek adventures and fights in foreigncountries, remained in Krakow not knowing what might soon happen. In caseTamerlan, who was the ruler of twenty-seven states, moved the wholeMongolian world, then the peril to the kingdom would be great.

  "If it be necessary, then we will measure our swords with the Lame. Withus it will not be such an easy matter as it was with those other nations,which he conquered and exterminated. Then the other Christian princeswill help us."

  To this Zyndram of Maszkow, who especially hated the Order, saidbitterly:

  "I do not know about the princes; but the Knights of the Cross are readyto become friends even with the Tartars and attack us from the otherside."

  "Then we shall have a war!" exclaimed Zbyszko. "I am against theKrzyzaks!"

  But the other knights began to contradict Zyndram. "The Knights of theCross have no fear of God, and they seek only their own advantage; butthey will not help the pagans against Christian people. And then Tymur isat war somewhere in Asia, and the commander of the Tartars, Edyga, lostso heavily in the battle, that he is afraid even of victory. PrinceWitold is a man full of expedients, and you may be sure he tookprecautions; and even if this time the Lithuanians were not successful,at any rate it is not a new thing for them to overcome the Tartars."

  "We have to fight for life and death; not with the Tartars but with theGermans," said Zyndram of Maszkow, "and if we do not crush them, ourperil will come from them."

  Then he turned toward Zbyszko:

  "And in the first place Mazowsze will perish. You will always find plentyto do there; be not afraid!"

  "Hej! if my uncle were well, I would go there immediately."

  "God help you!" said Powala, raising a glass.

  "Yours and Danusia's health!"

  "To the destruction of the Germans!" added Zyndram of Maszkow.

  Then they be
gan to say farewell. At that moment one of the princess'courtiers entered with a falcon on his arm; and having bowed to theknights who were present, he turned with a peculiar smile to Zbyszko:

  "The lady princess wished me to tell you," said he, "that she will stayin Krakow over night, and will start on the journey to-morrow."

  "That is well," said Zbyszko; "but why? Is anybody sick?"

  "No. But the princess has a visitor from Mazowsze."

  "The prince himself?"

  "Not the prince, but Jurand of Spychow," answered the courtier.

  Having heard this, Zbyszko became very much confused, and his heart beganto throb as it did when they read the sentence of death to him.


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