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Rebel of my Dreams

Page 4

by G. L. Snodgrass

  “Now then, as for your case,” he said and once again my stomach clenched into a ball. “It’s a mixed bag. No one saw the Burk’s attack you. All they saw was you tearing into them like a …”

  I could hear him flipping through papers. Obviously reading from my file. “… Tasmanian Devil, one of the witnesses said.”

  “I was afraid of that.”

  “However, the police confirmed that it was a house cue that was broken and several people commented that you were using a custom cue. When you combine that with the marks on your back in the police photographs it’s a positive for us.”

  “What about the security tapes?” I asked.

  He laughed, “The camera for that area wasn’t working.”

  “Convenient,” I said as my hopes began to take a nosedive.

  “Listen, I think I can talk the DA into lowering the charges down to second-degree assault. You’d get three years, out in one.”

  My heart slammed to a halt. A year in jail. Now! Grandpa would die all alone. I’d have a felony record. What would happen to the yard? Oh yeah, and a year or more rotting away in a rather nasty place.

  “Do I have to make a decision now?” I asked as my stomach tightened up into rock solid stone.

  “No, they haven’t made their offer, besides, I have yet to put those boys through a deposition. We’ll know more after that.”

  I was silent for a moment as I fought to take it all in. That deposition was going to be important. And Jess’s dad would be doing it. Was there any chance his anger at me might influence things?

  “But I wouldn’t be worrying about your case,” he said as if reading my mind. “I’d be more worried about not hurting my daughter.”

  “Yes, Sir,” was all I could say as a dozen different worries began to gnaw at my gut. Why couldn’t the universe let up occasionally? Just a bit.



  It was today. Finally. In fact, a few minutes. My heart refused to remain at a constant rhythm. What seemed like a lifetime’s worth of dreams was coming true today and I was a complete and total emotional mess.

  “Stand still,” Mom said, as she tucked up a strand of hair. She stepped back and examined her work, then slowly ran her eyes over the entire package. Hair, makeup, dress. She smiled, that happy content Mom smile, then turned me to look in the mirror.

  My heart jumped. It was just as I had always imagined. A floor-length, deep burgundy, A-line, sleeveless dress with a high lace bodice. Even I had to admit that I looked good. A year ago, this dress would have hung on me like living room drapes. But, now. Things worked like they were supposed to.

  I swallowed hard. What would Danny think? That was all that was important.

  “He’s going to love it,” Mom said as if reading my mind.

  My heart skipped with a mixture of fear and excitement. I couldn’t wait, yet dreaded the future all at the same time.

  “I still don’t understand why he is picking you up so early,” Mom said as she fussed with the fall of the dress.

  I ignored her as I twirled to look over my shoulder.

  The doorbell sent a shock through my very soul. Where had the time gone?

  “Your Dad will answer the door,” Mom said as she continued to primp.

  “That is not necessarily a good thing,” I told her as I started for the door. The last thing I needed was Dad and Danny spending alone time. My worlds mixing could only lead to disaster.

  I stepped into the hall and took a deep breath before turning the corner and looking down the stairs. My heart squeezed. The boy took my breath away. Tall, gorgeous, in a black tux that would have made James Bond jealous. The perfect burgundy tie and pocket square. And he was looking up at me as if he had never seen a girl before. Not a girl like me.

  God, I was going to treasure that look for the rest of my life.

  Our eyes remained locked until Mom coughed behind me and gently pushed me in the back. I swallowed hard as I remembered where I was. But it was impossible to take my eyes off Danny. He looked so … So perfect. A prince charming with a touch of beast. Those wide shoulders looked like they could take on the world.

  My mouth had gone dry and my fingers shook as I lifted my hem and made my way down the stairs. The entire time, Danny kept looking at me with a strange, almost needy look in his eyes.

  When I stepped off the last stair, we stood looking at each other as an awkward silence filled the hall. Dad shook his head as his face began to turn red. Mom couldn’t stop smiling. Danny looked as if someone had hit him upside the head with a 2x4 and my heart raced so fast I thought I was going to pass out.

  “Um … This is for you,” Danny said as he held up a beautiful white orchid in a plastic container. “I got one of those wrist types. I hope it is alright.”

  “It’s beautiful,” I said as my heart melted.

  He didn’t even have to struggle to get the package opened. No, this was Danny Parsons I reminded myself. Things just worked for him. Well, except for that whole possibly going to jail thing.

  As he slipped it over my wrist an electric charge flashed through my entire body. Careful, Jess, I told myself. Don’t let him see how you really feel. This was all pretend, remember. But deep inside, I couldn’t stop myself from letting my dream rise to the surface.

  He stepped back and shot me that patented smirk of his. The one that made my knees wobble, then once again, that silent awkwardness threatened. Thankfully, Mom saved the day by insisting that she wanted pictures.

  Yes, at least I would have proof this actually happened. Danny taking me to the prom.

  The next few minutes passed in a blur. I do remember standing next to Danny and an electric buzz traveling through my entire body. Finally, though, we were done, and the night was about to begin. We were turning to start out when I turned back and reached up to kiss my father on the cheek. “I will be fine,” I promised.

  He snorted as if he wasn’t so sure, but I saw a small smile on his lips and relaxed. He would be fine, just one of those life stages he was going to have to get through. They all had to grow up eventually.

  Danny gave me a quick reassuring smile then opened the door. And once again, I was shocked. A limo sat at the curb with a uniformed chauffeur standing ready to open the door for us.

  “How? I mean …”

  Danny shrugged as he gently took my hand to help me down the path. “I told you. If we were going to do this, we were going to do it right.”

  My heart jumped as I fought to organize my emotions. Between his hand holding mine and the limo. I was feeling overwhelmed. “

  I knew some of the others would be in limos. But they were doing it in groups of ten or eight to split the costs. A thrill filled me as I realized we would be the only ones showing up in a limo all our own.

  “Someone said you had a part-time job at the lumber yard. Are you sure you can afford this?”

  He laughed and shook it off. “It’s either this or an old Chevy pick-up that leaks oil and smells like wet sawdust.

  Looking over my shoulder, I couldn’t stop from giving my Dad an ‘I told you so’ smile. This was way more Prince Charming than Beast. Even Dad had to acknowledge it definitely wasn’t the kind of thing a loser bad boy would do.

  The chauffeur tipped his hat, smiled, and nodded as he swung the door open. Danny held my hand as he helped me in. I scooted over, making sure my dress wasn’t in the way. Danny joined me, gave me an earth stopping smile then leaned forward and whispered. “You look beautiful”.

  How could he do that? Always know just the perfect thing to say at just the right time.

  My insides relaxed. This might all be pretend. But Danny looked like he wasn’t mad or upset. In fact, it looked like he was actually enjoying himself.

  “There is someone I want you to meet,” he said with a concerned expression. “That was why we needed to leave early. He asked and I sort of can’t say no.”

  A burning curiosity filled me. This was a different Danny. Som
ething in his expression changed.

  “My Grandfather.”

  “Sure, I understand,” I answered, confused until I remembered that his parents had been killed a few years ago.

  “Um,” Danny continued. “He’s pretty sick. So, don’t be surprised. But it is important to him.”

  “Of course,” I said, as my insides turned over. If this was just pretend why was Danny making such a big deal about it. The Limo, meeting his grandfather, the most expensive Orchid available. It all made me feel special.

  Why was he doing this? Was it to impress my dad? Make sure he stayed in his good graces? Or was there something else going on that I didn’t know about. No, it was impossible that he was being romantic on purpose. Not with me. This was pretend. Not real. A debt owed. Nothing more.

  A thousand worries flashed through my mind before I reminded myself to focus on the night. Focus on creating memories. I would deal with my broken heart tomorrow.

  Taking a deep breath I focused on memorizing every detail of the limo. As I did, I caught Danny looking at me with a strange expression.

  “What?” I asked as my insides turned over. It could be a doze different things, almost none of them good.

  He shook his head. “I always knew you were special. But I didn’t realize just how much.”

  It was that exact moment I realized I was in love with Danny Parsons. Real love. Not a silly crush. Not some long-distance admiration. No, full on in love. And he could never know or I would die.

  Chapter Seven


  A warmth radiated off Danny that sent a tingle through me. I was sitting next to Danny Parsons. In a limo. On my way to the prom. Yes, dreams do come true.

  The driver looked into his rearview mirror and gave me a reassuring nod. As the car wove through town my mind fumbled to find something to say. Something that could end this awkwardness hanging over us.

  “Thank you for doing this,” I said.

  He smiled. “Believe me, it is my pleasure.”

  My stomach tumbled over itself. “One thing I never understood. Why didn’t you already have a date? I can name two dozen girls who would have sold their firstborn to go with you.”

  He laughed, then smirked. “I guess because no one asked me.”

  My cheeks grew warm as I looked down at my hands. Being teased by Danny Parsons was different than anything I had ever experienced before. Embarrassing, yet it made me feel closer to him. As if we were sharing something.

  “Well, I guess they snooze they lose.”

  He let out a quick laugh. My heart melted. I could listen to him laugh all day. It was like hot chocolate syrup poured over vanilla ice cream. Sweet and smooth.

  I don’t know what I would have said next because the car turned into a long driveway that led to a big house surrounded by a manicured lawn and overflowing flower beds. I looked up at Danny to make sure this was the place. I had always assumed his family wasn’t very rich. The old truck. The non-brand name clothes. The fights. Not the type of thing you associated with a house like this.

  He gave me a quick smile then jumped out before the chauffeur could get there. He held out his hand and gave me a reassuring smile. “Come on. The old man is going to love you. I might have to fight him to get you away and to the dance.”

  The world felt unsteady as I tried to wrap my mind around what was happening. Taking a deep breath, I put my hand in his and let him help me out of the car. When I was out and fully situated, I looked up at him with a hesitant question.

  He laughed and slipped my arm into his to lead me up to the front door. Okay, new special thing. Walking on Danny Parson’s arm.

  Another reassuring smile and we were inside the house. To say I was impressed would be putting it mildly. A high entryway, expensive furniture. Good art. Everything immaculate.

  “Papa, we’re here,” Danny called out as he placed a hand on the small of my back and began to lead me deeper into the house.

  I took a deep breath as I fought to hold back the panic. I was meeting Danny’s family. What would they think of me? I was positive they would be wondering how had he ever ended up in this situation? Him taking a girl like me to the Prom.

  “Here we are,” he said as he led me around a corner and into a living room. An old man sat in an easy chair on the far side. A table full of medicine bottles and Kleenex next to him. On the floor beside the chair an oxygen bottle and all the hoses.

  My heart went out to his grandfather as he used two hands to force himself up into a standing position. Danny rushed forward to help him.

  I couldn’t stop myself from frowning. I had not expected this side of Danny. A concerned grandson. It just wasn’t one of the many roles I’d placed him in. If only others could see him like this.

  “Jessica,” Danny said, looking back at me. “This is my grandfather, Scott Parsons. Papa, Miss Jessica Dunham.”

  Mr. Parsons was dressed in slacks, a button-down shirt, and a light blue cardigan sweater. The clothes looked baggy on him, as if he had lost a lot of weight recently. His brow furrowed for a moment then a large smile broke out. “You were right,” he said to Danny. “She is special.”

  I melted inside as my heart stopped racing. I never believed that Danny had said that about me. But the fact that his grandfather went out of his way to make me feel comfortable meant a lot.

  “Welcome my dear,” he said as he held out a thin hand and took a wobbly step towards me.

  I hurried across the room to shake his hand. He held my fingers for a long moment as he stared into my eyes. A feeling of being examined washed over me giving me a sinking feeling deep in my stomach, but finally, he nodded and let my fingers go.

  “You remind me of my Beth,” the man said. “She had that same look. Like she could take on the world and win every time.”

  “Papa. You’re going to embarrass her.”

  I don’t know. I could have stood there all night and listened to these compliments. It could change a girl’s outlook on life.

  Mr. Parsons laughed then gestured to a camera sitting on a side table. Danny rushed over and retrieved it for him then came and stood next to me. His arm snaked around my waist and I felt as if I had gone to heaven.

  My heart raced, as I fought to pretend I was calm. As if it wasn’t unusual for someone like Danny Parsons to put their arm around me. In fact, NFL Quarterbacks, Billionaires, and even Princes hugged me on a recurring basis.

  When Mr. Parson’s finished. Danny stepped away. It felt as if I had been left in a cold wind. A sense of loss so intense I felt to my very bones.

  Shaking it off, I said, “Let me take one of you guys. Two such handsome men need to have their picture taken.”

  Danny gave me a warm smile before he stood next to his grandfather. Mr. Parsons stood up straighter. Obviously determined to ignore life’s troubles. Instantly the similarities between grandfather and grandson became obvious. That crooked smile. The same twinkling eyes. I wondered if in his youth Mr. Parsons had been as good looking as Danny. Something told me the man had been devastating.

  As I brought them into focus, Danny looked down at his grandfather with an expression of obvious love and a great deal of sadness. Mr. Parsons looked directly into the camera, his chest out, as if he was so proud his buttons were going to bust. My heart broke but I forced myself to carry through and took the picture.

  Swallowing back a tear I held out the camera for Danny. He took it, then helped Mr. Parsons back down to his chair.

  “You got everything you need, old man.”

  His grandfather grunted and waved his hand for us to leave. “You two go have fun. Go create memories. Don’t come home before the sun and don’t let anyone tell you no.”

  Danny laughed then leaned down to kiss him on the top of his head. Mr. Parson grunted again as he pushed him away, but I could tell he enjoyed the attention.

  Shooting me a quick smile, Danny sighed then took my hand and started to pull me away. I had a feeling he wanted to get away
quickly. It was only when I looked up at him that I realized he was fighting to hide his emotions.

  Stopping, him, I pulled my hand away from his and ran back to Mr. Parsons. I leaned down and whispered in his ear. “Thank you for giving Danny to the world. I owe you.”

  He smiled up at me and I knew instantly that he was aware of just how strongly I felt about his grandson and was perfectly okay with it.

  I kissed him on his cheek then wiped away the lipstick.

  He laughed and shooed me away. I swallowed hard and quickly rejoined Danny. Without asking, I took his hand and squeezed hard. I had to look down the entire way back to the car. If I looked up into his eyes, I knew I would break down and begin blubbering.

  When we were settled, Danny let out a long breath and said, “Thank you. I know it sort of ruined the evening. But I had to do it for him.”

  I punched him in the ribs. “Danny Parsons. Don’t you dare apologize? That was … special.” Then I shook my hand. Hitting him was like punching a brick wall. The man was solid muscle.

  He faked winced then smiled down at me and I knew the world would be all right. I’d just punched Danny Parsons and he wasn’t mad. Would miracles never cease?

  The trip to the hotel where the prom was being held was different. More relaxed. It was as if we were different people.

  “He’s very sick, isn’t he?”

  Danny nodded as he bit his lip and looked out the window. “I’ve had three years to get ready. Believe me, I’ve already gone through the whole grieving process. We both reached the acceptance stage a couple of months ago.”

  My insides squeezed shut as I imagined the pain this boy had been through. Parents killed. And now his grandfather. It made my life seem so silly.

  “But,” Danny said with a smirk. “Tonight, we have fun. Tonight, we celebrate life, youth, and set you up to catch the eye of every buck within two hundred square miles.”

  Pretend, I reminded myself. This was all pretend. But instead of the normal pain. All I could think about was Danny’s grandfather, Mr. Parsons. It definitely put things into perspective.


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