Royally Broken (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA)

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Royally Broken (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA) Page 12

by Elle Boon

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he sighed.

  “I emptied my savings account to pay off the mortgage. When I told the trustees that today, I thought my grandfather was going to have a heart attack. I also used a good portion to track you down. Burying my bastard husband was easy. I bought the cheapest shit possible because he didn’t deserve anything nice. All that was child’s play compared to facing my grandfather, who thinks he owns me, that was scary.” She didn’t care that tears were flowing down her cheeks. Her life had been good until she’d met Thomas, yet to say she wished she’d never met him would be wishing the best thing in her life away. Her son. She’d never do that because that little boy was the greatest thing she’d ever done. Of course, she’d been blissfully ignorant about her grandfather, the man she’d called PopPop disappeared.

  “I’m sorry, baby. You’re the strongest and most courageous woman I know. You deserve better than me, but I’ll be dammed if I can let you go. Please forgive me and my asshole tendencies. I’ll try to do better.” He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, then her lips. “Now, if you want to show me some of your sass, only take away the first s I’ll be more than happy to sit back and watch.”

  Palmer couldn’t contain the laugh his words elicited. “You’re incorrigible, Keys.”

  Keys pulled her in closer, thumbs tipping up her chin, so she was forced to look at him. “I really am sorry for being a dick.”

  “It’s a lot of information to take in. I have what I found. Well, copies of it. I didn’t want to risk someone finding what I had and destroying it.” She pressed her forehead against his chest, ashamed to admit she feared her grandfather would try to get rid of the evidence.

  “Palmer, look at me. You’re not to blame for the sins of others, just as I’m not guilty for the sins of mine. Hell, I have enough of my own to answer for. You do know I’m not a boy scout, don’t you?” Keys’ hands moved down her back, one spreading over her back, the other trailed a path downward until it rested just above her ass.

  “I kinda got that message when you came swaggering in wearing that jacket with the rocker on it.”

  Chapter Eight

  Keys blinked down at Palmer, stunned to hear her use the words that described the patch on his cut. “How do you know about those?”

  “I read.” She licked her lips, drawing his gaze to the cupid bow mouth he wanted to do such filthy things to.

  “You read, do you? What kinda things you read?” He brought his hand back around, skimming his thumb over the plump bottom lip, pressing until she opened for him.

  Palmer shrugged and tried to turn her face away. Keys wasn’t going to have any secrets between them if he could avoid it. “I asked you a question, sassy girl. When I ask you something, you’re to answer me. If you have a problem with it, then we talk about it. But you don’t lie, and you don’t evade me. Same goes with me. It’s a measure of trust and respect. Is that clear?”

  “What if you ask something too personal?”

  “Sassy girl, I plan to have my dick in every place you let me, and then talk you into ones you think aren’t okay. Trust me, baby, when it comes to you and me, nothing is going to be too personal.” Fuck, if she knew he planned to lick, kiss, suck, and fuck her in every place and way imaginable she’d probably run for the hills.

  He groaned as her pink little tongue darted out to lick his thumb. “Ah, you’re playing with fire.”

  “Hmm, I think I might like your flames.”

  Keys pressed on her closed lips. “Open,” he ordered.

  Palmer opened for him, sucking his thumb into her mouth, so trusting that he wouldn’t hurt her. Her tongue lashed at the rough digit making him wish it was his dick instead, making him groan as he pulled it back. “I think it’s me who’s gonna get burned, baby.”

  Her blue eyes sparkled. “I might not be very good this.”

  Keys looked at her, then at the open door to the bedroom where they’d put the baby. “Trust me, if you were any better, I’d probably make a fool of myself.”

  “What do you mean? We haven’t—I haven’t—you and I. Oh, lawd, I’m totally bumbling this.” She pressed her face against his chest.

  Keys took one of her hands in his, pressing it against his fly. “Just the thought of being with you has had me hard all damn day. You sucking my thumb, just about made me ready to come in my jeans, Palmer. I can promise you, that hasn’t happened to me since I was a teen.”

  She stood on her toes, tugged on his shirt, trying to bring his face down to hers. “Let’s get something straight before we go any further. I don’t want to hear about you and your escapades with other women. Ever. Are we clear?”

  He gripped the back of her hair in one fist, giving it a slight tug. “Oh yeah, perfectly. I promise there will be no talk of others. In fact, I’m a virgin.”

  Bending, he covered her smiling mouth with a kiss, taking her next breath inside his mouth. There may have been other women, but none meant what Palmer did. He’d never taken advantage of a woman, always made sure he treated them with respect, yet he’d known there was only one who was meant for him. He had never thought she would ever find him, let alone be attainable. Now that he had her in his arms, he didn’t give a flying fuck who his parents were or supposedly were. He had his own money, his own family with the Royal Bastards. They’d become his brothers and now their ole ladies his sisters. With Palmer and Jaxson, they would be his as well. A family he’d never thought to have. A broken boy made whole by the one who had filled all the cracks in his life since.

  “You’re thinking too hard. Am I not doing it right?” Palmer asked.

  Keys realized he wasn’t making sure Palmer was his center. His mind tended to run fifty thousand scenarios at a time. Like a computer, he shut everything down, but the most important one. Focusing on pleasuring his woman.

  “You’re doing everything just right.” He swooped down, one hand behind her legs, lifting her into his arms. “Let’s see if I can convince you just how good you and I can be. If I do anything you don’t like you tell me, and we’ll talk about it.”

  “I noticed you didn’t say stop.” She gasped as he lay her on the bed.

  “That’s ‘cause you gotta trust me. I won’t do anything that isn’t for your pleasure.” Keys leaned over her, taking in the way she looked kinda disheveled but not. He planned to make her totally disheveled in a few minutes. But first he needed to make sure the baby was still sleeping and comfortable.

  “What’re you doing?” Palmer asked, half sitting up.

  He put a hand on her chest between her breast. “Stay right there. I’m just going to make sure he’s comfortable and turn that sound machine on you had me get. Don’t want to wake him with your screams.” He winked. The cot was several feet from the bed and nowhere near any windows because Palmer didn’t want any light to stream in, inadvertently waking him. Keys had the curtains drawn so that wouldn’t have been an issue anyhow, but he’d agreed because of safety. Not that he worried anyone would try to break in since nobody in town knew they were in his rooms, but in his experience, it was best to be safe than sorry.

  The sweet pink blush that stole up her chest and face was one of the prettiest things he’d ever seen. His cock jerked, demanding to be released and give him room. Keys turned the little noise machine on, double checked Jaxson was sleeping, before going back to Palmer. She lay where he’d left her, looking even more sexy than if she’d been completely naked. Of course, he planned to have her without her clothes in short order, but he also wanted to savor this moment. “Fuck, you’re so damn beautiful. I can’t believe you’re here with me.”

  He stood beside the bed, looking down at her.

  “Are you just going to stand there?”

  “If I want to, yes.” But he didn’t. He lifted his arms over his head, grabbed his T-shirt and pulled it off. He felt her eyes on him as he folded it and put it on the chair next to the end table. Next he kicked his boots off, then tugged his socks down. He contemplated ta
king the jeans off, his dick screamed yes, but he knew he’d have zero restraint if he did. Instead he undid the top button, giving himself a little breathing room.

  “I love your tattoos.” She lifted her arm, eyes wide as she reached for him.

  Keys placed one knee on the bed. With only the light from the bathroom shining into the room, they could see each other but the lighting wasn’t harsh, lending a sense of intimacy. A sort of security.

  “I’m glad you do. I’m going to undress you like a present. Got any objections?” he asked.

  Knowing what she’d gone through, he wanted to reassure her before he did anything.

  “No. I hope you’re not expecting a lot.” She put her palms over her breasts.

  He moved her hands, replacing them with his. “I already saw these earlier, remember? Done had my mouth on them too.”

  Hell, he couldn’t get the image of her gorgeous breasts with the red tipped berry nipples out of his mind. Keys maneuvered them both into the middle of the bed with him straddling her thighs. She still had her blouse on, the one with the buttons down the front he’d fantasized about ripping off earlier. “Is this a favorite shirt?” he asked.

  Her eyes went to where his fingers were working the first button open, coming back up to meet his. “No. I mean I like it, but I have several of them. Why?”

  He didn’t answer, his hands pulling the sides apart. The tiny buttons popping off with ease. “Because I didn’t want to fuck with unbuttoning it to get to the good parts.”

  She laughed. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t—” her words were cut off, a moan escaping her throat.

  He just about lost what control he had, and he was known for his iron-will control. His brothers would be laughing their asses off if they knew he was on edge by looking at Palmer, barely undressed with breasts that were engorged due to the fact she was a nursing mother. Yeah, he was not gonna be sharing that info at their next Church.

  For the briefest moment he wished Hoss was his in blood, wished he could’ve been the one sliding his dick into her for the first time and created him with his seed. He knew he’d have made sure she felt only pleasure. Looking down at Palmer and seeing the fear mixed with wonder, he actually wished he was a better man than what he was. She may only be a few years younger than him, but she was centuries in every other aspect.

  He unhooked the front clasp on her bra, her slight hiss bringing his gaze up to her. All his wishes and regrets be damned. There might be some later, hell, who was he kidding, there would be some because he knew he wasn’t good enough, never had been. He’d learned the hard way that regrets were things you couldn’t outrun and just when you thought you’d outrun them, they had a way of worming their way back into a man’s life. Only this time, he was the one pulling the strings. This time, he held the cards and he was damn good at knowing when to hold ‘em and when to call a bluff.

  “Talk to me, let me know what you like or don’t. I’ll go slow if it’s the last thing I do.” His cock was so damn hard, the head poking out of the top where he’d undone his jeans.

  She reached up, gliding her hands over his chest, down his stomach. If he hadn’t been watching, he would’ve missed her slight tremble. Her fingers skimmed over the flared head of his cock, rubbing the precome in. “Palmer,” he hissed, her name a plea and a warning.

  Her hips shifted, breasts pressing into his palms.

  “I want you.” She thrust up.

  Her admission was more than he’d hoped for, more than he could take. He plucked at the tips of her breasts. “Are these too sensitive for me to do that?”

  She nodded.

  “Words, baby.” He gave each tip another light pinch, watching her face. Her face flushed in pleasure.

  “It feels good. Different but good. I know when my milk is ready to come in. I’ve been weening him so they’re not full.” She turned her head away, the flush becoming redder.

  “Baby, look at me.” When she didn’t do as he said, he bent, taking one nipple into his mouth, giving a hard suck. Her cry of pleasure had him letting go with a wet pop. “There’s nothing you and I do that you can’t tell me. Nothing about your body you can’t speak to me about. Nothing. Do you understand what I’m telling you? If you need me to run to the store to buy you feminine products, you tell me. If you like a certain tampon, you say it and I’ll get it. I’m not a pussy who can’t make sure his woman’s needs are met in or out of the bedroom.”

  “But, I’m not. That is...we’re not like that. After you leave here, you’ll go about your life and I’ll be left with a hole in mine.” She blinked, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

  Keys shifted so that he was lying over her, holding his weight on his forearms and legs. “Palmer, I came running back here for two things. One, because your email made me curious, and two, because of you. They both circled back to one common denominator. You. I wanted you when you were fifteen to my eighteen. I knew I’d have you if I stayed and I would’ve ended up in jail if I did, because you were the good girl to my lowlife bad boy. Now, those lines are more than blurred. Hell, if what you say is true then maybe I’m still the bad boy, but I’m not what I was. We got a lot to discuss, but trust me, I want more than one night with you. I want all your nights and days for however long you’ll have me. And that baby over there might not have been created between you and me, but if you’ll let me, I want to help you raise him. I want to be the one to show him how to be a man, how to treat a woman and all the things a boy needs to know. Shit, if he wants to play T-ball I’ll even be his coach.”

  She brought her hands up wiping away the tears that were flowing from her eyes. “You are the only man I want to do all that. Besides, I think you’d look really sexy in a pair of tight white ball pants.”

  Keys rubbed his nose against hers. “There’s no way on God’s green earth I’d wear a pair of those. So, can we get back to the good stuff?”

  Palmer’s brows rose. “I thought we were.”

  He pushed back onto his arms, staring down at her and her naked breasts with the bra still half on. “Nope. You’ve got your pants on and my dick hurts. That means I’ve yet to slide into your wet heat.”

  Her eyes took on a heated longing he couldn’t wait to fulfill.

  “By all means, let’s rectify all that please,” she said in a prim tone.

  Oh yeah, Keys couldn’t wait to get his very proper woman naked and spread for him.

  His eyes roved over her, worshipping every inch, mapping how he planned to savor her. “You’re so beautiful.” He kissed her gently, a light brush of his lips over hers. She softened beneath him just as he knew she would. She may say she was ready, her words demanding he take her, only she had been stiff until he kissed her. He felt her relax, her arms slipping over his chest once again, touching him in exploration, uninhibited.

  He slipped his tongue inside her mouth, dueling with hers. Her sweet strawberry taste reminded him of his favorite dessert; strawberry shortcake topped with fresh whipped cream.

  There was so much he wanted to do. Patience was something he had in spades, yet he didn’t think he could take hours seducing her, not this first time. Next time he promised himself. Sliding his mouth down her jaw, he gave her soft, biting kisses, leaving little marks that would be gone by morning. If he’d been a caveman, he’d have bit a little harder. Not this first time, but every time after he would, ensuring all who saw her would know she’d been claimed, marked as his.

  At her chest, he looked his fill, seeing the veins leading to the cherry red tips. “I loved watching you nurse today.”

  Her fingers sifted through his hair, holding him to her as he sucked one nipple then the other. He licked one tip, taking as much of her inside, pressing it to the roof of his mouth. Her deep intake of air, while gripping the back of his head fueled his hunger.

  “You like that?” he asked against her flesh.

  “Yes. Oh my, yes,” she moaned.

  Keys released her, his hand going t
o the fingers at the back of his head. “I think you’ll like this better. Let go.” He tapped her hand when she didn’t comply.

  “Sorry.” She smiled up at him.

  He was pleased she’d been lost in the pleasure he’d been giving her, unaware of what she’d been doing. Once he was free to move, he trailed his lips down her stomach, tracing the thin silvery lines below her belly button.

  Her denim came down with ease, the panties with them as she lifted her hips. He tossed them over the edge, uncaring where they landed. The thin strip of pubic hair beckoned him, already coated with her arousal. Fuck, she was going to make him come and he hadn’t even gotten inside her.

  “You smell fucking delicious. I need to taste you, baby.” Again, he was telling her what he was going to do, knowing her past experience hadn’t been good. One day he hoped she was secure in their relationship, giving him freedom so he could do what he wanted, how he wanted.

  “Yes please,” she said. Her legs shifting together.

  Keys didn’t need to hear anything else, moving so that he could ease between her thighs, opening her up. Ah, her pussy was so damn pretty, flowering open before his eyes. She was smooth on her lower lips, which he appreciated. He let his eyes look their fill, then meeting her gaze, shocked to see she was watching him, he traced the seam of her pussy with his thumb, moisture coating the digit. With her eyes on him, he brought it to his mouth, sucking her cream off. “Oh yeah, you taste even better than I thought.”


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