Royally Broken (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA)

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Royally Broken (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA) Page 13

by Elle Boon

  PALMER COULDN’T BELIEVE the feelings Keys was invoking in her. Her body was coming alive beneath his, demanding things she had thought were dead. She could feel the restraint he was using. She’d seen the large outline of his dick. Heck, the head had been poking out of the top of his jeans, that monster too big to be contained.

  “What’s wrong, sassy girl?” he asked.

  She looked down, amazed to see he’d maneuvered so that he was now flat on his stomach with his shoulders wedging her thighs open for him.

  “I’ve never you know...” She bit her lip, hating that she was so gauche. He’d probably been with dozens of women who were all experienced yet here she was admitting she’d never had a man eat her out.

  “Ah, I’m glad I’m your first and I’m damn sure gonna do my best to be your last as well.”

  Whatever she might’ve said was lost as he put his hands on her legs, pushing her thighs further apart. His dark gaze going to the most intimate part of her. Jesus, the only other to have been so close had been her gyno, and he who she wasn’t thinking of ever again. He may have been the one to impregnate her, but that was it.

  A warm burst of air sent a shiver through her, bringing her thoughts to the man she loved. His wicked smile sent a delicious shiver through her. “Keys, you are trouble.”

  He grinned. “Baby, I’m the best kind you ever imagined. Watch me lick your pussy and tell me how much you like my brand of trouble.”

  Her gaze was held as he used both thumbs to hold her lower lips open, then he smiled, his tongue came out, licked his lips, and then as she watched, he did a wiggle of that tongue that was almost comical, until he touched her clit with it. Palmer would’ve screamed had she not been acutely aware of Jaxson being in the room.

  Keys didn’t start out slow, his tongue circled and pressed against her engorged clit making the bundle of nerves light up as if it hadn’t been touched in years, instead of just the other night by her own hand and BOB.

  “Oh, dear lord in heaven,” she wheezed.

  “Nah, I’m not a saint.” The words were said against her, but then he pressed one finger inside her vagina, curling just right, hitting something deep within that short circuited every other thought in her mind.

  He didn’t relent his assault with his mouth; sucking, licking, biting, using a skill she was hard pressed to deny she was damned glad he had as she felt her entire body tingle. “Keys, I’m going to come. Oh, oh yes.”

  “Come for me. Let go, sassy girl. I gotcha,” he said.

  She felt another finger enter her, stretching her body even as her orgasm rolled over her. She loved the feeling of being filled, loved him, loved the sensations he was making her feel. Sheer determination filled her to give him the same thing he’d given her once she floated back down, yet he seemed perfectly content to continue to lick her. “Keys, I want to see all of you, too.”

  Palmer tugged on his hair, enjoying the aftershocks of her orgasm. The jolts of his constant licking were sending her perilously close to coming again.

  “You taste fucking divine, baby. I could do this all night and still want more.” His fingers pumped in and out, a third digit joined the other two.

  She winced, a slight twitch of her face yet he stilled.

  “I need to stretch you a bit more before you can take all of me. Even though you had a baby, you’re fucking tight as hell. Shit, did your doctor add a couple extra stitches or what?” He pumped his fingers in and out, his mouth went to her clit and sucked.

  His words should’ve embarrassed her. The only thing she felt was—excitement.

  “Keys,” she moaned, his movements were unhurried.

  With one hand on her stomach, the other buried inside her, he continued his assault. He was ruthless, relentless. Stroking, caressing, fucking her with his fingers, showing her what he planned to do with his body, preparing her to take that monster cock of his.

  Palmer writhed beneath him, her body on fire, the orgasm racing forward without her realizing it was happening. Her hands went back to his hair, digging in, twisting the longer strands. She was unaware of the pain she might be causing him, her body jerking upward when the first coil broke free, her second orgasm washing over her without his demand to do so, her trust in him obviously becoming second nature.

  “Yes, don’t stop. Please,” she begged.

  He shoved her thighs wider, lapping at her, pressing his tongue inside her while his nose rubbed her clit. Long minutes later, she untwined her fingers from his hair, his face lay on her thigh, the bristles from his beard a delicious thrill.

  “I need you, Keys.”

  He sat back on his heels. “Are you sure, Palmer? Once I have you, I’m never letting you go.”

  She lifted her arms, holding them out for him. “You had me at fifteen. You just didn’t know it.”

  Keys shook his head. “Nah, I knew it, I just needed the both of us to grow up. Now let anyone try to take either of you from me. I protect what’s mine, and you and Hoss, you’re mine.”

  He shifted off the side of the bed, carefully easing the zipper on his jeans down. His hiss had her sitting up.

  “Do you need help?”

  “Palmer, if you put your mouth on me, I’ll come down your throat in two seconds flat,” Keys warned.

  “I’m probably not good at it so you’d probably last a lot longer or not like it.”

  He kicked his jeans to the side, moving to stand next to the bed, his dick bobbing in front of him.

  Chapter Nine

  His ears had to be faulty. Yet as he watched his dream woman and her beautiful blue eyes look at his cock as it bobbed in front of her with a look of awe and need, he was nearly unmanned. Her body was marked with small little reminders of him already, little red marks from where he’d licked, sucked, and even where his beard had rubbed against her. Yet, she looked at him and his dick as if she couldn’t wait to take him inside her.

  “Palmer, I have a feeling you’d be the best damn thing I’ve ever had.”

  She knelt up, her firm breasts pressing into his chest. “I want to try, Keys.”

  He couldn’t tell her no dammit. “Alright, but if I come as soon as you wrap those fuck me lips around the head, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Her lips curled in a saucy grin that he filed away as a warning for future times. His little woman was definitely going to be a charmer and a manipulator if he let her.

  “I’m sure you’ve got a fast recovery time. I’m also sure you’ll find something to do to...make it up to me.”

  He wasn’t a fool and didn’t miss the sparkle in her eyes as she wrapped her hand around his dick, the fingers not quite meeting. Damn, she was tiny compared to him. She stroked him slowly, teasing him.

  Keys needed to show her who was in charge, even though he fucking loved what she was doing to him. His own hand wrapped in the back of her hair, fisting a hank of it, tightening a little. “Take the head of my dick in your mouth, Palmer. Lick it like it’s your favorite treat.”

  There was no mistaking the heated gleam in her eyes or the wicked grin that flitted across her face as she bent down and kissed the tip. He let her explore, kissing along the crown, licking the come from the slit. His control came into question when her tongue began swirling over every inch as she opened wide, taking as much of him into her mouth as she could. Dearest fuck, he didn’t think he was going to be able to stand, his knees actually threatened to buckle.

  “Fuck, baby, suck me hard. Relax your jaw.” He held her head, staring down at her with awe as she did as he said, his cock sliding in and out of her mouth. She had perfect bow shaped lips that were stretched beautifully over his dick. Heat flared along his entire body as he watched his cock disappear into her mouth. His head fell back as he pumped his hips a couple times. As he felt the familiar tingle at the base of his spine, he lifted his head, and pulled on her hair to stop her.

  She released him with a wet pop. “Did I do something wrong?”

  He shook his hea
d. “Had you done anything more right I’d have shot my load right down your throat. This first time, I want to be balls deep in your sweet pussy.”

  Before she could protest, he covered her sassy mouth with his.

  Breaking their kiss, he framed her face with his hands. “I love you, Palmer. I want to love you forever until they bury me six feet under, and when they carry me home, I’ll bear all the weight, take all the burden, until I see you again. For even death won’t take me away from you.”

  “That. Oh god, I don’t deserve you, Keys. I feel like I waited forever for someone like you to love me. I love Jaxson. God, he filled my heart to bursting, but there was always this place that felt empty. I didn’t realize I was here, waiting for you to come back, to lift me up and be my other half.”

  “Well, I’m going to fill you up now.” He grinned, lifting her to the center of the bed.

  “Yes please.”

  “You beg so beautifully, sassy girl.”

  He reached for his discarded jeans, grabbing a condom out.

  She put her hand out. “I’m on the shot but if you need to, you know, make sure—”

  He shook his head. “How do you know I’m clean?”

  “Because you’re Keys.”

  Her faith in him was his undoing. “I want more kids with you.”

  “Me too.”

  He moved over her, shifting their legs so that he was between her thighs. “You’re my greatest gift. You and Hoss over there. I’ll move mountains to keep you both with me.”

  She lifted her hips. “How about you start with moving your body downward first,” she teased.

  Looking down at the woman who was his world, Keys marveled at how young and fresh she was next to him. Oh, she was only a few years younger, but he had seen war and death. Hell, he’d seen so much more after leaving the Navy and his SEAL team. Life wasn’t pretty, his world with his MC sure as shit was nothing like the small-town life here in Lionsville. However, it was ten times more authentic. His brothers didn’t fuck around with bullshit. They said what they said, and they meant what they said. “Palmer, when I leave, I want you and Hoss to come with me.”

  He didn’t want to enter her body, take pleasure from her knowing he planned to leave and not know she’d come with him. Keys had zero plans to stick around the place that had no good memories for him.

  “I want to go with you.”

  That was all he needed to hear. He fit his dick to her, watching as he slid inside. “Fuck, you’re so damn tight.” Shit, he closed his eyes, fighting to keep from slamming all the way in.

  “Keys, I’m not a virgin,” she gasped as he pushed another inch in.

  “You may not be a virgin, but you’re tighter than fuck, baby.” He pulled back, loving the way his dick was coated in her cream. “Look at that, see how pretty you’re making my dick?”

  Her hands went to his hips, nails digging in. “I like the way you talk to me.”

  He pulled back, surging forward again, gaining another inch as he moved. “I’m glad you like that because I sure as shit love fucking you. I like seeing your pussy take my cock. I really like the way it’s covered in your sweet cream. I can’t wait to lick you again. Next time I’ll have you sit on my face while you suck me.” He groaned as her hips shifted up, forcing more of him inside her.

  “Keys, oh yes. You’re huge.”

  “You and I were made for each other. Look at that, all the way in. Relax, let your body get used to mine.” He rested on his forearms, sweat beading on his forehead as he held himself over her. She’d taken all of him, her sweet little body hugging him so tightly he wasn’t sure he’d last long.

  “Don’t move just yet, baby.” He stared down at her, his breath coming in unsteady pants. He, who was always calm was coming undone. More tears were pooled in Palmer’s eyes, freezing him. He should’ve been slower, taken more care with her.

  “Damn, I’m sorry, Palmer.” He went to pull out of her.

  “Why?” she asked, wrapping her surprisingly long legs around his hips.

  “You’re crying.” He could usually read people, but shit, he was failing right now when it meant the most to him.

  “Because I’m where I want to be the most right at this moment.”

  Son-of-a-bitch, she was so damn perfect and beautiful. He was broken. He knew that as much as he knew the sun came up in the East and set in the West. Yet this beautiful woman was filling all the cracks making him whole. He didn’t think he’d survive if something were to happen.

  He did the only thing he could without breaking down and bawling like a baby, he kissed her, over and over again, giving her all of himself in each kiss. After what seemed forever, he began to rock his hips back and forth.

  Keys watched her face, making sure she didn’t wince, seeing only pleasure and excitement flitter across her features. If there was one thing he could say, it was he’d never been in a place as sweet and tight as Palmer’s pussy, but he’d refrain from telling her that. She’d told him she didn’t want to hear him mention past experiences, which he understood. No other woman could compare and fuck all if her body wasn’t gripping his so damn tightly, the pure unadulterated ecstasy almost too much for him to stave off his own orgasm.

  He pulled out, taking care to ease back in when all he wanted to do was pound into her body like a madman. He powered back in, ensuring he ground his pelvis against her clit, swiveling his hips in a slow grind. Keys had perfected the art of sex but making love was new. He used every technique he had to ensure she loved what he did, holding his own release back. In and out, grinding down, swiveling hips, all movements set up for maximum pleasure for the both of them.

  The rosy hue to her skin covered with a fine sheen of sweat was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Her litany of breathy moans was the best thing he’d heard. Holding back the need to come was becoming harder as his thrusts became faster.

  “Right there,” she gasped.

  “You like that?” He thrust harder, hitting her clit in a punishing rhythm that excited them both past the point of return. Her pussy began to flutter around his cock just as her eyes widened.

  “Keys,” she wailed, nails raking down his back.

  He was going to be wearing her marks like a badge of honor as he picked up the pace, riding her through her orgasm. The tight clench and release fueled his own body, milking him. He groaned as his cock erupted, flooding her spasming pussy. “Shit yes, take it.”

  Keys continued to thrust after his dick stopped jerking. Palmer’s arms and legs were locked around him, holding him tightly as if afraid he’d leave her. Keys could’ve told her she was stuck with him, like he’d told her earlier.

  “I’ll get up in a second,” he mumbled into her neck, holding most of his weight off of her.

  She squeezed him tighter. “I like you right where you are.”

  It felt incredible being inside Palmer; on top of her. “I’ll suffocate you if I don’t roll to the side. Besides, what if Hoss wakes up?”

  Her swift intake of breath had him pushing up just as she released her hold on him. “He’s still sleeping. You’re screams didn’t even make him stir.”

  She slapped his arm. “You weren’t exactly quiet either, mister.”

  He bent and gave her a swift kiss. “I know. Once I was inside your tight, wet pussy, there was no way in hell I could control myself.”

  Keys gave her another lingering kiss as he slipped from her body. “Be right back.”

  “Where are you going?” she asked, her eyes watching him get up.

  At the bathroom door, he looked over his shoulder. “I’m going to get a washcloth to clean you up. You’ll sleep better.”

  PALMER WONDERED AT her lack of embarrassment. And as he came back several moments later with a washcloth from the bathroom, the monogram from the B&B clearly embossed on it, she had a moment when she thought she should get up and go shower. However, Keys leaned over the edge of the bed, his intent and focus one hundred percent on her. He kisse
d her once, then quick and efficiently he cleaned her, taking great care.

  “Perfect. Now I can get you all dirty again in the middle of the night.” He placed a kiss on her stomach, reminding her of the stretch marks she had there.

  Her hand went over them, hoping he hadn’t noticed them.

  “You trying to conceal something, baby?” Keys tossed the washcloth into the open bathroom door, his big hand removing hers.

  “Whatever do you mean?” she asked, batting her lashes at him.

  “Ah, I do love it when you get all southern belle on me.” Keys kissed the marks on her stomach. “These are warrior stripes. You’re a mama who’s a fighter. I wouldn’t care if your entire body was marked with lines, baby. In truth, when you swell with our next baby, I hope like hell you get a few more. I’ll take great pleasure in tracing each and every one with my tongue. I promise you’ll never have any doubt just how sexy I find you.”

  When he stood back up, his dick standing long and proud, Palmer wondered how the heck the man was already hard. “Don’t men need like reviving time?”

  “I’ve waited years to sink into your body. I guess my dick decided the few minutes it’s been since we left you was enough time. But you can’t handle any more of me right now. You were too tight for what I already did to you.”

  “Don’t you hurt if you don’t, you know?” She pumped her hand up and down.

  The man just shook his head. “I’m not a boy who can’t handle a little hard-on, sassy girl.”

  She moved to sit up, knowing she’d need to put something on for when Jaxson woke up. Being naked in bed with Keys sounded delicious but as a mother, she couldn’t fathom the thought of waking in the middle of the night and trying to dress before going to her son.


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