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Royally Broken (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA)

Page 17

by Elle Boon

  “We got you covered, girl. Let’s go.” King turned back around, strolling back to the SUV as if knowing he would be followed, like he was used to giving orders.

  Palmer noticed his brother stayed outside the vehicle looking around as if expecting trouble.

  “Keys is bleeding,” she muttered.

  “He won’t die. He’s been shot a dozen times. I think he’s on his fifth life.” The one named Duke looked Keys up and down. “Nah, flesh wound. We’ll take care of it on the road.”

  “Climb in, baby. I promise, I’ve lost more blood shaving.” Keys took Jaxson from her so she could get in the Suburban.

  She wasn’t too sure about their assertions but also knew there would be no arguing with any of them. Dragon and Katana had done something to the Langley’s as both men had one each hanging over their shoulders. Blaire’s and Blaine’s arms swung limply back and forth as Dragon and Katana calmly strolled to the sinister looking black vehicle she’d seen earlier. Did all MC brothers only drive black SUVs or motorcycles she wondered lamely?

  Keys handed her Jaxson once she was in, her son babbling happily while she buckled him into the car seat.

  “You’re handling things like a champ, sassy girl.” Keys pressed a kiss to her lips, sliding in next to her.

  “How can you say that when I swear my heart is beating so hard even the man driving must hear it.” She pressed her hand to her chest, taking a deep breath in and letting it out.

  “If you don’t stop looking so damn fuckable, I’m liable to shove you and I both into the backseat while Duke sits up here and babysits Hoss during the drive.”

  His words made her body heat up in longing, but then Duke snorted from the third-row seat.

  She turned to the side; double checking Jaxson was strapped into the rear-facing car seat properly. “Keys, you are going to embarrass me.”

  His hand squeezed her thigh. “Trust me, these three men have seen and done more than you and I could ever do in our entire lives. They are nasty boys,” he joked.

  Traeger raised his right hand, giving him the finger. “I’ll make sure my ole lady knows you think I’m nasty.”

  “Are you married?” Palmer asked.

  Traeger met her gaze in the rearview mirror. “I will be as soon as she says yes.”

  King gripped his shoulder. “She will, you just gotta be patient and if all else fails, sick Ayesha on her. That woman can make a grown man cry and do as she asks.”

  Satisfaction curled around every word he said. She wondered who the woman he spoke of was, but the vehicle they were riding in began slowing. “Where are we going?”

  King turned in his seat. “You and little man there are going to a safe house we’ve procured while we take care of some business. And before you protest that you need to be in on what’s going down, let me tell you that’s not how I handle shit. I’m the President. I’ll tell Keys what’s going on, and if he wants to tell you then he can since you’re his ole lady, but in this I won’t be swayed. You’re a mother with a little boy. Do you want to risk your life or his? Because I’m gonna be real fucking honest, this isn’t brunch with a church group, girl.”

  KEYS WANTED TO TELL King to back the fuck off his woman, but he didn’t. No, he could tell by the look in King’s eyes and the way Traeger was white knuckling the steering wheel whatever had gone down, he wasn’t going to like it. Not that he had anything better to add with the revelations he’d gotten from Thomas fucking Kincaid in the woods. Shit, he still couldn’t believe the fucker had faked his own death. He wondered who they’d killed and who it was that Palmer had buried.

  “Palmer, remember that trust I’d asked you to have?”

  “God, Keys, you don’t ask for much.” She hung her head for a brief moment. “I trust you and your brothers. I don’t know why, when every man I’ve ever known has done nothing but betray me. Still, it doesn’t matter. In my heart I know you’re a good man. I always did. Just don’t make me regret it.”

  “Damn, if we weren’t pulling up to the place where I know I’m leaving you and Hoss, I’d show you just how much I fucking love you,” Keys growled.

  “Yo, keep your sexy proclamations in your pants. We’re here.” Traeger brought the vehicle to a rocking stop outside a house on the outskirts of town.

  Palmer took a deep breath. “Who lives here?”

  “You do for now. We got a few brothers that are gonna stay with you until we get back. You’ll both be safe.” King got out, walking up to the door.

  “Come on, let’s get you two settled.” Keys grabbed the bag she had for Jaxson.

  “We grabbed her other things from your room while you were taking a run through the woods. You left a bit of a mess, but we got you,” Duke said, tapping the seat.

  Keys closed his eyes, knowing he’d need to tell Palmer about Thomas.

  “Explanations after, brother.” Traeger didn’t turn around when he spoke.

  “What’s going on? What mess are they talking about? Is this about who shot you?” Palmer sounded a little panicky.

  He did the only thing he knew would make them both feel better. He kissed her, short and hard, but it worked to silence her. “Baby, I will tell you every motherfucking thing when I get back. I promise.”

  “Keys,” King hollered.

  Thank fuck they didn’t have any neighbors or the man’s shout would’ve woken them. “Hold your horses,” Keys called back.

  Once they had Palmer and Jaxson settled with a handful of Bastards from several other Chapters ready to protect them, Keys, King, Duke and Traeger walked out. Bermuda pulled up on his bike.

  “Damn that’s a thing of beauty,” King remarked.”

  “This old piece of metal”—Bermuda gestured toward the handlebars as he sat staring at them for a moment— “How’s it going?” he swung his leg over the seat, adjusting the bag on his back.

  “What the hell are you doing up here?” Keys greeted Bermuda with a hug, slapping the other man on the back before stepping away.

  “Well, I was out for an early ride and seeing as my friends were in town, I thought I’d stop in for a visit. Your girl in there?” Bermuda asked, his arms crossed over the handlebars of his bike, looking like the dangerous killer he was.

  “Yeah. You wanna ride with us? Dragon and Katana are following.” He nodded toward the black vehicle down the road.

  “Nah, you need an extra eye on your property I reckon.”

  “You know something I don’t?” Keys asked, looking toward the house where he’d left Palmer and Hoss, then back to Bermuda.

  Bermuda lifted a shoulder. “Just a feeling I’ve had that said you needed another friend just in case. Koyn said to mosey on up and stay for a spell. So here I am. Now you go on and get, and rest assured I’ll make sure nobody gets through me to them.”

  Keys lifted his right hand, holding it up and waited. Bermuda slapped his into Keys, solidifying their pact. They might not be in the same Chapter, but they had each other’s backs. “I’ll owe you, brother.”

  “Yeah, you will.” Bermuda fired his bike up, roaring up and around the side of the house.

  “Shit, I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.” King slapped him on the back, getting into the passenger seat without another word.

  It didn’t matter to him what he’d owe Bermuda if the man kept Palmer and Jaxson safe while he was gone.

  “Where are we going, Traeger?”

  “Not far. You probably never went here when you were a boy. We only got the directions when Koyn got those coordinates and we did some digging. MeMaw is safe by the way. She and Palmer will be reunited once we take care of the garbage and, brother, this town is full of the shit.” King’s words were said without heat.

  Keys only heard King talk in a level manner when they were on a mission. This was the leader talking. “You gonna tell me what the fuck you found out or let me be surprised like Carrie was in the horror film? Right about when the pigs blood spilled all over her on stage?” he bit

  They’d moved the car seat to the back, so Duke was sitting beside him, his snort was accompanied by a leg slap. “You gotta admit that was some epic fucking shit, man.”

  “You two ain’t right,” Traeger pointed out.

  “When we went to check on Palmer’s grandmother, the old woman was, shall we say, a little stunned to see such strapping young men. Her husband was out with the boys, she’d sneered that part. Her hand was shaking like she had palsy, man. It was clear she was scared to speak about Granddaddy Old Fuck. We sat her down and explained we were there on behalf of her granddaughter and her great grandson. She had heard through one of her bridge friends that someone tried to kill Palmer. When she’d questioned her husband, he hit her. From the black and blue mark on her cheek, it was hard enough to leave a mark and he didn’t give a shit. She said she tried to get ahold of Palmer but couldn’t reach her. I informed her she was safe as was Jaxson. After that, she spilled a lot of dirty secrets. Secrets she had been forced to keep because they had shit over her head. They are all nasty fuckers,” King turned around, his dark eyes stormy.

  “The entire town or like a handful?” Keys tried to remember if any of the men he’d encountered back in the day, had given him the feeling that he was in danger of being taken or hurt. Sure, the Langley’s enjoyed beating him to the point he’d thought he might die. The things they’d done hadn’t seemed sexual, but again, he was young and inexperienced. Now with a man’s knowledge, they clearly got off on hurting him. It wasn’t a stretch to think they’d done the same to others. His mind scrolled through others in Lionsville who would fit the profile.

  “There’s a lot of folks that were assholes, but fuck, I can’t say who would be sick like that. Of course, I’d never have guessed her granddaddy for a fucking perverted rapist either. It’s gonna break her damn heart when I tell her he’d raped and groomed her own bastard of a husband until he got too old. After that he groomed him until Palmer was old enough to take him as a husband. That was why he was so complacent with what that fucker did to her, even when she’d told him how he’d raped and beat her on their honeymoon.” Keys couldn’t look at the others as he told him what Palmer had gone through, knowing they’d need the information moving forward. He also gave them the details of Thomas stalking him through the woods.

  “Traeger was actually only about twenty feet from the both of you. He heard most of what was said. That’s some fucked up shit, though. It doesn’t excuse what he did, but my question is, how the hell did Palmer’s granddaddy get Thomas? Like, where are his parents?” King asked.

  “Palmer said his mother passed away somewhat recently. There was no mention of his father.” Keys would have to do some digging, but once you started shaking trees lots of leaves fell that could cause a lot of questions.

  “Well, I guess we can ask old granddaddy ourselves I reckon. Oh, and we got us a few other, shall we say, guests to question as well.” Duke rubbed his hands together as if he was excited.

  Keys sat up straighter as they began driving down the road, he’d walked every single day of his youth. “Why are we going here?”

  “Easiest way to get where we’re going. There’s another way in, but that’s the route the members use. This one is hidden. Not that the good ole boys aren’t aware their jig is up, but we thought we’d stop in and pick up an old friend on our way.” King took a deep breath and waited.

  “You saying Claire was aware or part of this shit?” Fuck, he prayed they didn’t drop a bomb on him and say she was his mother or some shit. He didn’t have any blank memories, so he knew he hadn’t been molested as a kid.

  “She was, but not like you’re thinking. You see, good ole Claire...let’s wait until we get to the big house. I can’t believe you never explored back behind the hill and found it that place. I mean, I guess it’s hard to find, what with it being built into the side of the hills and all.” They stopped outside the house Keys had been allowed to live in some nights. He used the word allowed loosely. Mostly, he stayed in the shed off to the side, but upon closer examination he could see the shed was gone and in its place a garage had been built. Looks like the Langley’s had upgraded their digs some.

  Keys thought about the area behind the Langley property. He’d explored a lot but he’d always respected signs of private property when he saw them. No matter what the Langley’s had said, he’d been a good kid.

  He’d been lost in his thoughts and memories and hadn’t noticed the figure carrying another over its shoulder. The back door opened. A thud followed by a slam brought him out of his head. Keys didn’t look behind him, aware the old bitch was back there just over the third-row seat.

  None of them said another word, ignoring the muffled sounds from the very back. The Private Property signs looked newer than the last time he’d been there. Traeger kept driving, the big SUV bouncing along the uneven road where someone had conveniently already taken down the fencing.

  Ten minutes later, they pulled up to a structure that blended into the scenery. Had they not known it was there, they’d have missed it. “Fuck, what kind of place is this?” he asked, opening his door.

  The mountain had been carved out, boasting a three-story glass front home. The pictures Palmer had described came to mind. He hadn’t thought the home could be anywhere in Lionsville because no home had floor to ceiling windows with views of the mountains. That was one image she’d said had stuck out to her, that someone had taken of a victim being abused against the glass, while others stood around drinking. Now he could see it happening in one of the levels in front of him sometime in the past and to think, he had only been down the road while that shit had been going on.

  The sound of other doors opening jarred him. He remembered Claire, the bitch who’d allowed him to be abused, treated him like trash for eighteen fucking years, was in the back, probably wondering what was going on. Keys cracked his neck, walking with a purpose to help Duke get her out. Not that he needed help, but he might need assistance in keeping himself from killing her right then and there, him, not Duke that was.

  He jerked the door open, grasping the potato sack they’d placed over her head as soon as he had placed her on the ground. “I like this little added touch, brother. Gives a little mystery to the unveiling don’t you think. Hello, Claire, long time no see.”

  Her face was lined but she still looked the same with dull grey hair, wire thin and a perpetual scowl firmly in place. “Do I know you? You should be aware the sheriff is a good friend of mine, and so is the mayor.”

  She tossed the names out like they should be scared.

  Keys tugged her head back by the bun she wore. “Bitch, you could know the President of the United States and it wouldn’t save your nasty ass right now. Look around you. You recognize where we are?”

  She grimaced but didn’t cry out. Keys made a note of her reactions. The woman didn’t seem to dislike pain. In fact, if he was correct, she enjoyed it. On instinct, he released his hold, hearing her whimper. Fuck, he felt dirty knowing he’d excited her. “Duke, I think we got a pain slut here.”

  “Is that right? Too bad none of us like nasty old bitches. Koyn and the boys are inside. Let’s see if she likes their version of pain. Bet she don’t. Hell, nobody likes that shit.” Traeger shook his head.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Keys pushed Claire ahead of him, doing his best to keep his hands off of her. No way in hell would he hurt her knowing she’d get off on it. Sick fucking cunt. God, it twisted his guts to know she enjoyed that shit. He had been looking forward to a little comeuppance.

  They stepped onto the path, lights coming on the pathway. Koyn stood by the door smoking a cigarette.

  “Took you four long enough. I see you brought company.” Koyn flicked the ash of his cigarette onto the floor in the entryway.

  “There’s no smoking inside The Domicile,” Claire snarled.

  “Is that what you call this place?” Koyn dropped his cigarette, grinding it into the polished floor.
  Claire tried to drop onto her knees to clean it up, but Koyn put his foot on her chest, kicking her backward. “I didn’t tell you to touch my shit.”

  “She likes pain, brother,” Keys told him.

  Koyn laughed. “Oh, she won’t when we get through with her.” He bent down resting on his haunches, arms hanging over his knees while he looked directly into her eyes. “You see, while Keys was up here having a reunion with his ole lady, we did some digging. You’re a nasty old bitch, aren’t you, Claire Langley? The only reason Keys there made it out of your clutches without being used and well, I’d say abused but you did that to him, just not sexually, was because he was your grandson. Glad to know you did draw the line somewhere.”

  Keys stumbled backward. He’d been so sure knowing who his parents were wouldn’t matter. If his dad was supposedly a descendant to Jack Lions, then his mother would’ve been Claire’s daughter. Why then hadn’t she told him and why did she hate him so? The bigger question was, if all that was true, then why hadn’t she claimed her share of the town?

  “Her daughter died giving birth to Silas. Silas’s father was killed overseas. She agreed to keep the child and the secret of his paternity, if she was given a few things along with her boys.” Koyn looked up at Keys.

  “Why didn’t she kill me too?” Keys asked.

  “If the baby died, she would’ve lost her money,” Koyn said simply.

  Things clicked into place. Their home was modest, but they always had money, they just never gave him anything except the very bare necessities. “Where’s her boys?” he snarled.

  “Bring her on in. Let’s have a real reunion. I believe we got the entire family and extended fam here as well.” King motioned to Keys to follow him.

  They walked further into the house, their boots echoing loudly. He didn’t look at Claire, didn’t care what Koyn did to her as he left her with the other man. She might or might not be his blood, but she wasn’t his family.

  Down a hallway they entered a large room that could’ve been straight out of a BDSM nightmare scene. He and his brothers all were into the scene to a certain extent but what he was looking at wasn’t anything that could be considered safe, sane, and sure as shit wasn’t consensual. “What the fuck?” he muttered.


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