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Royally Broken (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA)

Page 19

by Elle Boon

  “That’s our cue. We’ll see ourselves out. Me and the guys are gonna fly out, but figure it would be better if the two of you don’t disappear right away. What with the townsfolk getting a shake up the way they are. Rest assured, I do believe there’s gonna be a new sheriff in town, since the old sheriff and his boy are both sadly gone,” King said with a weary sigh that didn’t fool anyone.

  Keys stopped kissing Palmer at her gasp.

  “Who’s fixing that election?” Keys asked.

  “When Traeger did a house check there was a couple rooms that had some patrons in the back. I think there will need to be a whole new board of directors.” Disgust showed on King’s face at the news.

  Palmer knew whatever had happened, the town of Lionsville would forever be changed. “Thank you, all of you.”

  “Take care of our brother and that’s thanks enough.”

  She looked up at Keys, smiling through her tears. “I can do that.”

  Two weeks later...

  It took two weeks and a lot of stuff she wasn’t sure how they accomplished, but the town underwent a lot of shifts. Paul Simmons became the sheriff shortly after Sheriff Stroud was found at the bottom of a ravine with the retired sheriff beside him. His cruiser had veered off the road with Claire Langley in the back along with her two grown boys, Blaire and Blaine. The autopsy showed all five had died on impact, crushed skulls making it impossible to ID any of them without dental records. Palmer had a feeling that had been in part to whatever had gone down with Keys and his brothers. He’d asked her not to ask questions and she hadn’t. Trust was easily given when her life and that of Jaxson was no longer in danger. She feared her MeMaw was going to be devastated at the death of her grandfather, but when Keys had told her, the woman who had always seemed fragile stood straighter when they’d given her the news. Of course, nobody told MeMaw how he’d died, but Palmer had a feeling she knew it wasn’t a heart attack.

  “Well, that’s done then. I guess that makes me a widow, doesn’t it?” MeMaw had announced then she smiled, the grin making her look younger.

  Keys nodded, his own smile every bit as infectious. Palmer could see why women loved him. Or at least she did.

  “Alright, I suppose I should organize a funeral. Palmer, would it be bad if we just toss his ass in the incinerator at the funeral home and be done with him?”

  Palmer had looked at her MeMaw, stunned for a moment, then she’d wrapped her arms around her, hugging the woman who had more than likely suffered for years. “I love you, MeMaw.”

  “I love you too, child. Now, go on. I’ll handle everything from here on out. I suspect your man there made sure there wouldn’t be any more issues like we had before. I think I can sleep easier tonight and every night to come. Ain’t that right, Keys?” Her MeMaw looked at Keys with love and respect in her blue eyes.

  Keys opened his arms, taking MeMaw into his big tattooed arms. Palmer couldn’t hear what he whispered to her, but she saw the way her grandmother shook and the tears that she didn’t try to hide as he rocked her in his arms. Keys wiped MeMaw’s cheeks before releasing her. “You go on and rest easy knowing ain’t nobody going to ever hurt you or my family as long as I’m alive. Even if something were to happen to me, my brothers will always ensure you all were safe, Mrs. Coker.”

  IT TOOK THEM LONGER than he’d thought to get Palmer and Jaxson settled in California. Not because she wasn’t ready to leave Lionsville, Missouri, but because her MeMaw insisted they get married before she traipsed across the country with a man who wasn’t her husband. Keys didn’t point out that her first husband had been a bastard groomed by the late Mr. Coker. In truth, he was happy as fuck to have Palmer be his in name and deed. Silas DeMarcus was dead. He may be the descendant to the founder of the town, but that wasn’t who he was. He was Keys Royal and now his woman was sporting his last name as well. The only thing left was for little Jaxson’s paperwork to be finalized. They’d be a Royal family in name and deed.

  Most of the men from The Domicile had been loaded up and taken to Koyn’s Slaughterhouse to be disposed of. They were men that Keys didn’t give two shits if they were missed. They were the bottom of the barrel sadistic fucks who if they had time, Keys would’ve let Koyn and the boys torture a lot longer. As it ended up, Palmers grandfather, the Strouds, and the Langley’s were the only ones that showed up right away, the others were reported missing but never found. Most had gone out on the river it seemed on a fishing excursion or so their wives said. Their boat had not been found nor had they until bones were discovered, a gruesome discovery leading the FBI to find some incriminating evidence of their sick little world. A network that needed to be dismantled that branched out from The Domicile in Lionsville to across the United States. King vowed to find just how and who had put the two twins in touch with Mr. Coker.

  “Why’re you so nervous?” he asked Palmer, her hand twisted in his on his thigh for the fifth time in less than a minute.

  “What if they don’t like me?” Palmer looked behind her.

  Keys knew she was checking the mirror that allowed them to see Jaxson in his car seat. When he was awake, she would climb back there and play with him. Some probably thought it was crazy to make a cross country trip with a baby, but he and Palmer had decided to road trip so they could bring his bike back since King and the others flew back instead of driving. They also needed to be able to bring some of the baby’s things in the U-Haul behind them, which Palmer tried to say she didn’t need but Keys could tell she wanted so he bought more. When he said he wanted her happy and Jaxson to have everything, he really meant half a children’s store was in the back, along with enough women’s shit to start their own specialty shop. He would deny her nothing and she would learn that. He’d have hired a crew to haul more if she’d wanted to bring another truckload.

  “Baby, trust me, they’re gonna love you. Besides, you got an ace in the hole.” He winked.

  “Keys, just because they like you don’t mean they’ll like me,” she said with a little growl.

  He laughed, pulling her hand up to his lips, nipping her knuckles. “That’s not who I meant, although they do love me. No, the ace is in the backseat sleeping. Besides, they’ll love you for you. Now, stop fidgeting or I’ll give your hand something to do.” He nipped her knuckles again.

  “You’re so infuriating you know that?” Her words were said without heat.

  “Keep it up and I’ll put your mouth to work too. My dick is feeling abused.” He brought her hand down to the bulge in his jeans.

  Palmer wiggled her hand out of his, rubbing up and down the outline. “Oh, you poor thing. He’s been so neglected. If you weren’t driving, I’d help you out.”

  Night had already fallen, their next stop less than twenty miles down the road. Keys groaned, wishing he could pull over and let her do just that. “I’ll let you once we get to the hotel tonight.”

  When they finally reached California, Palmer was a ball of nerves. Keys didn’t know what to do to make her relax. Hell, he’d fucked her into exhaustion. He’d even slipped his hand up her skirt a few miles before they made the turn off to the road leading to the MC property, strumming her clit until she’d come all over his fingers. He’d licked her sweet juice off the two digits he’d shoved up her pussy as she came, wishing he could’ve pulled her on his lap, but Hoss chose to wake right after she floated back down.

  “Tonight, I’m going to fuck you long and hard. I might let you out of my bed to eat, but that’s it. I’ll take care of Hoss when he’s not feeding, but you are going to be in my bed, naked and spread for me whenever I need you,” he growled.

  Palmer blushed. “I can’t believe you just did that. They’ll know what we just did.”

  Keys laughed. “We didn’t do shit that they ain’t done and more. Climb back there and see what Hoss needs. We’re pulling in. If I’m correct, we have a couple hours before I’ll get a call to bring you over to meet everyone.”

  Keys pulled the big SUV up to his garag
e, wondering what Palmer would think of the home he’d had built on the land King and the MC owned. Sure, it was his, but they were all a big fucked up family as well.

  “Wow, this is...stunning.” She leaned between the seats, holding Jaxson now that they were stopped.

  “I’m glad you like it. Come on, let’s go meet my babies.” He’d told her about Maui and Moana and the puppies.

  The door to his house opened. Cosmo and Dai-tai coming out. The smaller woman stayed close to Cosmo. “Hey, brother. How was the trip?”

  “Good. Glad to be home. How were things here?” Keys held his hand out, shaking Cosmo’s hand, then pulled his friend in for a backslapping hug.

  “Good. Your babies are good company. Ayesha’s claimed one so there’s that. We just finished filling up their dishes. Maui’s still a dick, but he likes us. Hey, I’m Cosmo, this is Tai.”

  Keys noticed Tai kept her eyes down and didn’t look at them. “Hi, Tai. How’s it going?”

  “Thanks for letting us stay here while you were gone.”

  “Hi, I’m Palmer and this is Jaxson. He’s getting fussy because he needs a diaper change and to be fed.” Palmer lifted their son up, sniffing his butt.

  “Whew, I’m glad he waited til we got here to do that. Where you two off to?” Keys asked.

  Cosmo put his arm around Tai. “Down to the clubhouse. You guys coming down later?”

  Keys nodded. We’re gonna get settled and stuff first.”

  His friend smiled, looked at Palmer then nodded. “See you in a little while, brother.”

  “Nice to meet you, Tai,” Palmer said.

  Tai smiled.

  Keys took his family inside, helping Palmer change Jaxson, which was something he actually enjoyed. He could hear his babies whining in the garage but wanted to take Palmer to meet them with him. Together, the three of them went through their house, Palmer kept saying wow. He wasn’t sure how many times he’d told her she could change whatever she wanted until finally his woman stopped before the garage door. She put her hand on his chest, a scowl on her face.

  “Keys, I’m fully aware you’ll let me change anything and that you want me to be happy. I’ll be happy as long as you are and if you will stop worrying. Now, let’s meet your babies.”

  He pushed the door open, putting his body in front of hers. He couldn’t believe how big the puppies had gotten. Moana stopped licking one of the pups, turning at his entrance. Maui growled.

  “Hey, stop that,” he ordered. Both dropped their heads. “Come here. I want you to meet someone,” he said softly, snapping his fingers.

  Maui was the first to come over, sniffing his hand. His big head butted against Keys leg, then he began wiggling like a puppy, begging for affection. Keys used both hands, babbling words to him. He heard Palmer giggle behind him. “He’s a big ole teddy bear,” he reassured her.

  “Oh, I can see that.”

  Moana came next, butting Maui out of her way. Palmer dropped her hand next to Keys letting both dogs smell her. Keys stayed next to her. “This is Palmer and Jaxson. These are my people, guys. Aren’t they pretty?” he spoke to the animals while he scratched Moana like he’d done Maui.

  Maui rubbed his big head against Palmer in a softer manner than he had to Keys. “Eeep,” Palmer said.

  “See, he likes you.” Keys put his forehead on Moana’s. “Did you miss me while I was gone, girl?”

  Moana shook her head then sneezed.

  Palmer laughed as Keys wiped his face. “You’re gonna need a bath, Mister.”

  They met the puppies under the watchful eyes of both big dogs, then went back inside. Palmer fed Jaxson while he took a shower.

  Keys looked at Palmer as she pulled her shirt back down. “Why are you doing that?” he asked.

  She looked up, stared at his body then his face. “Do what?”

  “Covering up. I like looking at your breasts. In fact, I want to look at your body right now without anything blocking my view of it.”

  Jaxson was settled in the baby bed that had already been set up before their arrival, the baby monitors on. Keys was prepared like always.

  Palmer stood up from the chair in the nursery. “Why, I do declare, Mr. Keys. That is quite scandalous.”

  Keys moved, picking her up into his arms, covering her lips with his. His sassy girl was going to learn just how scandalous he could be. He walked out of Jaxson’s room, taking Palmer down to the master suite, placing her next to the bed. With careful movements, he eased her top off, then the bra followed by the skirt and panties she wore. “Fuck, your perfect. I don’t know how I got so lucky to be your man, but I’ll do everything to make sure you never regret agreeing to be mine.”

  Palmer put her hand over his lips. “Dear lawd, Keys. I have enough skeletons in my closet I might as well start a Conga line with them. It’s you who is the perfect one. I mean look at you, then look at me. I’m far from that, Keys. But you married me, my MeMaw made sure of it.” She smiled up at him, tracing her fingers around one of his nipples.

  “Ah, she sure did. I’ll have to be sure and send her some flowers on a weekly basis to say thank you. Fuck, that feels good.” His dick jerked each time she scraped her nail across his nipple.

  “You like that?” she asked before placing her lips where her nail had been, sucking and biting like he did to her.

  Keys weaved his hands into her glorious hair, letting her do as she pleased. For a moment.

  With a little pressure, he eased her down, wanting to feel her lips around him. He loved the sound she made as his dick slid into her mouth. That little hum of delight was a testament to the fact she enjoyed what she was doing. He let her set the pace, allowed her to lick him like her favorite treat for a few minutes, allowed her to get her mouth used to his size. After another minute he began to pump his hips, his dick so hard he needed more. Until the head of his dick was hitting the back of her throat, only to retreat all the way out and feel the cool air kissing his flesh. The silky feel of her hair tickled his thighs each time she shifted, taking him back inside her mouth again and again.

  Keys hips flexed, moving back and forth faster, taking over when he was unable to allow her the control any longer. His hands held her head in place as he bumped the back of her throat and held it there. “Relax for me,” he groaned.

  Palmer looked up at him, trust shining in her gaze as she did what he asked. Fuck, he could come just looking at her like that. With one hand holding her head, he used the other to grip the base of his cock so he didn’t go too deep, knowing she couldn’t take all of him. He waited until he felt her body go soft, then he began to move, her confidence in what she was doing showed as she began to bob her head with him. He couldn’t hold back the moan of pleasure. He picked up the pace of his flexing hips, letting his cock slide in and out of her mouth. Palmer’s mouth was like heaven as she licked and sucked him.

  “Touch yourself while I come. I want to see you come when I do,” he told her.

  Her fingers moved down between her legs. He wished he could see how wet she was, but then he heard her moan and knew she was as turned on by what they were doing as he was.

  The first tingle in his spine had him groaning. “I’m going to come down your throat, sassy girl. I want you to swallow for me.”

  She blinked, then her cheeks hollowed out, driving every sane thing he had in his head away as his come spurted from him. She swallowed around him, drinking him down. “Fuck yes,” he said.

  He pumped until his cock was empty. Palmer continued to lick him until he hooked his hands under her arms, pulling her up his body, kissing her, claiming her in a hard kiss with the taste of him still on her lips. He reached between their bodies, strumming her hardened little clit, feeling how slick and wet she was. “You ready to come, baby?”

  “Yes please,” she gasped.

  He pushed two fingers inside her, watching her as he pumped in and out then stopped. She whimpered. Keys lifted her up, placing her on the center of the bed. “I got you
.” No sooner had he spoke before he was next to her, pushing his fingers back inside, silencing her with another kiss. He pressed the heel of his hand against her clit with every stroke, making her squirm and cry out as she rushed to a climax within moments.

  “You’re so damn beautiful when you come, Palmer.” He kept his eyes locked on her face as he continued to fuck her with his fingers, loving the languid look on her face, the rosy hue that covered her body, memorizing everything about her. Already his dick was getting hard again.

  “I want to feel you in me, Keys,” she protested.

  “You will. I like watching you come. Let me see you do it one more time,” he murmured.

  He moved between her legs, smiling as she widened them without him asking. He worked another finger into her, skillfully moving them in and out, curling them against the spongy part of her that would send her tumbling over the edge again. Her little pussy began to clench and release, making him smile a completely satisfying grin that made the caveman in him want to beat his chest as she began to shudder and moan. Her quiet little moans weren’t what he wanted, but he’d make sure when he got his dick in her, she gave him more.

  “Come on, baby. Give it to me.” He latched onto her clit with his lips. Her hips jerked upward, a hoarse scream leaving her throat.

  His little sassy girl clawed at his shoulders as she came down. He continued to lap at her sweet cream, stroked her through the orgasm before moving up her body, fitting the head of his dick to her opening. “Open your eyes, Palmer.”

  As he rubbed his dick back and forth, her sated blue eyes stared up at him, he never looked away as he slid home, deep inside Palmer Royal. She arched her back, her hips angling perfectly so she could take all of him. He pulled out, then pumped back in harder, deeper. With every thrust they moaned together, each beyond words, focused solely on one another. Keys didn’t think he’d ever find anyone that would be his, one that would accept all of him and who he was, but Palmer knew him. She accepted the man he was and where he’d come from. Now, she was in his arms, his bed, his life.


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