Academy of Beasts XXX

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Academy of Beasts XXX Page 2

by Becca Fanning

  “Oh, be quiet, sourpuss the second.” Enrique scowled at Ren. “Look, by tonight he’ll feel better. Fiona is going to go talk to him.” He grasped my shoulders and turned me towards the stairs. “And she’s going to use her sweet feminine charm―”

  “What sweet feminine charm?” I stared at him with horror.

  “The one that you have,” he continued, “to talk him out of his misery and into attending our little get-together.”

  I sighed. “I’ll try.”

  “Good. Go on and talk to him then.”

  Making my way up the stairs, I glanced back at the guys. They all gave me encouraging smiles, and Theo gave me a thumbs up. Rolling my eyes, I stomped to Dracus’ office. I knocked. No answer.

  “I thought we’d talk in my room.” I yelped and spun around. Dracus leaned on the wall, arms crossed.

  “Oh, of course. Lead the way.”

  My heart galloped the entire way to Dracus’s quarters. Staring at his back, a mental battle ensued. Tell Dracus everything or to not tell Dracus everything? I knew he was wondering what was going on with me. It wasn’t fair to leave him in the dark. Still, Demetrius’ words replayed in my mind. No, would Dracus believe me if I told him Demetrius was innocent and the only proof I had was a vision?

  I stepped into Dracus’ room, and the sound of the door closing made me flinch. The little courage I’d garnered during the walk through the hallway vanished.



  We both went quiet. “You first,” I encouraged. I needed a few seconds to find back my courage.

  He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Fiona, I’ve been racking my brain since the end of Demetrius’s trial yesterday.”

  I gulped, fully expecting him to tell me he knew about my secret meeting with the man.

  “Have I done something wrong?”

  My jaw dropped. “What? No. Why would you ask that?”

  “You’ve been distant since yesterday. I told you we only had one more night...” He rubbed the back of his neck, and a hint of color appeared in his cheeks. Surprising since Dracus wasn’t the blushing type. “And you...ghosted me.”

  I almost choked on my saliva. “I what? Where did you learn that?”

  The hint of color in his cheeks brightened. “I listen to you and the others. I’m only a few years older than the rest of you, Fiona. I’m not ancient.”

  If I wasn’t so worried about his reaction when I came clean about the things I’d been hiding, I would have laughed. “I didn’t ghost you.”

  “When I mentioned only having one night alone before coming back here, I was dropping a hint. I wanted to spend the night with you. But, you were acting so strange after the trial, then you disappeared into your room. When I came to check on you, you didn’t answer.”

  Nibbling my lower lip, I gazed at him, wondering if my guilt was printed on my face. I didn’t answer because I wasn’t there. I’d snuck off to see Demetrius.

  Dracus sighed. “You seemed out of it this morning and during our trip back here. You barely said a word to me. You not chatting my ears off, making some joke, being sarcastic or a little dramatic... concerns me.”

  My heart turned to a puddle. “Oh, Dracus. You didn’t do anything wrong.” I did. I was a horrible liar. A sucky friend and an even worse girlfriend. “Is that what you’ve been worried about this entire time? I thought you were upset about your father and brother.”

  “I am but I was worried about you too. You seem different and I feel like it’s my fault. I asked too much of you. I brought you to the trials and it was too much for you. I understand if you’re upset with―”

  Grasping his collar, I pulled him to my level and kissed him. Only when I felt him relax did I break contact. Dracus blinked. His dazed look and slight grin were so adorable.

  “What was that for?”

  “To show you that you didn’t do anything wrong. Going home with you for the trials was no problem. I wanted to be there for you, Dracus. And I enjoyed our alone time together. I would have loved to spend last night with you but I felt so bad…” Gods. I couldn’t do it. I had the perfect moment, and I chickened out.

  “About what?”

  “Er… I was a little stressed about coming back here because…” I swallowed. “Priscilla! I mean, I was nervous―I am nervous about seeing her.”

  Dracus sighed. He looked relieved, and my guilt mounted. Was I the worst or what?

  “I forgot that you two had a fight.”

  “, the guys want you to come to the party tonight. If you consider just the five of us a party?”

  “You guys can go ahead and have fun. I have work to catch up on.”

  “Dracus. Give yourself one more night before you return to your workaholic ways.”

  “I’m way behind―”

  “On enjoying your youth?”

  His brows dipped into a scowl, and I giggled. “Come on, the guys put it together for you.”

  “I’m pretty sure they did it for you. They missed you and you should spend some time with them.”

  “No, Dracus, they’re making an effort to distract you from your recent loss because you’re not only their colleague but their friend. They’re all worried about you. At least make an appearance to comfort them a little.” I playfully punched his arm. “Maybe you can even crack a smile or two.”

  His lips tugged at the corners. “Fine. Are you sure you’re alright, though?”

  “Yes.” Not at all. I couldn’t believe I chickened out. Maybe I could tell him tonight after the get-together the guys planned.

  Chapter 3

  I closed my room door and sagged against it with a loud, drawn-out sigh. Eyes closed, I mentally berated myself― for the hundredth time―about not coming clean to Dracus. Soon, it wouldn’t be about just telling him about Demetrius. I had to tell the rest of the council members about my little problem...if it could be considered a problem. Was hearing the voice of a supposed ghost, seeing her from time to time really all that bad? I laughed out loud at the thought. It certainly wasn’t normal. Then there were the other dreams hinting at some great mystery I had yet to figure out.

  Sighing again, I opened my eyes and made contact with a pair of icy blues. Ren lounged in an armchair beside the window, watching me with curiosity. My heart only jumped once. I was getting accustomed to the guys sneaking up on me and invading my privacy. Pretty soon, I wouldn’t react to finding one of them in my personal space at all.

  “Ren. Why am I not surprised?”

  “Because I’m a creature of habit?” His lips curled upwards. “When it comes to you.”

  Still leaning against the door, I studied him, trying to gauge if he saw too much on my expression when I walked in. The last thing I wanted was for him to ask questions. His expression was guarded, however. Typical. Only his eyes showed a hint of something. The way he watched me heated me to the core.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Not once did his gaze waver. “I came for a proper greeting.”

  “You already welcomed me back.”

  “That was hardly the way I wanted to do it. Unlike Enrique, I’m not one for too much public show of affection.” He unfolded from the chair and took slow steps towards me. Now, I can really show you how happy I am that you’re back.”

  Butterflies ran amok in my stomach with each step he took. Stopping, he loomed over me. With a wolfish grin, he lowered his head to give me a kiss that almost melts my insides. It was a good thing I had the door as support; else, I would have slid to the floor. My suddenly weak knees were dangerously close to giving way. When he lifted his head, his eyes twinkled with humor.

  “That’s more like it,” he murmured.

  Disappointment rose in my chest and I pouted. “That’s it? One kiss?”

  A smile slowly lifted his lips, softening his otherwise somber features. “I would offer more if I wasn’t itching to find out what’s wrong with you.”

  My heart sank. Damn. If
anyone could instantly pick up that something was bothering me, it was Ren. He watched me like a hawk. Mostly, the attention was sweet and flattering. When I was trying to hide something, though, it was annoying. Heaving a sigh, I pushed myself off the door and ducked under his arm. “Nothing is wrong with me.” Lifting my arms, I did a three-sixty. “As you can see my ever-watchful wolf, I made it back from the dragon kingdom in one piece.”

  He gave me a once-over. “Not mentally, it would seem.”


  “I’m just worried. Were the trials too much?”

  I growled and dove onto my bed. It felt good to be back in my room. My private domain that the boys persisted to invade. That made me glower in Ren’s direction but he only smirked, walked over, and nudged me over. Sitting beside me, he peered down at me.

  “Have I ever told you how you are when you’re annoyed?”

  I glared harder. “Have I ever told you that you should stop inviting yourself into my bedroom?”

  “You like it.” His arrogance grated on my nerves yet, I couldn’t deny that I did like it.

  “Shut up,” I grumbled. His satisfied smile made me roll my eyes.

  “Talk,” he said.

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Please. You know you can tell me anything, and I’d like to stop worrying.”

  “You worry too much.”

  His lips twisted wryly. “Maybe. But it’s only because you’re...well, I’ve lost my entire family. You and those chuckles that I currently live with are all I have left.”

  I couldn’t help laughing. “I’m sure the rest of the council wouldn’t take kindly to being called chuckleheads, Ren.”

  He shrugged, restrained laughter evident in his eyes. “I meant that in the most endearing way.” All amusement vanished. “I worry about all of you but mostly you.”

  “Because I’m the girl? The weakest link.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Not this again. How many times do we all have to tell you―”

  “I’m an equal member of this council. Yeah, yeah, I know.” It was just hard not to feel otherwise sometimes.

  “It’s just that you’re more than a council member to each of us.” He shrugged. “So, sorry if we get a little overprotective.”

  “A little? Now, that is what is called an understatement.”

  He lifted a brow, his demeanor totally unapologetic. “Did something happen back in the kingdom? You seemed troubled when you got back.” His eyes moved over my face. “You still do.”

  Rubbing my eyes, I let it all out because all the secrets practically had me bursting at the seams. “It’s Demetrius. I spoke with him.”

  Ren’s expression hardened, and the warmth in his eyes vanished. “What do you mean you spoke with him? Alone?”

  Sitting up, I turned to face him. “Yes. What’s the big deal? He was behind bars.”


  “For the last time, I can take care of myself.” Pointing an angry finger at him, I hissed, “If you can’t reserve judgment until I tell you everything, you’ll get nothing more out of me.”

  His mouth clamped shut, and he exhaled slowly as if gathering his patience. “Fine.”

  Hands clasped tightly in my lap, I began. “Dracus told me to stay away from Demetrius but I wanted to see him to ask him why he’d do something so treacherous. I mean, he was responsible for the students here, and he brutally killed one of them. He asked me for help,” I glanced at Ren, “to prove his innocence.”

  Ren’s brows dipped in a severe scowl. I heard a suspicious rumble in his chest as if his wolf was close to the surface. “And you told him to shove it. Right?”

  “At first. During his trial, he maintained his innocence. I’m sure everyone thought he was crazy. But I went back to see him and I saw the truth. He is innocent, Ren.”

  He jumped up and began to pace. “No way. Fiona, please don’t tell me you allowed that murderer to manipulate you. You’re too smart for that.”

  I folded my arms across my chest defensively, trying not to feel offended. “He didn’t manipulate me. That’s what I thought he was trying to do at first. You know, maybe he thought I was easy to fool. But that wasn’t the case. He showed me what really happened.”

  “Yeah? How did he do that? Draw you a fucking picture?” His voice had deepened to almost a growl, and I knew it was his wolf losing its temper.

  “Ren! I’d appreciate it if you remain calm and listen.”

  He pulled in a deep breath and sat back down. “I’m sorry. The thought of you anywhere near that treacherous bastard sets me on edge.”

  “I know but hear me out. You know how I’ve discovered that I can see visions of past events?”

  He nodded.

  “I touched Demetrius and saw everything that happened on the roof with Daniel. Dante used Demetrius’s body to commit murder. Now, Demetrius is going to die. It isn’t fair,” I wailed, “he’s innocent.”

  The silence that ensued stretched so long, I started to squirm. Ren stared at me with something like disbelief with a hint of irritation in his eyes. “Are you serious? You mean to tell me, you actually believe that?”

  “I saw it.”

  “He could have easily shown you what he wanted you to see.”

  Yeah, Dracus had mentioned that Demetrius was a powerful enough warlock to play those tricks. “I know that’s a possibility but I feel it in my gut. He’s innocent. Since I can’t rely on my vision alone, I’ll need to get more proof, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

  Ren was outraged. His expression remained cool, he didn’t say a word or move a muscle, but I felt it. Fury radiated off of him in waves as he stared at me as if I’d suddenly grow two heads. I was impressed by his restraint when he only clenched his jaw and bit out, “I’m assuming Dracus has no idea about any of this?”

  Handing my head in shame, I shook it. “No. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him. I was afraid he’d hate me for entertaining the thought of Demetrius’s innocence. He’ll see it as a betrayal.”

  “You have to tell him.”

  “That I’m trying to free the man he thinks killed his younger brother? Easier said than done.”

  “He doesn’t think anything. Demetrius did the crime.”

  “I just told you what I saw.”

  “And I’m not buying it.”

  We were glaring at each other, and I literally felt tempers rising, so I backed off. A fight with Ren or anyone was the last thing I needed. I was stressed enough. “Which is why I need more proof. You don’t buy. I’m sure no one else will. I was thinking of bringing it to Dracus after I’ve gotten sufficient proof.”

  He shook his head vehemently. “Not cool. You have to mention it to him now.”

  “I tried. I really did. It’s just so hard,” I whined. “I don’t want him to hate me.”

  “He won’t hate you. He’ll be super pissed but he’d never hate you.”

  I snorted. “You didn’t see how he reacted when I simply mentioned possibly talking to Demetrius.”

  “Still, you can’t keep it from him.”

  “I know. Don’t you dare say anything. Give me a chance to say something. I’m thinking tonight during or after the party. You know after I get a few drinks in him.”

  Ren only lifted a brow in response.

  Chapter 4

  Despite the worry that loomed over my head about having to come clean to Dracus aside, I was enjoying the party the guys put together. It was only the five of us, but the entertainment factor was sky-high. Enrique was in the center of the living room, showing us every dance move he’d picked up from the human world. The robot was probably the most amusing. Dracus watched on in horror, and I had to stifle my laughter.

  “Please, tell me that isn’t actually dancing in the human world.” He scoffed and turned to me for an answer.

  “ all fairness to the robot, Enrique is totally butchering it.”

  He rolled his eyes and down the rest of the content in his
glass. “See why I could never fit in there?”

  “We don’t all dance like that Dracus, honestly.” He gave me a dubious look and I chuckled. “Enrique,” I shouted over the music, “please stop, you’re making humans look bad.”

  Theo roared. “He’s making every species look bad.” He then proceeded to boo Enrique off of the makeshift dance floor.

  Enrique threw him a dirty look and straightened his jacket. I found it funny that he saw the need to dress to the nines at a house party of only five. “Come, Fiona, let’s show them how well we move together. If there’s one dance I won’t butcher is the salsa. Que the music, DJ.”

  Jasper glanced up from the book he was reading, rolled his eyes, and changed the music to something with a Latin undertone. He was so over Enrique’s antics.

  I held up both palms and gazed at him with horror as he came closer. “No way. I’m not going on to the dance floor with you.”

  He took my hands and hauled me to my feet.

  “I know you remember our trip to New York.” he wiggled his brows.

  I did. But I felt more comfortable dancing in front of strangers, not the guys. Glancing back at Dracus, I mouth, help. He grinned and shrugged. “I’d love to see how well you move.”

  Theo whistled his agreement. “Let’s see you shake it, Fiona.”

  My face heated. “I will not be shaking anything…” I gasped when Enrique spun me around and pulled me back in. I did a perfect twirl without even realizing it.

  “See, Princess? All you have to do is trust me. I handle your body so well.”

  His suggestive smile made my face scorch even hotter. Gods. All the guys in one room like this was just... too much. I relaxed a little as Enrique led me through a salsa. If he wasn’t so great at leading, I was sure I would have tripped over my feet a few times. In the end, even Ren applauded.

  “You’re such a show-off, Enrique,” Theo grumbled.

  “Green isn’t a nice color for you, my friend,” Enrique returned.

  “I’m not jealous, you dick.”

  “You’re brimming with it.”

  “Am not.”


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