Academy of Beasts XXX

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Academy of Beasts XXX Page 3

by Becca Fanning

  Heaving a sigh, I extracted myself from Enrique and left him and Theo to their childish bickering. “Will they ever grow up? I asked, dropping back beside Dracus.

  “It doesn’t look like it.”

  I snickered and he smiled, draping an arm around my shoulder. The move surprised me a little, but I didn’t comment. Dracus was usually more reserved in public, especially with any show of affection. Tonight, he seemed more relaxed. Like a normal college senior kicking it back at a party. I couldn’t help but notice that he was a little different in his interactions with me since we left his kingdom. We did connect a little higher on the intimacy meter, so I guess it made sense.

  “Are you having fun?” I gazed up at him with a smile.

  “This whole ridiculous party scene isn’t so bad. But I suppose I’m only comfortable because it’s just the five of us.”

  “Maybe this is a stepping stone for you coming to the next big campus party.”

  He winced and I laughed. “Why do you look so disgusted by the idea?”

  “Those big social scenes aren’t my thing.”

  “But, you’re a prince. I’m sure you’ve been to plenty of extravagant soirees.”

  He scowled. “I’ve had to suffer through my fair share, yes.”

  I giggled. He made it look like attending a party was cruel and unusual punishment. “What if I asked you to come to the next campus party? For me? Would you come?”

  Wearing a small smile, he shrugged. “I suppose I could be persuaded to attend.” The sexual suggestion in his tone couldn’t be any more obvious. Lips parted, I gaped at him. I had to admit, I liked seeing Dracus like this. Although, I was pretty sure that by morning, he’d be back to drill sergeant mode. Still, this was progress.

  “Good to know.”

  Catching me off guard, he lowered his head to graze my lips with his. I sucked in a breath. “I hope you don’t mind,” he hummed. “I couldn’t resist.”

  Swallowing, I shook my head, lost in his mesmerizing gaze. “I don’t mind at all.” When I glanced around the room, everyone stopped to stare. Jasper’s book had fallen out of his hand, Theo’s mouth hung open, Enrique was smirking. Why he looked so proud, I had no idea. Ren’s expression just remained...very Ren. Totally unreadable. Instinctively, my powers flared, searching for any anger or jealousy. There was only surprise. I knew what everyone was thinking: what in the world had gotten into Dracus?

  I could feel heat spreading to my entire body. Being the center of attention like this was uncomfortable. Dracus’ smile faded when he realized the others were staring. One warning scowl and everyone turned away to continue doing what they were doing before the shocking kiss. I pursed my lips to hide my smile. Apparently, Dracus was very good at showing his softer side while still maintaining his valued authority.

  “I apologize, Fiona. I didn’t realize everyone would be so interested in one kiss. Annoyance resonated in his tone, and I chuckled. “It isn’t the kiss, Dracus. It’s the person giving it. You don’t usually do things like front of the others.”

  One corner of his mouth lifted into a half-smile. “Maybe I’m drunk.”

  I laughed. Seeing him like this was good. Maybe now was the time to break the news about Demetrius. If he was in a good mood, chances are he wouldn’t completely bite my head off.

  “What’s that look for?” He asked.

  “I was hoping we could go somewhere quiet to talk.”


  As if the universe was doing everything possible to prolong my guilty suffering, Enrique hopped over the back of the couch and landed beside me. “Would you look at this, Princess? Sandwiched between me and Dracus. Very appropriate, don’t you think?”

  Covering my face with a hand, I groaned. “Enrique now is not the time for your sexual innuendos. Right Dracus?” I glanced at him for support, only to find him smirking.

  “He does make a good point.”

  I gasped. “Gods, maybe you really are drunk.”

  Enrique roared and clapped Dracus on the shoulder over my head. “I knew you had it in you to let loose. I’ve never been prouder.”

  I felt my blush as if a fire was lit under my cheeks. “What do you want, Enrique?” He’d interrupted my chance to make things right. Although, I couldn’t blame him. It wasn’t like he knew I had a deep dark secret to get off my chest. If I didn’t tell Dracus soon, it would never happen because the courage and nerve I’d built up were fleeting by the hour.

  “I thought now was a good time to ask Dracus about the trials. We’ve all been dying to ask but he didn’t look to be in the talking mood when you guys arrived.” Enrique peered at Dracus. “He seems to have relaxed quite a bit. I mean, he’s tonguing you in front of all of us and everything.”

  “It was hardly tonguing,” Dracus growled, with a seething glare directed at Enrique.

  Shaking my head, I looked skyward. If I didn’t know that they were actually quite fond of each other, the way they butted heads sometimes, I’d be worried. “I’ll leave you guys alone to talk then.” Scooting forward, I got up.

  Enrique held on to my hand. “Where are you going, Princess? We like having you close. Don’t we, Dracus?”

  “Leave her alone, Enrique. I’m sure she doesn’t want to relive the details of the trials.”

  “Yeah, I was there. I already know what happened.” Mostly I just wanted to get away before my guilt started to show. I strolled over to the table where there were snacks and punch lined out.

  Theo and Ren had moved closer to Dracus to ask questions about the trials too. Their heads were all close together, and they spoke in hushed tones.

  “Stress eating?”

  I jumped and turned to Jasper with an annoyed frown. “One of these days, my heart is going to fail.” I was seriously considering getting all of the guys' tap shoes so I’d always know when they were approaching. “And no, I’m not stressing eating,” I mumbled with a full mouth. I was totally stress eating.

  Jasper lifted a knowing brow. “Everything okay?”

  “Peachy, Jasper, just peachy. Why aren’t you over there for the gory details of the trials?”

  “I already know the gory details. Dracus and I discussed it before the party.” He looked around and grimaced. “If you want to call this a party.”

  “Let me guess, your idea of a real party consists of classical music, a ballroom, and waltzing.”

  “You know me so well,” he grinned.

  Shaking my head, I chuckled. Jasper was right behind Dracus in the old-soul-stuck-in-a-young-person’s-body department. “So, you and Dracus had a chat, huh? You two are always up to something, aren’t you?” I peered at him with narrowed eyes, thinking about what Demetrius had revealed. Jasper and Dracus had consulted with him, a supposed dangerous prison, about my powers. Yet, Dracus practically blew a fuse when I mentioned meeting with him.

  “What’s that look for?”

  “What look?”

  Jasper leaned closer. “The suspicious glare.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Turning away, I snatched up another finger sandwich.

  “Are you upset with me about something, Fiona? Although, I can’t imagine what. We’ve barely interacted since you got back.”

  My shoulders sagged. “I’m not upset with you, Jasper.” I was upset at myself for being a coward and I was projecting. “I’m sorry about my attitude. It’s just...I’m tired. You know, traveling back from Dracus’s kingdom. This little get-together.” Hiding things from my friends. It was all very exhausting.

  Jasper studied me closely for a moment, then nodded. “It’s fine. So, how was the experience? At Dracus’s kingdom, I mean,” he shrugged, “the reason for the trip aside.”

  “In between the darkness of trials and executions, it wasn’t that bad. I got to see some of the kingdom. It’s beautiful. So, you’ve never been there, right?”

  Eyes locked with mine, he shook his head slowly. “Never.”

  I had to sh
ove down my outrage. Jasper really stood there, looked me in the eyes, and lied. Why would he and Dracus hide consulting with Demetrius from me? “Huh. I see. Well, as I said, it’s beautiful. Maybe one day you’ll get to see it.” I watched him over my cup as I took gulps of punch.

  “I’m sure.”

  His poker face was flawless. I wish I could keep a calm exterior like that when I was lying my ass off. Jasper gave me a strange look. “I can see you’re not in a talking mood. I’ll leave you alone.”

  He walked off, and I immediately felt horrible. But I didn’t call him back. I need the few minutes alone to gather my thoughts before my chat with Dracus. I glanced at him in the middle of the small group. He was talking to the others, but he glanced up, met my gaze, and smiled. I forced out one in return before turning away.

  Chapter 5

  Only minutes ticked by before Dracus finished talking to the others, but it felt like hours. By the time the guys wandered off to do their own thing, leaving Dracus alone once again, I was sick with anxiety. My stomach churned, and my palms were sweaty as I approached him.


  He smiled. “Hi. Sorry, we got interrupted.”

  “No problem. The others were curious about what happened at the trials. They deserved to hear the details. How are you feeling after having to recount the whole thing?”

  Staring up at me, he shrugged. “As okay, as I can be, considering the topic.”

  Rubbing my arms, I shuffled from one foot to the other. “Right. So, are you up to talk, or do you want some space?”

  “Never from you.”

  I returned his smile. This flirty side of him was nice to see. However, I was pretty sure that flirty side would die a horrible death when he learned that I thought Demetrius was innocent.

  “You wanted to talk in private before. Is something wrong?”

  Rubbing the back of my neck, I blew out a breath. “It all depends on how you look at it,” I murmured.

  Dracus’s brows dipped and his eyes swirled with confusion. “What?”

  It was now or never. Let’s move a little farther from the noise. Enrique had ordered Jasper to turn the music up, and Jasper didn’t look so happy. Neither did Ren, who gave me an encouraging nod as Dracus and I walked past. I’m doing the right thing. At least, I think that’s what Ren’s nod meant.

  In a secluded spot, out of the sight of the others, I turned to Dracus. Hopefully, everyone had their super-hearing turned down. I didn’t want anyone overhearing us. “Fiona, I admit, I’m a little worried.”

  “Don’t be. It’s nothing bad.”

  He rested an arm against the wall above my head and leaned closer. “Did you bring me back here for us to make out?”


  “Isn’t that what happens at these parties?”

  Had I not been on the verge of an anxiety attack, I would have laughed. Oh, how I wished that’s what I brought him back here to do. Instead of making out as we should have been doing―because he was right; that is what we should do at college parties―I was going to disappoint him and possibly break his heart. And after he’d gotten to the point of being so relaxed, no less. I was going to bring his good mood down several notches.

  Resting a hand on his chest, I fiddled with his shirt. “Um...Dracus, I have something to tell you. I should have told you before but…” I kept chickening out. “The timing never felt right.”

  He rested his hand over mine. “Why are you so nervous? My dragon is stirring beneath my skin. It’s picked up on your anxiety.”

  “Well, I don’t know how to tell you…”

  “You don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything.”

  Except if it involved a man he thought killed his brother. A man he hated. “Well…”

  “Fiona! You have visitors!” Enrique shouted from the living room.

  For the love of the gods. It was like I wasn’t supposed to tell Dracus the truth or something. I huffed and glanced up at him apologetically. “I can’t imagine who would be visiting me.”

  “Priscilla and Amar. Surprise.” Dracus smiled.

  “You invited them?”

  “I figured it wouldn’t hurt to add two more to the party. You must need a break from all the testosterones.”

  I let out a laugh. “Do I ever. But, why would you invite them? You hate having anyone outside of the council in the manor.”

  “Priscilla is an honorary council member and I hear your friends with the new girl, Amara.”

  “You heard?”

  A hint of color stained his cheeks. I would have missed it if I wasn’t looking closely. “I keep tabs...sometimes. Not like a stalker or anything…” he cleared his throat lightly and averted his gaze. “I just like to make sure you’re getting on alright at the academy.”

  Hiding my amusement, I nodded. “Uh huh. Not stalking at all. I get it.” His apparent discomfort tickled me a little and I had to swallow my laughter. “It’s sweet of you.”

  “I thought you and Priscilla could talk and make things right. Go ahead. We can talk later.”

  “Thank you, Dracus.” I really wanted to make things right with him. “Yeah, we’ll talk later.”

  We made our way back to everyone else. The others seemed thrilled to have more company...well, except Ren. He’d moved to a corner and was watching Priscilla and Amara closely. Typical lone wolf.

  “Fiona!” Amara chirped and barreled towards me. “I can’t believe I had to hear through the grapevine that you weren’t here.” Her arms wrapped around my shoulders. “Welcome back.”

  “Thanks, Amara. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to say anything,” I glanced at Dracus, “you know since it wasn’t my business to tell.”

  “It’s okay. I missed you at lunch for the last few days. So, how was it? You have to tell me about everything you saw.”

  “Ehem.” Priscilla looked at Amara with raised brows.

  She flushed. “Oops. Sorry. I’m sure you and Priscilla have more important things to discuss. I’ll just hang out with the others in the meantime…” she gazed at Dracus, Ren, Jasper, Theo, and Enrique. Three of the guys weren’t smiling. Enrique was wearing a much too sly smile. “It would seem Theo is the safest choice,” she said under her breath and I smiled.

  “Hey, Theo. Nice to see you in a different setting.”

  Grinning, Theo nodded to the snacks table. “Same here. Can I get you something to drink?”

  Priscilla stood a distance away, and we gazed at each other until I became uncomfortable. Glancing down at the tip of my shoes, I rocked back on my heels.

  “Awkward,” Enrique whispered, and I sent him a glare.

  “Hi, Priscilla. This is a surprise,” I finally greeted.

  She stepped closer. “Er...yeah. Hey, I can leave if you want. Dracus invited me.”

  “No, welcome to the party...our every small party.”

  She glanced around and smiled. “Welcome back. I didn’t even know you left until I heard it from everyone else.”

  I shrugged. If we’d been on speaking terms, I would have blabbed to her that I was leaving. I told her everything, which is why being at odds with her had left me so miserable. We fell back into that awkward silence, despite the music and chatter from Amara and Theo. Dracus watched us with keen interest, and so did the others. Rolling my eyes, I sighed. This was getting beyond ridiculous. Surely, Priscilla and I were mature enough to have a conversation.

  “Priscilla, how about we head outside to talk?”

  “Good idea.” She gave each curious face an annoyed glance and followed me to the kitchen. As we made our way through the back door and into the massive garden, she giggled. “Was that weird or what?”

  “You mean all the guys watching us as if we’re entertainment?”


  I grinned. “They mean well. I’m guessing they’re eager to see us make up because I’ve been miserable.”

  “You have?”

  “Absolutely. I miss my best friend.”

/>   Priscilla let out a long dramatic sigh and took rapid steps towards me. “Me too.” As soon as she embraced me, I felt as if my world was half-way right again. My relieved sigh passed between us and floated on the night breeze. Standing back, she peered at me.

  We chorused, “I’m sorry.”

  She adjusted her glasses and chuckled and I shared in her amusement. “I’ve been dying to tell you that for days. I’m so sorry, P, for whatever I did.”

  She hung her head and twisted her fingers. “That’s the thing, Fiona. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I didn’t?”

  “No. I thought about it and I’m so embarrassed about my behavior. I can’t believe I accused you of trying to steal Radolf. That was just… stupid.”

  It really was. As if I’d ever do something like that to her.

  “When I saw you two talking, standing so close…”

  “It was like I told you, Priscilla. It was innocent.” On my part anyway. How was I to know that when Radolf asked me to talk, it was to ask me out?

  “I know. I should have believed you.” Her cheeks flushed rose pink. I overreacted.”

  “That’s an understatement. You went ballistic on me.”

  “Not my proudest moment.”

  “I swear, I only entertained Radolf because I had my own motive, which was to play matchmaker. But he railroaded me by expressing his interest in me. I swear, I had no idea.”

  She nodded and sighed. “I let jealousy get the better of me. I’ve never behaved like that before. In fact, I’ve never even been all that interested in dating since last year. I was tired and it didn’t work out. I was convinced that this year would be my year to find someone special. My foolish crush on a hot guy blinded me into thinking he was perfect for me. I didn’t even think to find out if he was interested in me before I got emotionally invested. Who even does that? I behaved as if Radolf and I were together. The guy doesn’t even know I exist. You must think I’m an idiot.”

  I scoffed. “Never. You’re one of the smartest persons I know. You’re young, Priscilla. You’re allowed to have your moment of unreasonable behavior like the rest of us.”

  She snickered. “You have plenty of them.”


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