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Lucas (Members From Money Book 20)

Page 6

by Katie Dowe

  “What?” she whispered huskily.

  “Nothing,” he murmured as he bent his head to take her mouth. He pushed into her slowly and then broke through the barrier, his mouth capturing her cry of pain. He stopped for a moment allowing her to get used to him being inside her and when she wrapped her long slender legs around his waist he went in deep, his body shuddering as she wrapped herself around him! Christ, he thought as he felt the sensation that was totally new to him. He felt as if he was drowning inside her and there was no way he was ever going to get out again!

  He lifted his head and looked down at her, his eyes stormy and his expression tense. He stopped for a moment and eased out of her, going back in when she protested. He was not going to last long, he thought hazily. There was no way he was going to keep it together to last any longer. With a tortured growl he brought her up against him and emptied himself inside her, smiling grimly as she came in the middle of his absolutely overpowering orgasm that rocked them so much that it took several minutes for them to recover!


  He felt when the mood shifted and did not hold onto her when she rolled away from him. She reached for her robe and belted it around her waist before going into the bathroom. She shied away from her reflection in the mirror, noticing her tangled hair and her swollen lips. She stiffened as she heard him behind her and saw from the mirror that he was not wearing clothes. “No regrets,” he said softy. “Don’t spoil it, Jasmine.”

  She took a deep breath and turned to face him steeling herself from responding to his magnificent body. She had run her fingers through the smattering of blonde hair on his chest and had dug her short nails into his flesh when the feelings had swamped her. “It was good-” She stopped as his thick eyebrows rose. “It was very good and we can do it every now and then. But I need you to leave now.”

  “I want to stay the night,” he said softly as he advanced. “I need more.”

  “Too damned bad.” She felt the trembling and ignored it. “I have to get up early in the morning and I don’t need you here.”

  “When I was inside you…” His lips quirked as he noticed the trembling of her lips. “It felt right and wonderful, something I never felt before.” He reached out and tilted her chin up. “This is not going away and we cannot treat it as something casual, I won’t let you.”

  His hand dropped and he pushed away her robe from off her shoulders baring her flawless flesh to his gaze. Her nipples were puckered and still wet from his mouth on them. He untied the string and let the robe fall to the floor before bending his head to take a nipple inside his mouth. Jasmine moaned and dug her fingers into his thick hair, her body convulsing. “No,” she moaned as his lips drove her to the brink of madness! He lifted his head and looked down at her, his expression brooding. He lifted her up against him and reaching between them he entered her swiftly. Jasmine clung to him tightly, her body shuddering against his. He cupped her taut buttocks as he went into her deep, his body molding itself to hers.

  He looked down at her for a moment. “Feel me,” he whispered hoarsely. “This is real and we cannot ignore it.”

  “Stop talking,” she whispered back as she moved against him restlessly.

  He did not answer but bending his head he took her lips with his in a deeply erotic movement that had her arching against him! He carried her back to the bedroom and laid her on the bed, his movements gentle. Jasmine wrapped her legs around his waist and gave in to the incredible passion that swept them away!

  Chapter 6

  He found her in the kitchen. He had not given either of them any rest last night and had just managed to go to sleep in the early hours of the morning after he had wrung them both dry. He could not seem to be able to get enough of her. God help him! She was sitting at the counter with her back facing the doorway and she was fully dressed in a green and tan wool dress with her hair in a neat chignon at her nape. His eyes went to screen of the laptop in front of her and his mouth tilted in a smile. “’Jasmine’s take on things.’” His deep voice had her jumping a little as if she had forgotten that he was still inside her apartment. “I should have known that it’s you. You are a food critic.”

  She closed her laptop and spun around to face him. Her heart slammed inside her throat as she looked at him. He had an overnight growth on his face and his hair was endearingly tousled. She remembered how she had almost pulled out every strand as he had gone down on her. He had left his shirt unbuttoned and had not bothered to put his white undershirt on.

  “I have to go.” She climbed off the stool and went to put away her coffee cup. “Fresh coffee if you need any.”

  “No breakfast?” he drawled as he came further into the room. He knew what she was doing and he was not going to let her get away with it!

  “I don’t cook,” she told him abruptly as she handed him a cup.

  “A food critic who does not cook! What is the world coming to?”

  In spite of herself Jasmine had to smile. “I taste food for a living so when I come home I have no intention of slaving over a hot stove to prepare anything and besides I live alone so it does not make any sense.”

  “We are going to have to remedy that,” he murmured as he eyed her over the coffee mug. “Why did you choose that field?”

  “For the free food,” she said blithely. “I love to eat and I make a decent living and I also get to travel to different places. I also set my own hours as long as I make my deadline.”

  “The ideal job.”

  “It’s not your job, but yes it is ideal.”

  He put away his empty mug and turned to face her. “How about dinner later?”

  “No.” She rinsed their cups out and put them to drain.

  “Do you have a particular fondness for that word or is it just where I am concerned?” he asked her mildly as he came up behind her effectively trapping her against the sink. Her kitchen was small and functional with no frills and because she hardly used it she was fine with that. But now it had gotten even smaller!

  “I need to pass.” Her body went weak at the feel of his arousal against her.

  He did not answer her but bent his head to nuzzle her neck. “Have dinner with me and come back to my apartment later.”

  “Lucas, stop,” she whispered raggedly.

  “Say yes.”

  Somehow she found the strength to push him away! “I am leaving in five minutes and if you are not ready I am locking the door with you in here,” she warned as she went into the living room to put her boots on and grab her coat.

  “I could stay here and cook for you until you get home,” he said leaning against the doorframe with a devil may care look on his handsome face. “A proper meal, maybe meatloaf with a crab salad. You could pick up a bottle of wine when you are coming home and we could sit by the fire and make love until the sun comes up.”

  She was mesmerized by him dammit! “Get a move on!” She had to clear her throat at the huskiness there. “I have to be somewhere.”

  “So not tonight?” He showed no signs of moving and Jasmine almost stamped her booted feet in frustration. She was going to end up killing him!

  “Lucas, I have to leave,” she gritted.

  “How about a compromise?” He leaned off the doorjamb and came towards her. “I come back over tonight with a bottle of the finest red wine you have ever tasted.” He had reached by her and used a finger to trail along her soft firm cheek. “I have very innovative ways to use the red. I would start on your nipples.” His finger had gone to her parted lips as he traced the outline slowly. “Then to your stomach and further down where I would take my time. I want to know how wine tastes when mixed with your essence. I have a feeling it would be the best thing I have ever tasted.” He used his finger to ease open her lips and touched her tongue with it. What do you think?”

  “You bastard!” She was trembling so badly that she had to lean against the door.

  “What do you say, darling?” He removed the finger from her mouth and clamped his
hand around her neck holding her still. “I want you so badly that I am tasting it and it is coming out of my pores. I want to sink my dick deep inside you and get lost and never come back out.” He bent his head and nibbled at her full bottom lip, his teeth taking bites before pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it. He lifted his head but it was too late! She was a raging inferno by now and so was he. “We are both going to suffer if we leave like this.” His voice was harsh and his green eyes stormy.

  Her breath hitched inside her throat and she felt as if she was going out of her mind! “Please.” She lifted her clenched fists and beat them against his solid chest.

  “Say it!” he whispered hoarsely. “I need to hear it, Jasmine.” It was torture for him and he felt as if every nerve ending in his penis were bursting to come out!

  “I want you dammit!”

  “I want you more.” He pushed her dress up and she cried out as he tore at the leggings she had on. His fingers pushed away her panties and sought her eager wet flesh. He worked his fingers in and pushed into her almost crying out as he felt her readiness for him. He stepped back and fumbled with his zipper almost crying out in frustration before he released his erection! He lifted her up against him and entered her so forcefully that he slammed her against the door! She wrapped her legs around him and pushed against him frantically, her fingers digging into his shoulders. He bent his head and captured her lips as he increased the pace. He felt as if he was spiraling headlong to a death that was beyond his wildest dreams and he did not give a damn. She was like a drug to him and he had no idea how to stop. Hell, he did not want to stop! He swallowed her cries as she convulsed against him, her body shuddering. It was not long before he flooded her with his orgasm!


  “I see from the website that our online sales are going through the roof,” Lucas said with a pleased smile as he looked at the evidence in front of him. “The DIYs are doing pretty well. It was a very good call to target the housekeepers, Lenny,” he said with a nod to the head of his sales team.

  “Thank you, Lucas,” the balding man said with a pleased smile. “It was a team effort and Henderson’s Hardware has quite a reputation for delivering quality products. Our paints are top of the line and we were almost sold out for the holidays. April is coming up and we were thinking of launching the sale of the products that have not been moving so swiftly. A lot of people will be changing out for the spring and we need to capitalize on that.”

  “Good plan.” Lucas looked around at the sales team and nodded his approval. He had come in late for the meeting because he had barely found the effort to tear himself away from Jasmine. She had him tied up in knots so much so that he was not sure where he was headed. “Meeting dismissed.”

  He waited until they had left before he made the call. “How are you?” He felt like a damned schoolboy with his first crush but it was almost noon and he had not heard from her.

  “I am working here, Lucas.”

  He smiled at the impatient tone in her voice. “I was thinking Italian tonight.”

  “I am not seeing you tonight. I have someplace to be. Were you under the impression that we have suddenly become an item?”

  “Yes, and it is not an impression. Dammit, Jasmine, stop trying to fight it.”

  “We screwed.” Her voice had dropped and he suspected that where she was she did not have privacy. “It was amazing and I suspect we will be doing it some more but you do not own me.”

  “Screwed?” His voice was laced with steel. “We made love, Jasmine. Yes! What we did was not screwing and you can continue to deny it all you want and yes, we are an item!” He hung up on her pushed back his chair in frustration. Damn her! He walked to the window and looked out at the bleak landscape. The only time he got to see the naked emotion from her was when he was inside her! He closed his eyes briefly and felt the tensing of his muscles. Oh Christ! He was in such deep trouble!


  “Are you here to check on me?” Bubba asked grumpily as she came in and hung up her coat.

  “Yeah, and so?”

  “I am not a child, young lady.”

  Jasmine came over and gave him a tight hug. She had had a particularly trying day. She had visited two restaurants for the day and did not relish the articles she was going to be writing. The service had been very poor and the food even worse! And on top of that she had felt like calling back Lucas and apologizing to him. He had hung up on her and had not called her back and she was feeling out of place. Damn him, she thought furiously. “I brought you something.” She handed him the delicious smelling package.

  He looked at her for a moment and sniffed the air before opening it. “A roast beef sandwich with everything!” He almost wept as he took it out of the wrapping. “Wait, am I clear to eat this?”

  “I called the doctor and he said that once in a while and if you are very good then you can indulge.” She leaned forward and kissed his lined cheek. “How are you?”

  “Now that I have this?” He lifted the sandwich. “I am great.”

  “Good to hear.”

  “How was your day?” he asked her as he took a big bite.

  “Lousy.” She shrugged and told him of her visits.

  “That’s tough, baby girl.” He used the endearment he had used when she was younger and needed a shoulder to cry on. “My buddy Clive, you remember him? We were in the academy together and retired together. He has gone into the restaurant business. Well it’s not really a restaurant, just a little cook shop where he serves good old fashioned home style fried chicken, coleslaw, and natural juices that you only get at home. I was thinking that we could go there this Friday and support him. What do you say?”

  Jasmine looked at him suspiciously. “Bubba, are you by any chance asking me to go and review his place?”

  “Would you? He needs the business coming his way. His wife is not doing too well and the kids are no good to them. One is gone to France and the other, a girl, is now on her fourth child.”

  “Bubba, I don’t do the friend or acquaintance thing. This could go south and I would blame myself and the fact that you would be losing a friend.”

  “I have tasted his chicken, honey, and he is very good. I just need more people to know that’s all.” He had polished off the sandwich and was leaning back against the faded sofa, a satisfied smile on his face. “Okay, how about this? You go there in support and if it is good you rave about it. If it’s not then we will not mention it again.”

  She stared at him for a moment and then nodded. “Okay.”

  “Good!” He patted her hands and got to his feet. “Come and help me in the bedroom. You know how I hate to fold laundry.”

  “I hate it more than you do, remember?” she asked as she followed behind him.

  “Then we are both going to share the hate.”


  He did not call her and it was deliberate. He had spent the day in meetings and then getting a call from his dad and stepmother which had put him in a better mood until he got home. He had stopped at the club for half an hour but had been in too much of a bad mood to contribute to much of the conversation around. This was not him and the guys had noticed and had asked what was up. He paced the length of the luxurious carpet, his strides restless. He missed her! And more than that he needed her. He went into the kitchen and looked at the meal his housekeeper had left. He had had lunch at two and had not eaten anything else so he should be starving! He did not have any appetite and felt like a lovesick idiot!

  His phone rang just then and he made an eager dash for it thinking it was her but it was Sherona. “What is it?”

  “Darling, you sound like you are in a bad mood. I have some good news. It is not cancer.”

  “Good, glad to hear that.”

  “I was thinking that we could go out and celebrate, you know? My not having cancer.”

  “I am not up to it.”

  “I could come over.”

  “No,” he said abruptly. “Look, Sheron
a, I met someone and she is pretty important to me. I am sorry.”

  “You string me along for almost a year and now you are telling me there is someone else? What kind of a sick bastard are you?”

  “I am sorry,” he repeated feeling like crap.

  “Go to hell!” she shouted and hung up the phone.

  “Yeah,” he muttered and put away the phone. With a sudden decision, he reached for his coat and headed out.


  Jasmine tried to end the conversation with Phil. “I am heading to bed now, Phil. I just got home from visiting Bubba.”

  “I have not seen you in a couple of weeks, Jasmine. Are you getting too busy for your friend?”

  “You know how it is. I have deadlines to meet and I am kind of worried about Bubba.” She used her shoulder to prop the phone up as she eased out of her boots. It was almost eight but it felt like about midnight. It had started snowing again when she was coming in and she could still feel the cold in her limbs. She had eaten a sandwich and some hot chocolate at Bubba’s so she was quite full.

  “Is he taking his meds?”

  “He is and he looks and sounds better.”

  “Then you have nothing to worry about.”

  “I am entitled. He is all I got.”

  “You have me.”

  “Yeah, but Bubba is everything to me.”

  “I need to talk to you about something. How about lunch tomorrow?” he pleaded.

  She started to say no but changed her mind. “Okay. You choose the location.”

  “Will do.” He sounded pleased. “I will call you.”

  She had no sooner hung up from him when she heard the doorbell. She sighed deeply as her heart started up. She knew exactly who it was!


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