Lucas (Members From Money Book 20)

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Lucas (Members From Money Book 20) Page 19

by Katie Dowe

  “Goodnight,” she murmured.

  “Goodnight,” he returned.

  Wes left her bedroom and went into the quest room. He closed the door and leaned against it. He breathed deeply. It was going to be a long night.


  Wes had finally drifted to sleep. He had been sleeping for some time when he was suddenly awakened. He lay still and listened. He heard moaning then a crash. He leapt out of bed and ran into Chanel’s bedroom. He saw that the lamp was on the floor. He set it on the bedside table and turned it on. He then saw Chanel practically falling out of the bed.


  “Wes!” she cried.

  He scooped her up and positioned her back into the center of bed.

  “What happened?” he asked in concern.

  Chanel clutched her side in pain and moaned.

  “What’s wrong, Chanel?” he asked urgently. “Is it the baby? Talk to me.”

  He sat on the side of her bed unsure of what to do.

  “It’s my ribs. The pain is awful,” she whimpered.

  “Did you take your pain meds?” he asked.

  “No. I was sleepy and I forgot to take the pill. I was trying to reach for the pill bottle when the lamp fell over,” she explained.

  Wes looked on the table but didn’t see the bottle.

  “They’re not here. They must be in the living room. I’ll go get them,” he said.

  He left the bedroom and Chanel tried not to moan. He returned with the bottle of pills and a glass of water. He set them on the table and helped her sit up. Then he gave her the water and pill. She swallowed the pill gratefully and sighed deeply.

  “Thank you, Wes. I’m sorry to wake you and cause so much trouble,” she said in embarrassment.

  “You haven’t caused me any trouble. I’m just glad I was here to help you,” he said. “And I have no intention of going anywhere.”

  She looked at him levelly.

  “I don’t want you to,” she said softly.

  “Do you mean that, Chanel?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied simply. “I do want you here but……”

  “But there’s a conversation that we need to have, isn’t there?”

  She nodded.

  He pushed the sheet back and got into the bed. He pulled her against him.

  “Let’s talk,” he said gently.

  “I didn’t tell you about my pregnancy because I was trying to dupe you,” she began. “I was just afraid of losing what we had between us. I should have told you before we made love but the only thing I could focus on were my desires to be with you.”

  “I soon realized after storming out of here that you were not trying to trick me. But I had said some very hurtful things to you and pride and fear kept me away from you,” he murmured. “I had thought that seeing each other at work would eventually smooth things out. But started working from home and I became enraged at the idea that you didn’t want to see me. I nearly ripped Dan’s head off for agreeing to the idea. I didn’t know how to make things right with you.”

  “So you turned to Adel,” she said sadly.

  Chanel remembered how she had cried the night she saw Wes with Adel. The thought of it could still bring tears to her eyes.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you, Chanel. I admit that I’d wanted you to see me with Adel. I wanted to make you jealous. But I think I made you sick instead,” he said sadly.

  “I saw you dancing with her. She looked at me so triumphantly. It made me ill. I ran into the bathroom and vomited,” Chanel said softly.

  Wes squeezed her shoulders.

  “I’m so sorry, darling. I was an ass for doing that,” he said contritely. “Give me another chance, Chanel. I promise I’ll never hurt you like that again.”

  She looked up at him.

  “Do you realize what another chance entails?” she asked.

  “You mean the fact that you’re pregnant?” he questioned.

  “Yes. It’s not just me, Wes. I will soon have another life to care for; for many years to come. Are you ready to take on that responsibility?” she asked.

  “I am; if you’ll let me,” he said earnestly. Wes rubbed her protruding belly gently. “There’s something I want to tell you.”

  “What is it?” she asked curiously.

  “Finding out that you were pregnant was all too familiar to me. Painful memories came flooding back,” he said softly. “Three years ago I was in a relationship with a woman, Jennifer whom said she was pregnant. She and I had been in a committed relationship for over a year and I assumed the child was mine. She had the baby, a girl we named Sari, and I was thrilled. But when the baby was three months old she became ill. Sari had a rare blood disease which required a blood transfusion. When neither Jennifer nor I were matches and I was baffled. Sari was a negative D which did not run in either of our families. When Jennifer became nervous and withdrawn my heart sank. I knew in my gut that Sari was not my child. I was ballistic. Jennifer was argumentative and without care regarding her cheating behavior. I walked away and never looked back.”

  “Were you and Jennifer married?” Chanel asked.

  “No. Although we had planned to marry after the baby was born. But for obvious reasons that did not happen,” he replied.

  “I’m sorry, Wes. I know you loved Sari very much. It must have been difficult to walk away,” Chanel comforted.

  “It was but I could not stay. I was betrayed in the worst way. Jennifer never planned to tell me that Sari was not mine. She was cold and calculating in getting what she wanted. I was just a pawn for her use,” he said.

  “I understand your reaction to my situation,” Chanel said softly. “Unknowingly, I had opened some very hurtful wounds. And I am so sorry.”

  “I thought I had moved past the resentment and pain. But I realized I still harbored deep bitterness when confronted with your situation,” he said. “I was forced to look at myself and decide if I were going to hang onto these counterproductive feelings or let them go and embrace what could be a beautiful future for me. I chose to let them go.”

  “I feel so badly for not telling you. I can’t apologize enough for being so foolish,” she said mournfully.

  He put his forefinger to her lips.

  “Shh! It’s over and I am now totally free of those angry feelings for having gone through our ordeal,” he hushed her and sighed. “I want to be a father to your son, Chanel. I want to love and cherish him as though he were my own. And he will be in every way that counts. And I want to be the man who will support and love you.”

  “Love me?” she asked.

  Chanel held her breath. At one time she had hoped that he might come to love her. But that notion had faded once they’d broken up. Now here he was saying the one thing that she had always wanted to hear. She wasn’t sure what to think.

  “I do love you, Chanel. But it wasn’t until I had lost you that I realized it,” he murmured. “I was completely lost when we were apart. I couldn’t sleep or eat. I was horrible to work with. People at the office avoided me at all costs for fear that I would yell at them for no reason. I was a walking disaster and I couldn’t shake myself out of it.”

  “I wasn’t much better. Even Elli and Sami drew straws as to who would come see me,” Chanel said ruefully.

  “The day you came to drop off the specs I thought I saw you leave the office. I asked Dan if that was you I’d seen. He said yes and that I should go after you,” he recalled. “He’d been so emphatic that I believe he would have punched me if I’d refused.”

  Chanel chuckled.

  “Dan was at his wits end,” she grinned.

  “He was. And I was insane without you in my life. I understand that your life has changed. I accept it and look forward to it. I love you with all my heart, sweetheart. Tell me it’s not too late for us, Chanel,” he whispered.

  Chanel raised her hand to caress his cheek.

  “I love you too, Wes. I have for a very long time. Our time apart was excruciati
ng for me. I couldn’t stop thinking about you which made the separation all the harder for me,” she murmured. “I didn’t think you would be able to accept my pregnancy. And to hear that you have makes my heart sing with joy. You’ve given me the one thing that I’ve longed for from you; acceptance of my baby.” She pulled his head down and kissed his mouth lightly. She then pulled back. “Thank you, darling and welcome home.”

  He kissed her long and deeply. His head rang with her cherished words. He was back where he belonged and his heart was filled with joy. When her tongue entered his mouth he thought he would explode in passion. Desire was raging through his body and he longed to possess her. But he had never made love to a pregnant woman and he didn’t want to harm the baby. So he would refrain from doing what he yearned to do. He would research it first. Until then he could certainly give her pleasure. He slid his hands down her silk clad body as his mouth trailed kisses down her throat. His hands ran over her belly and it felt so good. Chanel grasped his hand and moved it to her lower left side and held it there. Then he felt it. The baby kicked. It was wondrous. There was a living human being inside of her. He grinned broadly.

  “He knows you’re here. He knows your touch,” Chanel murmured happily.

  “I can’t wait for him to arrive,” he chuckled. “Man, do I have plans for him.”

  Chanel laughed as the baby kicked again.

  “He has plans for you too,” she joked.

  Wes kissed her stomach where the baby had kicked. Then he made his way further down her body. He noticed his fingers did not encounter her panties.

  “Were you expecting me,” he whispered roguishly.

  She chuckled.

  “No. I’ve simply gotten into the habit of not wearing any when I retire for bed,” she gasped as he kissed her inner thigh.

  “Lucky me,” he smiled.

  He kissed her curls and she gasped in pleasure. In the next moment his tongue was pushing through to her damp haven. He devoured her heat and savored the sweet juices she exuded.

  “Damn you taste good,” he muttered.

  Chanel clutched the sheets as she tumbled through a maze of passion. Being with him had felt wonderful before but not like this. Maybe the pregnancy had heightened her senses but his touch was setting her on fire. She bucked against him wildly as desire streamed through her blood.


  “Come, Chanel. Come in my mouth,” he encouraged.

  He didn’t need to say more. Chanel knew that she could not hold back any longer. His tongue pushed into her hollow and she screamed in exhilarated pleasure. Wes remained in her womb as her tremors were slow to diminish. Chanel’s breathing was erratic as she gradually came down to earth. He finally moved to her side and gathered her in his arms. He kissed her temple.

  “Feeling better?” he smiled.

  “I feel marvelous. Can you do that all the time?” she asked sassily.

  “As much as you want,” he chuckled.

  “I love you, babe,” she said sleepily.

  “I love you too, sweetheart,” he murmured.

  And they slept.

  Chapter 6

  Wes entered the St. Regis Hotel and went to the elevators. Adel had made sure that he knew her room number. She had invited him to visit often enough. He took the elevator to the tenth floor and walked briskly down the hall to her suite. It was time for him to dispel any notions she may have of the two of them being together. He regretted having started to date her again. It had only raised her hopes for something that would never be. It was sure to be an uncomfortable conversation to say the least but it had to be done. He stopped at her door and rapped briskly.

  Adel wondered who could be at her door at such an early hour. She pulled her night wrap together and tied the belt as she approached the door. She looked through the peephole and saw that it was Wes. She smiled broadly as she untied her sash belt and removed the robe. She threw it on the sofa and slid one thin red strap off of her shoulder. The nightie had a plunging neckline and an extremely high slit up her right leg. The opening ended at her hip. She wished it rose even higher up her leg. She fluffed her long red hair and brought a bunch of it forward to lie on her shoulder. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

  “Wesley! What a surprise. Come in,” she purred sweetly. “You must excuse my attire. It is rather early for you to be calling.”

  “I know it’s early. I apologize for the hour but I needed to speak with you,” he said. “I will wait while you get dressed.”

  Adel shrugged as she went to sit on the arm of the sofa. She crossed her long legs.

  “I’m fine as I am. What did you want to talk to me about?” she smiled enticingly.

  Wes groaned inwardly. Adel was going to play games and he was in no mood for them.

  “I’m here to tell you that our dating must come to an end,” he said. Wes heard her sharp intake of breath. “Chanel and I are back together. And this time it will last.”

  “What makes you so sure about that? It didn’t before. And she is carrying another man’s brat,” Adel hissed.

  “It will last because we love each other. And the child will be mine in every way that matters,” Wes said patiently. “I love him already and look forward to his birth.”

  “So you’re willing to take another man’s left overs. What kind of man are you that don’t want your own blood running through your child's veins?” Adel stormed. “I can give you your own child if a baby is so important to you.”

  “But I do not love you, Adel,” Wes said quietly. She gasped at his brutal honesty. “I’m not trying to hurt you, Adel. But I have to be honest with you. You deserve a man who loves you. Who thinks the sun rises and sets because of you. I’m not that man.”

  “But you could be if you’d just relax and allow it to happen,” she said as she rose and moved toward him. She extended her hands and glided from his chest to his shoulders. “Let me show you just how well-suited we are.”

  She rose on her tiptoes and cupped his face. She was about to capture his mouth when he grasped her wrists and pushed her back.

  “No Adel. That isn’t going to work. I told you I’m in love with Chanel and I will not be unfaithful to her,” Wes said firmly.

  She snatched her hands out of his grip.

  “So you would rather consort with a skank and raise a Black illegitimate bastard than to be with me. Damn you!” Adel yelled.

  She slapped him hard. Wes rubbed his cheek with the back of his hand as he looked at his hard. He knew that Adel was capable of violence and suspected that a slap might come his way. His intuition had been correct. But it didn’t matter. He wouldn’t be seeing her again and if the slap helped to assuage her hurt feelings so be it. He walked to the door, opened it and left.

  “Wesley! Come back. I’m sorry,” Adel cried. She yanked the door open and stood in the middle of the hall. “Come back, Wesley. I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.”

  Wes stopped at the elevator. He didn’t look at her. The elevator doors opened and he got on. He could hear her running down the hall to the elevator as the doors closed. She pounded on the doors as the elevator descended. Wes breathed deeply in relief. That was over and done. He could now move forward freely.

  Adel sank to the floor in front of the elevator in stunned disbelief and despair. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She had thought that that and Wesley were well on their way to be a couple and it was only a matter of time before they would marry. But the bottom had just fallen out of her world and it was all because of one person: Chanel Cambridge. She would make her pay. Adel swore that she would pay. Several guests with intentions of taking the elevator spied her curiously as they waited for the conveyance to arrive. Adel finally stood as she adjusted her shoulder strap. She walked as proudly as she could back to her suite and slammed the door. Adel began plotting her next move.


  The next two months were like a whirlwind for Chanel. She and Wes were inseparable and crazy in love. Th
ey spent almost every minute together and had a great time shopping for the baby. Wes wanted to buy everything he saw for the baby; especially sports oriented items. Chanel gave up trying to convince him that their son might want to play the violin. It was a lost cause. Everyone soon knew that they were back together and they support the union immensely. Chanel’s sister and mom had come to visit and they fell in love with Wes and couldn’t wait for the baby to be born. Ivan was regular guest at the house and had shown considerable interest in Elli. The two of them had only met once and it had been brief. So Chanel had decided to play matchmaker and invited them to a dinner party. She couldn’t wait to see how they hit it off. In her mind they were perfect for one another. Wes had advised her not to get too involved in case it didn’t work out but Chanel ignored the warnings. She just knew that they were meant for each other. Chanel now stood in the kitchen and looked out the window at Elli and Ivan. They sat close together on the sofa talking softly. Chanel smiled in full approval of her handiwork. She suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her expanded waist. His hands rested on top of her huge belly.

  “Quite proud of yourself, aren’t you?” Wes murmured.

  “I am. They are perfect for one another,” Chanel replied.

  “Well don’t get ahead of yourself and start planning their wedding,” he teased.

  “I will take their wants into consideration,” she giggled.

  He laughed and kissed her neck.

  “How much longer do you think they will stay?” he asked softly as he nibbled her ear.

  Sami and her date had left an hour ago but Elli and Ivan had not followed suit. They were totally engrossed in each other and unaware of the late hour.

  “I don’t know. I’m sure they’ll leave when they are ready. And don’t you make any hinting comments to them,” Chanel said sternly.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it….well, I wouldn’t do it anyway,” he chuckled.

  She turned to face him and looped her arms about his neck.

  “Good. Now kiss me,” she demanded.


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