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Lucas (Members From Money Book 20)

Page 20

by Katie Dowe

  He needed little encouragement to do that. He kissed her at length and enjoyed every second of it. He couldn’t wait for Elli and Ivan to go home. He wanted to make love to Chanel. And the longer he denied himself the more pain he was in. They were so engrossed in their kissing that they didn’t hear anyone come into the kitchen. Ivan cleared his throat loudly. They jumped apart.

  “So sorry to disturb you. But we wanted to tell you that we’re leaving….not that you would notice,” Ivan said sardonically.

  Elli laughed. Chanel was embarrassed and Wes shrugged and chuckled.

  “This is a house of love. You may encounter someone kissing around any corner,” Wes smiled.

  Ivan looked at Elli suggestively.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Ivan murmured.

  “We’re going to go. Thank you for a terrific gathering. I had a great time,” Elli said.

  “You’re welcome as always,” Chanel said. “You know my house is yours as well.”

  “I know,” Elli said. Elli moved to hug Chanel. “Take care and I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Elli released and Chanel and Ivan moved to hug her.

  “It was a lovely evening. Thank you,” Ivan said.

  “My sentiments for Elli go for you as well. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you and you’re always welcomed here,” Chanel said.

  “Ditto,” Ivan said.

  Wes hugged Elli and Ivan as well and he and Chanel walked them out. Elli and Ivan got into their separate cars and took off. Wes pulled Chanel into his arms.

  “Alone at last,” he murmured as he kissed her.

  Chanel laughed and walked him into the house and closed the door. Wes scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. Chanel had given up scolding him for carrying her. He didn’t listen. Even in her advanced stage of pregnancy he still lifted her like she weighed no more than a feather. He sat her on the bed and began to undress her.

  “I need to get my night gown, Wes,” she said.

  “No you don’t,” he replied.

  Chanel was uncomfortable baring all before him in her pregnant state.

  “Yes I do,” she insisted.

  She attempted to get off of the bed to get her nightgown. He stopped her.

  “You’re beautiful, Chanel. Do not be embarrassed. Every woman should look as glowing and lovely as you do now. I am proud of the way you look and I adore every inch of you,” he said sincerely.

  She scooted back onto the bed and waited for him to undress and join her. He stripped naked and got into bed. He moved over her and looked into her brilliant gold eyes.

  “I love you so much. Never doubt my devotion to you,” he murmured.

  “I love you too, Wes. I can’t describe how much I adore you,” she whispered.

  He bent his head to kiss her languidly. Chanel moaned in response to the kiss. She hungered for his kisses and couldn’t seem to get enough of them. He proceeded to caress and kiss her entire body. When his mouth touched her stomach she yelped in desire. Her belly was especially sensitive and the feel of his tongue gliding over it made her tingle in excitement.

  “Damn I want you,” he muttered.

  Chanel knew what he meant. He wanted to embed his penis in her aching, wet haven; and she wanted it too. She was thirty three weeks pregnant and doctor Knowles had told them that sexual intercourse was fine until delivery so long as she felt up to it. Wes went downtown on her and she bucked in pleasure. She would never get tired of his mouth in her private. She lost all control his tongue massaged her heat. He stayed there for quite some time eating his fill of her. Chanel could felt the electric spasms surge through her body.

  “Wes! Please,” she cried.

  He moved to help her turn onto her side. He positioned himself behind her and slowly entered. She gasped in pleasure at his entry. He had started entering from behind when she had grown larger in size. The sensation she felt when he thrust from behind her was ecstatic. He brought his arm around her front to massage her sensitive nipples. She was captured in pure bliss and never wanted the feeling to end. Wes increased his pace and in moments they were both rocketing to the ultimate peak of pleasure. Chanel cried as she climaxed in his arms. He roared as he spilled his seed into her womb. Their coming together was magical and like nothing she had ever experienced before. Making love with Wes was a confirmation that she was with her twin flame. He was the man she would always love. He was her home.


  Adel watched Chanel from a safe distance at the market as she waddled from one stall to the next. Adel thought Chanel looked like an oversized penguin in her black and white kaftan top. She had been watching and waiting for months to see Chanel alone. The fat whale was always with Wesley or one of her friends. She had even seen Ivan escorting on occasion. You would think that she was a diplomatic princess instead of a pregnant nobody. Adel had not been able to come up with a specific plot to destroy Chanel. She only knew that she wanted to hurt her as she had been hurt. She knew that she would have to wing it if the opportunity ever presented itself and it had today. The bitch was finally alone and unprotected. Adel began browsing through the market, picking up and setting down fruit and vegetables. She put a few items in the wire basket she carried and covertly watched Chanel. She finally drew close to her and slammed her basket hard into stomach. Chanel gasped in shock as she groped her belly.

  “You deserve that and a lot more for stealing Wesley from me,” Adel hissed. “He was mine until you decided you wanted him.”

  Adel slammed her basket again at Chanel only this time hitting her side as Chanel turned from her. Chanel bent forward in pain.

  “You’re crazy!” Chanel accused as she backed away from her.

  “I’m crazy in love with Wesley and I will get him back,” Adel snapped.

  “He doesn’t want you. He will despise you when he hears of this,” Chanel cried.

  People were beginning to notice their argument. They stared at them in concern.

  “Well he won’t hear about it from you. Not when I’m done with you,” Adel said menacingly.

  Adel swung the basket back to hit Chanel again. Chanel saw the tomatoes lying in the bin. She picked one of them up and smashed it in Adel face. Adel screamed in anger as she swiped at the red juice that was streaming down her face. She picked up a cantaloupe to throw at Chanel when someone caught her wrist and spun her around. A fist landed in Adel face. Adel was stunned as she crumbled to the ground.

  “Elli! Thank God,” Chanel cried.

  Elli ran to Chanel to support her as she double over vegetable bin.

  “The baby, Elli. There’s so much pain,” Chanel cried.

  “Hang on, Chanel. I’m going to get you to the hospital,” Elli said urgently.

  Chanel went down on her knees in pain. Elli called 911. People gathered around asking if they could help, but unfortunately there was no doctor in the crowd. The paramedics and ambulance arrived and they immediately transported Chanel to the hospital. Elli rode in the ambulance with Chanel who was beside herself in tears.

  “It’s going to be alright, Chanel. The baby is fine. I promise you,” Elli assured her.

  The attendant looked at Elli in doubt in response to her words but said nothing. Elli stared back at him defiantly and was glad that Chanel could not see his expression. Elli called Wes who said he would meet them at the hospital. They arrived at the emergency entrance within minutes. Chanel was rushed inside where doctor Knowles was waiting for her along with another doctor. Elli wanted to go into the cubicle with Chanel but a nurse prevented her.

  “The doctor will speak with you as soon as he is able,” she said kindly. She then moved into Chanel’s room and pulled the curtain shut.

  Elli paced the floor nervously as she worried about her friend.


  Elli turned around to see Wes and Ivan rushing toward her. “How is she? What happened?” Wes demanded.

  Elli related the story.

  “Adel didn�
�t realize that I was with Chanel. I had gone into the market to get a few items so Adel thought that Chanel was alone,” Elli said.

  “My God!” Wes exclaimed.

  “She would attack a pregnant woman?” Ivan said. He could not fathom such cowardice. “She should be hanged for such an act.”

  “She’ll be dead when I get my hands on her,” Wes vowed.

  “Wes. No. Let the police handle it. I called them and they should have Adel in custody by now,” Elli said.

  “Thank you for coming to Chanel’s aid,” Wes said gratefully.

  “Not a problem. I actually enjoyed giving her that wallop,” Elli grinned wryly. “Although I might have sprained my hand.”

  Elli rubbed the back of her hand. Ivan took her hand in his and kissed it.

  “We should have this looked at,” he said in concern.

  “I will after I find out how about Chanel,” Elli said.

  It seemed like they had been waiting for hours when in fact it had only been twenty minutes when doctor Knowles came out. He approached them with a poker face. Elli could not determine if the news was good or bad.

  “Chanel will be fine. She has a bruise that will heal and fade in time. The baby suffered slight trauma but is already showing signs of bouncing back. He will have no lasting side effects from this incident. He’s a trouper and Chanel is very lucky,” Doctor Knowles said.

  “Oh thank God,” Elli exclaimed. “Can I see her?”

  “Yes. She’s wake and fussing about wanting to go home,” Doctor Knowles grinned.

  “When can we take her home?” Wes asked.

  “I will not hold her. She can leave as soon as the paperwork is completed,” the doctor said. “And hopefully I will not see her again until she’s ready to deliver.”

  “I’ll make sure of it. Thank you, doctor Knowles,” Wes said as he extended his hand to him.

  Doctor Knowles shook his hand.

  “Elli. Let Wes go in to see Chanel while we get your hand attended to,” Ivan said.

  “Did you hurt your hand?” Doctor Knowles asked. “Let me see it.”

  The doctor examined Elli hand and pressed his thumb firmly in its center. Elli winced.

  “A mild sprain,” Doctor Knowles said.

  “She hit someone pretty hard,” Ivan said.

  “I wouldn’t want to be that other person,” he smiled. “Go into that vacant room and I’ll send Doctor Parsons in to attend to you.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Elli said gratefully.

  Ivan and Elli went into the vacant cubicle while Wes hurried into Chanel’s room.


  Wes carried Chanel to their L-shaped couch in the living room and laid her along its length. He removed her shoes and then sat at the other end of the sofa placing her head in his lap. He rubbed her stomach absently.

  “Do you realize how scared I was when Elli called me? I couldn’t get to the hospital fast enough,” Wes said softly.

  “I’m sorry I upset you. I didn’t mean to,” she said apologetically.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s that lunatic witch whose neck I could easily snap,” he said angrily.

  “I think she’s truly insane. She’s lost all rational thought and reason,” Chanel said.

  “Well, she won’t be stalking you again,” he said.

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  “Ivan followed up with the police and they told him that they have Adel in custody. And with your and the witnesses testimony the DA will be able to lock her away for a while,” Wes explained.

  “Maybe she will get the help that she needs while in jail,” Chanel said thoughtfully.

  “Maybe. I’m just glad she’s finally out of our lives,” he said gratefully.

  “Me too,” Chanel said with a yawn.

  “Getting sleepy?” he asked.

  “Uh huh. I seem to be drowsy a lot these days,” she replied.

  “Do you want to get into bed?” he asked.

  “No. I’m fine where I am,” she mumbled.

  “Of course you are,” he smiled.

  She grinned sheepishly then turned her head toward his stomach and fell instantly asleep. Her nose was rubbing against his groin and Wes shut his eyes in sweet agony. He wanted nothing more than to make love to her but knew that he couldn’t. She had just been through a difficult ordeal and the last thing she wanted to do was have sex. But she had him on fire and he didn’t trust himself to leave her alone if he continued to allow her to rub his cock. He bent low to kiss her forehead then ease off of the couch. He put several pillows under her head and she slept peacefully. He went into the bathroom and took a very cold shower.


  Two weeks later Ivan was in Elli’s townhouse kissing her like a man possessed. He embraced her tightly and leaned her back onto the sofa cushions. He stretched his long frame out and settled against her. Elli returned his kiss with fervor which only heightened his need for her. He couldn’t get enough of her sweet mouth. When she had left town for a modeling shoot he had missed her more than he thought possible. She had been gone for two weeks and he thought he would go mad if he didn’t see her soon. He knew where she was and had considered flying to Acapulco, Mexico to see her. When he had finally made up his mind to surprise her, she had returned home earlier than expected. She’d said that the shoot had gone very well and had ended ahead of schedule. Ivan had been so glad to see her that he’d spun her around in delight. Elli had laughed and planted her first kiss on him. It seemed they had been kissing ever since. Ivan moved his hand down her flat belly and was inching toward her private when her phone rang. He groaned in frustration as she laughed.

  “I have to take this. It could be my agent,” she whispered. She answered the call without looking to see who was calling. “Hello.”

  “Elli. It’s Wes.”

  “Hi, Wes. What’s up?” she asked.

  “Chanel’s water broke. She’s in the hospital and they are prepping her for delivery,” he said in a rush.

  “Oh my God! Have you called Sami?” she asked as she pushed against Ivan to sit up.

  “Yes. She’s on her way,” Wes returned.

  “Okay. We’ll be right there,” Elli said. She disconnected the call.

  One look at Elli grinning face and Ivan knew what was happening.

  “Chanel is having the baby,” he smiled.

  “Yes. We got to go,” Elli said excitedly. “I’m about to be an Aunt.”

  “Well, come on Auntie. Let’s get going,” he chuckled.


  They arrived at the hospital and were told that Chanel was in delivery. Sami had arrived and the three of them talked about the new arrival with excitement. They waited in the hallway outside of Chanel’s delivery room. When a piercing scream erupted from the room all three stopped talking. Looks of fear flitted across their face as multiple bellows exploded form within.

  “I never knew Chanel could yell so loudly,” Sami said nervously.

  “Neither did I,” Elli responded.

  “She’s alright, ladies. Screaming is normal when giving birth,” Ivan tried to sound casual.

  Chanel let out another ear-splitting screech.

  “I’ll never have kids,” Sami swore.

  “I’m with you there,” Elli agreed.

  Ivan grinned. He could think of nothing better than Elli having his children. Then they heard another rumble. But it wasn’t Chanel this time. It was the baby crying. They laughed delightedly.

  “Man, does he have some lungs on him,” Elli grinned.

  “Just like his mother,” Ivan mused.

  They were laughing when the doctor and nurse came out of the room. The nurse was pushing the baby in the carrier. She stopped briefly to allow them to ooh and ahh over him.

  “I need to take him to the nursery to record his vitals. Then I will bring him back,” the nurse said.

  “Can we go in?” Sami asked.

  “In a few minutes. I think they want to be alon
e for a few minutes,” the nurse said. “You’re welcome to come with me and watch him through the window.”

  “Oh, wonderful,” Sami enthused.

  All three of them accompanied the nurse.


  Wes sat at the head of Chanel’s bed and held her tightly.

  “You were fabulous, sweetheart. You did really well,” he praised her.

  “I screamed the hospital down,” Chanel said ruefully.

  “Well. That’s expected,” he chuckled.

  “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” she marveled.

  “Yes he is. Just like his mother,” Wes said. “He’s healthy and strong and will grow into a fine man.”

  “He can’t go wrong with you as his dad,” she whispered.

  “I am a dad, aren’t I?” he smiled.

  “Yes. And you will be a fantastic father. Amir Julien Cambridge will have the best dad in the entire world,” she said earnestly.

  “You mean Amir Julien Vaughn. I want him to have my last name. I want to adopt him,” Wes said.

  Tears streamed down Chanel’s face.

  “Thank you, Wes. Thank you so much,” she cried.

  “You don’t have to thank me, Chanel. It’s what I want to do,” Wes said. “I’ve been thinking of him as my son for the last five months. Of course he would carry my name.”

  She reached up to pull his head down and kissed him gently.

  “I love you, Wesley Vaughn. More than life itself,” she whispered.

  “And I love you, my darling. Now and forever,” he sighed happily.

  The nurse brought Amir back into the room and rested him in Chanel’s arms. The nurse smiled broadly as she looked at the new family. She left the room quietly as Chanel and Wes held their newborn and smiled down at him. It was a happy day for them. The first of many splendid days to come.

  The end.

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