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Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition

Page 41

by Elizabeth Knox


  That night we partied like we never partied before. The flames were still burning up in the forest but local PD and the firefighters were confident that they had it under control. Spark was given the night off because he was still recuperating from the smoke inhalation from earlier. All in all there were more than twenty women who were kept captive there none of which were directly from my area but the surrounding areas. The police department is calling it a complete victory.

  The music blares out of the surround sound and Cody made sure to invite as many bikersluts as he could find. Even Charmaline showed up though she was completely pissed the fuck off that she couldn’t get her claws into me tonight. No, tonight I would be enjoying the company of my woman. Now that Dela finally accepted that everything was over she was becoming more and more at ease. Laughing and playing along with my brothers and the rest of the people that decided to join in on the festivities.

  Of course, there are a few things that I’m still a bit worried about. One in particular is Spark and his feelings for Dela.

  Every once in a while, I catch him gazing at her, it’s starting to make me believe that maybe the little jokes and playing around he does about being in love with her aren’t just for laughs. I’ve never fought any of my brothers over a woman and I hope I’m not going to have to start now. Fortunately, he has been keeping everything friendly but there is no telling what is going to happen at a later time.

  “Uh, Wyatt?” Winnie calls from the back of the main room and I turn my head to look at him. Right behind him is a man in a dark suit, complete with tie and cufflinks. I know the type. Government type.

  What the fuck was this? I move away from Dela and go see what this is about.

  “Bro, you good?” Brendan gets up and begins to come in my direction. They all see that we have unfamiliar company.

  “Yeah, relax,” I say and wave him off. If he is here to arrest me then the last thing, I want is for them to be making a huge scene about it. Though the end result of what happened today turned out good. There was a lot of underhanded shit that we did as well. He may be here to take me in.

  “Wyatt?” Dela reaches out and grabs my hand trying to keep me from moving away from her.

  “Easy, darling. I’ll be fine.” I pick up her hand and kiss her knuckles before I drop it and walk toward the man.

  “May I help you?” I ask, and the music turns down slightly behind me.

  “Yes, I need to speak with you. I believe you had some of your associates reach out to me with some interesting information.” He puts his hand out for me to shake. “I am Deputy Director Andrew Bowman.”

  Oh fuck, a deputy director, the same one we sent all the information to when we figured out that my Assistant Deputy Director Lynch was on the take. This could be bad.

  “I see, sure. Come this way.” I walk him to the back where we could speak in private. It’s rare that we let anyone who isn’t a patched in member into our church but I think in this instance I can make an exception.

  I hold the door open so he can walk in but before I follow him in, I look toward my brothers, all of them looking at me. I give a slight nod to put them at ease but I know they won’t calm down until I’m out of the room.

  “You made quite a stir in things here,” Bowmen says as I let the door close behind me.

  “As you can see from the information that I sent over to you, I didn’t really have much of a choice.”

  “Yes, you sure did compile quite the case.” He sits down in one of the side chairs and not at the table, strange of him to do that. Almost as if he knows that sitting at the table without being a patched in member would be disrespectful.

  “Is that why you’ve come today?” I wanted to get down to the crux of it. If he came here to take me in then I wanted to get this fucking show on the road.

  “No, well, not exactly really.” He pulls out a few sheets of paper and puts them on the table before going back to sit in his chair. “I have a bit of a proposition for you and your club.”

  “Oh?” I sit in my chair at the head of the table and pick up the papers and photos that he left there. Bodies littered the ground. More photos of other people in different locations, none of which seemed to connect to the other.

  “Wyatt, you have stumbled upon something much bigger than you know of and something that leaches up into even the higher forms of government. This cult is only one small part. The fact that your boss was impacted and ready to put his oath as a protector of the people to the side in order to protect this extremist further lets myself and those that are truly for the badge know we aren’t as effective as we need to be. Only doing things one way. Sometimes you need to step out of the box to get better results.” He pushed another stack of papers in my direction.

  “What are you asking?”

  “I know that this motorcycle club is comprised of mostly ex-FBI agents, people that have devoted their lives to upholding the law. I know that your brother was put into jail because he was able to manipulate the bureau for his own gain. I know about the connections you have with other clubs and more sinister parties. We know about all of it, but instead of trying to fight against you, we want you to fight with us. Of course, it would all be non-sanctioned. If you got caught, we would deny it but we aren’t dumb enough to think that our way is the only way to get results.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears or what I was reading. This paper basically said that the Boys of Djinn would have free rein to apprehend criminals as we saw fit. “What do you expect us to do, be the fucking hound dogs for the bureau?”

  “Something like that except we won’t have such a hold on you. I think I can trust you enough to know that you’re not going to be like your brother Liam, right? You thinking about going psychotic on me?” He tilts his head slightly to the side.

  Although what he is saying is all true it doesn’t mean I like him saying it. My little brother is still a sore point for me. I should have seen what was going on and the fact that I didn’t cause us to lose not only our brother to the penitentiary but also our father who he killed in a crazed rage. Not something I like to bring up very often.

  “No, we have our fucking heads on straight,” I snap back at him.

  “Good, it’s settled then. Go about business as usual, as far as anyone else knows, you retired from the FBI. If you happen to run across any of these criminals, we would be highly appreciative.” He stands and is about to leave.

  Of course, I know that him saying if we happen to run across is just another way of saying these are the first people that we need to find and deal with.

  “What about contacts? Who do we reach out to if shit goes south?”

  The man smirked. “God.”

  “Great, I’ll make sure to get right on that.”

  We would be on our own, as long as they weren’t breathing down our backs, I guess I could live with that.

  “All I can do is assure you that you don’t need to be worried about us coming for you. Make sure all your messes are cleaned up and you’ll be surprised how blind the government can be when their problems are being fixed by an outside source.”

  “We shall see.” I stood and watched as he walked to the door before turning around quickly.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. There is a bit of bad news that I must leave you with.”

  Fuck, I should have known. “What?”

  “We have already gone through all the bodies at the compound up there in the woods. We have managed to identify everyone and notify their next of kin but . . .” His voice trailed off and a somber look crossed his face.

  Please don’t fucking say what I think you are going to say. Please.

  My heart rate speeds up and I wait for him to tell me what he has to say.

  “Emerson, the leader, wasn’t found. He escaped. We haven’t been able to locate him in the trees either. There is a strong possibility that he succumbed to the fire or injuries while getting away but right now we have no proof.”

p; All the life just drained out of me as I fell back down against the chair. It wasn’t over. I should have searched for that fucker while we were still down there. “You think he’ll come for us?” I ask.

  “No, not alone. I don’t think he has the balls for that. All his followers are either dead or running away. Based on his profile he isn’t one to get his hands dirty. It’ll take him a while if he did decide to come back for you. Just keep an eye on that woman of yours. I’d bet money he’d come for her first. The one that got away and all.” He shrugs and leaves the room with that information swirling in my mind.

  I wait a few seconds before I leave church. When the door opens and everyone sees my face, I can feel the relief pour off them. Dela in particular. She’s so happy. She thinks it’s all over and I don’t think I have the heart to tell her otherwise. Besides, she’s with me now. I’m the president of the Boys of Djinn MC, if there is anyone that should be able to keep her safe. No, there’s no need for her to know.


  “Bring your asses into church. We have shit to vote on.” I press the intercom system.

  One of the first things we did when we came down from the high of getting rid of the cult is upgrade our security. We all still wanted to keep our privacy but I needed to make sure that we were all safe at the same time. Along with alarms placed on every door and window we also had an intercom system lined through the separate homes. I could press it here in the clubhouse and it would sound in the houses on the outskirts. Mostly we used it for business but every once in a while, Cody liked to let us all here his sexual exploits. The only downside of the whole thing.


  “On the way.”

  One by one my brothers let me know that they were coming. Today would be an interesting day. When I got word that Wire had stepped down from the Wings of Diablo MC, I didn’t believe it but then Clean called a few weeks later to let me know that he had just taken up the reins and had to clean house. There were some members that needed a new home. One he was sending our way. Devin.

  At first, I was a bit pissed off that he wanted to give us his trash but I had been around Devin already, I knew what kind of person he was. I believed that he wasn’t a fucking rat but then again there was something about him that made Clean question. Still, I wanted him to be part of the team, if we were going to be hunting like the FBI wanted us to be doing then we would need all the fucking help that we could get. He already knew the way of the club and he got along with my brothers. Plus he had a background in law enforcement. It was true what Clean said, he just fits better with us.

  When he showed up this morning, his fresh kutte on his back and his shit tied to the sides of his bike I figured it was time that I let the guys know but I needed to have a few minutes alone with him to make sure he was on the same fucking page as I was. This wasn’t the Wings of Diablo, the shit that went down over there wasn’t going to fucking fly over here. Once he got to know that shit then I think we would be golden.

  He stands at the door of the church, his jaw clenched shut and his hands in his pockets.

  “Seems like you have a bit of a problem already,” I say, sitting back in my seat.

  “Nah, man, no problem,” he replies right away.

  “Then fucking look at me when I talk to you. If you can’t man up enough to look me in my face when I speak then you’re not going to fucking cut it.” I slam my hand against the table and his eyes pop up to mine. “I’m going to ask you again. Do you have a problem?”

  “You know what, Wyatt? Yeah, I have a fucking problem but there is nothing that you can do about it. I put my life on the line time after time for that club and they threw me away like trash. Doesn’t foster a good feeling of brotherhood now does it. Now you all say that you want me in the club but I hear you telling the rest of them that it needs to be put to a vote. Doesn’t sound like everyone wants me now does it.”

  I could understand his aggravation. It’s no fun getting tossed around from place to place when all you are looking for is a place to call home. A family to fit in with. A brotherhood. Still, there are rules that need to be followed, I’m for him joining us but if my brothers aren’t then he will need to pack his bike up and be on his way.

  A sharp knock on the door cuts off my line of thought and I can’t reply to him.

  “Come in.”

  Spark, Cody, Winnie, and Brendan all walk in. Brendan is the one to get excited when he sees Devin. “Brother, what’s going on?” He pulls Devin into a bro hug and moves away.

  Of course, I already told them that Devin was on the way, we just needed to have an official vote. It was the way of the patch.

  “Everyone sit down, let’s get this over with,” I order and they all do. I sit in my chair at the head of the table. The seat of power. It might be a group decision but I know that if I said that I didn’t want Devin my brothers would go along with it. His place here is left up to me. It’s a lot of power for anyone to have.

  “As you all know by now, our brothers over in the Wings of Diablo have had a devastating and traumatic time. Unfortunately, they will never be the same. One of their members needs a new home, he was displaced not because he did anything wrong but because Clean thought he would be a better fit here with us with his background in law enforcement.

  “I hear that,” Spark says out loud.

  There is a round of laughter before I put my hand up to silence everyone. “I’m calling to a vote the matter of Devin becoming one of us. I say he was meant to be one of the Boys of Djinn, what say the rest of you?”

  The round of yays is deafening and I glance over to Devin who is standing over to the side looking a bit more at ease than he did a few minutes ago. Acceptance will do that for you.

  “Welcome, brother.” I put my hand out, a patch that reads patched member in my palm.

  He walks over and takes it from me. “Thanks for the chance.”

  “You deserve it. Besides, there was no way we were just going to let someone as good as you fall to the wind. Those Wings don’t know what they gave up.” I clap him on the back and look to the rest of my brothers.

  “Alright, that’s it. It’s time to celebrate! Cody, I think Devin needs to get a look at our ladies. Let’s show him what the Boys of Djinn have to offer.”

  Coming up next for the Boys of Djinn

  Find out what happens next for the Boys of Djinn in Cody’s book. Will the boys find Emerson or will the Children of Gaia continue their reign of terror?

  More From Rae B. Lake

  Wings of Diablo MC











  Wings Of Diablo MC - New Orleans



  Spawns of Chaos MC


  Juric Crime Family

  Sven’s Mark

  Eve’s Fury MC

  Becoming Vexx



  The Shop Series Books

  His Georgia Peach

  To Protect and Serve Donut Holes

  On The Edge of Ecstasy

  His Peach Sparkle

  Royal Bastards MC

  Death & Paradise


  Drunk Love

  Saving Valentine

  About the Author

  Follow Rae Everywhere!










  The Exiled Eight MC – Detroit Chapter

  Addison Jane


  The Exiled Eight MC – Detroit Chapter

  Twisted Steel Anthology

  Addison Jane

  Copyright 2021 Addison Jane

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organizations, or places is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author. All songs, song titles, and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.

  Disclaimer: The material in this book contains graphic language and sexual content and is intended for mature audiences, ages 18 and older.

  Editing by Swish Design & Editing

  All Rights Reserved



  My feet scuffed the church floor as my father and uncle dragged me down the aisle, unable to keep up with their frantic pace.

  Wide eyes filled the pews on either side of us, some in horror, some in shock and awe, but all just so desperate for front-row seats to my demise. I knew because I’d once been one of them, eager to watch the vulgar ritual, knowing it would give me nightmares but desperate to experience something so foreign.


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