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The New Devil in Charge

Page 5

by Jennifer Loren

  “You’re going to buy up old broken down buildings and clear out the drug addicts and dealers and prostitutes with what? A sign that says ‘Rich People Only’.” I shake my head at him and his nonsense.

  “No, I am going to get you to help me.”

  “I thought you said legit, Eli.”

  Eli sits back, laughing. “Alright, so I meant in the area of legit, legit-ish. Of course, we have to handle things first, but once we do, then we start building a legit … ish business.”

  “Sounds great, but I think we need to worry about Acosta first. Do you still have that connection at the DMV? I have an idea.”

  “Rachel? Yeah, but I don’t know how far I can get with Cat watching my every move. How about I give you her info and you handle her? She will show you a good time, and she’s willing to do just about anything. I swear, that girl is a freak, like freakier than normal freaks. I wonder if she still has that swing?”

  “You are going to have sex with someone you don’t know and use her to get something? And I guess you will toss her to the side as soon as you are done?” Skylar asks in shock. “I don’t think that is any way for a future Lord to act.”

  “Skylar!” I yell.

  “Sorry.” Eli smiles wide at her as she curses me under her breath. “Stop smiling at me,” she demands of Eli with tightened fists and a sharp sigh. “What’s your problem?”

  “You are the worst invisible person ever. No, I mean it. You are not good at all. Not even a little bit,” he says with an innocent smile.

  I laugh as she steams. “I am trying to do a job here and protect one of our future Lords. I would appreciate it if you would not speak directly to me.”

  “But you’re talking to me,” he reasons.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are. You just did it again.”

  “Well, I am not going to anymore, so go back to ignoring me.” Skylar sits straight up and acts as if she has nothing to do with us.

  “I’ll try, but that’s not going to be easy if you keep talking and causing a scene like you have been. Look! You got my dog all riled up. Now she’s upset, and I think she passed out from her weak heart.” Eli bends down to tend to Lily

  Skylar jumps around me to get to the dog. “Oh no, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

  Eli laughs. “I was just kidding. She’s fine. See? She’s sound asleep. Never heard a thing. Wow, you’re gullible. You better watch that with this one,” Eli warns, pointing at me. “He’ll send you in circles if you’re not careful.”

  “I can handle him and anything he throws at me,” she says confidently.

  “Ooh, okay. Should make for an interesting work environment.” Eli nods towards me.

  “Get your nose out of my personal business, and let’s get back to the real business,” I urge.

  “Fine, Young Jayzon. Can you tell me where Terrence is? I need his help negotiating with some people that are not so easily persuaded to my way of thinking.”

  “I can handle them,” I say.

  “Nah. In this case, I really need someone smooth and with quality taste.” I look at him with my arms out. “You know what I mean. He’s GQ and you’re… not. I don’t think they will let you in the door.”

  “I don’t like suits, so what?” He looks me over with a frown. I huff, “Terrence is helping Nick with something for the week. So if you need someone, I am all you got right now. You should really let me help you before you get yourself in trouble.”

  “Who are you talking to? Son, I have been handling myself for way longer than you have had hair on your balls. Wait, do you have hair on your balls yet?” Eli laughs and so does Skylar.

  I glance over my shoulder at her. “He did, but he clearly shaved it off.” She smiles wide at me. “Your boxers don’t cover much, especially when you sleep like you do. Someone is awfully proud.”

  I shake my head and then realize Eli is here and heard her say that. “Well! So someone has already been peeking into the cookie jar. Oh yeah, this is going to be fun. I wish I could stay and watch this mess develop more, but we have an appointment with Clarice, and she is the only one who knows how to handle Lily’s sensitive paws.” Eli gathers his pup’s things and nods towards me before walking away laughing.

  I turn around, grab her chair, and pull Skylar to me. “Don’t watch me sleep. That’s creepy.”

  “I am supposed to watch you.”

  “Not while I am sleeping.”

  She sits back, folding her arms. “Fine, but I don’t know what it matters now. I have already seen everything you have to offer. And for the record, I don’t think any of it should be used on that freaky girl for information.”

  Oh my God. Exhausting.



  We are at the DMV, as much as I tried to lose Skylar somewhere, she won’t go away. However, I walk up to Eli’s girl, Rachel, who agreed to meet me for lunch, alone. Thankfully, Skylar has agreed to hang back and out of the way.

  “Hi, Rachel?” I say to the woman who jumps up and hugs me. “I’m Ryan, but I guess you know that.”

  “I knew it as soon as you walked in the door. Your aura spoke to me instantly,” Rachel says, and Skylar rolls her eyes from behind her. I try to ignore her and offer my hand to Rachel to escort her to lunch. “Oh my!” she squeals, nearly busting my eardrums. “You’re such a gentleman. Eli said you were sweet, but he didn’t say anything about how extremely sexy you are. You have this whole sweet yet mysterious, dark thing going on.” She giggles in my ear. “I love it so much. I could just eat you right up.”

  “I think you look very nice too.” I need to get this lunch over with as soon as possible before I strangle her. I rush to a nearby place and sit her down. She orders food, but doesn’t eats much of it. She spends more time fondling me and feeding me my lunch. It’s more annoying than I can usually tolerate, but I try to look happy and comfortable, especially with Skylar in the background showing her disgust every second I look over at her. “Rachel, I need to ask you for a favor. There is a woman I need to cause trouble for.”

  “Oh, an ex-girlfriend?”

  “No, just a competitor I want to rid myself of. I need her vehicles impounded so she will have less opportunity for transportation by a certain night. Do you think you could do that for me?” I try to look into her eyes but she is so fidgety and hyper I can’t get a good look. “I would be very grateful to you.” I say playing with her hair. She suddenly squeals and leaps into my lap.

  “Sure, whatever you need Sexy, all you have to do is join me for dinner at my place.” I try not to groan when I agree with a smile. She wiggles her happiness all over me. Why won’t she sit the fuck still? “So, Ryan, have you ever been in a serious relationship?”

  “Yeah,” I say, hoping it ends there.

  “Oh, tell me, what happened? Did she break your heart for someone else?” the bitch asks. “I bet the horrible witch thought she could do better and ran back to you and you kicked her sorry ass to the curb and are now here for me to grab up and enjoy. Tell me I’m right? I’m always right about these things.”

  “She was my fiancé, and she died.”

  “Oh well, that’s sad, but whatever happens is meant to be and you’re meant to be with me now. So stop sulking about what’s her name and tell me what I can do to make you happy?”

  I push her clinging body away from me. “Her name was Sam, not, what’s her name.”

  “Well I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were into women with guys’ names. I simply thought you might be ready to move on with a live, real woman.” Rachel scoffs.

  It is all I can do not to end her right now. “Sam was the love of my life and more of a woman than you will ever be,” I look down at her fighting my fury, “and before you ask, no, I have no interest in ever getting into a relationship with anyone else ever again, especially you.” I stand up and throw some cash on the table. “I would walk you back like a gentleman, but considering you don’t have to cross the st
reet, I am sure you will be just fine finding your way on your own.” I glance Skylar’s way and motion for her to go. She looks shocked, but then she marches over to the girl who is cursing my existence.

  “Next time, Sunshine, you might try being a little more respectful of people’s feelings and not be such a disrespectful bitch.” I turn back to grab my not-so-invisible sidekick but stop short for some reason. “And, by the way, you don’t deserve him. So curse him all you want, but you are watching a good man walk away from you, and I would be willing to bet it’s not the first time.” Skylar turns away, walks up to me, and waits for me to move forward.

  It’s not until we are back in the car that I look at her again. “Why did you do that?”

  “I’m your guard, and I am supposed to protect you. She hurt you, and I fought her back so she couldn’t hurt you again. I know she was about to say something really hurtful to you, I could see it in her eyes.”

  “She was rightfully upset, Skylar.”

  “She was wrong. Besides, I’m here to protect you not her.” Skylar focuses outside the car window and doesn’t say another word the rest of the night. Her sadness is written all over her face. I have a feeling she wasn’t just fighting for my feelings but hers as well.

  For some reason, I can’t sleep without the horrific nightmares slipping into my head, so I finally get up and decide to work on something, anything. I find Skylar scrunched up on the crappy sofa with her arm around Shadow who is trying to squeeze in next to her. Grabbing a drink, I lean back against the counter in the kitchen and stare out at the odd couple curled up together and then something really strange happens. I begin to only see her. I have seen beautiful women before, and sure enough, she is beautiful, especially when I can see her without all her gear and protective barriers on, but to suddenly see a woman’s vulnerability gives you a different perspective. She’s been in love before, and I’m not sure what happened, but it has damaged her much the way I am … broken.

  Acosta destroyed Jericho to the point the man committed suicide out of fear. We didn’t help any by stealing most of his men right out from under him while he was at war with her. Every time he set up a hit on Acosta, we intercepted the men and convinced them to work for us instead. We eliminated competition and gained men without ever firing a shot. Maybe Eli is on to something with his neighborly approach to this. While Jericho stayed hidden, Acosta goes out of her way to be seen. She shops and wanders the city constantly, as if she is trying to grace every part of the world that she can with her presence. A spoiled, rich girl who has been fed by her daddy’s unlawful business deals and murderous takeovers since birth, she has no concern for anyone, and from what I understand, she is a true sociopath. She loves the social life, and tonight is at the charity event of the season. Only the richest and most well-to-do will be there and, of course, anyone and everyone who wants to be seen, a watering hole for the vain.

  It’s nothing for Eli and me to get dressed up. We hate it, but it takes us no time to find something. Our dates, however, are completely at a loss as to what to wear. I know Cat well enough to know she is not the girly girl shopper that is overly excited about the opportunity, and considering the militia look Skylar has possessed since I met her, I am assuming we are going to have to hire someone to help them. “Listen, I don’t have a lot of choices for dates at this moment, so just let me find someone to help you look appropriate.”

  “You don’t think I know how to dress for an event?” I try to say something that is not insulting, but she stops me. “Give me your credit card.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I don’t exactly have money to buy such things, and despite your current residence, I am assuming you do? So give me your credit card and the keys to your car, and I will go get what is needed without any help. Trust me, I know how to dress,” Skylar insists.

  “I am most certainly not giving you the keys to my car! Do you even have a driver’s license?”

  “Is that important?” She has the audacity to ask.

  Cat stands up and gets in between us. “How about I drive, and since she seems to know what she is doing, then she can help me too. We will be back to meet you two handsome gentlemen later.”

  I hand over my credit card reluctantly. “Please, please understand this is a charity event, a party with sophistication. Try to find something that makes you look more like a woman and not a stripper on a military mission,” I say to a steaming Skylar. A wide smile stretches over my face. “In the meantime, I will guard myself here at Eli’s and enjoy the pool and hopefully a good cigar.”

  “You do that.” She grabs my credit card and huffs in my face before stomping out the door while Eli receives a warm embrace and a deep erotic kiss that makes me uncomfortable.

  Once Cat leaves, I look at Eli and his huge smile. “What?”

  “Can you two calm down the overenthusiastic love a little bit?”

  “Sorry, but she is so …” He motions with his hands and then simply grimaces. “I love her, man. I can’t help it. I actually miss her right now, and she hasn’t been gone two minutes.”

  I look him up and down and recognize a man completely lost in love. “I understand. Let’s get a drink and help me try and forget the fact that Skylar is pissed off at me and has my credit card.”

  “Yeah, that was pretty stupid on your part. Although I suspect she will make you pay in another way.”

  “In what way then?”

  “You really are clueless. Oh well, you’ll figure it out eventually,” he says as he walks away and prepares us a both a drink. “Right now, I got to get a drink and a cigar in before she gets back and cuts me off.”

  The girls have returned. Skylar thanked me for my card as she tossed it back to me. I asked to see what she got, but she ignored me and walked away. Cat shrugged her shoulders, but tried to encourage me with a smiling nod. “Okay, so that either means I should be satisfied with what she got or I am going to be taking you as my date, Eli.”

  “The hell you are. I have a date, and I don’t care what she wears. Either way, I am coming home and getting laid. Thanks to you, Lily doesn’t try and sleep between us anymore.”

  “Yay for you. Shadow sleeps with Skylar now.”

  “Well he is male, and she is hot and … you’re not.” He laughs as I roll my eyes.

  “Shadow come here and bite Eli.” Eli spins around in defense with wide eyes until I laugh and Shadow rolls over on his back, whining for another belly rub.

  “Not funny, asshole.”

  “What’s so funny?” Skylar asks, leaning against the wall in a sweet, blue, modern 50’s style dress that screams sophistication and complete unattainability. It fits like a glove, and the view causes my jaw to drop to the floor.

  “Wow. Okay, I am going to go find my date while you … and you pretend you aren’t looking at each other that way.” Eli leaves us alone, and I wish he hadn’t because I have no idea what to say.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t make you apologize and say you were wrong. The expression on your face is all I need. You actually look nice too.”

  “Thank you.” I look her over one more time. Catching me, she smiles so wide I am afraid her face may split in half. “You don’t have to be so cocky. Yes, you look amazing, but just remember we are working, not dating,” I remind her.

  “Got it. I just hope you can remember that.” She walks out in front of me, purposely swaying that ass to drive me insane.

  I look down at my excited penis, “Calm down that wasn’t a challenge.”

  The venue for the party is ostentatious, not that I expected anything different. The room is full of the most boring people in the city, and then Acosta walks in with two guards on each side, immediately looking for attention.

  “Alright beautiful, it’s time to play your part while I scope out my competition,” Skylar cozies up to me and begins playing the adoring girlfriend, a little too well. I can barely concentrate on what I need to. The woman looks up at me, and my heart races. My h
and instinctually moves down her back and holds her close. She kisses my cheek, and I brush her hair back to kiss her neck. She rubs the back of my neck, and I breathe against her ear with a nudge of my nose. Her hand moves down my chest, and I take hold of it, moving it to my lips for a kiss. I’m not sure what’s happening to me. I look down into her eyes. “Sky …”

  “Well, hello. You two look cozy.” Acosta approaches us out of nowhere. “My name is Michelle Acosta. She looks Skylar over before turning her attention completely to me. “And you are?”

  “Ryan Milio, and this is my girlfriend, Skylar.”

  “Girlfriend? It looked more serious than that. Good to know it isn’t,” she says boldly with a teasing smile. “You’re new here.”

  “Yes, we moved here a few months ago.”

  “How nice, for me. This city definitely needed some new blood, especially yours,” she purrs, touching my arm softly. “If you need a tour guide, feel free to give me a call. I have lived here my whole life. Unfortunately, I have to be sociable, but I do hope we see more of each other later.” She smiles at me, tucking her number into my jacket pocket, and not very discreetly. She knows she’s beautiful, and she fully expects to get what she wants.

  “She likes to steal men away from women she finds threatening,” Skylar says.

  “Is that what that was about? I thought that was about me.”

  “Maybe some, but she couldn’t have cared less about you if it wasn’t for me. The more you pay attention to me, the more she will pursue you. I do believe you have found your in, Mr. Milio.”

  “My mother’s name, if you must know. I didn’t take my father’s name until recently and only because it made it easier with the Council. They really like my father.”

  “Easier on them. I doubt you care about that. You bonded with him somehow recently, but he died a long time ago, so I wonder how could you have done that? Did you find a long lost note or something?” I sigh, stepping back from her. “You don’t have to answer me. Just know you can’t lie. I would rather you simply not say anything at all.”


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