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The Retribution: A High School Light Bully Romance (Beverly Hills Prep Academy Book 3)

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by Melissa Adams

  Table of Contents


  The Retribution | A Beverly Hills Prep Academy Novel

  1. | Summer Loving

  2. | Cheer Squad

  3. | A Kissing Game

  4. | Team Roster

  5. | Team Spirit

  6. | Chances

  7. | A Dream Come True

  8. | The End Of The World

  9. | Hit Me Baby One More Time

  10. | The School Of Hard Knox

  11. | Messed Up

  12. | Team Work

  13. | Home Sweet Home

  14. | Rumour Has It

  15. | Grovelling

  16. | Hostile Truce

  17. | Rally Boys

  18. | The Eye Of The Storm

  19. | A Perfect Match

  20. | Together

  21. | Tests

  22. | Family Reunion

  23. | Retribution




  To Lorrie

  The Retribution

  A Beverly Hills Prep Academy Novel

  WARNING: This is a Light Bully Romance. This means that the men in Aubrey’s harem won't always behave nicely and will sometimes be harsh and often be victim of their own flaws.

  Every sexual act or situation described in this story is completely consensual and takes place between two adults.

  Possible trigger warnings might be: mild violence, underage (21) drinking and drug misuse.

  Finally this book’s spelling is British (like the author): so if you see neighbours instead of neighbors, centre instead of center and a few other different spellings it's because of that, they aren't typos.


  Summer Loving


  Hilton Head, South Carolina

  Two weeks ago

  “HEY ABI, CAN I BORROW your peach pink lipgloss?”

  My sister lifts her blue eyes from the book she's reading and takes in my pale lilac summer dress, the white ballet flats with a matching little bag and nods.

  “Yeah, of course. Where are you off to?”

  I avert my gaze from hers and tell her that Devon’s taking me out to dinner.

  “Aubrey ...”

  She just says my name once and the disapproval in her tone makes me look at her again.


  “You know that we’re leaving tomorrow morning, right? We’re going

  back to LA.”

  She says that as a warning and I plop myself down on the bed right next to her and pout.

  “I know! I just ... I think I might be in love with him, Abi. I’ve had the best summer of my life.”

  Even I can hear how dreamy my voice sounds and I really can’t help it.

  I met Devon two weeks ago, I was walking back to the house after a swim and I was taking a shortcut by walking on some rocks.

  My feet were wet in my flip flops and the edge of my foot got caught in a crevice between two rocks, sending me literally flying.

  I put my hands forward, bracing myself for a really hard and painful landing but two strong arms kept me from falling.

  When I was helped back on my feet, I found myself staring into the most gorgeous green eyes I’d ever seen.

  I invited Devon to Chaz's summer house for a thank you drink and we’ve been hanging out ever since.

  We’ve been spending every free minute we have together: he works as a lifeguard for one of the five star resorts on the other side of the island.

  Devon is absolutely gorgeous: over six feet tall, and so well built that he rivals Abi’s boyfriends in the hotness department.

  He’s the quiet type but in all honesty, we haven't really been talking much.

  The day we met, he asked me out and we’ve been spending most of our time together making out on the beach or in his room.

  I didn't have the courage to bring him to Chaz's again because Abi’s guys have practically adopted me and treat me like their own little sister.

  And while Chaz and Pryce would probably behave, Max and Reece don't know how to turn their intensity off and they’d probably scare Devon to death.

  Abi sighs at the dreamy expression on my face and takes my hand.

  “Look, sweetie, I don't wanna be the patronising big sister here but it's only been two weeks. Try not to do anything stupid?”

  “I ...”

  I know what she means and Devon has been more and more daring every time we’ve been together.

  But despite having kissed several boys in my eighteen years, I’ve never let any of them go beyond second base and Devon hasn't been an exception.

  The last few nights though I’ve seen the signs of our relationship heating up, his hands becoming more and more feverish, his kisses harder to resist.

  I’m not a prude and I’ve never liked anyone more than I like him but the reason why I haven't let things go further, is that I know that our relationship has an expiration date.

  When I look away from Abi again, she yells.


  And my sister's boyfriend appears on the threshold of his own bedroom in seconds.

  It’s uncanny how his ‘summer house’ is a huge twelve bedroom mansion and whenever Abi shouts one of the boys’ names, they appear immediately.

  It’s like they have superhuman hearing or something.

  “Yes, angel?”

  “Do we have any condoms?”

  Her question makes me swallow wrong and I start coughing and sputtering whilst trying not to die of embarrassment.

  “What the fuck? Why?”

  I ask but the conversation between them proceeds as if I weren't sitting right here, trying to regain a normal colour after almost choking to death at my sister’s question.

  “Uhm... I can look in the master bathroom. There might be some we left there last summer. They should still be good.”

  Then he seems to realise what Abi asked for because he asks:

  “Why do we need condoms?”

  And seriously I get it that she has no secrets with her boys but I’m standing right here, fucking dying under the gaze of my former pop star crush.

  “They're for Aubrey.”

  I try to make it clear that this is all her idea and I didn't ask for them but the damage is done.

  “Aubrey? Why do you need condoms? Are you and this guy, Devon fucking? But you barely even know him!”

  “I ...”

  Abi intervenes.

  “Look, I’m not saying that you should do anything tonight but ... better safe than sorry, sis. Ok? Please honey, can you get the condoms?”

  I take the two condoms Chaz hands me, not daring to look at him and put them in my little purse.

  “Aubrey ...”

  My sister is obviously not done embarrassing me, so I abruptly stand up and blurt out that I’ve gotta go and literally flee out of the room.

  HE TOOK ME OUT FOR a fancy dinner at the Country Club and I’m worried this must've cost him a good chunk of what he earned all summer.

  But in all honesty, I’m too distracted by those vibrant green eyes and by the feel of his hand covering mine on the table.

  So distracted that I barely notice my purse vibrate next to my arm on the table and when my ringtone starts blaring from inside the little white leather bag, I jump in surprise elbowing the purse off the table.

  The magnetic clip that keeps it closed snaps open when the bag hits the ceramic tiles of the terrace the restaurant is situated on, a
nd of course the fucking condoms slip out together with my cell phone.

  I don't even notice the cracked screen, too busy trying to collect the condoms before Devon can see them but his hand covers mine again and he hands me the two little foil packets with a faint little smirk on his lips.

  After that, dinner becomes a fast affair and I find myself walking on the beach in the pre-dusk pink light.

  Everything looks soft and romantic and a strong breeze is making the waves crash against the same rocks I almost slipped on, the same rocks responsible for me meeting Devon.

  We walk holding hands, each of us lost in our own thoughts and I’m surprised when he asks me what’s on my mind.

  I shrug, suddenly aware of his body so close to mine.

  He smells like sunscreen and the ocean and there's this warmth radiating from his skin that I can feel even when we aren't touching.

  I decide to be honest.

  “I’m thinking that this has been the best summer of my life. Because of you.”

  I say that in a whisper and his face is so close to me now that I can feel his warm breath on my lips.

  “Me too, Aubrey.”

  He kisses me sweetly and softly at first but when I kiss him back, his tongue demands access into my mouth and he takes my breath away, exploring my mouth with expert strokes of his tongue, using his teeth to graze my bottom lip in the most sensual way.

  And Devon’s hands follow his lips, skimming down my neck and shoulders and closing down on one of my breasts, feeling my already hardened nipple through the soft cotton fabric.

  My breathing is laboured and I’m having trouble thinking straight: his lips, his hands, his scent are so dizzyingly good that they make everything else fade away into the background.

  However when one of Devon’s big hands sneaks under my dress and cups my ass, pressing our bodies tighter together and making me feel the steel-like hard-on in his pants, I gasp and snap right out of it.

  His kisses have become almost frantic and this is more than we’ve ever done before, I don't know if I want it.

  “Devon ... Devon ... slow down, please.”

  I try to push him away but he's not budging.

  “Aubrey, why? I want you so much ...”

  He says it with his lips on that sensitive spot behind my ear, his breath so warm that it makes my skin tingle and it makes it so hard to think.

  “Please, Devon, don't ruin everything. We’re going home tomorrow and I might never see you again.”

  He looks into my eyes and uses my protest to his own advantage.

  “That's one more reason why, Aubrey. Please, don't make me say goodbye not knowing how it feels to be yours and for you to be mine.”

  Damn, he's so fucking good with words!

  My body's definitely saying yes to him but I already know that my heart will break when I board that flight back to California tomorrow morning.

  So the choice in front of me is pretty clear: do I prefer to have to live with the regret that I didn't give myself to my first love or with the remorse that I did when I knew that time was running out?

  And then he says the words that make me decide that I need him more than I need air and I want this and fuck tomorrow.

  “Aubrey, I’m falling for you ...”

  So I let him drag me down on the sand and lift my dress, taking my panties off and exposing my hot, incredibly wet skin.

  I’m throbbing everywhere, feeling his hands on me and his feverish kisses on my naked breasts when he lowers the straps of my sundress.

  I take his shirt off, running my hands over his hard, chiselled chest and his sculpted six pack of abs.

  “Baby, get one of those rubbers from your purse, please.”

  I do as he asks and he opens the condom, rolling it on his hard length and then guiding himself towards my opening.

  I thought that I was ready for this and God knows that I wanted it but when he thrusts inside of me, all I can feel is a burning, excruciating tear and I grab onto his shoulders to try and keep from crying out.

  He starts moving in and out of me and I'm waiting, I’m waiting for this to start feeling good, for the pain to turn into the ecstasy that Abi describes when she tells me about her time with her boys.

  But before I even have the time to get used to having Devon inside me, he emits a low grunt and I feel him pulse and spasm against my inner walls.

  We stay still for a moment and I really struggle not to push him off of me: when you read it in romance novels or see it in the movies, sex on the beach sounds romantic but no one tells you about the reality of the sand getting literally everywhere.

  I have sand between my legs, inside my dress, in my butt crack, because his thrusting has caused me to rub against the ground.

  So I’m relieved when he helps me up and we continue our walk on the beach, back to the mansion where we kiss goodbye under the moonlight.

  Present Day

  Beverly Hills



  I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all

  The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all

  And even if I could it'd all be grey

  But your picture on my wall

  It reminds me that it's not so bad

  It's not so bad

  (From: Thank you. By Dido 1999)

  It's the first day of school and I look at the grey sky outside that definitely matches my mood.

  I check my phone again: I sent Devon friend requests on every social media but he hasn't accepted any of them.

  I texted him when we landed back in LA but I never got a reply.

  My fingers itch to type another text message but I force myself to close the text screen.

  I sigh: Abi was right about not doing something I’d regret and my dilemma about regret or remorse?

  I’m feeling both emotions right now.

  I regret making the decision to give him my virginity: I didn't expect a marriage proposal but at least accept my fucking friend request on Facebook, right?

  And I feel remorse that I gave such an important part of myself to someone who obviously gives zero fucks about me.

  I sip on my tea and it's gone really cold, so I tip the amber, milky liquid into the sink and walk back to my room to shower and get ready for my first day of my senior year: my first day at Beverly Hills Prep Academy.

  I’ve moved out of my parents’ house and I’m living at Chaz’s while the guys are at Stanford.

  My parents and I aren't speaking to each other right now because my daddy started to talk about finding me a suitable boyfriend now that I’m eighteen.

  ‘Someone adequate for a Richmond’, he stated and my mother agrees with him.

  They're trying to do to me the same thing that they did to Abi.

  And I don't have a hot boyfriend like Reece and the hope that somehow, he could be the one my daddy chooses for me.

  My heart clenches painfully in my chest when I think about Devon.

  Would I even wanna date him after the way he's been ghosting me?

  I don't know.

  A part of me thinks that there must be an explanation for his silence but the rational part of me knows that this is total bullshit and to him I was simply a meaningless summer fling and the sooner I accept it, the easier it’s gonna be to put my heartbreak behind me.

  BY THE TIME I PARK in the school parking lot, the rain has stopped falling and everything looks shiny and new and freshly washed but my mood hasn't improved much.

  Both Abi and I got our drivers license a few weeks before leaving for Hilton Head and that was another thing that enraged my daddy.

  He couldn't understand why I wanted to drive if he had a driver that he hired just to take me wherever I wanted to go.

  What he doesn't say out loud though, is that that's his way of keeping tabs on me.

  Chaz came to the rescue again and told me that while he was taking his Rolls Royce with him, he was gonna leave the Jeep
and I could drive that whenever I wanted.

  But I admit that I’m still a new driver and I lack confidence, so the route from home to school while it wasn't long, definitely tested my nerves.

  So much so, that I was so nervous that I forgot my uniform blazer at home and I only realised it when going back for it would have meant being late for the welcome to school assembly.

  The only option is wearing just my charcoal grey skirt, white shirt, and the orange and grey senior A-Class silk scarf.

  I hope not to get in trouble for not having my blazer and I’m so busy worrying about my uniform standards that I don't pay attention to my surroundings.

  That the red corvette speeding through the parking lot doesn't run me over, I only owe it to the pair of strong arms that pulls me back.

  But while I’m saved from being hurt, I’m not saved from the huge wall of water that is sprayed on me by the corvette, when it drives fast through the huge puddle I was about to walk around.

  The car doesn't even stop and roars away towards the opposite end of the student parking lot and I doubt that whoever's driving it can hear my ‘asshole!’ as I scream the expletive trying to be louder than the stupid engine.

  Obviously someone's trying to compensate with the powerful V8 motor for the lack in another department.

  Everything happens in the blink of an eye and I turn around to thank the owner of the two strong arms that are still wrapped around my waist.

  “Hey thanks for saving me.”

  My voice dies in my mouth when I find myself staring into the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen.

  My saviour is smoking hot, that's all I can say.

  He’s tall, at least six three, has broad shoulders and the most perfect features I’ve ever seen in someone's face.

  He has gorgeous, short blonde hair and the sexiest little smirk on his full lips.

  He’s wearing a black leather jacket over his school uniform that gives him a bit of a bad boy vibe.

  “My pleasure.”

  He drawls in a deep, low voice.

  “I could never let a pretty girl get run over. By the way, we’re both drenched in water. Let’s go find a way to get dry before the assembly starts.”


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