The Retribution: A High School Light Bully Romance (Beverly Hills Prep Academy Book 3)

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The Retribution: A High School Light Bully Romance (Beverly Hills Prep Academy Book 3) Page 15

by Melissa Adams

  I almost drop my phone.

  “Me? What the fuck? Why—”

  “People say that you wanted to be QB1 and get rid of Devon.”

  I bark out a disbelieving laugh.

  “Honestly, Tripp? I’m gonna fucking get to the bottom of this. The only reason why I got into the team to begin with is because I wanted pussy, and being in the team gives you instant status at school. Not having the pressure of starting was actually awesome. Aubrey didn't do anything and neither did I. Seriously. And I’d like to remind you, that Devon wasn't the only one caught up in this shit, Teague and Landon got suspended too. None of this shit is true, so for fuck’s sake, stop repeating it. Whoever did this to the guys, risks expulsion and lots of consequences if they get caught. I’m pretty sure that drugging people is a crime.”

  So I abandon every plan of calling Aubrey and rush to school to try and find out where these ridiculous rumours come from and to try and put a stop to them for both my sake and Aubrey’s.

  And I know exactly who can help me: Landon.

  Aubrey said that he believes in her innocence, I only hope that I can convince him about mine.


  I WAIT UNTIL THE END of practice and approach Landon, who's just been pulled in for a random drug test.

  He's talking to Coach Benson and his assistant.

  When they’re done, I clap him on the shoulder.

  “Hey man, can we talk?”

  He looks at me with diffidence in his blue eyes: Landon and I haven't exactly been on speaking terms after he kissed Aubrey at my party, when she was there as my date.

  “What about? I'm seeing Aubrey and you need to fucking live with it. I asked her out for a date after Friday’s game and she said yes. I’m not gonna stop pursuing her unless she tells me that she's made a choice and I’m not the one she wants.”

  We’re still in the middle of the field and I nod curtly at him: this isn't the place to have a blow up about who’s dating Aubrey.

  “This is not what I wanna talk about. Can we go somewhere more private? Maybe let's talk after we shower. First period is a free period for all of us today, do you mind waiting until everyone else goes to class?”

  He doesn't have the time to answer because we hear a commotion from the edge of the field, where Aubrey is having some kind of confrontation with Teague and the whole team is standing there watching.


  Landon starts walking towards them.

  “If Teague makes her cry again, I swear to God, I’m gonna beat the shit out of him.”

  He says with a scowl on his normally friendly face.

  We get within earshot right when Aubrey says to Teague:

  “No. I’m not trying to cause any trouble for you, like I never did anything to your drink last week. You know what? Whatever!”

  Teague and Devon are both glaring at her and she's visibly upset.


  She’s looking at me and I wanna take her into my arms and kiss her and ask her to be my girlfriend but I’ll do that later.

  First I have to speak to Landon and while I’m at it, to Devon and Teague, to convince them that Aubrey didn't do what they think she did and possibly get their help in uncovering the truth.

  So I say:

  “I’m sorry, Aubrey, I can't talk right now. I’ll catch you later.”

  It's lucky that Devon, Teague and Landon are in the A-Class, we’re the only ones who have a free period right now, so while everyone else has to rush to class, we’re the last ones left in the locker rooms.

  “So, what the fuck did you want?”

  Landon looks at me with animosity in his eyes and I realise that even though we're both on the same side, Aubrey’s, this isn't gonna be a walk in the park.

  I speak loudly enough to be heard by Teague and Devon who are still getting dressed by the lockers.

  Both Landon and I are already in our school uniforms.

  “I know that you don't believe that Aubrey is behind this fucked up shit that happened to you guys. I don't think so either. Rumours are starting to spread like wildfire and I wanna find out who did it. I don't want my girl to have any trouble.”

  Landon scowls at my words.

  “Your girl? As I said, she hasn't made a choice yet and if I can help it—”

  I shake my head.

  “I’m sorry. Ok, you’re right. It's her choice and we’ll let her decide who she wants. But you know better than me that she hasn't done anything wrong to you and the others. I wanna find the piece of shit who got you in trouble, before anyone in the faculty decides to look into the rumours. Aubrey’s upset enough having some of you guys believe that she could ever do something so horrible, I don't want everybody to start looking at her with suspicion.”

  Landon seems to consider my words for a second and then he nods.

  “Ok. I wanna know who did it too. I just had to take my first random drug test and if I have to be honest, even though I know that I haven't done anything wrong, I’m fucking worried that like last time, someone could've somehow messed with me.”

  “No one’s gonna mess with you. Unless Aubrey isn't done playing her stupid games.”

  Devon is looking at us with his arms folded over his chest.

  I haven't had the chance to talk to him since this whole mess began but I guess there's no time like the present.

  And he better see sense, because since I found out how he took Aubrey’s virginity to then dump her and ignore her, I’ve been itching to kick the shit out of him.

  “She hasn't done anything wrong, Devon. Believe it or not, Aubrey still cares about you. Even if you treated her like shit. After you fucked her and then ghosted her.”

  Devon shakes his head and I see the fury in his green eyes, so I brace myself for his next words.

  “Ah, so I see that she's been running her mouth. Can't you see that she's done all this to punish me because I didn't want a relationship with her? And actually on second thought, isn't it highly suspicious how you're so keen to prove her innocence? Is it that hard for you to get in her pants that you have to do all this? Or are you trying to muddy the waters because you're involved too? After all, you're the only other person with a motive to get me kicked off the team. Because you took my spot.”

  I take a step toward him.

  “I don't actually want your fucking spot! I was happy with the way things were. Trust me, I was getting more than enough pussy as a second string QB.”

  Devon laughs.

  “Yeah but I know how hard to get Aubrey plays. So maybe you thought that being QB1 would give you a leg up?”

  I take another step closer.

  “No. She likes me for me.”

  He scoffs, his top lip quirking up in a cocky smirk.

  “Sure, bro. If that's what you need to tell yourself. You're pathetic, trying so hard. Girls smell desperation and it's fucking off putting.”

  I could be the bigger man and just let him believe what he wants, but I hate his arrogant attitude, so I set him straight.

  “You know what? I did sleep with Aubrey. And by the way she was screaming when I made her come, over and over, I don't think she cares much if I’m the starting QB or not. While I hear that you were a two pumps chump.”

  Devon grabs the collar of my shirt in a threatening way.

  “Repeat that, if you have the guts. I’m gonna kick—”

  I’m not scared of him.

  “You hurt her, Devon. You took her virginity and didn't even care enough to give her a good time!”

  He lets me go and looks at me with shock on his face.

  “What did you just say?”

  I’m more than happy to make him feel like the piece of shit that he is.

  “That you took her virginity and—”

  “Her virginity? What the fuck are you talking about? She must be saying that just to get back at me! She wasn't—”

  Teague speaks for the first time: he's been standing behind Devon, listening to
our fight.

  “He’s right, dude. You were her first.”

  Devon’s head turns toward our teammate.

  “What? You fucked her too?”

  Teague shakes his head.

  “No. I was gonna but then she told me how she'd only done it once and it wasn't great. She never told me who it was, she just mentioned a summer fling. I didn't know it was you until you yelled at her yesterday. So no, she wasn't trying to make you look bad or get revenge on you. She didn't have any reason to lie about it.”

  This is when something changes in Teague’s expression:

  “Fuck! She could have badmouthed you with me, with Knox, with the other cheerleaders. But she didn't.”

  I nod.

  “Teague’s right. She didn't badmouth you. She was sad about it but I could see that she still cares about you, despite you being a complete selfish asshole.”

  Teague agrees with me.

  “Yeah, there was longing and hurt in her eyes, not hatred or spite. If she's not been spreading nasty rumours about you, like she could have, I don't think it makes sense that she’d try to get you expelled from the team.”

  I nod.

  “Right. And if that's the case, why would she drug you? It never made much sense to begin with. I think that she's being framed. And it must be someone on the team or that works around the team to have had access to those drinks. We need to keep our eyes open and figure this out. Who was the target? Just one of you or all three of you? And who has anything to gain from your eventual expulsion? And Aubrey’s, because that might be part of the motive too. If instead of fighting like a bunch of rabid dogs, we worked together, we’d have a better chance to figure this out fast and get you all back into the team before the end of the season.”

  Devon looks at me without speaking for a long moment and then he shakes his head.

  “And you swear it wasn't you?”

  “Seriously, dude, it wasn't. I don't care to be QB1 if I haven't earned it. You're free to believe me or not, but that's the truth.”

  He looks me straight in the eyes and then he lowers himself on the bench, with his head bowed down.

  “What a fucking mess! You're right, if we work together, we’ll have a better chance to figure this shit out. But first, I need to find Aubrey and tell her that I’m fucking sorry. For everything. For not believing her and for the ... virginity thing. The only thing I can say in my defence is that I didn't know. And I wanted her so much, before she flew back home. I had no idea that we’d end up going to the same school. That I’d see her again. So my emotions got the best of me and after I knew I came way too soon, I was too embarrassed to do something about it, we were on the beach, with the risk of getting caught, and somehow I doubted that she'd follow me to my room.”

  He covers his eyes with both his hands.

  “The truth is that at first, knowing how shitty a time she had that night on the beach, I hesitated to accept her friend requests. Because I was ashamed and because I thought that I ruined everything. Then shit happened at home and everything else got shoved to the side, including her. But I never stopped thinking about her. I know that I fell for her in South Carolina and I’ve been ignoring her because seeing her every day at school, knowing how much I messed up, hurts too much. But if she could ever forgive me, give me a second chance, maybe ...”

  Teague’s ass is the next one to land on a bench.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! So you want Aubrey too?”

  He looks at Devon and then at me and Landon and we all nod.

  “I fucking started to fall for her the minute I saw her too. By the way thank you, man. If you hadn't splashed us both by driving like a stupid motherfucker, I wouldn't have gotten to know her that quickly. Now I can only hope that she'll forgive me for not believing her and that she'll choose me.”

  We all look at one another, realising the mess we’re in.

  We’re all falling for Aubrey and none of us is even remotely intentioned to back down.

  Teague continues, looking at me.

  “Obviously you and Landon have the advantage of not having been assholes to her. Devon and I have some serious grovelling to do.”

  I clap him on the shoulder.

  “Dude, this is a fucking weird situation. While I hope that she tells you to fuck yourselves, so I only have Landon to compete with, I know that if Aubrey slept with Devon and hooked up with you, that means that she cares about your ugly asses. And at the risk of sounding like a stupid motherfucker, yes, I want her to choose me but also, I want her to be happy. And it terrifies me that it might not be with me. I’ve never liked a girl the way I like her. She gets me. She's smart, fun and sweet and beautiful and so damn hot. What the fuck are we gonna do?”

  Landon speaks up for the first time.

  “I agree with Knox that Aubrey’s happiness is important to me. It isn't just about getting the girl. I care about her. If she forgives you guys, what about a ‘cease fire’?”

  We all look at him with interest.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that we need to work together to find out what's going on with the drugs issue, but also that we could work together to make her happy. Let's all date her until she makes up her mind. But rather than seeing this as a competition, let’s see it as a team effort, like when we play football. Yes, the goal is to be the MVP but mainly it's to see her happy, that's victory. So let's fucking respect each other and share her time until she gets to know us better and she makes a choice.”

  I think Landon makes a lot of sense.

  Sometimes he comes across as a jokester and a little immature but I think that he's fucking right this time, so I agree.

  “Ok, sounds good. So we can all tell her how we feel about her and date her and tell her that she can take her time to decide? Provided she forgives me and Devon, obviously.”

  Teague asks.

  I’m about to agree but Devon’s the first to speak.

  “Right. The thing is that I don't know if I can date her. My life right now is messy and aside from that and from the fact that I’m the one that wronged her the most, I have another problem.”

  We all look at him but his eyes are fixed onto mine.

  “Your sister, dude! Somehow she talked me into taking her out on Friday night after the game. Look, I said yes because I was mad at Aubrey and because Margaux is ...”

  I sigh.

  “She's very persuasive and won’t take no for an answer? Yeah.”

  “And I don't wanna be an asshole but she's been throwing herself at me, making it clear that she wants to fuck. I was tempted because she's smoking hot but somehow I’ve been resisting because it felt unfair to her and to Aubrey if I hooked up with her. Now, how do I let her down gently? Regardless if Aubrey will forgive me, I play football with you and fucking your sister when I know it would be just a sport fuck doesn't feel right. Also I suspect that if I fucked Margaux, Aubrey would never look at me again.”

  I smirk at Devon.

  “All I can say dude, is that I wouldn't wanna be in your shoes. Margaux will cut your balls off. I know that she wants you, she hasn't been shy about it. She has a bet with Macy and Rachel but I think it's more than that. She talks about you constantly, even after you got suspended from the team. So it's not just that she wants to date the quarterback. Just tell her the truth. And I seriously appreciate you not fucking her anyway.”

  I look at Devon differently: maybe Aubrey did see something in him beyond his brooding, d-bag behaviour.


  Home Sweet Home


  “AUBREY, IS THAT YOU? What's wrong, girl?”

  I take a deep, shuddering breath.

  Not now.

  I can't handle anyone. I want Abi.

  I know my sister would hold me and let me cry on her shoulder and she'd give me some good advice.

  I see Margaux’s black shiny pumps where the stall’s door ends and then she knocks on the door.

  “Sweetie, what’
s going on? I saw you surrounded by some of the players. Did they say something to you?”

  Fuck, she isn't giving up.

  But I guess I need a friend, so I open the door and she comes in to sit down on the toilet lid, right next to me.

  She hands me a tissue.

  “Oh dear. What's happened?”

  Where do I start?

  I tell her about the accusations that Devon and Teague have been throwing my way and she cocks her head to the side, her blue eyes shining with doubt.

  “And did you?”


  “Did you fuck with their drinks?”

  “Absolutely not!”

  “Well then, I wouldn't worry. And I’ll tell you what, I have a date with Devon on Friday night after the game. I'll speak to him. I'll tell him that the fact that you offered him the drink doesn't mean anything. A lot of people have access to our storage room: virtually any school staff and anyone involved with the team. Fuck, I put the drinks into the coolers with Macy and Rachel, and I know that none of us would ever fuck with our football team! Don't worry, you’ll see that he’ll understand that it wasn't you.”

  Her eyes look so similar to Knox’s right now, despite the different colour, Margaux’s blue and Knox’s grey.

  But it’s easy to see the resemblance between them: they even have the same freckles on their noses.

  The thought of Knox and how cold he was towards me earlier, makes me cry harder.

  “Oh come on, Aubrey! Cheer up, sweetie.”

  Her tone is so sweet and I think that being Knox’s sister, maybe he said something to her about me?

  About yesterday?

  So I told her how Knox ignored me earlier and she wraps a sympathetic arm around my shoulders.

  “So you fucked him.”

  I nod, thinking how ‘fucking’ doesn't seem the right word to define what happened yesterday.

  Knox was hot but so gentle at same time.

  The way he kissed me, he looked into my eyes, I thought he cared about me.

  But if I was hoping to hear that from Margaux, I’m sorely disappointed because she shrugs with a deep sigh.


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