Becoming Sweet Girls

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Becoming Sweet Girls Page 19

by Alyson Belle

  “Aw, come on. We’ve been friends for years. You think I can’t tell when you’re uncomfortable?” Her eyes narrowed a bit as she regarded me, and I was sure that I was about to be found out.

  “You need help getting out of your clothes again, so you can pee, don’t you?”

  I heaved a sigh of relief, glad that she was so off for once. “Yup. That’s it. Exactly.”

  “Well, come on. I don’t know if you know this, but holding your bladder as a girl isn’t nearly as easy as it is for a guy. We’ve got some extra organs that like to press on our bladder depending on where in our cycle we are.”

  “Cycle? Oh, right. Periods.”

  The thought of menstruation was just mysterious and taboo enough for me to shake my obsessive thoughts of my friend. Was I going to have to deal with getting a period now? Obviously. I wasnotlooking forward to that. But my distraction was short-lived, and as Lyla pulled me towards the bathroom, I found all my dirty thoughts rising up in me again.

  I needed to stop it, and I needed to do it fast. Lyla was my friend, and she was being the best support I could ask for in an impossible situation. It was selfish of me to take advantage of her kindness and lust after her like some prepubescent boy who thought that if a girl smiled at him, that she wanted in his pants. We’d always been close, and it was only natural we’d feel even closer as girls. It didn’t mean anything.

  I took a deep breath as we headed into my bathroom and sternly told myself that there would be no more of this nonsense. If I kept letting my imagination run away from me like this, I was sure it could only lead to tears and misery.

  Chapter 5

  I didn’t think it was possible for me to lighten up after such heavy thoughts, but my mood recovered quickly from my depressive stint after the bathroom. Maybe it was because there was a girls’ club I had never known existed in there where everyone who stood in the sink link all ferociously complimented each other, or maybe it was the alcohol Lyla and I pounded right afterwards. Either way, when Lyla and I finally decided to stumble home, I was feeling much better about everything.

  Even when we piled into a cab and Lyla accidentally bashed her platform into my knee, I couldn’t help but giggle. Lyla shushed me, then all but melted into my lap.

  “You’re drunk!” she accused, smiling up at me.

  “Hardly,” I replied, stroking my hand through her hair. It was so soft. Was all girls’ hair this soft, or just ours? “Tipsy though, for sure. How’d that happen? I hardly drank anything.”

  “Women have a lower alcohol tolerance than men,” Lyla answered, and I could sense her going into one of her explanation-spiels that I so loved. “Partially due to their larger body mass and usually more carb and protein heavy diet, but also because their liver is better at producing the enzyme that breaks down alcohol.”

  “So what you’re saying is women are cheaper to get drunk?”

  “It’s our one upside. Sure, we may only get paid seventy cents to their dollar, but at least we only need three drinks to be feelinggooood.” Her hands moved down her body as she wiggled, and I couldn’t help but stare, completely enraptured. She seemed to notice what she was doing belatedly and quickly stopped. “Sorry. I guess I’m a little bit tipsy too.”

  “It’s alright. Sign of a fun night. And neither of us are messy drunk or puking, so I’d call that a win.”

  “You’rea win.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that, so I just laughed and let the conversation fade, enjoying my afterglow. I was surprised just how much fun I’d had once I let go of those feelings that I’d allowed to bottle up inside of me for so long, and I resolved to keep things that way. Lyla was my friend, and that was good enough.Morethan good enough.

  When we got back to her flat, I was feeling much more sober with only the tiniest sliver of my buzz left, and we quickly made our way upstairs. But once we were inside, I tried to tug my tight dress over my head, only to get it stuck in my hair.

  “Oh my God, Jess!” Lyla laughed, way harder than she probably should have. “I told you in the bathroom, you gotta unzip this dress to get out!”

  “I forgot,” I said with a blush, finding myself in a situation uncannily similar to the changing room. “Help me, please.”

  “Don’t worry, big, strong Lyla is here to save the day.”

  I heard her kick off her shoes and come over to me, tugging my dress down until it was free enough for her to unzip. I let it fall to the floor, unencumbered, and stood there in my underwear for just a second.

  I didn’t miss how Lyla’s eyes lingered on my form a bit longer than necessary before she turned.

  “Now be a friend and undo mine too.”

  I could have been mistaken, but I was pretty sure that she had just slid that over her head earlier in the night to get it on. But of course, I wasn’t going to argue with her, so my slightly shaking hands moved to her zipper and slowly pulled it down.

  Bit by bit, her pale flesh revealed itself to me, disrupted only by the black band of her bra. I could see the solid lines of muscle on either side of her spine, then the little dimples before the curve of her backside, and then finally her underwear itself as she let it fall to the floor.

  “Wow, you’re beautiful,” I heard myself whisper without thinking as she turned around to face me, smiling happily.

  In all our years together, I didn’t think that we’d ever had a moment this intimate together. At least physically. Sure, we shared our secrets, we shared our hugs, we shared laughs and tears, but we never went so far as undressing each other. This was entirely new for us. This was—

  All of my thoughts ground to a halt as I realized something warm was pressed against my mouth. Something sweet and remarkably pleasant. The entire world blinked out for a minute, lost in fuzzy white noise, and it took longer that I’d like to admit for me to realize it was because Lyla waskissingme.

  Years ofwhat ifsand impossible daydreams suddenly became reality, the real reality I was experiencing right at that moment, and I let myself sink into the affection and kissed her back. Our mouths moved against each other while her arms wound around my waist. I even thought I might have whimpered, but I was so spellbound by the moment that I couldn’t say.

  Every nerve in my body felt like it was throwing itself into overdrive, so it could catch and record even the most minute detail of our heavenly embrace. But at the same time, I felt so light and happy that it seemed like my soul was physically leaving my body.

  Sure, I had kissed people before, but it had never been like this. Maybe it was because this was my first kiss in this new, female body, or maybe it was just because my lips were that much more sensitive.

  Becauseboy,the sensations rolling through me were incredible. I didn’t have any words that fit what I was feeling other than a long stream of positive adjectives that sounded like they could have been shouted by a comic book super hero.

  But then those hands at my back were on the move, gliding up and down my spine, caressing my bare skin. It was only then that I remembered that we were both in our underwear, our bodies pressing into each other like we were glued together.

  After a long while, my head started to swim, and I realized that I wasn’t breathing properly. Lyla seemed to notice and pulled back, looking up at me with her sparkling, jewel-like eyes.

  “Is this alright?”

  “It’s more than alright,” I whispered, my voice cracking. I felt myself blush again but she just smiled softly.

  “Let’s go somewhere more comfortable,” she said, gently tugging me to her room.

  I followed, the whole encounter becoming a bit surreal, and I ended up in her bedroom again. But this time the context was so much different than the night before, and I found myself taking in every single detail again.

  She placed me on the bed before sitting down beside me and pulling me into another heated kiss.

  This time her tongue slid out to trace my bottom lip, teasing, coaxing. I opened my mouth to her, and soon I was me
lting into a hormone driven puddle, but she didn’t seem to mind.

  Those hands were on the move again, gliding up my form and leaving goosebumps in their path. I tried to follow her example, but then my own limbs just got in the way and I ended up bumping into her or jabbing her with my elbows.

  “Sorry,” I whispered after accidentally jerking my hand back and scratching her arm on the way. “I, uh, don’t really know what I’m doing. This is my first time… er, you know.”

  Which was ridiculous! I wasn’t a virgin by any stretch of the word. But suddenly everything was so new and different that I found myself at a total loss. Maybe Iwasa virgin. A virgin in this body, anyway.

  “It’s alright,” Lyla said, her voice low and lyrical. “You’re still figuring out this whole woman thing. Just sit back and let me show you what kind of amazing things your body is capable of.”

  I swore my heart right about thundered out of my body and into the street, but I did as she said, laying back onto the pillows. I felt her crawl up the mattress so that she could straddle me, and then we were kissing once more.

  This time she didn’t linger at my lips for long. Instead, she moved down my face, grazed my chin, and then went onto my neck. Nipping, licking, leaving little marks for me to look at later and remind me how she’d taken me. Every single sensation was so new and powerful that I could hardly breathe, but I forced myself to stay conscious, so I didn’t lose a single second of it.

  “You have no idea of how good this is going to feel,” she murmured into my collarbone before continuing lower.

  Down, down, down she went, leaving a trail of bliss, until her lips reached the top of the stockings that she had given me to wear. Her fingers curled around the edges and she slowly pulled them down, her lips brushing lightly down the inside of my thighs as she did so.

  But then the stockings were gone, vanished from my velvety-soft legs, and she was right back at my panties.

  She paused for just a moment, and I looked over the heaving plane of my body to see her smirking up at me, her eyes half-lidded with lust. The expression was so sexy that I felt a strange pool of energy in my middle, and that energy jumped even higher when her finger slid lightly across the clothed entrance to my sex.

  Oh, God!

  I practically jolted out of my skin and it was only her hand on my lower stomach that kept in me place. Sweat started to break out across my brow, but Lyla just seemed to take that as encouragement. Her finger picked up the pace.

  Thefeelingof it was just incredible. It wassomuch more intense than anything I had ever felt with my former setup. My body was electric with erotic sensations, and within seconds I was writhing and gasping. Lyla wasn’t even touching my actual skin yet.

  But when she did finally pull that now-soaked tiny piece of fabric aside and let a single finger glide along my sex, it felt like the entire world inverted on itself. Stars moved, planets realigned, and the Earth’s axis shifted all in one fell swoop.

  “Remember to breathe,” Lyla murmured before her head lowered, and then she pressed a chaste kiss against the apex of my womanhood.

  That kiss was the only break I had before her tongue slipped out, and suddenly I was plunged into a state of absolute pleasure once again.

  Not for the first time that night, I found myself completely without words for what I was experiencing. It was like someone was winding a string of ecstasy within me tighter and tighter, as she kissed and licked me from bottom to top, making sure the outside of me was completely covered by her.

  And then, just when I thought it couldn’t get anymore intense, one of her fingers slid into me.

  “Oh myGod!” I screamed, my hips lifting up to push my sex harder against her mouth. But she took it in stride, her hands sliding under me and holding me tightly against her.

  It was unlike anything I had ever experienced with sex before. I was so lost in my pleasure that I could hardly see, and coherent thoughts were right out the door. Cloud nine? More like cloud ninehundred, but I was so breathless from her oral expertise that I couldn’t even laugh at my own beleaguered mental pun.

  And thenithappened.

  One moment my hips were arching off the bed, Lyla’s tongue circling that insane button of pleasure above my opening while her fingers curled within me, the next I was flung into another galaxy altogether. Pleasure slammed into me with the force of an actual bomb, and the world faded away to pure, white nothingness.

  I’d orgasmed plenty of times in my life, but never like this. What was normally a ten second or so rush of pleasure followed by a post ejaculation slump was now a minute-long, ever-ascending high where nothing existed but me and the pure pleasure lifting me upward, upward, ever upward, carried away to untold realms of bliss.

  I flew and flew, all of the tension leaving my body as all my cares and worries drained away from me. It was like someone had hit reset on my life, and I was getting a brief vacation in heaven while the system rebooted.

  When I did eventually come back to reality, it was a slow, gentle descent. The clouds cleared, my vision slowly returned, and I found myself gazing into the adoring eyes of Lyla. She was wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and sporting a self-satisfied sort of grin, like a cat who’d just finished off the last of her cream and was now busily cleaning her paw.

  “Wow…” I whispered, unable to think of anything else to say.

  “I’m glad you approve,” she answered, flopping onto her side to lay down beside me.

  “But what about you?” I objected blearily, knowing that part of the occasion was missing. This was usually where I showed my gratitude with some reciprocal action of my own, right? Of course, I didn’t stand a chance of doing it nearly as well as she did, but I was still willing to give it my best shot…

  Lyla just shook her head. “No need. This was all about you, tonight. Just let yourself relax and let’s cuddle.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. Already I could feel my eyelids drooping after my massive, amazing release. I relaxed back into the post-coital high, enjoying the tiny electric sensations of orgasmic aftershocks that buzzed through me now and again.

  Curling up into her sweet embrace, I once again felt totally safe and secure. It was in that state that I drifted away, carried off to a sweet, gentle sleep by the bliss that she had so eagerly given me.

  I was going to remember this night forever.

  Chapter 6

  “So what, your job fired you!? Get some ambition, man! Are you even a man? You’ve been in our room sniveling for two days like a child!”

  Stacey’s taunts echoed in my ears as I looked down to find myself back in my old, male body, wearing my stereotypical work button-up and tie. I was sitting at my old desk, with reports and papers stacked high and my work computer smoking. I instantly felt the same crushing pressure I had always had when I’d been in the office. The need to work, work, work to try to catch up to the impossible speed my job demanded, even though it was never good enough.

  I grabbed the nearest report and started typing information into the computer as quickly as I could, ignoring the sparks flying from my machine. But just as I was about to hit my groove, hands gripped me by my collar and my body was whipped around to find my ex-girlfriend Stacey’s face only inches away from my own.

  Unlike my sexy encounters with Lyla, this wasn’t remotely romantic. Not in any sense of the word. Stacey’s lips were pulled back into an angry snarl, teeth bared, and her eyes were bulging with fury.

  “Do you think you’re getting a second chance just because you’re female now?” she crowed, her voice shrill and grating like nails on a chalkboard. “You may have your outsides all prettied up, but in the end you’re still a sniveling little boy just like you always were, and you’re exactly what Lyla will never want… not any more than I did. You’ll never be good enough for her! Don’t you get that?”

  She started shaking me as I sputtered useless protests that tangled up on my tongue, and all around me the work papers began
to go up in flames, encircling the two of us in a burning ring of fire. I tried to argue, tried to free myself from her grip, but then she was gone as quickly as she had appeared, leaving me to writhe alone in my torment.

  I woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for air and looking around in a panic, half-expecting Stacey to be there in the room with me, pitchfork and all. She wasn’t, of course. Only Lyla was there, breathing softly, still laying twisted up in the silky black sheets where we’d shared our amazing, passionate night of bliss. But the perfect little bubble that the two of us had made the previous night had now popped, vanished like an escaping dream that slid through my helpless fingers. I was left instead with only a cold, twisted feeling in my stomach from the remnants of my fiery nightmares.

  I got up, went to the bathroom, and splashed some cold water on my face before studying myself in the mirror. Jess’s gorgeous features stared back at me, but Stacey’s awful words from my nightmare rolled through my head once again. Sure, it was a female face I saw there in the mirror right now. Thick lashes, pretty eyes, full lips… but they weren’t mine. Not really. This random transformation had happened while I was asleep on the airplane, and we still had no idea what had caused it.

  Lyla’s research had turned up nothing except a bunch of rumors and stories, none of them reliable and none of them sufficient to explain what had happened to me. It was agonizing not to know. No matter how amazing my time with Lyla had been, there was no telling when I might suddenly stop being Jess and revert back into being plain old Tom again, with Lyla forever out of reach. Now, in the wake of our amazing night together, that was more painful than ever.

  I couldn’t expect Lyla to have a real relationship with me as long as that potential reality hung over our heads. Could I? It wouldn’t be fair to her, no matter how much I might want it.

  “Get ahold of yourself,” I murmured, shaking my head. “You and Lyla had a nice time together. But she’s never going to love you like you wish she would love you because you’re not really a woman. Maybe your body right now was a fun fling for a drunken girls’ night out, but it’s going to stop there.”


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