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Reclaiming Maysen

Page 6

by Liberty Parker

  “You were ours the minute we found out about you. My daughter of the heart.”

  I’m nearly in tears now at her words because I remember when I first moved in with them and how hard it was for me to adjust. Mom just kept on treating me like she did Rae, as if she gave birth to me. “Gotta go, Mom. See you guys at the end of the summer!”

  “If not before. Your dad is taking this hard.” I nod and head over to where my dad is standing, silently watching.

  “Daddy? I’ll always be your little girl but it’s time for me to fly,” I tell him as I wrap my arms around him.

  His voice is gruff as he hugs me back. “I know. It’s just hard watching another one of my kids leave the nest.”

  I giggle before stating, “That’d give you and Mom more ‘alone time’ though.” They’re not shy about public displays of affection, which is what I want in my life. “You two and everyone else we know have given me great examples of what a good, healthy relationship is all about. Trust me, Daddy. Maddox is a good guy.”

  “I know. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be going.”

  “Love you, Daddy.”

  “Love you too, my Maysen. We’ll see you soon.”

  When we finally get on the road, I look over at Maddox and grin. “We did it!”

  His laughter fills the car as he reaches over and takes my hand in his. “This is the start of the rest of our lives, baby.”

  “What are our plans for the summer?”

  “We’ll hang out with the family and play with all of the animals. I have daily chores, but you can hang out with me while I do them. Plus, I’ll have to work with my dad some.”

  “Sounds like fun, while you’re working I’ll hang out with Danika and get to know her better. I also worked it out with your dad and mom that I can help out in the office to earn some extra spending money for school. My books and those expenses are already paid for, but I wanna be able to go out when I want and not beg my parents to fund my extracurricular activities.”

  “See, our summer is already planned and we haven’t even arrived yet. But don’t worry, we’ll spend plenty of time together, I’ll make sure of it.”

  “I’m looking forward to that most,” I say. Last night at the lake has been on repeat in my head.

  “Me too,” he replies.


  One month later

  Time is flying by, and whereas I’m having the time of my life I’m also missing my family. Maddox tries to keep me occupied as much as he can, and I talk to everyone from home daily, so that helps. Tonight, his parents are going out to look at another property, and it’s three hours away so they’ve decided to stay overnight. Danika is going to a party at one of her friends’ house, so Maddox has planned something special for the two of us.

  It’s been very hush-hush, but I know it will be special. Everything we do together is something that causes my heart to pitter-patter and makes an entry into my journal.

  “You ready?” he asks, standing at my bedroom door.

  “Yep, where are we going?” I inquire as he leads me out the back door. I thought we’d be doing dinner or something, but apparently not.

  “You’ll see,” he replies, never letting go of my hand. He takes us down the path to the barn and I look at him wide-eyed. “Instead of us going out, I thought I’d do something romantic for us here. With no one home to bother us, we can relax and enjoy each other.”

  “In the barn?” I’m fixing to question his sanity when he opens the barn up and escorts me over to the ladder.

  “Going up,” he cheekily replies.

  “Alright, I’ll play,” I say, climbing up. I gasp with the vision that greets me. There’s Christmas icicle lights hanging all around. A picnic basket lays dead center in what appears to be a bed made of straw. It has an old family quilt on top. I finish climbing up the stairs and turn around in circles in awe of what he’s done for me. “Maddox, this is beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He lays his head on my shoulder and kisses the side of my neck. Pulling back, he grabs my hand and walks over to where there’s a radio and presses play on a CD. “I made a playlist of some of our favorite songs.”

  He then pulls me over to the makeshift bed and sits, pulling me into his lap. “Nothing has to happen that you aren’t ready for, but I hoped we could spend the evening talking and maybe a make out session or two,” he wiggles his eyebrows up and down. He doesn't know this yet, but I’m ready for more than what we’ve done so far. He pulls the basket towards us, but doesn't open the lid enough to where I can see what all’s inside. He pulls out some finger sandwiches, which I’ve found out are the extent of his cooking skills, a couple of individual bags of chips, and a couple of bottled waters. He places one of the squares up to my mouth and opens his indicating he wants to feed me.

  I graciously allow this to happen, but then I grab one and start feeding him his as well. We go back and forth doing this until all the food has been consumed. The twinkling of the lights catch my attention and I’m mesmerized with the way the moonlight reflects on them. I’m pushed onto my back and his lips attack mine. “God, the taste of your lips entrances me every time. Do you feel the sparks too, or is it only me?”

  “I feel them, it’s like a zap of electricity that flows throughout my body.” His lips crash back onto mine and his hand travels up the inside of my summer dress. I’m not wearing a bra because there’s one built in. It takes nothing at all for him to make his way to my nipples. I arch my back from the pleasure and am hoping for more...much more.

  “Can I?” he indicates, lifting the skirt of my dress up. I nod yes, because the need is taking over, I have to cross my legs from the desire coursing through me. “I’m going to take all of your clothes off and play with your body,” he huskily states. Once all of my clothes and boots are removed, he slides me up on the bed. He reaches into the basket and my breath hitches when I see what he’s brought out. Strawberries and dipping chocolate. “This is going to get sticky,” he informs me. I’m clueless to what he means until he dips the tip of the strawberry and draws a line of chocolate down my mid-section. When his tongue breaches his lips, I moan now knowing what direction we’re heading towards.

  He laps it all off of me, then redips the fruit. This time, he circles my nipples and sucks it off. By this time, I’m panting. I feel exotic and treasured and his tongue is doing things to me that I never knew was possible. The next time he dips it, he spreads my legs with his shoulders and coats my clit and lips. When he dives in, I scream out his name. The sensations, and what he’s doing to me has my body in overdrive. I come hard, I see stars dancing behind my eyes and when he’s finished, he kisses his way up to my lips.

  I taste the chocolate, strawberry and me combined. “My turn,” I push him off of me and he flops down on his back. I rip his clothes off hastily, his dick is sticking straight up, begging for release. I take the chocolate and drip it over him. It coats his entire dick and suddenly, this has become my favorite form of dessert. I clean him from root to tip and before I get a chance to pour more on, he flips me to my back. I spread my legs to accommodate his hips.

  “Are you sure?” he asks as he settles. I nod and his dick is splitting my lips. He thrusts his hips up and back, hitting me just right.

  “Yes, please. I need you, Maddox.” He reaches over to his jeans and pulls out a foil package. He rips it open with his teeth and slides it onto his cock. My eyes don’t stray from his lips. I open up wider as he takes his dick in his hand and lines himself up with my opening. He slowly slides in, giving me time to accommodate to his size. I wrap my legs around his hips and lift up, wanting more.

  “Slowly, baby,” he admonishes me. “We can’t go fast this first time.” Needing something more, I reach up and grab my nipples in my fingers. I manipulate them like he does. “Fuck that’s hot!” He pushes in further and my hips automatically go up helping him slide deeper.

  He begins thrusti
ng gently, doing some sort of swivel thing that sets me on fire. “Harder, Maddox,” I moan out.

  “I’m not all the way in yet, Maysen. I’ll take care of you, give me a chance.” What? Did he just say he’s not all the way in? How much more of him could there possibly be? He notices my distress and leans down whispering, “relax and open up, baby. We’re so close,” Closing my eyes, I force my body to do his bidding. I can feel when he finally is in all the way because I can feel his balls lying against my butt. While I have nothing to compare him to, the fullness I feel with him inside of me tells me he’s not average by any means.

  He starts off with a slow pace, but as I loosen up more, his thrusts become more rapid in succession. He adds a swivel here and there hitting my g-spot just right. I feel that familiar tingle that lets me know I’m close to exploding. “I’m gonna come,” I inform him. He reaches down with his right hand and starts circling my bud.

  “Come for me, Maysen, let me feel you squeezing my dick,” he commands. I don’t know if it’s his words or the tone, but I shatter. I can feel my pussy clenching around him and a few thrusts and pumps of his hips later, he’s calling out my name as he finds his release.

  Long minutes later, during which he has been kissing me, I look at him and say, “That was worth waiting for.”

  “That was everything,” he responds, kissing my temple. “I love you, Maysen.”

  “I love you too, Maddox.”

  He rolls away from me and I see him take the condom off and toss it into a small plastic bag. He then grabs something from another bag sitting nearby and proceeds to clean me up, removing all traces of the chocolate. “This’ll do until we go back inside and take a shower,” he murmurs.

  “We’re not staying in here tonight?” I question, disappointment apparent in my voice.

  “We can use the tack room then to clean up and use the restroom. There’s a small shower and toilet and sink. I’d love nothing more than to be out here under the stars with you in my arms all night. The way the moonlight catches your hair is mesmerizing.”

  “You say the sweetest things to me. I wanna stay out here tonight with you. Who knows when we’ll get another chance? Then it’s settled, that’s what I wanna do.” I tell him. “Can we keep that open?” I ask, pointing to the window in the loft. It’s not a real window with glass, I guess it’s where they toss the hay out from the loft. I may live in the country myself, but we don’t have a working farm. I don’t know how his family does it, either, because they have their construction company that renovates houses and then sells them, plus the farm. I’ve learned a lot about flipping houses and think my major in college will enable me to help down the road. I’m going to study graphic arts and design. I’ll be able to help them build a workable website and store. Pete not only does homes, but he makes some badass wooden tables and chairs. I’ve already informed him he’ll be outfitting my future house for me. To which he smiled at me and said, ‘absolutely, anything you want is yours’.

  He should share those beautiful creations with the world. I’ve nearly got him talked into it, he’ll need something to do when he retires. If he’s sitting around the house bugging Grace all of the time, she’s liable to hurt him. She doesn't like it when he’s underfoot. She’s expressed this numerous times while I’ve been here.

  I’m brought out of my thoughts when he says, “Absolutely. There’s nothing like sleeping under fresh air, even though we’re technically not outside.”



  “How soon can we do that again?” I ask. He’s been continuously stroking me and the fire has flamed once again.

  “Are you sore?” he questions me.

  I shrug my shoulders because I wouldn’t lie to him, “In a delicious way.”

  “We should really wait.”

  “How long?” I stick my bottom lip out.

  “We'll see, maybe sooner than you think.” We cuddle in each other’s arms and fall asleep to the lull of the crickets and with the stars and moon shining through the lofts open doors.

  * * *


  * * *

  I wake with the sun blaring into the room. I feel warm, but am not in a hurry to remove Maysen from blanketing me. I stretch the best I can with her in my arms, but then mother nature calls and I know I can’t put it off much longer. I slide myself from under her and when she mumbles her disappointment in her sleep, I can’t help but smile. When I finish, I walk over to the house and grab some bagels and cream cheese. When they’re finished toasting, I slather them up just the way she likes them.

  I grab the jug of orange juice and a couple of throw away cups and put everything into a bag so I can carry it over. When I make it to the loft, I stop in my tracks and stare at the beautiful picture that greets me. She’s got the blanket wrapped around her waist, but her legs and upper body are exposed. Her breasts are poking out and her nipples are standing erect.

  I shake my head knowing that I need to give her body time to heal from last night's excursions. I ravished her twice more during the night when she reached out for me. Not being able to deny her anything, I gave in and slowly made love to her both times. I count to ten in an attempt to put my aching cock in his place. She doesn’t need me to attack her even if that’s what I would love to do.

  Walking over to the bed, I pull out breakfast from the bag and start pouring our juice into cups. “Sleeping beauty,” I shake her shoulder in an attempt to wake her.

  “Hmmm?” she murmurs, rolling away from me.

  “I’ve got you breakfast and juice,” I tell her, hoping to entice her into opening her eyes and joining the land of the living.

  “It’s too early.”

  “Baby, it’s nearly noon, the roosters have already risen and woke me up.” Which isn’t exactly the truth, but I love to tease her.

  “Ugh, it feels like I just went to sleep.”

  “That’s because we were up most of the night. You attacked me last night.”

  “Say what now? No I didn’t!”

  “So you’re saying you didn’t feel me up last night?”

  “Well, maybe,” she draws out.

  “Not complaining, baby, not one bit, but we’ve got plans today so you need to wake up.”

  “What plans?” she inquires taking the cup I hand her.

  “I thought we’d go riding the trails up to the pond and spend the day there swimming and taking in the sunshine.”

  “Oh yes, I’d love to ride Daisy.”

  “I know you do. She is your namesake after all.”

  “I still can’t believe you named a horse after my nickname,” she shakes her head in amusement.

  “Hey, there’s no one more important to me than my Maisy-Daisy.”

  “Well, I guess we should eat, get dressed and get the horses ready.” She begins bouncing up on her knees. “Hurry up, feed me!”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I grab the brim of my imaginary hat and dip it.

  We consume our breakfast and go to the main house to get dressed. We get on our horses and walk the trails, holding each other’s hands. The horses are well-trained and stay by each other’s side.


  When we make it to the pond, I’m still in awe of how beautiful the landscape is here. Wildflowers have bloomed and the smell is intoxicating. I breathe in the fresh country air as Maddox gets off of his horse and walks them over to the pond. He ties them up on a tree that’s close so that the horses can graze and drink. He reaches up for me and assists me in getting down. Taking my hand, we walk along the pathway that’s been worn around the pond from generations of feet.

  “I love it out here.” I emphasize my words by throwing my hands up and spinning around. “Everything’s so fresh and clean smelling.”

  He laughs at my antics then grabs me and twirls me around. “I love you and your zest for life. We fit, Maysen.”

  “We were made for each other,” I smile down at him since I’m still in his embrace. I lean dow
n and kiss his lips, “You make life so rich and I am so happy we finally gave into our feelings.”

  He slides me down his body then reaches down to remove his boots, socks and jeans. “Let’s go wade in the pond, beautiful.”

  “Yes!” I excitedly jump up and down clapping my hands together. When we’re both completely naked, we rush towards the pond and he dives in when we get waist deep. He comes up and shakes his head side to side and I watch as his hair stands up on end. Shaking my own head, I lower my body into the water and swim my way towards him.

  He catches me under my arms and pulls me close. I can feel him pressed against my stomach and wiggle closer. “Nuh-uh, baby. Number one, you’ve gotta be sore from our lovemaking last night and number two, I don’t exactly have a rubber out here in the middle of the pond.” Ignoring his words, I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

  “I’m on the pill, Maddox,” I tell him. “And I’m not that sore.” I don’t know why, but I can’t get enough of him and I want to take advantage of our alone time.

  “It’s my job to protect you, Maisy,” he murmurs, pulling me close. “The last thing I want is you to be miserable because of what we’re doing.”

  I scoff at his words. “Maddox, that’s what Epsom salt baths are for. Are you gonna keep me hanging?”

  “You’re determined to get your way, aren’t you?”

  “Absolutely,” I saucily reply.

  I raise my hips up and reach down to line him up with me. I slowly lower down on him and he throws his head back. I can’t help but be enraptured by the vision he is displaying. It’s sexy and I relish in the fact that it’s me who does this to him. He grabs my hips applying pressure, before looking back at me with dilated eyes. He helps me lift up and down a few times before he loses control and walks us over to the dock. I’m steadily pumping up and down on his shaft as he moves us. When we get to our destination, he slams my back into the wood pilings. Taking my hands, he places them behind my back, holding them hostage in his larger ones.


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