Book Read Free

Reclaiming Maysen

Page 8

by Liberty Parker

  “So tell me about your housemates? How do you divide up the chores?” she asks. I’m glad I got a decent-sized room because I’m tall and was able to put a king-sized bed in here. I can’t wait until she stays the night.

  “What? Oh, we’ve got a calendar downstairs and each of us handles a particular chore every week. We’re each responsible for our own rooms and bathrooms, but the main bathrooms are on the list. And after any parties, we all pitch in.”

  “What about cooking?”

  “Believe it or not, because we’ve gotta eat right, Coach found someone who comes in and does a bunch of meals that are then frozen because we’re not always here at the same time. Plus, we have a grill and use that a lot. The booster club covers the cost of the cook and also does the shopping for the fruits and veggies we eat. We also all have to pay a stipend either by the month or year. I pay mine by the year with the money I make in the summer working with Dad.”

  “And you guys take care of the pizzas and beers, right?” she teases.

  “Only after a meet. We have to eat healthy through the week, but we let loose after and usually have a party here.”

  “Sounds like we’ll be busy during the track season.”

  “Are you kidding me? These guys will use any excuse to party. We also have one after baseball and football games. Don’t worry, babe. We can always escape up to my room when it becomes too much to handle.”

  “Do you do that a lot?”

  “Yes, I usually last an hour or two and then I’m partied out.”

  “Good to know,” she says, before taking my lips with hers. I walk her to the bed and push off my stuff. I lay her flat on the bed and we make out like teenagers do. Before I know it I’m hard as stone.

  “I could use a shower,” she states as she grabs me over my jeans.

  “Yeah, we’re both pretty dirty from moving all day,” I push my hips up into her hand. Even over my pants it feels so good to have her hands on me. We hop up off the bed and rush to the bathroom. We get each other nice and dirty so we can clean each other up.

  We test out my shower and find that it’s roomier than it looks. I take her up against the tiles, lean her over to where her hands touch the floor and finish off with her on her hands and knees as I pumped my hips behind her. When we’re done, the water has turned cold so the rest of our shower becomes rushed.

  “I don’t have a change of clothes and don’t want to wear my dirty ones.”

  “I’ve got some basketball shorts and a t-shirt you can put on. Nothing I can do about your bra and panties.”

  “I’ll just go without panties, but wear the bra. Don’t want your friends to see the girls jiggle.”

  “Damn straight, I need these guys this year. Can’t win without them, and they can’t run and jump if they’re buried six-feet underground.”

  “I love it when you get all caveman on me,” she whispers.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet, let one more of them fuckers flirt with you and I’ll make sure they need a dental surgeon.” She shivers at my words, I hand her some clothes and have to close my eyes when she puts on the shorts with nothing underneath. The thought excites me knowing all I’ve gotta do is pull them under her butt cheeks and I can take her with nothing in the way.

  Giving myself a mental talking-to, I grab the bag I carried up and start putting stuff away. She grabs the other and before I know it, we’ve got everything taken care of. Looking at her, I ask, “Do you wanna spend the night?” We haven’t been able to do that since those few days earlier this summer and I’ve missed her soft body sleeping against me.

  “Is it allowed?”

  “Um, yeah. But I know you just got moved into your dorm so I wasn’t sure if you’d want to or not. Your dorm is co-ed so I can always stay there if you’d feel more comfortable. Totally up to you.”

  “Well, I don’t have a roommate to worry about and you’ve got a houseful and I don’t have clothes here.”

  “Then it’s settled, we’ll spend the night at your place tonight.”

  “Good, I wasn’t looking forward to my first night being alone. Plus, I’d love to wake up to your sexy ass.”

  Turning around I look down at my butt. “You think my ass is sexy?” I smile in her direction.

  “Yep, it’s why I always grab it, pinch it and have my hands on it one way or another.”

  “You’re secretly a minx, I like it.”

  “You’re crazy, let’s go so we can grab dinner on our way to my place.” I grab some clean clothes, pack them in my duffle bag and go grab my shave kit that has the shit I need to ‘look presentable’ before I lace my fingers in hers and pull her from my room, locking the door behind us. There’s no fucking way I want these assholes to have access to my bed while I’m gone! I’m sure once I walk out that front door a back to school party will resume. Like I said, any excuse to party and get laid.

  * * *


  * * *

  When I wake the next morning I’m wrapped tightly in Maddox’s arms. I snuggle into him and enjoy the warmth of his body. He’s my own version of a heating pad, I’ll never have to worry about if I’ll sleep warm enough in the winter time. He begins to stir so I look up so my face is the first thing he sees.

  “Morning, baby, how did you sleep?” he asks, his voice all sleepy sounding. It sends shivers through my body because he sounds almost the same way when we’re making love. My parents paid extra for me to have my own room and I’m grateful for it, especially since they had a queen-size bed delivered. Although, I don’t think the reason they got it for me was so Maddox could have a sleepover.

  “I think I passed out,” I admit. We spent the night christening my new dorm room and as much as I hate to say it, I’m quite sore.

  “Someone was insatiable last night.”

  “That same someone is thinking she should have said no on that last round.”

  “You need a hot soak,” he states, rolling out of the bed.

  “And...all I have is a shower.”

  “I’ve got a tub. Get some sweats on and let’s go. I don’t want you miserable. I planned to show you around the town after I got done with my run. You can relax and soak in the bath while I’m gone.”

  “I don’t have any Epsom salts.”

  “Babe. I’ve got that shit and the tub has jacuzzi jets. My parents special ordered it and had it installed for me to use after running for hours on end. Let’s go.”

  “Can I comb my hair and brush my teeth at least?”

  He laughs at me and nods. “If you must, you look well ravished and it’s hot as fuck, but you’re right, I don’t want anyone to know what you look like after a few rounds of sexy fucking.”

  I get out of bed and head into my bathroom and shriek when I see my hair. “Maddox! I’ve got Medusa hair!”

  “Babe, it’s sex hair,” he calls out, laughing.

  “Whatever, it looks...scary,” I mutter, grabbing my brush so I can tame the beast. How he thinks I look good is beyond me. Once I’m done taking care of the basics, I come back out and grab my sweats then quickly change. Even though we’ve been intimate, I’m still a bit shy when it comes to him seeing me naked. Thankfully, he seems to understand and turns his back. I pack some clothes to wear for our outing later and put them in an overnight bag, I place my brush, makeup and shoes in there as well.

  We walk out the door and head to his place.


  First stop I take her to is the library. My girl loves to read and this is the biggest I’ve ever been to. We walk up and down each aisle as she grabs a book here and there.

  “You can only check out five at a time,” I inform her.

  “Five? I’ll have those read in two days.”

  “Then you bring them back and start over again. Don’t you have an e-reader?”

  “Yes, but nothing compares to the feel of a paperback weighing down your hands as you get entranced with the story as it unfolds.”

  As we walk
down the romance aisle I stop, “Hey, isn’t that one of your mom’s books?”

  Her eyes widen, “Shhh! I don't want anyone to hear that.”

  “Why not?” I inquire, her mom’s the shit, there’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about.

  “Because! They’ll wanna be friends with me to get to meet her in person, it sucks but it’s unfortunately my reality.” I shake my head at her words because I don’t see that happening. We’re no longer in middle or high school, I’d like to think we’ve all matured since those days.

  She’ll make friends because she’s a nice person, not because they wanna get to know DJ. “You shake your head, Maddox, but it’s happened to me and Rae more times than I can count.”

  “Really?” Damn, that’s kinda cold if you ask me. “I guess I don’t get it. I know she’s pretty popular in the romance industry, but to falsely become your friend, sounds like a pathetic life to lead.” I sort of feel sorry for them if that’s what their life goals are. There’s so much to do and explore in the world, and my girl is amazing and people should flock around her because of who she is, not who’s daughter she happens to be.

  “Think about it. She’s got a good following of readers and fans. If someone here knows I’m her daughter, I’ll never know if they like me for myself or if it’s to get close to someone who’s famous. Because in the book world, she is.”

  I still don’t really get it but I nod. “Your secret’s safe with me, baby.”

  “Well, it helps that she writes under a pen name. No one should be able to figure it out that we’re related.”

  We continue our tour of the town once she’s got her new library card and has her books checked out. I show her the stadium where the football games and track meets are held, then stop at another local food hangout. It’s more of a pub type establishment that all of the college kids hang out at.

  “This is so awesome!” There are lights strung about, televisions in each corner and above the bar area. Team jackets are on the wall in a hall of fame type of manner they belong to those who’ve graduated and moved on to the big leagues. Team posters, schedules and such are hung as well.

  “It’s my favorite place to hang out, watch the games and grab some food. The staff is friendly and they know each of the college’s team members, no matter the sports, names. They are a big deal around here.”

  “Maddox! Long time no see, did you have a good summer? And, what’s an ugly dog like you doing with a beautiful woman like her?” Mr. Jeffers, the owner comes up and pats me on the back.

  “Hey, Mr. Jeffers! This is my girl, Maysen. Maysen, this is Mr. Jeffers, he’s the owner.”

  “Call me Harry, beautiful. I’ve asked your fella here to call me that a number of times but he insists on being all formal and shit.”

  Her giggles make me grin. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Harry. And that likely comes from his mom. Have you met her?” My mom’s a stickler for manners and shit.

  “I’ve met Grace and Pete on a number of occasions. They try to come down whenever this one has a big track meet.”

  “Then you understand why he doesn’t call you by your first name.”

  “But you’re okay with it?” I can’t wait to hear her explanation to him. She always throws me off kilter with some of the shit she comes back with.

  “Hell yeah, my dad’s a badass biker. I’m not scared of anything and while I’ll always be respectful, if someone tells me to call them by their first name, that’s what I’m gonna do.”

  “I like her, Maddox. You done good, kid. Now, can I get you two one of our famous burgers?”

  Maysen laughs at his words as I nod. “Maysen, these are the best burgers I’ve ever eaten. Grain Fed beef or something like that, but the taste is phenomenal.”

  “I can see I’m gonna have to work out to avoid the freshman fifteen.”

  I lean down and whisper in her ear, “I’ve got a helluva workout for us and you look luscious just the way you are. Some curves won’t hurt anything other than make me want you more.” I can see the pink stealing across her face and squeeze her close. “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you, too.”

  “Aww, aren’t y’all cute,” Tristan and Pike walk up and slide us over so they can sit with us.

  “Who said I wanted you asses to invade our alone time?”

  “C’mon, man, you know you missed us this summer. It’s time to reconnect,” Tristen jokes.

  “Did you at least work out?” Pike asks. “Y’know that Coach is gonna know if you didn’t.”

  “Hell yeah, I did. I ran twice a day, right, Maysen? I also went and ran the track this morning, I know what I’ve gotta do.” They’re like a bunch of mother hens sometimes.

  “He did. I usually ran with him in the mornings. Gets too hot for me to run in the afternoons.”

  “Yeah, Texas is a bitch in the summertime,” Tristan agrees with her.

  “Stay hydrated and you’ll survive,” Pike says in a bored tone. These two have this same conversation numerous times throughout the year.

  “Well, it’s a good thing I don’t run track or I’d be in trouble all of the time. There’s no way in hell you’re getting me out there when the sun is at its highest.”

  “My girl is stronger than she thinks she is,” I reply to her statement. “She could do it if she really put her mind to it.”

  “This is sweet and all, but gag me,” Pike places his finger down his throat. “Is this what it’s going to be like hanging out with you two?”

  “Yes, so you can leave if you’d like to,” I give him a hint.

  “Nope, we’re good right here,” Tristan teases me.

  We enjoy a great burger, Maysen fits right in with my friends. They act as if they’ve known each other all of their lives. Laughter flows freely between us all, I foresee a year of having to share my girl with my friends.

  * * *


  * * *

  Hanging out with Maddox’s teammates was a blast. I was intimidated by them initially, but today I saw an entirely different side of them. “Your friends are kinda cool,” I say as we walk down the street holding hands. It’s such a beautiful day that we decided to stroll down the streets and enjoy the weather.

  “They’re alright,” he shrugs his shoulders. I can tell he’s being modest, because he’d much prefer me to only like him as far as the opposite sex goes.

  “No, I mean it. You’ve got some good friends, Maddox. You know I don’t have that many outside of the club, but you’ve managed to find some that’ll be around forever.”

  “Fuck, I’m not sure I can handle Pike and Tristan as old men,” he mutters, which causes me to laugh hysterically.

  “Just think, somewhere out there are women who will think they’re great.” Which gets me to wondering if I should hook either Lily or Ralynn up with one of them. Maybe if I did, Rae would move on from her unhealthy obsession with Jaxson. He’s never going to give her the time of day. He’ll never move past their age differences or be able to handle Dad. Especially since Dad is one of his officers in the club.

  “I know that look in your eyes.”

  “What look?” I innocently look up his way.

  “You’ve got your matchmaking hat on. Don’t, those two aren’t ready to settle down or hold a serious relationship.”

  “Maybe I don’t need them for a serious commitment, just a stepping stone to move on.”

  “So now you’re going to use my friends?”

  “Sure ‘nuff,” I dramatically state.

  He bursts out into laughter, “Serves them right. After all the heartbreaks those two have caused, I’d love to see them brought down a peg or two.”

  “Rae would chop them off at the knees, who do you think deserves her more?”

  “Oh I don’t know, Tristan maybe?”

  “Is that a question?”

  “No, definitely Tristan, Pike would cry like a little bitch after your sister got her hands on him.”

��s not that bad.”

  “Who are you trying to convince with that statement? You or me?”

  “Stop it,” I giggle pushing his shoulder.

  “I’m serious! DJ has raised her girls not to take shit off of anyone,” he replies.

  I think about his words and nod. He’s right. Mom raised us to be independent, self-sufficient women. We both know we can fall back on them, but both of my parents have encouraged us to make decisions on our own instead of using the ‘my parents said’ excuse that many of our friends use. “So maybe the next time there’s a party on the weekend, I’ll see if Rae wants to come for a visit.”

  He nudges my shoulder and says, “Then we’ll have no privacy because you know she won’t keep us a secret.” He’s wrong, Ralynn is more loyal than he, or anyone else, gives her credit for. She may play a lot, but she holds a lot of my secrets and has never shared them with anyone.

  “Yes she will. Trust me on this, Maddox. She’s my sister and won’t say a word about what we’re doing away from everyone.”

  “Fine, but if your dad shows up with guns blazing, I’m gonna be pissed.” My giggles turn into full-blown laughter and I have to stop and bend over because the visual he painted has me in hysterics.

  “Most likely, all of them would show up. Including your parents.” At his look of horror, I say, “But don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

  “Good deal. You’ll be my personal shield. Couldn't ask for a more impenetrable one than you.” I love it when we play like this. I’ve never felt more alive and happy than I do when I’m with him.

  “Don’t worry, they love me too much to go through me.”

  “It’s not them going through you, but around you, that freaks me the fuck out.”

  “Braxton won’t let them hurt you, too much,” I jokingly state when he gives me a sideways glance that says more than words can. I may be in trouble!

  “I think someone has on their sassy pants,” he says, before grabbing me up in his arms and holding them hostage when he begins tickling me. I laugh so hard, but can’t get away from him no matter how much I try. I forget how strong my man is until instances like this occur.


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