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Kiss the Wallflower: Books 4-6

Page 18

by Gill, Tamara

  His tongue was beyond intoxicating. He lathed, kissed, and teased her pebbled flesh, liquid heat pooling at her core.

  "You want to touch me, Olivia? Be my guest," he replied, not moving from her breast.

  She slipped her hands down his taut, muscular stomach, reveling in the feel of his perfect physique. Her hand dipped lower still. At the top of his breeches, the bulging shaft of his manhood, erect and ready, pressed against the pants.

  He felt well endowed, not that she had anything to compare him to, but surely not many men stood to attention in such a way. Swallowing her nerves, she slid her hand over his length, basking in his moan when she squeezed him through the fabric.

  He was wide and long and as hard as steel. "I want to see you."

  He released her breast with a pop. Already she missed his kisses on her skin, but she wanted to know more about him, see what she could do to him to bring him pleasure. As much as he had brought to her only last evening.

  Olivia pushed him back against the squabs, fixing her gown before turning her attention to the buttons at the front of his breeches. He sat back, kept his hands on the carriage seat, and allowed her to do as she willed.

  With a patience she did not think herself capable of right at this moment, she worked the buttons free. Her eyes widened at the sight of his impressive manhood.

  She ran her finger along his length, following the rigid, blue vein that stood out. "So soft." Olivia licked her lips as a bead of pearly white liquid formed at the end. Thoughts of what he would taste like bombarded her mind. Images of her taking his rigid length and slipping it into her mouth.

  She wrapped her hand around his manhood and stroked. He moaned, closing his eyes, his hands fisting against the edge of the seat.

  "You're killing me, Olivia," he groaned, his whole body taut and still.

  Without a whit of trepidation, she bent over him, taking him in her mouth, wanting to taste him, feel and give him pleasure. One hand fisted in her hair, guiding, pulling her up only to push her back down.

  She liked his command, and she enjoyed the power she had over him like this. He bucked under her, his quick intake of air bolstered her attempt to please him. To make love to him with her mouth.

  He tasted of salt, of musk, and man, a delicious combination. He pumped into her, taking his pleasure, and she did not pull away. There was something uniquely erotic about giving another pleasure while taking none. Even though having Jasper in her mouth made her hot and needy.

  "Enough," he gasped, pulling her from him. "My turn, my darling."

  Somehow in the small space of the carriage, he carried her to the other seat, laying her down. He rucked up her dress to pool about her waist, and then he was on his knees before her, his eyes glowing with wicked intent.

  Olivia gave herself over to the sensation of him kissing her there. She no longer cared what sounds she made, or Jasper’s moans that mingled with hers. He kissed her, flicked and teased her flesh until she was writhing in unabashed need. Oh, yes, this is what she wanted. This, his mouth, his delicious tongue that she was certain was magic.

  It wasn't, of course, it was simply Jasper.

  Jasper worked his cock with his hand as he fucked Olivia with his tongue. He could not get enough. He was close, so close, yet he would not spend until she found her own release.

  He teased her nubbin, licked, and suckled her tiny erect button. Her fingers tightened on his hair. Pain tore through his skull, adding to the pleasure as the first contractions spasmed from her cunny.

  Jasper let himself go, stroking his cock painfully fast. They came together, and he moaned against her flesh, licking and kissing her as she rode his face to fulfillment.

  For a time, he stayed where he was, resting between her legs as he gathered his breath. Her wet, glistening cunny teased him still, and before he moved, he took one last opportunity to taste her sweet self.

  She groaned, her fingers sliding over his face to tip up his jaw to look at her. "You're a wicked duke, Jasper."

  He grinned, helping her to sit before he moved back to his seat. His cock, still semi-hard, took a little maneuvering to get back in his breeches. Buttoned back up, he looked across the carriage and met her interested gaze.

  "I would like to see that as well one day."

  "See what?" he asked, moving to sit beside her and pull her into his arms. She lay on his shoulder, the carriage lulling them both after their exertions.

  "I would like to see you take yourself in hand and climax. Will you show me sometime?" she asked, looking up at him.

  Her beauty, rather disheveled, cheeks rosy from their escapades made his chest ache. "I will show you, yes. So long as you do the same?"

  Her eyes widened, and she sat up. "Is that possible? Can I find such pleasure myself?"

  He groaned, the idea of her experimenting when she returned home almost too much for his hot-blooded self. "You can, of course. It is the same for men and women. You are not told these delights by your mother, but they are as true as you and I sitting here, spent and sated."

  A wicked glint entered her eyes, and he knew she would touch herself. Maybe not tonight, but soon. His cock hardened at the thought.

  "I can agree to those terms. When can I see you again?" she asked, her hand idly running over his stomach, playing with his coat button.

  "I'm to attend the Cavendish’s dinner tomorrow evening. Come to my home under cover of darkness. I can meet you at the mews if you prefer?"

  Olivia took only moments to think over his words before she nodded, resting back in the crook of his arm. "I will join you at midnight."

  He kissed the top of her head, the hours until he saw her again already too far away. "I look forward to your company."

  "As I, you," she replied. Her response ought to scare him, but it did not. If anything, it hammered home just how much she'd come to mean to him. How much he longed to be in her company and no one else's. Their game's stakes had changed, heightened, and he was powerless to stop it and nor did he wish to.

  That, however, did give him pause. What did that mean, and where would this newfound obsession for them both lead? Jasper adjusted his hold on her. He supposed they would find out, and soon enough. Tomorrow night, in fact.

  Chapter 14

  The following evening Olivia snuck out of her townhouse and made her way on foot to Jasper's home. She turned down the darkened alley beside his house, seeing the lights of the mews at the back of the estate. A shadowy figure of a man waited near the garden gate, and her steps slowed as she tried to make him out.

  Trepidation marred her every step with the knowledge of what they would do this evening. Her being at the duke's home meant one thing and one thing only. When he had asked her to come, Olivia knew what he was asking of her, and she was powerless to say no.

  She wanted to be with him in all ways. To have him make love to her, take her and make her his, even if for only one night. Although she was unaware of what her being here meant regarding their future, she did know she would never regret her choice.

  He stepped from the gate, and the moonlight illuminated his handsome features. Her stomach did a flip, and she grinned, excitement thrumming through her blood. Tonight would be fixed in her mind for the remainder of her days.

  At the age of seven and twenty, she was more than ready to be tupped. If she did end her days as a spinster, at least she would have this one night in his arms.

  "Olivia," he whispered as she came up to him. He hoisted her in his arms and kissed her soundly. The fleeting embrace was not enough and only teased her for what was to come. She shivered, reveling in all that he gave her and clutching him close, having missed him since she'd seen him last evening.

  "Come, I have champagne and oysters prepared in my room. We shall have a feast before I feast on you."

  She let out a breath, already feeling the thrum of need he brought forth in her. "I would not think you would want any more food. How was your dinner at the Cavendish’s?"

; "Uneventful and the food unfortunately tasteless, although I do believe that was because my mind was occupied elsewhere."

  He led her through the gardens, slipping them into the house by the terrace doors. Without being seen, they climbed the main staircase, making their way toward the ducal suite. Olivia had not known what to expect from Jasper's home, but she was surprised at the light, homey, and well-appointed rooms that encompassed the home.

  The walls were adorned with light wallpapers and family portraits. There were flowers arranged throughout the common areas and the home smelled of springtime. His hand tightened on hers as they came to a set of double doors. He turned to her, meeting her gaze. "Are you sure, Olivia? There is no turning back from here."

  She hoped he was correct in that estimation. Olivia reached for the door handle and opened the door herself, pushing it wide. Without a word, she pulled him into the room, locking them away from the world, his staff, society's expectations, everyone.

  To hell with all that nonsense. Tonight, she would sleep with a man, give her whole mind and body to pleasure, and the consequences be damned. She'd worry about them tomorrow.

  They stared at each other. The tension in the air wrapped about her, expectation and need riding hard on her heels. She stepped into his arms, taking his lips.

  He wrapped his arms about her, reaching down to her bottom and hoisting her up in his arms. His steps ate the short distance to his bed. He kneeled on the mattress, laying her down. Olivia calmed her breathing as he rolled her onto her stomach, his hands running up along her legs, kneading her bottom before unbuttoning her dress.

  "Jasper," she gasped as he kissed her neck, his fingers frantically working the laces of her corset, and then she was on her back again. With a wicked light in his eyes, he pulled her dress from her, her corset and shift gone.

  His eyes darkened with need, and she squirmed, her breathing ragged as he simply took his fill, his eyes running hungrily over her naked form.

  "So beautiful." He lifted her foot, sliding his hand along her silk stocking, only to pull it slowly off. She shivered at his touch, his ability to quicken and slow their undressing.

  Olivia reached up, pulling at the knot on his cravat. "Now it's my turn."

  "Not yet,” he teased, standing and stripping without shame. His jacket, waistcoat, and shirt discarded on the floor. In his haste, a button flittered to the floor, his breeches wrenched down without heed to pool at his feet.

  Olivia felt her mouth open at the sight of him naked. She'd never seen a man in such a state before, and certainly, this man, who stood before her, was the epitome of absolute beauty.

  Rippled muscles stole across his abdomen, a light sprinkling of hair on his chest. His manhood was erect and large. Heat stole between her legs wet and aching.

  She bit her lip, wanting him inside her. The need that thrummed through her stole any trepidation she had at being with a man for the first time. He would not hurt her. He would only bring her pleasure.

  Olivia reached for him, and then he was there, over her, kissing her into blissful oblivion. His manhood teased her aching flesh, and she could not wait. She had spent years hoping, wanting a husband, a lover. The time for respite was over.

  Olivia reached down and took him in hand, taking the opportunity to feel him again, tease and stroke his flesh. She placed him at her entrance, liking the way he felt there.

  "I do not want to wait any longer, Jasper."

  He stared down at her, almost nose to nose. "Tell me to fuck you. I want to hear you say it."

  She sobbed, not wanting to play such a game and unsure of what the word he wanted her to state meant, but she could gather the significance of it. Olivia wrapped her arms around his back, scoring her nails down his spine.

  "Fuck me, Jasper." She gasped as he thrust into her. Sensation swamped her, stinging pain, yes, but also fulfillment, pleasure, an ache that wanted to be pet and teased until satisfied.

  He moaned her name, kissing her. Olivia lifted her legs, wrapping them about his back as the small hurt subsided, and then there was nothing but pleasure, satisfaction left in its place. She moved with him, pushed, and strove to reach the pinnacle he'd given her every other time they had been together.

  This, however, making love, was different. It was coarser, harder, felt as though she would split in two if he did not make her come.

  "Jasper," she gasped when he pulled out, flipping her onto her stomach and hoisting her bottom into the air.

  "Stay like that," he commanded, pushing on her back when she went to sit up. "Trust me."

  A shiver stole down her spine as he bent over her, kissing her neck and spine. And then he was there again, entering her from behind, filling and inflaming her more than she thought she could bear. She moaned as his deeper penetration teased a special little place inside.

  She was going to die from the pleasure of it all. However would she live without this, without Jasper, when their game was over? She knew she could not.

  Jasper thrust into Olivia with a desperate need he'd never felt before. He wanted to fuck her in every way he knew. She rode his deep, long strokes, fought for her own pleasure, and he'd almost spilled his seed multiple times as her hot, tight cunny wrapped about him like a glove.

  The slap of skin on skin was music to his ears. His balls tightened, pulled up hard against his cock, and he knew he was close. Olivia's muffled moans into his bedding told him she was as well. He increased his pace, hard, deep thrusts, and then she was there, grappling for purpose on the bedding, moaning his name as she convulsed around him.

  "Fuck, Olivia," he panted, letting himself go. He pulled out, spilling his seed over her ass and up her back, using her sweet cheeks to drain him of his pleasure.

  He collapsed beside her, and she turned, grinning over to him, a self-satisfied smile on her lips.

  "That was utterly wonderful," she sighed, shuffling over to lie in his arms.

  He pulled her close, dropping a kiss on her nose. "Let me catch my breath, and we'll go again."

  She slid up against him like a purring cat. "You can do that again? I fear I shall never leave your bed, should you be so clever."

  He chuckled, rolling her onto her back and settling between her legs. His cock twitched, working its way to being hard yet again. "Oh, yes, I can do that again and more. Just you wait and see."

  "Mmm," she replied, wrapping her legs about his back. "I like the sound of that."

  Jasper groaned when she pushed her wet heat against his cock, making him see stars. He liked the sound of it as well as he thrust inside her a second time in as many minutes, losing himself in her and not caring if he never found himself ever again.

  Chapter 15

  One week later, Olivia sat with Athol in her front drawing room that overlooked Grosvenor square. Her friend all but bounced in her chair, excited with some news she wanted to impart. What that news was, however, Olivia had yet to determine as she'd not stopped fluttering about and ensuring everything was perfect before she told her.

  "Athol, tell me this news. We're alone now, and you have tea and biscuits just as you asked."

  Athol beamed at her from her seat. "It is the best news, Olivia dear. I am engaged. Lord Berry has offered me his hand, and I have accepted him."

  Olivia remembered to smile. At the same time, she tried to hide her shock. "I did not know Lord Berry had taken such a keen interest in you. I thought you had spent time with Lord Dormer when you were in Bath, and do not forget Lord Oglemoore.”

  A light blush rose on her friend’s cheeks before she waved Olivia's questions aside. "Oglemoore has been long over, and Lord Dormer offered to Miss Wilkins last week. Where have you been, Olivia dear? Surely you heard that news during one of your nights out."

  Olivia sipped her tea, having missed all of this news. The past week had been spent sneaking over to Hamlyn's home, spending countless hours in his arms and bed. Enjoying every kiss and touch he bestowed on her. He was a magnificent lover and one she w
ould struggle to walk away from, now that she'd tasted what being with a man like him was like.

  "Olivia, did you hear me? Are you ill? You're splotchy and red," Athol said, placing down her half-eaten biscuit on the small table before them.

  "I'm quite well, the day is warmer than I dressed for.”

  "Well, are you not pleased for me? I am the happiest woman in the world."

  Olivia smiled. "Of course I'm happy for you, dearest, I'm just startled, that is all. I have not heard of Lord Berry's affections toward you before this day. Are you certain he is the gentleman for you?"

  Athol started at her words, a small frown between her brows. "Of course, he is for me. Are you not happy for me? I know that you have not found a gentleman to marry this Season, but I would have thought as my best friend you would be pleased for me, not jealous."

  Olivia stuttered to form a reply. "Athol, that is unfair. Of course I'm happy for you, but you must admit that you've flitted about from Oglemoore to Dormer and now Lord Berry. It does leave one somewhat turned about."

  "I thought you would be pleased." Athol stood, hastily pulling on her gloves. "It leaves Oglemoore free for you now, as you've always wanted. You may think I did not know that you preferred him. And certainly after your disappointment, which you hid unwell in Kent, told me that was the case. You may marry him now, and all will be well." Athol walked to the door before turning to face her. "That's if the marquess chooses you to be his wife."

  Olivia stood, biting back the tears that threatened at her friend’s harsh words. "It is no lie I thought Oglemoore was courting me last Season, and when I heard of him joining Clara's house party, I did hold a small hope that perhaps he would offer for my hand if his feelings were still engaged. But it has been many weeks now that I have not sought his company or his offer. I want nothing at all from Lord Oglemoore just as you do not."

  "So you are angry and upset with me because he chose me over you, and that is why you cannot be happy for Berry and me. I shall take my leave of you, Olivia, and wish you a good day."


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