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Maxwell stepped forward next. “How utterly bizarre,” He said, as he methodically picked through the costumes. He chose a fire-red, majestic lion costume. The head was huge, larger than those of any of the other outfits, and the felt teeth surrounding Maxwell's face made him look like some ancient tribal shaman. The huge shaggy mane hanging across his shoulders and chest was a bright pink and his paws and booties were oversized as well, with long pink talons. The whole outfit ended in a skinny tail with a fuzzy pink ball at the end. Maxwell mock roared and beat his chest as he took his place with the Cum Brothers.
Vern and I were next.
“A fuckin' furry party. This is so awesome. The last one of these I did, we all took turns running a train on a zebra in full costume. We didn't even know what the bitch looked like till we'd all busted nuts up her ass. And guess what? It turned out she was the hottest chick at the party!” He laughed. “I love this weird shit, man.”
I picked through the costumes. “Do I... really have to wear one of these?”
“Don't be a drag Mr. P. Here, this will fit you perfectly!”
He handed me a purple teddy bear head with bulging eyes and a huge smile that suggested it had just told the funniest joke ever and was waiting for a reaction. Reluctantly, I disrobed and put it on. Vern was right, the whole ridiculous suit fit snug. I was now a giant teddy bear with a human face sticking out of its mouth and a human cock swinging between its legs. Utterly ridiculous. I could not help but remember my Second Life morals: no children, and no animals. While no one here was innocent, the irony was not lost on me that I was about to fornicate with a woman young enough to be my granddaughter while dressed as an animal.
Vern donned a shaggy brown elephant costume featuring an obnoxious trunk jutting directly out of his forehead area and we joined the others near the bed. Big D soon came over, balancing the much too large head of an orange hippo atop his own cranium.
“You know, that's a lady hippo, D,” One of the Cum Brothers said, pointing at the gaudy blush across the hippo's fat cheeks and red lipstick across its mouth.
“This was the smallest motherfucker they had man, damn!” He put on the suit, which comically hung from his arms. He trailed a good two and a half feet of legging behind him. “Bullshit, man. These mothafuckas prejudice against little people!”
“Fat people, too,” Bob said, slamming his chair down with an angry thunk. He wore a tall blue eagle head over his own like a tiara. The head barely fit over his bulbous skull like a hat, coming in no way close to covering his face. The costume, obviously, lay discarded at his feet.
Our motley crew of degenerate stuffed animal people stood around this way, idly chatting for several minutes. That is, until Miss Estella stepped out from behind the wardrobe. Our chatter fell away as we took in the heavenly sight before us.
She had added to her already provocative outfit a series of modifications that struck from my mind the horrific possibility that we would be taking turns butt fucking a toy zebra.
She wore a hot pink teddy bear head over her own. The mouth set in a wide yawn, revealing her magnificent face within. She wore paw gloves up to the wrist, a fuzzy pink belt around her micro skirt that ended in a long thin tail, and shaggy pink leggings that started at the knee and extended down until they attached to a pair of six inch heeled boots which terminated in paws tipped with bright purple claws.
The Party Creep dragged that weird bean bag chair to the middle of the floor. Now that I'd seen her outfit, I realized that the dreadful thing looked just like the bear head Estella wore. The most unsettling part about it was that grin of sharp teeth, as though it were in on some joke or privy to some information that the rest of us were not. We all stared at it with apprehension until Estella sat on top of it and said, “I want three dicks in my mouth and one in each hand. Right now.”
That was enough to break the trance. The Cum Brothers pushed past the rest of us, complying with Estella's request. Big D ran up and jumped onto her knee, adding the third cock to her mouth. Maxwell stood off to her left, offering his cadaver dick to her welcoming fist. As she began to stroke him, Maxwell flipped a switch on his belt strap, causing the jellied dildo to vibrate inside his vagina. He moaned softly as Estella's strokes pushed and pulled the fake cock inside of him.
Vern punched me softly in the ribs. “See you on the other side, buddy.” He took Estella's right side leaving only Fat Bob and I to fondle our dicks in anticipation.
Estella rhythmically stroked and sucked back and forth between the three cocks in front of her several minutes, gasping and begging for dick the entire time, working herself up to bigger and better things to come.
“Fat man,” she said, after a while. “Lick my ass. Old dude, c'mere and get your dick sucked.”
Bob abandoned his chair and moved behind the more sinister one occupied by our lovely hostess. He squatted down as much as his girth would allow. He made a move to unbuckle her tail belt and skirt.
“No,” she said, her annoyance clear even though she spoke with Big D's enormous limp dick halfway down her throat. “Leave it on.”
Bob complied, lifting instead the furry garments up and out of the way as he feasted on her young asshole with the same vigor and enthusiasm he might have used to attack a gourmet dinner.
This made Estella moan even louder. She slowly unleashed Big D's big d from her mouth. He dropped down to his back and began to lick her pussy as I stepped up to take his spot.
She looked at my hard cock. “Not bad for an old white man.” She grinned and took the whole thing into her mouth with a slight gagging sound. She stuck out her tongue when she reached the base, licking my balls as she smashed her face against my stomach.
I gasped. Vern chuckled and lifted his hand for a high five. He smiled wide and mouthed the words “Holy Shit”. I obliged, slapping his hand. This was everything I'd hoped it would be, in spite of the silly costumes and decor.
She extracted my cock from her gullet and returned to work on the Cum Brothers. I noticed then that one of the muscle bound men had a dick that pointed nearly straight up to his navel. While his brother's rod yielded nearly the exact same length and girth, it suffered from a severe downward curve. This allowed them to cross their members near the tips and seesaw them into Estella's welcoming mouth at the same time.
We continued in this way for several minutes, eventually changing positions in such a way that each of us received our share of oral pleasure, anal and cunnilingus, and manual stimulation until the room was noticeably warmer, with the smell of sweat and pussy beginning to overpower the odd cotton candy odor. The sound of our ecstasy bounced off the walls, reverberating back to us, fueling our lust. We were, each of us, lost in our private nirvana of flesh. If our cocks truly had faces, in that moment, they would have been smiling.
Then that weird little creeper broke the spell. I didn't even realize he was still in the room until he spoke.
“Let's move this to the bed, Essy.”
Our lover's high interrupted, we all looked over at him standing their tapping his watch impatiently. He'd been watching us the whole time. Creepy.
Estella humphed with annoyance as she leaped up and made her way to the bed. She climbed up onto her hands and knees at the base of that ominous headboard full of little miniature versions of us staring down in anticipation of the evening's sexual climax. She stuck her ass high in the air, turned to us and said, “I want a cock in all of my holes.”
I loved her commands. She was my general in the army of Fucking Her Silly. The fuzzy men around me were my brothers in arms. Our artillery our exposed cocks. No shame, no dignity. Our only mission: Fuck our leader senseless.
I was the first to the bed. I mounted her from behind, cock throbbing from all the foreplay. I was ready to fulfill my biggest sexual fantasy. Vern scooted underneath our hostess, lying on his back. Together we entered her velvety folds. I moved her pink tail aside and penetrated her anus with relative ease.
The oral stimulation ha
d loosened her asshole enough for me to get my swollen dick head inside with very little effort. Estella sucked in a harsh breath as I worked my thickness slowly deeper into her tush. I felt Vern's cock push into her pussy, the pressure tightening her bunghole around my shaft. As we worked up and down, Estella cried out. I could feel the many rings attached to his wang through the membrane separating her vaginal canal from her anal cavity.
It felt marvelous. I was forced to use all of my concentration to keep from blowing my load right then. I took a deep breath and slowed my thrusting. I wanted to savor this moment. Needed to savor it. The beast had been craving this for so long. I couldn't spoil it now by busting a nut early like a chump.
“Pull my hair you geriatric fuck,” she commanded. “Stick a cock in my mouth, now!”
As I yanked on the long blonde locks from beneath her bear head, Maxwell climbed up on the bed, cramming his dead dick down her throat, gag fucking her until saliva flowed freely from her mouth.
Just when I thought I could not hold my seed back any longer, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Big D wanted my spot. Relieved, I stepped off the bed, allowing the little man to take my place. He yanked up his orange sleeves and mounted Estella's prone and waiting ass.
“You ready for a chocolate surprise, slut?” he asked, slapping her butt cheek.
Fat Bob pushed himself up onto the bed next, causing it to sag visibly to one side. Vern was forced to shift to the side in order to avoid being smothered by Bob's enormous belly fat. Estella worked Bob's tiny penis and balls with her hands while Maxwell punished her face.
That's when I noticed it.
I was slowly stroking my meat, glancing around the room when my gaze fell onto that unsettling beanbag chair. I'm not sure what caused me to pause on the dreadful thing, or why I scrutinized its features, but I did. And there was something different. Weren't the eyes pointing off to the right before? Wasn't the mouth wide with mocking laughter? Of course not. Because now... Now the eyes stared straight ahead toward the bed and the furry gang bang participants. Now the mouth hung slack, as if.... hungry?
“You're not getting in there, D.”
“C'mon, give us a turn!”
My concentration was broken. Big D was still struggling to cram his thick limp cock into Estella's butt hole. The Cum Brothers were growing impatient.
D hopped off the bed without protest, his head hung in shame. He turned away from the group and began to furiously work his pole, cursing his erectile dysfunction under his breath, slapping his bulbous cock-head in anger as the big orange girl-hippo head bounced around loose on his own.
Vern disengaged as well, leaving the Cum Brothers to take their respective places.
“This bitch is on fire,” my new friend said to me. He was flushed, dripping with sweat, clearly enjoying himself. “I've never seen a civilian this cock hungry. Hell, half the porn stars I've fucked aren't this into it. Remind me to get this bitch's number. I wanna do this again. Mr. P.? You listening to me?”
“What?” I said, back to scrutinizing the awful chair. “Oh yes, she's fantastic. Better than I could have imagined.”
“I gotta get back in there, but fuck, I gotta take a piss first.” He grabbed at his ornate penis. “Hold my place in line, will ya?”
“Sure,” I said, not taking my eyes off the chair.
“And don't cum too fast you old fuck.” He laughed and walked away. I did not respond.
“I'm sorry,” The Party Creep said, stepping in front of Vern. “But there's no leaving the room once the party has begun.”
“The fuck you want me to do, piss in here?” Vern said, easily side stepping the squat, froggish man. Before he could say another word, Vern was out the door. I took my attention away from the bean bag chair long enough to see that a look of apprehension had crossed the little man's face. He checked his watch again, obviously worried about something.
But what?
The Cum Brothers were pounding Estella's swollen flesh holes. They seesawed back and forth with blinding speed while Maxwell punished the poor girl's mouth. He'd wrapped both hands around her faux dreadlocks and was currently using them like reigns to pull her head forward while ramming his big fake cock down the woman's throat. Her eyes watered, causing the purple makeup to smear and run in such a way as to suggest tears of blood running down her pretty face.
She gagged and gagged as orgasm after orgasm wracked her lithe body.
“You like that shit little teddy bear? Huh? Growl for Maxwell. Growl for the big scary lion, bitch!”
My erection was throbbing. I would not be able to hold back my own orgasm much longer. I was about to cut in on Maxwell for some of that sweet oral action when I chanced one last glance over my shoulder. I froze, startled.
Genuinely and without question that...creature of a chair had moved forward four or five feet. There was no doubt. Something very, very weird was going on. My sexual urges left me. In their place grew unease and fear. This bizarre party was not what it seemed. These people, Estella and her squat companion, were not what they seemed to be.
But...then what were they?
Just then the party planner lurched forward. “It's time Stella! The moon is right!”
I hadn't noticed before, but there was an enormous picture window at the western wall towering above the bed. The drapes were drawn and I could see the moon, huge and full directly through the center of the window casting its light into the room, lighting up the bangers like a spotlight.
Estella pulled Maxwell's cadaver dick out of her mouth. “Everybody get on the bed.” She climbed off the Cum Brothers and onto her knees. “I want everyone's cock touching my face, right now. Fucking cum on me, everybody cum all over my fucking face!”
Big D jumped up and joined the other four; Vern had yet to return from the bathroom.
But I wouldn't move. I couldn't. Something had changed. The boys took no notice. Each of them smacked their wet dicks off Estella's face. She sucked them, stroked them, frantic motions, eager to taste their liquid. Every last one of them was drunk with lust. They didn't see what I saw. Oh god, they didn't hear what I heard!
It started so low, I thought it had come from someplace else in the house. The sound. It was like dozens of children singing. It was slow and methodical, like a schoolyard rhyme. I couldn't make out the words yet, only the melody. I didn't realize it was coming from inside the room until... until I saw them move.
The headboard. It came alive. The plushy dolls. The bunnies, the kittens, the puppies and all the rest. The damned things started to dance! Why? Why didn't anyone else notice this madness? The toys were somehow alive, and none of these people seemed to care.
Fat Bob was the first to cum. He leaned back so as to get as much of his belly away and as much of his diminutive cock forward as possible. He furiously tugged away with two fingers and a thumb. He stood, pudgy legs spread wide, just behind the crouched Estella, so that when his little pecker shot off, two thick pearly ropes of jizm landed cleanly across her forehead. She moaned with delight, crossing her eyes in an attempt to see the splooge adorning her face.
Big D was next. He climbed up Bob's expansive stomach and perched above Estella's prone face. He spit on both his hands and began to rhythmically corkscrew them across the purple tip of his giant wang. He closed his eyes in stern concentration. After several strokes, he grunted. Out of his ridiculous cock shot two dual streams of thin milky spunk. They hit the woman directly on the nose and splashed back a little onto her cheek before oozing down onto her open lips. She eagerly licked it away.
But something was very wrong. The stuffed animals continued to dance and sing, the melody growing louder. And Estella's face... There was no doubt that it looked amazing as it was continuously splattered with cum rocket blasts, but it was somehow...changing.
It seemed to sink back further into the mouth of her bear head- to somehow grow... dimmer, less defined as Maxwell stepped forward. He yanked, almost violently, against his cadaver dick up and down,
left and right, the vibrating dildo buried deep inside his vagina sounding on the verge of death he pushed so hard. Then all at once as he was overcome with orgasm, he pushed a button at the base of the dead balls attached to his cock. A small cascade of sperm unloaded into Estella's right eye, sealing it shut instantly.
That's when the chant of the damnable toys that danced and sang with complete immunity from the people around me grew loud enough to understand.
Moonlight wakes us from our sleep,
Pulls our thoughts from the ancient deep.
Hunger calls, our duty pledged,
We spill our seeds across your heads.
And with our tools your blood be shed
Feed our masters with our own kind,
Now is time our pledge we bind!
How could they not hear it? It was so loud now.
The Cum Brothers stepped up, one on either side of Estella's head. The rest of the group stroked their flaccid cocks in anticipation of the grand finale. Estella too, eagerly watched the two big dicks with her one open eye, stroking their shaved balls with her paw hands.
The two chiseled hulks matched each other’s strokes perfectly. They were artistic geniuses; Estella's messy face their canvas. Their beautiful cocks shot off at the same time and, yes, it was glorious. Their pearly white man-juice was impossibly thick as it splashed down onto the woman's waiting cheeks and tongue. Blast after blast assaulted her mouth. I counted seven full spasms, each one arching high into the air, consistency so thick, none of the jizm splashed off onto the bed. What Estella couldn't catch with her mouth stuck to her face like glue.
Even after the initial orgasms had finished, their cocks twitched and dripped globs of goo which Estella licked away with a delighted grin on her totally slimmed face. Only that grin, that face was set so far back into the mouth of the bear head, impossibly far back. And the singing, now Bob seemed to hear it. Big D and Maxwell turned their attention -finally- to that demoniac head board. To those... things.
I felt something move past my leg. I looked down. My god. It was moving! The chair with the face inched forward toward the bed like a damned caterpillar!